AWS Connection timeout + EC2 Instance Connect not working - amazon-web-services

I tried to connect to a running ec2 instance with my usual settings, it returns
ssh: connect to host ec2 port 22: Connection timed out
I tried to connect with the built-in "EC2 Instance Connect", to connect directly from the browser with the AWS account, it returns
There was a problem setting up the instance connection An error
occurred and we were unable to connect or stay connected to your
instance. If this instance has just started up, try again in a minute
or two.
The instance was running for weeks, I am the only user with access to the AWS account and the SSH Keys and I didn t change any setting in the last ~3 weeks or restarted it
1st the timeout started ~1 week ago, nand then without any other change, my website (wordpress) suddenly started to show a database connection error (the database in inside the EC2 instance as well)
What I used to connect :
ssh -i "Keys.pem" ec2-user#ec2-[public ip]
ssh ec2-user#[public ip] -i "Keys.pem"
Both show the same error. I used the first one several weeks ago and it used to work well

This timeout will be caused by invalid security group rules.
Ensure that the security group rules attached to your instance allow inbound access from the source IP address you're trying to SSH from, the database connection may also be related to this.
If you're connecting using a dynamic public IP address to SSH to your host, you will need to adjust this every time your IP address changes. It might be more appropriate to setup a VPN so that you can connect privately to your host.


AWS keep site to site VPN connection alive

We have a site to site VPN connection from our AWS cloud to the customer's on site network. Our web application login requires the authentication from the customer's active directory and hence the need for VPN connection.
When our application is not being used for a while the VPN tunnel goes down, due to which when a user tries to log into the application he is unable to due to downed tunnel. It takes some time for the tunnel to get up after which everything works properly.
I had a call with the customer's IT people and it seems they have set up a keep alive bit (DPD settings) on their end but still the tunnel keeps going down. AWS support isn't much of a help either.
I google around and discovered that one way we can keep the tunnel alive is by "sending a ping to the target from the device sourced from the outside interface. A possible destination for the ping is an instance within the VPC"
AWS documentation also suggests "to create a host that sends ICMP requests to an instance in your VPC every 5 seconds."
I already have an private subnet EC2 instance (with only private IP) in my VPC.
My question is, do I need to create another ec2 instance in my VPC private subnet and ping the first one from the other every 5 seconds?
Would I need to write a shell script for this?
I am basically confused about from where to ping, whom to ping and how to ping.
Ping any remote AWS instance from your on-premise site, thereby causing traffic over the vpn. Just schedule it in windows task scheduler, and use the basic command line ping.

PuTTy Connection timed out for EC2

I created Ubuntu instance in EC2. And worked fine so far.
But somehow I can't connect to the server by PuTTy anymore and I get Network error: Connection timed out.
The instance is running in the console.
CPU uses just 2%.
InBound Setting seems no problem. SSH with 22 port.
Tried with the IP address and DNS.
restarted the instance and Tried.
Stopped and tried with different IP address.
Instance connection is fine.
This is the screenshot:
This is inbound rule:
How can I solve this problem?
A Connection timeout is a sign that your computer is unable reach the remote computer. Such an error normally takes some time before it fails.
If, instead, the remote computer rejected the connection, the error would appear immediately and the message would be Permission denied.
Things to check:
The Security Group on the EC2 instance needs to allow inbound SSH (port 22) access either from the whole internet ( or, preferably, from a smaller CIDR range that includes your computer (eg choosing "My IP" in the console). This is typically the cause of the issue 80% of the time.
The instance needs to be in a Public Subnet, which means the subnet is connected to an Internet Gateway.
Your network must allow an outbound SSH connection to AWS. Some corporate networks might block this.
There are some other potential causes, but most of the time the cause is one of the above.

AWS SSH into EC2 server timing out

About 6 months ago I created an AWS EC2 instance to mess around with on the free tier. After months of having no issues remoting into my AWS EC2 server, I've recently been unable to access it via SSH. I am using the following command:
ssh -i my-key-pair.pem ec2-user#ec2-**-**-***-***.us-****-*
...and after a minute or two, am getting this response
ssh: connect to host ec2-**-**-***-***.us-****-* port 22: Operation timed out
What's strange is that
1) I can read and write to my RDS database just fine
2) I can ping into the server
3) My port 22 is open
4) The instance is running and healthy
5) In the Inbound section of the security group of the EC2 server it allows for all traffic and SSH from any location via port 22.
6) I'm using the same key-pair as always
I went through this documentation ( and can confirm that the VPC, subnet, network ACL and route tables all line up (I haven't changed anything with those since the SSH stopped working). Any insight would be extremely helpful!
Sometimes the instance fails, you can check the screen of it via AWS
Run another instance in the same security group and try to
connect to it and then from there to your original one - to verify if
ssh is still open (even if you do not have the ssh key, the error
will not be 'timeout')
You can create a snapshot of your instance and
attach it as another volume in a new one and you can investigate
logs, maybe something went wrong.
You can restart the instance, if
for example i ran out of memory it will most likely work after the
reboot (hopefully for a long enough time for you to investigate).
You can contact AWS support.

SSH Connect to AWS EC2 failed after using lets-encrypt update my website

Yesterday, I updated my Django website (on AWS EC2) to HTTPS by using lets-encrypt. Everything works well. The website has HTTPS green icon as expected.
Today when I try to connect my instance by using SSH. The connection keep hunging. Finally, It give some message like "ssh: connect to host port 22: Resource temporarily unavailable".
I thought it might be security group problem of this instance. So I double checked my security group setting of this instance, the SSH, HTTP and HTTPS port are all open correctly. I created another instance to test if there is any problem on my local. The new instance connected successfully. Then I apply the new instance to the security group that I made for the previous instance and It connected. Then I apply the previous instance to the new security that I made for the new instance, the connection got frozen again. I also tried to connect with putty and it was not working as well.
Now I am really confused. My local machine is Windows subsystem of Linux. My EC2 instance is Ubuntu 16. I am using Nginx as web server. My ssh command is "ssh -i blog_project.pem".
Here is my security group setup for the instance.
This is the result I command "ssh -vvv -i blog_project.pem"
BTW, Is there any way that I can login to my instance without ssh connection? Is there anything like console or shell inside the AWS that I can touch with my instance?
Check if the instance exists on AWS, maybe a new one was created with different Public DNS ( than the one you are using in your command.

Cannot connect to EC2 - ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

I am currently overseas and I am trying to connect to my EC2 instance through ssh but I am getting the error ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
I turned on my vpn to New York but still nothing changes. What reasons could there be for not being able to connect to this instance?
The instance is still running and serving the website but I am not able to connect through ssh. Is this a problem with the wifi where I am staying or with the instance itself?
My debugging steps to EC2 connection time out
Double check the security group access for port 22
Make sure you have your current IP on there and update to be sure it hasn't changed
Make sure the key pair you're attempting to use corresponds to the one attached to your EC2
Make sure your key pair on your local machine is chmod'ed correctly. I believe it's chmod 600 keypair.pem check this
Make sure you're in either your .ssh folder on your host OR correctly referencing it: HOME/.ssh/key.pem
Last weird totally wishy washy checks:
reboot instance
assign elastic IP and access that
switch from using the IP to Public DNS
add a : at the end of user#ip:
Totally mystical debugging sets for 6 though. That's part of the "my code doesn't work - don't know why. My code does work - don't know why." Category
If you access your EC2 while you are connected to a VPN, do know that your IP changes! So enable incoming traffic from your VPN's IP on your EC2 security group.
In AWS, navigate to Services > EC2.
Under Resources, select Running Instances.
Highlight your instance and click Connect.
In Terminal, cd into the directory containing your key and copy the command in step 3 under "To access your instance."
In Terminal, run: ssh -vvv -i [MyEC2Key].pem ec2-user#xx.xx.xx.xx(xx.xx.xx.xx = your EC2 Public IP) OR run the command in the example under step 4.
Just check if your public ip that you get when you are on VPN is configured as a source address in the SG inbound entry that opens up port 22.
You can check your ip using, when connected to your VPN.
I tried everything in this and several other answers, also in some aws youtube videos. Lost perhaps five hours over a few sessions trying to solve it and now finally..
I was getting the exact same error message as the OP. I even rented another EC2 instance in a nearer data centre for twenty minutes to see if that was it.
Then I thought it might be the router or internet provider in the guest house where I am staying. Had already noticed that some non-mainstream news sites had been blocked - and that was it!
You can check if the router is blocking port 22:
cardamom#neptune $ time nmap -p 22
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2021-02-03 20:43 CET
Nmap scan report for (27.39.379.385)
Host is up (0.028s latency).
rDNS record for 27.39.379.385:
22/tcp closed ssh
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.19 seconds
real 0m0,212s
user 0m0,034s
sys 0m0,017s
Then, the question of why someone would want to block the ssh port 22 is addressed in at length here:
Had the same problem after creating some instances on a new VPC. (If internet SSH worked before this solution may not work for you)
When creating a new VPC, make sure you create an internet gateway (VPC -> Internet Gateways)
And also make sure that your VPC's routing table (VPC -> Route Tables) has an entry which redirects all IPs (or just your IP) to the internet gateway you just created.
For me, it was because of this:
NOT ec2-user#xx.xx.xx.xx
BUT THIS =>>> ubuntu#xx.xx.xx.xx
Watch the image of EC2 instance!
Instead of
ssh -i "key.pem"
ssh -i "key.pem"