push_back iterator in vector? - c++

I tried to store the number 1,4,7...97 into a vector.
if I use std::out << i; the for loop is working.
but the push_back gives an error:
base of member reference is a function perhaps you meant to call it with no arguments.
i googled it and couldn't find a answer which helped me.
The only thing I found was this:
"In C++ adding elements to a vector
may cause reallocation of the contained data,
which will invalidate all iterators. That means
you can't loop over the vector using iterators
(which is what the range-based for loop does)
while also inserting new elements.
You can however iterate using indexes and use
the vector size as condition, since indexes will always be the same."
but do I loop over the vector?
I thought I just store the iterator
I appreciate every help
int i;
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i+=3)
std::cout<< " " << i;

std::vector<int>rock(); is a .. function declaration.
use std::vector<int>rock; or std::vector<int>rock{}; instead.

The vector declaration
is actually a function declaration, that returns a vector.
That's not what you intended. Drop the ():
std::vector<int> rock;


How does C++ handle vectors when passing from a function to main?

I'm seeing strange behaviour in the output of a 'simple' function that generates the binary representation of an integer. I aim to use the function in another code, but first want to see it working by printing to the console. I first define the function dec2bin to take a number and the length of the required bitstring. After defining a vector that will be returned by the function, the vector is populated with the required binary values. In the main function, the vector is accessed and printed element-wise to the console. However, the output is incorrect unless I include an arbitrary cout statement within the vector populating for loop.
The function is defined as follows:
vector<int> dec2bin(int N, int j){
vector<int> myvec;
for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) {
int r = j >> i;
if (r & 1)
myvec[N-i-1] = 1;
myvec[N-i-1] = 0;
//cout << " ";
return myvec;
My main function is:
int main(){
int length = 8;
int num = 15;
vector<int> myvec = dec2bin(length,num);
for (int j=0; j<length; j++){cout << myvec[j];}
return 0;
When the commented out line (cout << " ") is included within the for loop the output is correct, with 00001111. Without that line (or with the line outside of the for loop) the output is incorrectly 00001141130.
I have read various things about pointers and memory allocation, so expect this is where I am going wrong; however, I can't quite see how to incorporate those ideas into my own code. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.
On this line:
myvec[N-i-1] = 1;
You are invoking undefined behavior for any index other than 0.
myvec.push_back(N); pushes a single element to the vector, and you never add more elements to the vector. When you access a vector out of bounds, you will not get a compiler error or runtime exception, but your code has undefined behavior, which means the output could be literally anything.
Actually, it seems like you just confused push_back() with resize(). And instead of resize(), you can pass the size to the constructor. If you replace:
vector<int> myvec;
std::vector<int> myvec(N);
std::vector<int> myvec;
You get a vector with N elements, and accessing myvec[i] is fine for any index 0 <= i < N. Alternatively, you could call myvec.reserve(10) to let the vector allocate space for N elements. The vector will then still be empty, and you have to push_back() any element you want to add.
You are accessing the unallocated memory because you only pushed back(push_back()) once and due to it you are getting undefined behaviour.
You should use .at() function instead of [] operator for accessing the vector element, it'll throw the exception out of bounds.
You need to use push_back() for insertion into the vector or you can use vector.resize(size) during vector declaration then it'll save you from undefined behavior.

C++: how to loop through integer elements in a vector

I would like to loop through elements of a vector in C++.
I am very new at this so I don't understand the details very well.
For example:
for (elements in vector) {
if () {
check something
else {
//else add another element to the vector
Its the for (vector elements) that I am having trouble with.
You'd normally use what's called a range-based for loop for this:
for (auto element : your_vector)
if (condition(element))
// whatever
But note: modifying a vector in the middle of iteration is generally a poor idea. And if your basic notion is to add the element if it's not already present, you may want to look up std::set, std::map, std::unordered_set or std::unordered_map instead.
In order to do this properly (and safely), you need to understand how std::vector works.
vector capatity
You may know that a vector works much like an array with "infinite" size. Meaning, it can hold as many elements as you want, as long as you have enough memory to hold them. But how does it do that?
A vector has an internal buffer (think of it like an array allocated with new) that may be the same size as the elements you're storing, but generally it's larger. It uses the extra space in the buffer to insert any new elements that you want to insert when you use push_back().
The amount of elements the vector has is known as its size, and the amount of elements it can hold is known as its capacity. You can query those via the size() and capacity() member functions.
However, this extra space must end at some point. That's when the magic happens: When the vector notices it doesn't have enough memory to hold more elements, it allocates a new buffer, larger1 than the previous one, and copies all elements to it. The important thing to notice here is that the new buffer will have a different address. As we continue with this explanation, keep this in mind.
Now, we need to talk about iterators. I don't know how much of C++ you have studied yet, but think of an old plain array:
int my_array[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
you can take the address of the first element by doing:
int* begin = my_array;
and you can take the address of the end of the array (more specifically, one past the last element) by doing:
int* end = begin + sizeof(my_array)/sizeof(int);
if you have these addresses, one way to iterate the array and print all elements would be:
for (int* it = begin; it < end; ++it) {
std::cout << *it;
An iterator works much like a pointer. If you increment it (like we do with the pointer using ++it above), it will point to the next element. If you dereference it (again, like we do with the pointer using *it above), it will return the element it is pointing to.
std::vector provides us with two member functions, begin() and end(), that return iterators analogous to our begin and end pointers above. This is what you need to keep in mind from this section: Internally, these iterators have pointers that point to the elements in the vector's internal buffer.
a simpler way to iterate
Theoretically, you can use std::vector::begin() and std::vector::end to iterate a vector like this:
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin; it != v.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << *it;
Note that, apart from the ugly type of it, this is exactly the same as our pointer example. C++ introduced the keyword auto, that lets us get rid of these ugly types, when we don't really need to know them:
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
for (auto it = v.begin; it != v.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << *it;
This works exactly the same (in fact, it has the exact same type), but now we don't need to type (or read) that uglyness.
But, there's an even better way. C++ has also introduced range-based for:
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
for (auto it : v) {
std::cout << it;
the range-based for construct does several things for you:
It calls v.begin() and v.end()2 to get the upper and lower bounds of the range we're going to iterate;
Keeps an internal iterator (let's call it i), and calls ++i on every step of the loop;
Dereferences the iterator (by calling *i) and stores it in the it variable for us. This means we do not need to dereference it ourselves (note how the std::cout << it line looks different from the other examples)
putting it all together
Let's do a small exercise. We're going to iterate a vector of numbers, and, for each odd number, we are going to insert a new elements equal to 2*n.
This is the naive way that we could probably think at first:
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
for (int i : v) {
if (i%2==1) {
Of course, this is wrong! Vector v will start with a capacity of 5. This means that, when we try using push_back for the first time, it will allocate a new buffer.
If the buffer was reallocated, its address has changed. Then, what happens to the internal pointer that the range-based for is using to iterate the vector? It no longer points to the buffer!
This it what we call a reference invalidation. Look at the reference for std::vector::push_back. At the very beginning, it says:
If the new size() is greater than capacity() then all iterators and references (including the past-the-end iterator) are invalidated. Otherwise only the past-the-end iterator is invalidated.
Once the range-based for tries to increment and dereference the now invalid pointer, bad things will happen.
There are several ways to avoid this. For instance, in this particular algorithm, I know that we can never insert more than n new elements. This means that the size of the vector can never go past 2n after the loop has ended. With this knowledge in hand, I can increase the vector's capacity beforehand:
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
v.reserve(v.size()*2); // Increases the capacity of the vector to at least size*2.
// The code bellow now works properly!
for (int i : v) {
if (i%2==1) {
If for some reason I don't know this information for a particular algorithm, I can use a separate vector to store the new elements, and then add them to our vector at the end:
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
std::vector<int> doubles;
for (int i : v) {
if (i%2==1) {
// Reserving space is not necessary because the vector will allocate
// memory if it needs to anyway, but this does makes things faster
v.reserve(v.size() + doubles.size());
// There's a standard algorithm (std::copy), that, when used in conjunction with
// std::back_inserter, does this for us, but I find that the code bellow is more
// readable.
for (int i : doubles) {
Finally, there's the old plain for, using an int to iterate. The iterator cannot be invalidated because it holds an index, instead of a pointer to the internal buffer:
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
if (v[i]%2==1) {
Hopefully by now, you understand the advantages and drawbacks of each method. Happy studies!
1 How much larger depends on the implementation. Generally, implementations choose to allocate a new buffer of twice the size of the current buffer.
2 This is a small lie. The whole story is a bit more complicated: It actually tries to call begin(v) and end(v). Because vector is in the std namespace, it ends up calling std::begin and std::end, which, in turn, call v.begin() and v.end(). All of this machinery is there to ensure that the range-based for works not only with standard containers, but also with anything with a proper implementation for begin and end. That includes, for instance, regular plain arrays.
Here is the quick code snippet using iterators to iterate the vector-
#include<iterator> // for iterators to include
#include<vector> // for vectors to include
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> ar = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Declaring iterator to a vector
vector<int>::iterator ptr;
// Displaying vector elements using begin() and end()
cout << "The vector elements are : ";
for (ptr = ar.begin(); ptr < ar.end(); ptr++)
cout << *ptr << " ";
return 0;
Article to read more - Iterate through a C++ Vector using a 'for' loop
Hope it will help.
Try this,
int main()
std::vector<int> vec(5);
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
for(int i=0;i<vec.size();i++)
return 0;
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.328 s
Press any key to continue.

How to copy a set of object to an array of object?

I have to copy the first size element from a set of Solution (a class) named population to an array of solution named parents. I have some problems with iterators because i should do an hybrid solution between a normal for loop
and a for with iterators. The idea is this: when I'm at the ith iteration of the for I declare a new iterator that's pointing the beginning
of population, then I advance this iterator to the ith position, I take this solution element and I copy into parents[i]
Solution* parents; //it is filled somewhere else
std::set<Solution> population; //it is filled somewhere else
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
auto it = population.begin();
advance(it, i);
parents[i] = *it;
Two error messages popup with this sentence: 'Expression: cannot dereference end map/set iterator'
and 'Expression: cannot advance end map/set iterator'
Any idea on how to this trick? I know it's kinda bad mixing array and set, i should use vector instead of array?
You use std::copy_n.
#include <algorithm>
extern Solution* parents; //it is filled somewhere else
extern std::set<Solution> population; //it is filled somewhere else
std::copy_n(population.begin(), size, parents);
It seems like size may be incorrectly set. To ensure that your code behaves as expected, you should just use the collection's size directly:
auto it = population.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < population.size(); i++) {
parents[i] = *it;
This can also be solved with a much simpler expression:
std::copy(population.begin(), population.end(), parents);
I have to copy the first size element from a set [..] to an array
You can use std::copy_n.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
auto it = population.begin();
advance(it, i);
The problem with this is that you're iterating over the linked list in every iteration. This turns the copy operation from normally linear complexity to quadratic.
Expression: cannot dereference end map/set iterator'
The problem here appears to be that your set doesn't contain at least size number of elements. You cannot copy size number of elements if there aren't that many. I suggest that you would copy less elements when the set is smaller.
i should use vector instead of array?
Probably. Is the array very large? Is the size of the vector not known at compile time? If so, use a vector.

How to access an index in a vector without segfaulting

I know this is simple, so I apologize in advance.
I am segfaulting when trying to access a vector by index. For example...
vector<float> some_vec;
int i = 0;
for (some iterator loop here)
some_vec[i] = some_float;
What am I doing wrong?
std::vector<float> some_vec;
your vector is empty. You must not access any element in it then, because there isn't any.
If you want to put values into it, you need to append them to the vector using push_back()
for (some iterator loop here)
Alternatively, if you know the size in advance, and if the construction of dummy values in the vector is cheap (as it is for float and other built-ins), you can resize() the vector in advance
or create it with the right amount of elements
std::vector<float> some_vec(42);
Given either of the two above, you can then access elements 0..41 in the vector.
call resize() function on your vector and then call push_back() to add elements. After this you can access elements using indexing.
Possibly a problem elsewhere in code we can't see, but mostly likely given you've not called resize(), push_back() or insert() that i is outside of the vector. Use some_vec.at(i) = some_float; to check that i is within the valid range for the vector.
My guess is that your vector is empty. Use push_back(some_float) to add elements to it.

C++ vector - push_back

In the C++ Primer book, Chapter (3), there is the following for-loop that resets the elements in the vector to zero.
vector<int> ivec; //UPDATE: vector declaration
for (vector<int>::size_type ix = 0; ix ! = ivec.size(); ++ix)
ivec[ix] = 0;
Is the for-loop really assigning 0 values to the elements, or do we have to use the push_back function?
So, is the following valid?
ivec[ix] = ix;
Is the for-loop really assigning 0
values to the elements? Or, we have to
use the push_back finction?
ivec[ix] =0 updates the value of existing element in the vector, while push_back function adds new element to the vector!
So, is the following valid?
ivec[ix] = ix;
It is perfectly valid IF ix < ivec.size().
It would be even better if you use iterator, instead of index. Like this,
int ix = 0;
for(vector<int>::iterator it = ivec.begin() ; it != ivec.end(); ++it)
*it = ix++; //or do whatever you want to do with "it" here!
Use of iterator with STL is idiomatic. Prefer iterator over index!
Yes, you can use the square brackets to retrieve and overwrite existing elements of a vector. Note, however, that you cannot use the square brackets to insert a new element into a vector, and in fact indexing past the end of a vector leads to undefined behavior, often crashing the program outright.
To grow the vector, you can use the push_back, insert, resize, or assign functions.
Using the array brackets the vector object acts just like any other simple array. push_back() increases its length by one element and sets the new/last one to your passed value.
The purpose of this for loop is to iterate through the elements of the vector.
Starting at element x (when ix is 0) up to the last element (when ix is ivec.size() -1).
On each iteration the current element of the vector is set to 9.
This is what the statement
ivec[ix] = 0;
does. Putting
ivec[ix] = ix;
in the for loop would set all the elements of the vector to their position in the vector. i.e, the first element would have a value of zero (as vectors start indexing from 0), the second element would have a value of 1, and so on and so forth.
Yes, assuming ix is a valid index, most likely: you have a vector of int though and the index is size_type. Of course you may want to purposely store -1 sometimes to show an invalid index so the conversion of unsigned to signed would be appropriate but then I would suggest using a static_cast.
Doing what you are doing (setting each value in the vector to its index) is a way to create indexes of other collections. You then rearrange your vector sorting based on a predicte of the other collection.
Assuming that you never overflow (highly unlikely if your system is 32 bits or more) your conversion should work.