Can't add WSL Node Interpreter to WebStorm - webstorm

I need to add WSL node interpreter to WebStorm (2020.1) but Linux distribution is not detected by WebStorm, even though I have Alpine WSL install through Windows Store.
I read this question, but no help. Also manually adding entry in wsl.distributions.xml didn't work, did a lot of research but nothing worked.
I was able to use WSL as terminal in WebStorm by adding wsl.exe location to shell path. My objective is to run npm scripts form from Run/Debug configuration.

I solved by reinstalling WebStorm and copying options folder
from C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\WebStorm2020.1
to C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\JetBrains\WebStorm2020.1, then WebStorm could detect Linux distribution installed on machine.
But, now when I am trying to run scripts from NPM Tool Window of WebStorm, WebStorm runs C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe run "/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js run start --scripts-prepend-node-path=auto" where run is redundant coming after C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe ...
How can I set WebStorm to not have run in wsl.exe run ...?


Should I move windows project folder into WSL?

I'm trying to set up a work environment on a new machine and I am a bit confused how best to procede.
I've set up a new windows machine and have WSL2 set-up; I plan on using that with VS Code for my development environment.
I have a previous django project that I want to continue working on stored in a folder in a thumb drive.
Do I move the [windows] project folder into the linux folder system and everything is magically ready to go?
Will my previous virtual environment in the existing folder still work or do I need to start a new one?
Is it better to just start a new folder via linux terminal and pull the project from github?
I haven't installed pip, python, or django on the windows OR linux side just yet either.
Any other things to look out for while setting this up would be really appreciated. I'm trying to avoid headaches later by getting it all set-up correctly now!
I would pull it from github, and make sure you have the correct settings for line endings, since they are different between windows and linux. Just let git manage these though:
Some other suggestions:
Use a version manager in linux to manage your python versions - something like pyenv or asdf. It will make life easier.
Make sure to always create a virtual environment for everything and don't pip install anything in your main python. (I use direnv for virtual env management)
The single exception to the previous suggestion is pipx, which I do install in the main python and then use to install things like cli tools, black, isort, pip-tools etc.
Configure VScode to use the pipx installed versions of black, flake8 etc. for linting purposes.
If you're using Docker, enable the WSL integration for your WSL flavour (probably Ubuntu). Note that docker desktop needs starting before your WSL session.

How to set up cypress run for TypeScript in WebStorm

I have a project build in TypeScript and I would like to use cypress run to run my unit test. Everything works when I trigger command line from terminal, but how can I set up cypress run with WebStorm IDE under Run/Debug Configuration? The only possibility is to set up npm command but my project is using pnpm not npm.
So how can I set up cypress run under Run/Debug configuration?
WebStorm doesn't provide any special support for Cypress (feel free to upvote and comment WEB-32819 to increase its priority and to be notified on updates). But you can still use Node.js run configurations to start your scripts.
I'd also suggest trying a third-party Cypress-Pro plugin

Run Configuration in eclipse

Hi I'm sure this is a stupid question but I am running eclipse in linux mint 15 and whenever I try to press the main run option in the upper tab of the eclipse menu (next to the build option) I get a message saying systemtap is not installed, and then the run button grays out and I cant use it unless I restart eclipse and run into the same problem. I know this is an issue with the run configuration but when I attempt to alter it in the run configurations menu all that ends up happening is a run button being created in the favorites tab for the particular project I have selected. What I am trying to do is have the main run button launch whichever project I have selected through the default option instead of attempting to automatically use systemtap. Thanks
You simply need to install the systemtap packages. From a terminal...
sudo apt-get install systemtap

How does one start programming with Clojure in Windows?

I know it is possible to use CounterClockwise inside Eclipse, but I have been trying to get Leiningen to work so that I could use ClojureScript.
I downloaded leiningen using git clone. It then says run the script. I have tried lein self-install from inside PowerShell and inside the git bash environment.
In each I get an error about failing to download leiningen (which I thought I had with the git clone? hmm). It is interesting because one reads instructions that include things that don't make sense to Windows.
For example, inside Powershell, Windows doesn't understand export HTTP_CLIENT. It was only inside the git bash that I got a message that it is possible my HTTP client's certificate store does not have the correct certificate authority.
It then suggests this command, which runs ok, export HTTP_CLIENT="curl --insecure -f -L -o"
but it doesn't fix the problem.
The most recommended method AFAIK is to download the script lein.bat and putting it on the PATH environment variable. I've tested this method on several systems (XP, Windows 7). There is no need to build leiningen from a git checkout yourself. If you have a Windows with Powershell installed lein self-install should download the core .jar file inside a directory .lein in your user directory. Else, make sure you install either wget.exe or curl.exe and put it on the PATH.
There is an installer for Leiningen on Windows. You just need to install Java SE 7 JDK and Leiningen for Windows. This page has detailed instructions with screen shots:
Leiningen for Windows creates a PATH variable and Clojure REPL shortcut among other things. From the REPL you can create, build, and automate your Clojure project.

Bring FMIT (Free Music INstrument Tuner) into Eclipse as a project, Build and Run in Ubuntu

I am trying to import the download available at into Eclipse (on Ubuntu), compile and run.
I have managed to create a C++ project in Eclipse, and then use the project wizard to import the home folder of the FMIT download. But I am lost when it comes to using the makefile to set the project up, build and run it.
I do .net VB website and Database development so I am kind of lost in Eclipse.
FMIT exists in Ubuntu's repository. Is there any reason why you can't just use Ubuntu's version, or do you specifically need to compile from source?
sudo apt-get install fmit