How to launch an instance of my Flask app on Heroku - flask

I am having a hard time deploying my little flask app to Heroku. I created it in visual studio community and just want to deploy it now to Heroku.
App code:
I signed up for a free account at Heroku and am following this guide:
I ran the following commands in their CLI:
git clone
heroku create
git push heroku master
When I write heroku ps:scale web=1 I get the following error:
Couldn't find that process type (web).
Looking for advice online it seems I need to define something called a Procfile. I have tried to do that and defined it as:
web: gunicorn runserver:app although I am very unsure that is correct (I normally just hit the "play" button in VS to run the app locally). Adding the Procfile does not solve the error message. I believe it should not hav the .txt extension but not sure you can create a text file without that in VS.
Originally I was not using gunicorn but think I may need to use that for Heroku so I added that to my requirements.txt.
Can anyone give me any pointers? Thanks


How to see the common runserver log from django in heroku?

I am running a Django app on Heroku, and I am getting an error that I am not getting on my local machine. I am getting a 500 error. Normally, I just see the log Django outputs on the CMD, but I can't see it in Heroku. How can I do this?
BTW, it is not a dependency cause I just pip freeze > requirements.txt.
I am not looking for the logs that appear with heroku logs —tail since these logs only show the heroku output. I am looking for the same logs that appear locally. Is this possible?
Go to the directory you connected the project to the heroku,
use the command,
heroku logs --tail
sometimes you might be asked to login to your heroku account.. if so use the
heroku login
complete the login process and try again

Heroku set default site

I have created a new Heroku site and I am developing it on my Linux box, using Django. The standard "getting started" site Heroku created for me is called "gettingstarted". How can I change that / configure Heroku to forget about it?
I was reading through the Django tutorial, which explains how to create a new site (django-admin startproject my_site). I did this successfully for a demo project. Then I tried to do it under the Heroku directory, because I wanted a better name for my site than "gettingstarted". I noticed that every time I start the Heroku server under my project, it says ...using settings 'gettingstarted.settings'. I found that this is configured in and I change it.
This is the directory layout I have
This is what I have in
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'my_site.settings')
so I would expect that the site that matters is my_site.
I got it to the point where I can run the site successfully on my local machine, and I can tell that it using the settings from my_site. But when I deploy the project to Heroku, it does not recognize my_app until I register it in gettingstarted/ In other words, when running in Heroku, it is still using gettingstarted as the site to run.
I am new to all this, so I left gettingstarted in the project, because I am afraid to break things. But how can I configure Heroku to execute settings from my_site and not from gettingstarted?
Found it: it's configured in Procfile.
It's confusing because it's configured in one place for running locally and in a different place for running hosted at Heroku.

Django-Heroku Deployment Procfile

I've created a basic Django app and I wanted to deploy it with Heroku. I have followed all the instructions given on Heroku but there was one error I made which was naming the file "procfile" instead of "Procfile". Now the website has been deployed but it only opens up to an application error. Upon checking the log, I have found the error code to be H14. I have since renamed the "procfile" to "Procfile" but the change doesnt seem to be integrated. How do I fix this?
Add the change on your repository, commit it, and push the applicable branch to Heroku. Finally, try to run Heroku again.

Is it possible to deploy a django project to heroku without putting the project in git?

I was wondering if it is possible to deploy to heroku with out putting my django project on git?
My another question. I already have my app on heroku. Now I want to make changes to it. But the computer I had the soruce code crashed. So how do I download my project files from heroku?
No. ( But there is a plugin to do that, but I would say why bother. But.. -
But all you have to do is git init to setup a repo, and push to the heroku remote after setting up an app. You don't have to publish your repo anywhere.
You can get back your code by using:
heroku clone <appname>

Deploying django project on AWS elastic beanstalk

I am following the tutorial for deploying a django project on AWS elastic beanstalk here:
My app works when I test locally but when I deploy, I'm getting a 404 error. Looking at the event logs, I see this message:
Error running user's commands : An error occurred running '. /opt/python/ondeck/env && PYTHONPATH=/opt/python/ondeck/app: syncdb --noinput' (rc: 127) /bin/sh: command not found
That leads me to believe that the tutorial is missing a part about installing django files on the server or at least configuring my project to recognize I have django installed on my local machine so it works there.
I know python support is brand new for elastic beanstalk but has anyone deployed django to it?
I believe you don't need to put container_commands in .config because there is no database or table at this moment.
Did you made the step?: Freeze the requirements.txt file.
(djangodev)# pip freeze > requirements.txt
Make sure your requirements.txt file contains the following:
I had the same problem because I skipped it. Once I did it, add, commit and push. It works!
I followed the same tutorial recently and had a similar result.
At step 6, upon seeing the default django 'congrats' page render locally, I deployed to EB as instructed and got a 404 instead of the default 'congrats' page.
I decided to use the code up to that point as a foundation for following the 'getting started with django tutorial' which led me to a successful rendering of a 'home' view. This is a much more useful place to be anyway. I do agree that there is something wrong with the AWS tutorial and posted to the AWS forums here.
If you can, you should try to access the log file; it might give you a better idea of what's going on. Here's a link that might help: