C++ 20 iteratos and g++ standard (std) - c++

Well i just wanted to do a "foreach" like statement in C++, but in reverse order. Reading a little, the doc says that adding this to the "especial" form of the for statment it can be done.
Like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> vecInt;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (auto const& x : vecInt | std::views::reverse) //Here is the problem with g++ -std=c++2a
return 0;
The thing is that im using ubuntu linux with the latest g++ compiler.
According to what the compiler throws me. I put an "std=c++20", but it then told me: "Did you mean std=c++2a" so, i don't know what the "a" means, but i tought it would be the C++20 standard. And finally discovered that "std::views::reverse" isn't seen by the compiler.
To go to the point: i want to do a reverse "foreach" C++ statement and i can't.
Any help?


Error with Lambda Expression C++ in VS Code

I'm trying to sort an array m of class measure using a lambda expression as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
struct measure{
int day;
int cow;
int change;
int main()
int N;
cin >> N;
measure m[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
measure m_i;
cin >> m_i.day >> m_i.cow >> m_i.change;
m[i] = m_i;
sort(m, m + N, [](measure a, measure b) {return a.day < b.day;});
However, an error occurs when trying to build the task in VS Code (using C++17):
error: expected expression
sort(m, m + N, [](measure a, measure b) {return a.day < b.day;});
1 error generated.
Build finished with error(s).
I've tested this code on other compilers with no difficulties. Why is this error happening on VS Code?
Okay, so it does not look like you are compiling with c++17. I can reproduce this error if I roll back the gcc version to 4.x and leave the standard up to the compiler. Here is how it would look on an older compiler. Here is how it would run properly on a newer compiler. Most likely that you are using something like c++98 or c++03.
Note - I have taken the liberty of modifying your code to make it more C++. Also, please stop with using namespace std.
A simple fix is to just make sure that you are using the right version of the compiler basis the features you need. Lambdas in C++ were introduced in C++11, so clearly you are using a compiler that is at a much lower version.
VS Code does not have a compiler built-in. It uses the system compiler you have installed. You can configure things to use the system compiler and pass the flag --std=c++17 to the compiler command line.
Both gcc and clang++ support this command line flag.

Why do designated initializers work in C++?

After having searched the web for a bit I've come to the conclusion that designated initializers are not part of any C++ standard, yet when compiling this code using g++ (4.7.0)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int test[2][2] ={
for (int x = 0; x<2;x++)
for (int y = 0; y<2; y++)
cout << test[x][y] << endl;
return 0;
it will compile and run fine.
Am I missing something ? From everything I have read C++ should not support this type of code.
Each compiler usually has its own language extensions. It is valid as for g++ and as for example MS VC++. For example in MS VC++ you can use statement for each.
It seems you found a feature of the gcc compiler: an undocumented extension that cannot be suppressed or be warned about by using any options (such as -pedantic -std=XXXX).
If you want to be reasonably certain that your code complies with the standard, I recommend to always use a variety of compilers and make sure your code passes all of them without warnings (and use the most strict warning options). gcc and clang are free, so you can always use at least two compilers (and clang is quite good at standard compliance).

Eclipse CDT C++11 error message for chrono [duplicate]

I'm using Eclipse 4.2, with CDT, and MinGW toolchain on a Windows machine (although I've a feeling the problem has nothing to do with this specific configuration). The G++ compiler is 4.7
I'm playing with c++11 features, with the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
vector<int> v { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
int x {5};
auto mark = remove_if( v.begin(), v.end(), [x](int n) { return n<x; } );
v.erase( mark, v.end() );
for( int x : v ) { cout << x << ", "; }
cout << endl;
Everything is very straight forward and idiomatic c++11. The code compiles with no problems on the command line (g++ -std=c++11 hello.cpp).
In order to make this code compile In eclipse, I set the compiler to support C++11:
Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Miscellaneous -> Ohter Flags:
I'm adding -std=c++11
Properties -> C/C++Build -> Discovery Options -> Compiler invocation arguments:
Adding -std=c++11
That's the only change I did to either the global preferences or to the project properties.
First Question: Why do I've to change the flags in two places? When each compiler flags is used?
If I hit Ctrl-B, the project will build successfully, as expected, and running it from within eclipse show the expected result (It prints: '5, 6, 7,').
However, the editor view shows red marks of error on both the 'remove_if' line, and the 'v.erase' line. Similarly, the Problems view shows I've these two problems. Looking at the details of the problem, I get:
For the remove_if line: 'Invalid arguments. Candidates are: #0 remove_if(#0, #0, #1)
For the erase line: 'Invalid arguments Candidates are: '? erase(?), ? erase(?,?)'
Second questions: It appears there are two different builds: one for continues status, and one for the actual build. Is that right? If so, do they have different rule (compilation flags, include paths, etc.)?
Third question: In the problem details I also see: 'Name resolution problem found by the indexer'. I guess this is why the error message are so cryptic. Are those messages coming from MinGW g++ compiler or from Eclipse? What is this Name resolution? How do I fix?
Appreciate your help.
EDIT (in reply to #Eugene): Thank you Eugene. I've opened a bug on Eclipse. I think that C++11 is only partially to blame. I've cleaned my code from C++11 stuff, and removed the -std=c++11 flag from both compilation switch. And yet, the CodAn barks on the remove_if line:
int pred( int n ) { return n < 5; }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
vector<int> v;
for( int i=0; i<=7; ++i ) {
v.push_back( i );
vector<int>::iterator mark = remove_if( v.begin(), v.end(), pred );
v.erase( mark, v.end() );
for( vector<int>::iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i ) {
cout << *i << ", ";
cout << endl;
The code compiles just fine (with Ctrl-B), but CodAn doesn't like the remove_if line, saying: Invalid Arguments, Candidates are '#0 remove_if(#0,#0,#1)'.
This is a very cryptic message - it appears it misses to substitute arguments in format string (#0 for 'iterator' and #1 for 'predicate'). I'm going to update the bug.
Interestingly, using 'list' instead of 'vector' clears up the error.
However, as for my question, I'm curious about how the CodAn work. Does it uses g++ (with a customized set of flags), or another external tool (lint?), or does it do it internally in Java? If there is a tool, how can I get its command line argument, and its output?
Build/Settings - these flags will be included into your makefile to do actual build. Build/Discovery - these flags will be passed to a compiler when "scanner settings" are discovered by IDE. IDE will run compiler in a special mode to discover values of the predefined macros, include paths, etc.
I believe, the problems you are seeing are detected by "Codan". Codan is a static analysis built into the CDT editor, you may find its settings on "C/C++ General"/"Code Analysis". You should report the problem to the bugs.eclipse.org if you feel the errors shown are bogus. Note that CDT does not yet support all C++11 features.

unordered_map error in GCC

When was the unordered_map concept built into g++?
Because the following code throws an error.
using namespace std;
std::unordered_map<std::int,int> mirror;
mirror['A'] = 'A';
mirror['B'] = '#';
mirror['E'] = 3;
int main(void)
return 0;
I am compiling the code as follows:
g++ -c hashexample.cpp
g++ -o result hashExample.o
The error I got is this:
inavalid types int[char[ for aaray subscript
What is the fix for this?
The problem is your assignment. You cannot assign values to your map in this place. C++ is not a script language.
This program works fine on my machine with gcc4.6:
std::unordered_map<int,int> mirror;
int main() {
mirror['A'] = 'A';
mirror['B'] = '#';
mirror['E'] = 3;
First, as mkaes points out, you cannot put assignments outside functions, so you have to put it in any, for example main.
As for unordered_map, for recent versions of gcc, if you don't want to go into C++11, you can use the TR1 version of unordered_map:
#include <tr1/unordered_map>
and the type std::tr1::unordered_map. You know, C++11 supersedes all this, but you will (at least in GCC) get this working.

ICC segfaulting with variable length arrays

So, when compiled with the basic icc bob.cpp -o bob and run, the following code segfaults:
#include <string>
int foo () {
return 6;
int main() {
std::string t[foo()];
The following two similar programs, however, seem to run fine.
#include <string>
int foo () {
return 6;
int main() {
int f = foo();
std::string t[f];
#include <string>
int foo () {
return 6;
int main() {
std::string t[6];
I'm a bit confused about what's going on. Apparently, variable length arrays are non-standard, and this was a surprise to me since I've always used g++ which supports it. However, if it's not supported by ICC, why would it compile? Also, why would example 2 "work"?
What is correct code here, and, if the first snippet is incorrect, why does it compile, and then why does it segfault?
I'm using icc (ICC) 12.0.2 20110112 on 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5.
Well, while it is true that C++ has no variable-length arrays (C99 does though), apparently ICC does support them as an extension, since your code actually compiles (and since your second snippet actually runs without crashing).
If the first version crashes, then it must be a bug in ICC's implementation of that non-standard extension.