I'm trying to understand and/or find examples of how robust OCaml applications deal with a configuration environment. I'm coming from a world of Haskell, where I would use the Reader monad to solve this problem. In particular, I want to define a top-level configuration which I may pass throughout my application, but only some of the functions in my application will need to use the configuration.
To motivate this, consider a simple executable which queries a database. I would want to define a top-level main file which might do things like setup a connection pool, or create a logger which would be shared throughout the application.
I'm assuming OCaml has some pattern for dealing with this, but I cannot find any great examples. I'd prefer not define my own Reader monad and functorize the entire application if I don't have to.
That being said, this is also ugly
module Config : sig
type t = {
fooConfig : Foo.Config.t;
dbClientConfig : DB_client.Config.t;
val make : Foo.Config.t -> DB_client.Config.t -> t
val main : Config.t -> unit
module Config : sig
type t = {
dbConfig : DB_client.Config.t;
(** fooFunc will need to pass the dbConfig, but it does not actually explicitly need anything in the config **)
val fooFunc : Config.t -> string -> unit
module Config : sig
type t = {
connPool : SomeConnPool
(** Finally, I need to use the config to grab a connection out of the pool **)
val writeToDb : Config.t -> string -> (string, string) Lwt.result
I don't want to make the explicit arguments of function "higher in the execution stack" depend explicitly on a configuration they will never use.
Is there a nice functional pattern to deal with this nested dependency coupling? I'd appreciate any code examples that someone can point towards so I can study a better approach.
I'm not sure on the best name for my question, but I seem to have coded myself into a corner somewhat. Or at least I am faced with a slightly awkward design descision within my hspec test suite for my project.
My project has to make some third party API calls, and in HSpec I am trying to make it so these can be faked using a transformer implemented using StateT, that can be placed inside a test stack to enable the ability to 'fake' these API calls. I always want to stub these calls out in unit tests, I never want to hit the real API, ever.
The way I am 'stubbing' calls is by defining all of my systems effects with typeclasses and providing a different instance when in test. So for example I would have a class like:
class FireApiGetRequest m where
fireApiGetRequest :: GetRequest -> m (Either ApiError GetReponse)
instance FireApiGetRequest Hander where
fireApiGetRequest = -- real world implementation
I have two transformer stacks for my tests currently one is known as AppTestIO, and AppTestPureM.
AppTestIO is made up of a ReaderT that contains a connection pool to a real test database and some test configuration settings, and AppTestPureM is a type alias for StateT FakeDatabaseCalls Gen, much in the same way as I write out the API calls with typeclasses, database calls are also factored out into type classes and 'stubbed' out in the same way. This works well, only I would like to add a transformer layer to both stacks, that mocks the third party API. In my mind I should be able to define a transformer that can sit within both of these transformer stacks and give me the ability to fake these API calls:
type AppTestPureM = StateT FakedDatabaseCalls (ThirdPartyApiMocksT Gen)
type AppTestIO = ThirdPartyApiMocksT (AppTestT IO)
newtype AppTestT m a = AppTestT
{ unAppTestT :: ReaderT TestEnv m a
On the face of it this seems like a great idea because it means I can stub out these API calls regardless of whether or not the test is hitting the real database, basically.
For the instances, I have no issue defining instances for the API calls in test:
instance FireApiGetRequest ThirdPartyApiMocksT where
fireApiGetRequest = -- test implementation, access state and return value based on that
instance FireApiGetRequest m => FireApiGetRequest (StateT s m) where
fireApiGetRequest = lift . fireApiGetRequest
And I can define helper functions in my test to get the instances to return the fake data that I want:
stubApiGetRequest :: Monad m => (Either ApiError GetResponse) -> ThirdPartyApiMocksT m ()
stubApiGetRequest returnVal = undefined -- store `returnVal` in the state for use in typeclass instance
My issue arises when I actually start using these instances within my tests. For those functions in my app that hit the database (that aren't yet stubbed out with typeclass instances), they ultimately are using runSqlPool, which uses MonadUnliftIO, and MonadUnliftIO is effectively forbidding me from mixing these together.
The approach to achieve 'state' while using MonadUnliftIO is to use ReaderT + MVar instead. I don't have a huge issue with this normally, my only problem here is that my PureM stack is based around StateT, and also does not run in IO, because it is used to run 'effectful' computations using fake data in order to write the test in a pure way, with no IO. This also means I can use quickcheck to test these functions if that is something I want to do. I am aware there is quickcheck-monadic so having these functions result in IO may not be the end of the world, but I would like retain AppTestPureM a -> Gen a. Using ReaderT + MVar here in this situation would make it so that these tests then depend on IO. So these two test stacks are contradictory.
I suppose that illustrates the situation I am in now. I am not sure how exactly to proceed from here.
I have a simple Publish-Subscriber that I want to write tests for.
The methods called here are all behaviours, except get_number_consumed_messages that would be a function.
class iso _SinglePubSub is UnitTest
fun name(): String => "single publish/consume"
fun apply(h: TestHelper) =>
let p = Publisher("publisher message", h.env.out)
let queue = Queue(1, h.env.out)
let c = Consumer(h.env.out)
//Run after all behaviours are done
let n = c.get_number_consumed_messages()
h.assert_eq[USize](2, n)
How would someone implement the get_number_consumed_messages function/behaviour or how would you have to modify the test function?
First of all, c.get_number_consumed_messages() must be a behaviour as well. It is the only way to let one actor communicate with another. This has the added benefit of behaviours being run in the same order as they are called, which means c.get_number_consumed_messages() would run after both calls to c.consume_message(queue).
Given that, since Consumer is also an actor, calling it with behaviours -- and not methods -- means that we cannot return data from it directly. To actually receive data from another actor, you should use the Promise pattern, for example:
use "promises"
actor Consumer
var message_count: USize = 0
be consume_message(queue: OutStream) =>
... // Do some things
message_count = message_count + 1
... // Do other things
be get_number_consumed_messages(p: Promise[USize]) =>
To actually test it, you would need to follow an adapted version of the Testing Notifier Interactions pattern for long tests, for example:
use "ponytest"
use "promises"
class iso _SinglePubSub is UnitTest
fun apply(h: TestHelper) =>
... // Produce and consume messages
let p = Promise[USize]
p.next[None]({(n: USize): None =>
h.assert_eq[USize](2, n)
h.complete(true) })
(Notice the extra calls to h.long_test and h.complete, as well as the promise wrapping a lambda with the end of our test.)
For more information on these concepts, I would recommend familiarizing yourself with the stdlib documentation on Promises and the "Long tests" section of Ponytest.
I have a given interface specification in the module.mli file. I have to write its implementation in the module.ml file.
module.mli provides an abstract type
type abstract_type
I'm using OUnit to create the tests. I need to use the type's implementation in them. (for example to compare the values) One solution would be to extend the interface to contain additional functions used in the tests.
But is it possible to do such a thing without modifying the interface?
The only way to expose tests without touching the module interface would be to register the tests with some global container. If you have a module called Tests that provides a function register, your module.ml would contain something like this:
let some_test = ...
let () = Tests.register some_test
I don't recommend this approach because the Tests module loses control over what tests it's going to run.
Instead I recommend exporting the tests, i.e. adding them to module.mli.
Note that without depending on OUnit, you can export tests of the following type that anyone can run. Our tests look like this:
let test_cool_feature () =
assert ...;
assert ...;
let test_super_feature () =
a = b
let tests = [
"cool feature", test_cool_feature;
"super feature", test_super_feature;
The interface is:
(* begin section ignored by ocamldoc *)
val test_cool_feature : unit -> bool
val test_super_feature : unit -> bool
val tests : (string * (unit -> bool)) list
When writing tests I find myself writing all kinds of small little helper functions to make assertions. I searched for an assertion library and didn't find anything. In my tests I often have things like this:
value_in_list(_Value, []) ->
value_in_list(Value, [Item|List]) ->
case Value == Item of
true ->
false ->
value_in_list(Value, List)
test_start_link(_Config) ->
% should return the pid and register the process as my_app
{ok, Pid} = my_app:start_link(),
true = is_pid(Pid),
value_in_list(my_app, registered()).
I end up having to write a whole function to check if my_app is a registered process. It would be much nicer if I could just call something like assertion:value_in_list(my_app, registered()) or assertion:is_registered(my_app).
I come from a Ruby background so I hate having to clutter up my tests with utility functions just to make a few assertions. It would be much cleaner if I could just do:
test_start_link(_Config) ->
% should return the pid and register the process as my_app
{ok, Pid} = my_app:start_link(),
true = is_pid(Pid),
assertion:value_in_list(my_app, registered()).
So my questions are:
Why doesn't an assertion library exist for Common Test?
Would it be possible to build a third party library that would be accessible during all tests?
Some ideas for this:
Move your application startup to the suite's startup section:
init_per_suite(Config) ->
{ok, Pid} = my_app:start_link(),
true = is_pid(Pid),
[{app, Pid} | Config].
Then write your test registration as:
test_registration(Config) ->
Pid = ?config(app, Config),
true = lists:member(Pid, registered()).
There is no need to assert things via explicit assertion functions since they are "built in". Just make a failing match like above and the test process will crash. And hence report that the test case went wrong. Each test case is run in its own process. Which is also why you want to start the application in the init_per_suite/1 callback. Otherwise, my_app will be terminated once your test case has run since you are linked to the process-per-test-case.
So the answer is: assertions are built in. Hence there is less need for an assertion library as such.
On a side note, it's terser and more efficient to write that first block in pattern matching in the signature, rather than to add a case.
value_in_list(_Value, [] ) -> false;
value_in_list( Value, [Value|List] ) -> true;
value_in_list( Value, [ _ |List] ) -> value_in_list(Value, List).
I realize this should probably just be a comment to the original question, but that's murderously difficult to read without monospace and newlines.
You can just use EUnit assertions in Common Test.
And all the regular assertions are available.
I decided to write an Erlang assertion library to help with cases like this. It provides this functionality.
How usual is to have a test double in OCaml that would fake a database connection ?
Lets say you want to test a small API on top of a database and the way this works is by providing a Connection type to each function that API exposes.
Something like:
let get_data connection = do_something_with_connection
How would this be unit tested ?
On a larger note is is this kind of testing usual in OCaml, given the fact that OCaml's powerful type system already makes sure that you don't make weird mistakes ?
You would create an object which has all of the same method names as Connection each with the same signatures (and with stub functionality, obviously). Then you can instantiate one of these objects and declare it as being a Connection via subtyping. Then it can be passed into any of the functions.
Here is a helpful bit about subtyping (which, it should be noted, is not the same things as inheritance in Ocaml).
Build your module with a functor, which takes the Connection module as its argument. Then you can stub out the Connection module in your tests.
So, for example, your db.ml file could look kind of like this:
(* The interface of Connection that we use *)
module type CONNECTION = sig
type t
val execute : string -> t -> string list
(* functor to build Db modules, given a Connection module *)
module Make(Connection : CONNECTION) = struct
let get_data connection =
do_something_with (Connection.execute "some query" connection)
Then in your test_db.ml you can just stub out the Connection module
let test_get_data () =
let module TestConnection = struct
type t = unit
let execute _ _ = ["data"]
end in
let module TestDb = Db.Make(TestConnection) in
assert (TestDb.get_data () = ["munged data"])