How can I use cmake to compile multiple source files and generate multiple executable files named after these file names - c++

Currently, I need help either creating a CMakeList.txt, or simply figuring out the cmake command for the following.
I have some source files in the same directory, called A.cpp, B.cpp, C.cpp, D.cpp. I need to compile these such that the executables are named as A, B, C, D, respectively.
I want to use CMake to automatically traverse the directory and generate the corresponding executable file instead of adding the corresponding executable file in CMakeList.txt every time I add a file.

This is a bit of an odd request. Usually I'd suggest manually writing add_executable where needed since it's more maintainable.
In CMake, there isn't really a good way to collect all files in a directory. You can use file(GLOB ...) to grab all files; but this gets done at configure time, and if you introduce new sources then CMake won't detect the new source and won't reconfigure automatically or build the new sources without explicitly being told to reconfigure.
If you're able to discretely list each source, it would be better. But otherwise what you are requesting can be done with a combination of a foreach through each source file using get_filename_component to get the file name and passing it to add_executable
set(source_files src/a.cpp src/b.cpp src/c.cpp ...)
# Loop through each source file
foreach(source_file IN LISTS source_files)
# Get the name of the file without the extension (e.g. 'a' from src/a.cpp'
get_filename_component(target_name ${source_file} NAME_WE)
# Create an executable with the above name, building the above source
add_executable("${target_name}" "${source_file}"
If discretely listing the source files isn't possible, you can use file(GLOB...) or file(GLOB_RECURSE):
file(GLOB source_files "src/*.cpp")
But again; this prevents automatically detecting when new sources get added, and I don't recommend it.


Forcing cmake to call external executable before reading source files [duplicate]

Example source of a binary I want to run before each build, once per add_executable:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
fclose(fopen("foo.hh", "a"));
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++14")
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
# ---- this line changes ----
add_executable(foo_proj ${SOURCE_FILES})
add_custom_target(create_foo_hh COMMAND /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh)
add_dependencies(${SOURCE_FILES} create_foo_hh)
Error:Cannot add target-level dependencies to non-existent target "main.cpp".
The add_dependencies works for top-level logical targets created by the add_executable, add_library, or add_custom_target commands. If you want to add file-level dependencies see the DEPENDS option of the add_custom_target and add_custom_command commands.
execute_process(COMMAND /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh main.cpp)
No error, but foo.hh isn't created.
How do I automate the running of this command?
execute_process() is invoked at configuration time.
You can use add_custom_command():
OUTPUT foo.hh
COMMAND /tmp/bin/create_foo_h main.cpp
DEPENDS ${SOURCE_FILES} /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh main.cpp
add_executable(foo_proj ${SOURCE_FILES} foo.hh)
That way, foo.hh is a dependency of foo_proj: and your command will be invoked when building foo_proj. It depends on ${SOURCE_FILES} and /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh main.cpp so that it is generated again if one of those files changes.
Regarding paths, add_custom_command() is configured to run in the current build directory to generate the file there, and include_directories() is used to add the build directory to the include dirs.
You probably don't want the custom target to depend on your source files (because they aren't targets themselves and are therefore never "run"), but on the target you create with them:
target_add_dependencies(foo_proj create_foo_hh)
I think that the cleanest is to add two new project() (targets) and then add the resulting file to your final executable. This is how cmake can build a valid dependency tree so when your source files change they get recompiled, the command run, as necessary to get everything up to date.
Build Executable
First, as you do in your example, I create an executable from some .cpp file:
(example extracted from the as2js project)
As we can see,m we can add specific include paths (-I) and library paths (-L). It is specific to that one target so you can have a set of paths that is different from the one used with your other executables.
Generate Additional File
Next, you create a custom command to run your executable like so:
unicode-characters >${UNICODE_CHARACTER_TYPES_CI}
Notice a couple of things:
I set a variable (UNICODE_CHARACTER_TYPES_CI) because I am going to reference that one file multiple times
a. Notice how I put the destination in the binary (cmake output folder) using the ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/... prefix. This is best to avoid generating those files in your source tree (and possibly ending up adding that file to your source tracking system like svn or git).
b. An important aspect of the add_custom_command() is the DEPENDS section which includes the name of your special command, the one we defined in the previous step.
The add_custom_target() is what allows cmake to find your target and execute the corresponding command whenever one of the source files (a.k.a. dependency) changes; notice the DEPENDS definition.
Use the Output
Finally, here is the main project (a library in my case) that makes use of the file we generated in the step above.
Notice that I reference that file using the variable I defined in the previous step. That way, when I feel like changing that name, I can do it by simply editing that one variable.
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED
(Note: the ... represent a list of files, shorten for display here as these are not important, the link above will take you to the file with the complete list.)
By having the filename inside the list of files defined in the add_library() (or the add_executable() in your case), you create a dependency which will find your custom_target(), because of the filename defined in the OUTPUT section of the add_custom_command()¹.
¹ It is possible to defined multiple outputs for an add_custom_command(). For example, some of my generators output a .cpp and a .h. In that case, I simply define both files in the OUTPUT section.
Important points about the final results with this solution:
the output files of your generator are saved in the binary output path instead of your current working directory
the Makefile generated by cmake includes all the necessary targets/dependencies which means changing any of the input files regenerate everything as expected (even if you just update a comment)
if the generator fails, the build fails as expected
the files are generated by the build step (make time) instead of the generation step (cmake time, like the execute_process() would do)

Automatically only link source with included header in CMake (simple project structure)

I have the following simple c++ project structure:
include/ contains header files
src/ contains the source files
cli/ contains source files with a main method
Currently, I build the whole source into a single static library and then compile each file in cli/ individually and link that static library. I do this with just one CMakeLists.txt in the root directory that basically looks like this:
add_library(code STATIC ${SOURCE_FILES} ${HEADERS})
foreach (file ${EXECUTABLE_FILES})
get_filename_component(executable ${file} NAME_WE)
add_executable(${executable} ${file})
target_link_libraries(${executable} code)
endforeach ()
When I add a new file, I just add it to the appropriate list of files (headers, source, or executable).
Advantage: Simple work-flow with little overhead for maintaining the CMakeLists.txt.
Disadvantage: For each executable, the one big library is linked, even if the executable only uses the stuff in one of the source files (right now, there are about 15 executables using different subsets of the 25 source files).
My Question: Can I fix the disadvantage while keeping the advantage?
The only solution for fixing the disadvantage I could find is to manually specify for each executable which source files it needs. This is too tedious and error prone for my use case, as I will certainly forget to update the dependencies.
This is a bit unsatisfactory, as there is a very simple rule to which sources need to be linked: Every source file has a corresponding header file and I need to link src/file.cpp if and only if include/file.hpp is included. Is there any good way to tell CMake about this rule? Or do I need to write my own script that generates the CMakeLists.txt (which feels a bit like writing my own build system, which I would like to avoid)?

CMake run custom command before build?

Example source of a binary I want to run before each build, once per add_executable:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
fclose(fopen("foo.hh", "a"));
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++14")
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
# ---- this line changes ----
add_executable(foo_proj ${SOURCE_FILES})
add_custom_target(create_foo_hh COMMAND /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh)
add_dependencies(${SOURCE_FILES} create_foo_hh)
Error:Cannot add target-level dependencies to non-existent target "main.cpp".
The add_dependencies works for top-level logical targets created by the add_executable, add_library, or add_custom_target commands. If you want to add file-level dependencies see the DEPENDS option of the add_custom_target and add_custom_command commands.
execute_process(COMMAND /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh main.cpp)
No error, but foo.hh isn't created.
How do I automate the running of this command?
execute_process() is invoked at configuration time.
You can use add_custom_command():
OUTPUT foo.hh
COMMAND /tmp/bin/create_foo_h main.cpp
DEPENDS ${SOURCE_FILES} /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh main.cpp
add_executable(foo_proj ${SOURCE_FILES} foo.hh)
That way, foo.hh is a dependency of foo_proj: and your command will be invoked when building foo_proj. It depends on ${SOURCE_FILES} and /tmp/bin/create_foo_hh main.cpp so that it is generated again if one of those files changes.
Regarding paths, add_custom_command() is configured to run in the current build directory to generate the file there, and include_directories() is used to add the build directory to the include dirs.
You probably don't want the custom target to depend on your source files (because they aren't targets themselves and are therefore never "run"), but on the target you create with them:
target_add_dependencies(foo_proj create_foo_hh)
I think that the cleanest is to add two new project() (targets) and then add the resulting file to your final executable. This is how cmake can build a valid dependency tree so when your source files change they get recompiled, the command run, as necessary to get everything up to date.
Build Executable
First, as you do in your example, I create an executable from some .cpp file:
(example extracted from the as2js project)
As we can see,m we can add specific include paths (-I) and library paths (-L). It is specific to that one target so you can have a set of paths that is different from the one used with your other executables.
Generate Additional File
Next, you create a custom command to run your executable like so:
unicode-characters >${UNICODE_CHARACTER_TYPES_CI}
Notice a couple of things:
I set a variable (UNICODE_CHARACTER_TYPES_CI) because I am going to reference that one file multiple times
a. Notice how I put the destination in the binary (cmake output folder) using the ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/... prefix. This is best to avoid generating those files in your source tree (and possibly ending up adding that file to your source tracking system like svn or git).
b. An important aspect of the add_custom_command() is the DEPENDS section which includes the name of your special command, the one we defined in the previous step.
The add_custom_target() is what allows cmake to find your target and execute the corresponding command whenever one of the source files (a.k.a. dependency) changes; notice the DEPENDS definition.
Use the Output
Finally, here is the main project (a library in my case) that makes use of the file we generated in the step above.
Notice that I reference that file using the variable I defined in the previous step. That way, when I feel like changing that name, I can do it by simply editing that one variable.
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED
(Note: the ... represent a list of files, shorten for display here as these are not important, the link above will take you to the file with the complete list.)
By having the filename inside the list of files defined in the add_library() (or the add_executable() in your case), you create a dependency which will find your custom_target(), because of the filename defined in the OUTPUT section of the add_custom_command()¹.
¹ It is possible to defined multiple outputs for an add_custom_command(). For example, some of my generators output a .cpp and a .h. In that case, I simply define both files in the OUTPUT section.
Important points about the final results with this solution:
the output files of your generator are saved in the binary output path instead of your current working directory
the Makefile generated by cmake includes all the necessary targets/dependencies which means changing any of the input files regenerate everything as expected (even if you just update a comment)
if the generator fails, the build fails as expected
the files are generated by the build step (make time) instead of the generation step (cmake time, like the execute_process() would do)

How to remove tokens from a list in cmake?

I want to exclude some source files from building when not in Windows.
What is wrong in the following CMakeLists.txt cmake file?
aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)
# Remove Microsoft specific files
list(REMOVE_ITEM SRC_LIST stdafx.h stdafx.cpp)
The contents of the messages before and after trying to remove the two files are exactly the same.
What is wrong?
You have to specify the exact name of the element you want to remove.
In your case, aux_source_directory prepends each entry with a ./, so the correct command has to be
list(REMOVE_ITEM SRC_LIST ./stdafx.h ./stdafx.cpp)
Also, please make sure you understand the implications of using manual calls to aux_source_directory for maintaining lists of source files:
It is tempting to use this command to avoid writing the list of source
files for a library or executable target. While this seems to work,
there is no way for CMake to generate a build system that knows when a
new source file has been added. Normally the generated build system
knows when it needs to rerun CMake because the CMakeLists.txt file is
modified to add a new source. When the source is just added to the
directory without modifying this file, one would have to manually
rerun CMake to generate a build system incorporating the new file.
Quoting the documentation for aux_source_directory.

CMake -- Add all sources in subdirectory to cmake project

As a follow up to this question:
Add Source in a subdirectory to a cmake project
What is the best way (perhaps using the FILE directive?) to select all the .cpp and .h files in the subdirectory and add them to the SOURCE variable defined in the parent directory?
Example from answer to question above:
Is it possible to do something like this?
What is the best way (using CMake) to compile all the sources in a directory and a subdirectory into a single output file (not multiple libraries?)
I think what you are looking for is the aux_source_directory command.
aux_source_directory Find all source files in a directory.
aux_source_directory( )
Collects the names of all the source files in the specified directory
and stores the list in the provided. This command is
intended to be used by projects that use explicit template
instantiation. Template instantiation files can be stored in a
"Templates" subdirectory and collected automatically using this
command to avoid manually listing all instantiations.
It is tempting to use this command to avoid writing the list of source
files for a library or executable target. While this seems to work,
there is no way for CMake to generate a build system that knows when a
new source file has been added. Normally the generated build system
knows when it needs to rerun CMake because the CMakeLists.txt file is
modified to add a new source. When the source is just added to the
directory without modifying this file, one would have to manually
rerun CMake to generate a build system incorporating the new file.
Your CMakeLists.txt within the subdirectory could look like this:
The recommended practice is however, as you see from the documentation, to list the files individually within CMakeLists.txt as changes to the CMakeLists.txt file triggers running cmake.
I hope this was helpful and to the point.