How to search through rows and assign column value based on search in Postgres? - django

I'm creating an application similar to Twitter. In that I'm writing a query for the profile page. So when the user visits someone other users profile, he/she can view the tweets liked by that particular user. So for that my query is retrieving all such tweets liked by that user, along with total likes and comments on that tweet.
But an additional parameter I require is whether the current user has liked any of those tweets, and if yes, I want it to retrieve it as boolean True in my query so I can display it as liked in UI.
But I don't know how to achieve this part. Following is a sub-query from my main query
select l.tweet_id, count(*) as total_likes,
<insert here> as current_user_liked
from api_likes as l
INNER JOIN accounts_user ON l.liked_by_id =
group by tweet_id
Is there an inbuilt function in postgres that can scan through the filtered rows and check whether current user id is present in liked_by_id. If so mark current_user_liked as True, else False.

You want to left outer join back into the api_likes table.
select l.tweet_id, count(*) as total_likes,
when lu.twee_id is null then false
else true
end as current_user_liked
from api_likes as l
INNER JOIN accounts_user ON l.liked_by_id =
left join api_likes as lu on lu.tweet_id = l.tweet_id
and lu.liked_by_id = <current user id>
group by tweet_id
This will continue to bring in the rows you are seeing and will add a row for the lu alias on api_likes. If no such row exists matching the l.tweet_id and the current user's id, then the columns from the lu alias will be null.


Oracle Apex error ORA-01776: cannot modify more than one base table through a join view

I have an app in Oracle Apex 22.21. There are multiple tables (ORDERS, ORDER_ITEMS, STORES, and PRODUCTS).
ORDERS table
enter image description here
I have a Master Detail report that is editable. The main report shows the ORDERS table and the detail shows the ORDER_ITEMS table.
Report image
enter image description here
In the ORDERS table, there is a column STORE_ID which is a foreign key to the STORES table. The STORES table has a column STORE_NAME. I am able to edit the report (change the STORE_ID to another 'id' ex: 1,2,3) when the table's Source is set to the ORDERS table.
STORES table
enter image description here
STORES table data
enter image description here
I want the ORDERS table to include the STORE_NAME column referring to the STORES table. As it does not make sense for the user to enter a STORE_ID to edit a row. I want the user to be able to edit the STORE_ID by entering the STORE_NAME or by choosing an LOV. I changed the report Source Type to SQL Query and ran the below code.
inner join STORES
However, when I try to edit a cell, I encounter an error ORA-01776: cannot modify more than one base table through a join view
I've found a post/solution regarding this error and tried to follow the instructions. The first solution does not work in my case because I actually want the user to be able to edit the STORE_ID column by showing STORE_NAME.
enter image description here
I've tried changing and running the PL/SQL code exactly as instructed but nothing saves when I change a cell value and click save. But I don't receive any error.
CASE :apex$row_status
INSERT INTO stores (store_id, store_name)
VALUES ( :p10_store_id, :p10_store_name);
INSERT INTO orders_local (order_id,
VALUES ( :p10_order_id,
UPDATE orders_local
SET order_id = :p10_order_id,
order_number = :p10_order_number,
order_date = :p10_order_date,
store_id = :p10_store_id,
full_name = :p10_full_name,
email = :p10_email,
city= :p10_city,
state= :p10_state,
zip_code= :p10_zip_code,
credit_card= :p10_credit_card,
order_items= :p10_order_items
WHERE order_id = :p10_order_id;
UPDATE stores
SET store_name = :p10_store_name
WHERE store_id = :p10_store_id;
DELETE orders_local
WHERE order_id = :p10_order_id;
DELETE stores
WHERE store_id = :p10_store_id;
Take a step back. The "report that is editable" is an interactive grid. If the report is display only, then you can use any SQL to display data. However, if it is editable then the SQL statement is used to update the rows as well. The statement
inner join STORES
Cannot be used to update the store_id in the orders_local table. Currently you're trying to work around this by using custom code for the update but that is overcomplicating things. So, take a step back and restart.
The query for the interactive grid should be
Define a List of Values to display the select list for Stores. The query for that list of values is
store_id as return_value,
store_name as display_value
from stores
In the interactive grid us this list of values for the store_id column.
That is all there is to it. This will allow you to use the native process for handling the IG updates.

Netsuite suiteql how to get all available tables to query?

I am using Postman and Netsuite's SuiteQL to query some tables. I would like to write two queries. One is to return all items (fulfillment items) for a given sales order. Two is to return all sales orders that contain a given item. I am not sure what tables to use.
The sales order I can return from something like this.
"q": "SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE Type = 'SalesOrd' and id = '12345'"
The item I can get from this.
"q": "SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = 1122"
I can join transactions and transactionline for the sale order, but no items.
"q": "SELECT * from transactionline tl join transaction t on tl.transaction = where in ('12345')"
The best reference I have found is the Analytics Browser,, but it does not show relationships like an ERD diagram.
What tables do I need to join to say, given this item id 1122, return me all sales orders (transactions) that have this item?
You are looking for TransactionLine.item. That will allow you to query transaction lines whose item is whatever internal id you specify.
"q": "SELECT Transaction.ID FROM Transaction INNER JOIN TransactionLine ON TransactionLine.Transaction = Transaction.ID WHERE type = 'SalesOrd' AND TransactionLine.item = 1122"
If you are serious about getting all available tables to query take a look at the metadata catalog. It's not technically meant to be used for learning SuiteQL (supposed to make the normal API Calls easier to navigate), but I've found the catalog endpoints are the same as the SuiteQL tables for the most part.
Accept application/schema+json
You can review all the available records, fields and joins in the Record Catalog page (Customization > Record Catalog).

Identify Rows with Same ID but different Values in Power BI

I have a table with user License Details. And there are cases where I have multiple rows for a same user but with different License type. I want to Identify the users who have Admin License via DAX Calculated Column.
Eg: My table will be like this where User A has multiple rows with 1 Admin License
And I am expecting a result like this where User A is marked as True for all his Row enteries
So in short I want to Flag the user as True on all his rows if he has at least one Admin License.
I hope my explanation was clear.
Have a good day !!!
Best Regards,
To display all Trues when the user has at least one admin right, first you need to create a index column using the following formula:
index = IF(Sheet1[License]="Admin",1,0)
Next, based on the result of the index column then you will be able to display the correct output with following formula:
status =
var index1 = CALCULATE(SUM(Sheet1[index]),
IF(index1 > 0,"True","False")
Table result:

Oracle Apex IG force user to have filter on column

I need to force user to have filter on column with date. Dataset is rly big and it must-have. I know how to force user to have any filter. Just add to "Where":
:apex$f1 is not null
But I need to find how to force user to have filter on specific column
Like i wrote in comment this is solution (I couldn't find better one)
In 'Where Clause' I added this
AND F.report_id = R.report_id AND C.column_id = F.column_id
This checks setting of IG in apex objects. In addition you just need to wrote in Messages "When No Data Found" something about that column that is required, just to inform users.

APEX dynamic tabular form field types

We are populating a subregion of a page with an Iframe (call to another page) with data for a questionnaire.
We have PAGE ITEM variables (:P37_... populated by query) that contain table values for P37_QUESTION_DESCRIPTION and P37_RESPONSE_TYPE.
The sub page used in the region (:P28_...) assigns report attributes for each column... where We populated the question text in the P28_QUESTION_DESC and a Y/N Select List defined list of values in the P28_RESPONSE_DESC_DISPLAY column. This works fine.
Now, the P37_RESPONSE_TYPE can more than just this Y/N Select List. It could be TEXTAREA, PICKLIST, DATE...
How can we define the :P28_RESPONSE_DESC_DISPLAY column dynamically to be any number of user input field types (based on the value in :P37_REPSONSE_TYPE?)
This was solved by using a non-tabular form report generated by query using apex.item functions. But is has left me with another problem. Here's the query:
apex_item.hidden(31,CASE_QUEST_DTL_ID) CASE_QUEST_DTL_ID,
apex_item.hidden(32,CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID) CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID,
apex_item.display_and_save(33,to_number(question_seq_no)) QUESTION_SEQ_NO,
apex_item.display_and_save(34,question_desc) QUESTION_DESC,
case when response_type = 'PICKLIST-YESNO' then apex_item.select_list_from_lov(35,response_desc,'YES_NO_SELECTLIST',NULL,'NO')
when response_type = 'TEXTFIELD' then apex_item.text(35,response_desc)
when response_type = 'TEXTAREA' then apex_item.textarea(35,response_desc,5,40)
when response_type = 'DATEPICKER' then APEX_ITEM.DATE_POPUP2(35,to_date(response_desc,'dd-mon-yyyy'),'dd-mon-yyyy')
where question_set_code like 'COB_Q%'
and case_mgmt_base_id = :P37_CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID
My problem is now grouping the questions by question_set_code. Because GROUP BY is evaluated after the select, it cannot simply be tacked on to the end of the query. I'm not sure that using a nested select will work here because of the apex.item calls. Anyone have a suggestion on how I can group these questions by the column?