Refresh browser after modal dialog - oracle-apex

My application calls a modal window from the navigation bar. The modal window has a pop-up LOV where the user selects an organization they wish to view data for. As soon as the change event occurs, the page is submitted, recording the new organization id and organization name into session state. The modal dialog is then closed.
The navigation bar displays the name of the organization that is stored in session state, making it simple for the user to tell which organization they are working with.
Since the modal to change organizations can be accessed from any page in the application, I need to be able to refresh the web browser to pick up the new organization name displayed in the nav bar once the modal has closed.
I've seen several posts online as to how to refresh a region or report once a modal closes, but I've not uncovered how to refresh the browser window, or perhaps alternatively, how to redirect back to the page where the user was when they accessed the modal via the nav bar.
How can this be achieved?
(Nav Bar displaying current context, and link to modal window)

#TineO - I was orginally thinking the same as you suggested, but the implementation wasn't coming together for me.
After further internet mining, I found this blog post which led me to a working solution, below. The bind variable :REFERRING_PAGE is a hidden field, which is populated by the link in the nav bar, using the configuration in the second image below.

You can create dynamic action or process which can work on 'click' action. You may just run 'submit page' or pl/sql or from a huge list of activities as per your need.
Hope this helps.


How can I refresh and show/hide buttons in Buttons Container in Modal Dialog in Oracle APEX based on an Item Value?

In Oracle APEX 22.1 (Oracle Database EE 21c) I have a Modal Dialog Box which has a button container with several buttons. These buttons are being shown or not, based on a item in dialog box variable that is 0 or 1.
When I press the button "UnDelete", a Dynamic Action of PL/SQL execution type is fired, change the value of a field in the database and then two another Refresh True Actions follow. The PL/SQL execution type changes the value of the field in the database of a table successfully and the first dynamic Action refreshes a Classic Report Region on the Modal Dialog Box showing the new correct value of the field.
The second Refresh True Action tries to Refresh the Button Container Region of the Modal Dialog Box in order to hide the button "UnDelete" and show the rest buttons, which all are Server Condition based on this variable value. The Refresh does not take place(maybe the Button Container Region does not support the Refresh Event or does not propagate it to its Buttons)?
How can I achieve this effect?
Thanks In Advance!
I tried the Refresh Action for the Button Container Region of the Modal Dialog Box,but the buttons are not shown/hide accordingly.
"Refresh" is not relevant for a button container. The "refresh" action in apex does an ajax call to refresh the content of a report - it just re-renders a part of the DOM containing data. Currently only the data rendered by a component can be refreshed using partial page refresh. A button can never "refreshed", it is rendered in the page rendering process and from then on it lives in the DOM for the lifespan of the page.
A server side condition is evaluated at page rendering time. If a server side condition yields false at page rendering time, the component is not included in the dom. So, they cannot be shown using a dynamic action afterwards (because they're not in the dom) and they cannot be re-evaluated using a dynamic action (because the dynamic action can only manipulate the dom and that condition was evaluated before the dom was rendered).
The solution to you problem is to use show/hide actions in a dynamic action for each of the individual buttons for the reasons explained above.

Retool: Action button to open modal with container

I have a table in retool. I've added an "action" column with buttons and renamed them "edit". What I would like to do on click of the action button is to open a modal with the data in the row populated. A user should be able to see the values of the row, edit them and when he clicks "submit" it will send an update API call for that row's unique id.
We’re working on some new docs for modal components, but until then here’s what you can do:
Drag a modal component onto your canvas. It’s going to appear as a button that opens a model, but don’t worry about that just yet
Create a Javascript query in the query editor that opens the modal. If we’re working with the default names, your query would be
Configure the action button in your table to run that JS query on click
That’s a quick way to open a modal through an action button. In terms of what’s in that modal, you can drag any components you want and reference table properties. So if you wanted to display a user’s email, you could drag a text component into the model and set its value to
The last thing to deal with is the button, which you probably don’t want since you’re opening the modal via action buttons. You can hide it by clicking on it, heading to the inspector in the right sidebar, and scrolling down to the “display” settings. Just put true into the “Hide when true” field and the button won’t show.
hello stack overflow family this is my first post.
we are facing same issue today so i used one trick for opening a modal in action, i run one query that query name is model_open and in success event i select modal open and this query is triggered in Action edit option ,
i hope my first post help you ... :)

Refresh function in Oracle - APEX 5.1

I'm using Oracle APEX to create a food ordering application. The application allows the user to add an item to their order through a popup window in which the user can select the quantity of the ordered item.
My problem is that after the user adds the item to the order from the popup window the popup window is only closed and the main page is not refreshed. I have a PL/SQL region on the main page that prints the items chosen along with their prices and quantity so that region needs to be automatically refreshed after the popup is closed. How can I implement that?
When saying a "popup window", is that a modal page? If so, how about a dynamic action on "Dialog closed"; a TRUE action would then be "Refresh".
Create a dynamic action on the parent page on dialogue close of the modal page which refreshes the region.

django POST [Legitimacy]

Lets say I have a web application that displays 2 random buttons on each session, and I want the user to click on 1 button or the other. If a button is clicked, I want to increment the score for that button. However, the user has no control on what 2 buttons are presented each time and there are thousands of possible buttons.
If I create a view to increment the button, how would I be sure that the user wont just manually go to that view through the browser.
My thoughts are that you need to create a form and have users POST to a certain address, but how do you know that the user didn't just send a post request through AJAX to increment the button and that the user actually received that button from the randomized session with 2 buttons.
How would I handle this in Django is there documentation detailing how Django specifically supports this?
EDIT: Or do you have to create a unique session ID for each button selecting session and check each button click against the unique session ID.
Create a session variable to track the button they see, like:
def button_display_view(request):
# ...lots of cool logic
session['buttons_shown'] = [button_1_primary_key, button_2_primary_key]
return response
Then, in your button click view, ensure that the button clicked was in the list of buttons that they were shown. The user will have zero knowledge of your session variable, nor be able to edit it, much like he/she can't when you use session variables to track authentication, etc.
If you're building a multivariate testing system (or even an AB testing system), it might be worth checking out this MVT app for ideas.

Customizing Icons at the top of the Page

I'm maintaining a Facebook iFrame application, and my client is worried about the transition to Timeline. Basically, they want their home page to have a big icon next to 'Photos' that takes the user to the page hosting the iFrame. The tricky thing is that users can "pledge" within the app, and they want the link icon to look different depending on whether or not the user has pledged within the app. Is there any way to do this?
Assuming the answer is no, is there a way to add a second icon for the iFrame app so that I can customize one to look different? Or would I need to set up another page hosting the same iFrame?
Go to Fan Page Timeline, click the arrow on the half box to the right of photos, likes etc (assuming you haven't changed the order of the apps), hover over the icon you want to change and click on the pencil icon that shows up in the top right corner. Then click "edit settings". Here you can change the tab image or give the tab a custom name.
alternatively you can enter the edit page settings, go to the apps section, edit the app, and you can change the icon from there.
in either case, you will need to be a page admin to complete the task.
Update on 4/12
Facebook just added the functionality for developers to set a default image. Here is the post in the Developer Blog.