Which CRC algorithm is this (used by BBC micro tape filing system)? - crc

Is there a well-known name for this CRC implementation? This code is in C, but this is the same CRC computation that's used for the tape filing system of the BBC micro, I think. But the BBC micro documentation doesn't specify the name of the CRC. I also wasn't able to find any obvious match in http://reveng.sourceforge.net/crc-catalogue/16.htm or in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check
inline unsigned long crc_cycle(unsigned long crc)
if (crc & 32768)
return (((crc ^ 0x0810) & 32767) << 1) + 1;
return crc << 1;
unsigned long crc_update(unsigned long crc, const byte *start, const byte *end)
for (const byte* p = start; p < end; ++p)
crc ^= *p++ << 8;
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
crc = crc_cycle(crc);
assert((crc & ~0xFFFF) == 0);
return crc;
unsigned long crc(const byte *start, const byte* end)
return crc_update(0, start, end);
This checksum is also described on page 348 of the BBC Microcmputer Advanced User Guide but there also, it is not given a name. The code on that page is 6502 assembly:
LDA #0
STA H \ Initialise the CRC to zero
TAY \ Initialise the data pointer
.nbyt LDA H \ Work data into CRC
EOR data,Y
LDX #8 \ Perform polynomial recycling
.loop LDA H \ Loop is performed 8 times, once for bit
ROL A Test if a bit is being cycled out
BCC b7z
LDA H \ Yes, add it back in *~8~5
EOR #8
EOR #&l0
.b7z ROL L \ Always, rotate whole CRC left one bit
BNE loop \Do once for each bit
INY \Point to next data byte
CPY #lblk \All done yet?
BNE nbyt
RTS \All done- H=CRC Hi, L=CRC

The polynomial is 0x10000 + (0x810<<1) + 1 = 0x11021, known as CRC16-CCITT.
However, based on what I recall from the 1980's and from the Wiki article, CRC16-CCITT is a name given to any CRC using polynomial 0x11021. In addition to the polynomial, the CRC may be left shifting (not reflected), right shifting (reflected), have an initial value, and the result may be complemented. The online calculators have corresponding check boxes: input reflected, output reflected, initial value, final xor value. (It is rare for the reflection of input and output not be the same).
The code implements a left shifting CRC, with initial value 0 and no final exclusive-or, assuming that there isn't another function like crc_update that doesn't take an input parameter and initializes the CRC to some specific value.
Mark Adler pointed out bugs in the code, like incrementing p twice in the loop. I also don't see the point of assert(crc & ~0xffff == 0) (isn't ~0xffff == 0x...0000?).

The C source code in the question is in error. The pointer to the data is inadvertently incremented twice, computing the CRC only on every other byte! This:
crc ^= *p++ << 8;
should be this:
crc ^= *p << 8;
The assembler code had a character rendered incorrectly in the manual, where EOR #&l0 should have been EOR #&10.
Once corrected, both codes compute CRC-16/XMODEM.
(The other answer here refers to "CRC16-CCITT" as a family of CRCs with that polynomial, but the CRC-16/CCITT in the reveng catalog does not produce the same output as the code in the question. While they use the same polynomial, CRC-16/CCITT is reflected, whereas the CRC in the code is not.)


Fastest Way to XOR all bits from value based on bitmask?

I've got an interesting problem that has me looking for a more efficient way of doing things.
Let's say we have a value (in binary)
(VALUE) 10110001
(MASK) 00110010
(AND) 00110000
Now, I need to be able to XOR any bits from the (AND) value that are set in the (MASK) value (always lowest to highest bit):
(RESULT) AND1(0) xor AND4(1) xor AND5(1) = 0
Now, on paper, this is certainly quick since I can see which bits are set in the mask. It seems to me that programmatically I would need to keep right shifting the MASK until I found a set bit, XOR it with a separate value, and loop until the entire byte is complete.
Can anyone think of a faster way? I'm looking for the way to do this with the least number of operations and stored values.
If I understood this question correctly, what you want is to get every bit from VALUE that is set in the MASK, and compute the XOR of those bits.
First of all, note that XOR'ing a value with 0 will not change the result. So, to ignore some bits, we can treat them as zeros.
So, XORing the bits set in VALUE that are in MASK is equivalent to XORing the bits in VALUE&MASK.
Now note that the result is 0 if the number of set bits is even, 1 if it is odd.
That means we want to count the number of set bits. Some architectures/compilers have ways to quickly compute this value. For instance, on GCC this can be obtained with __builtin_popcount.
So on GCC, this can be computed with:
int set_bits = __builtin_popcount(value & mask);
return set_bits % 2;
If you want the code to be portable, then this won't do. However, a comment in this answer suggests that some compilers can inline std::bitset::count to efficiently obtain the same result.
If I'm understanding you right, you have
result = value & mask
and you want to XOR the 1 bits of mask & result together. The XOR of a series of bits is the same as counting the number of bits and checking if that count is even or odd. If it's odd, the XOR would be 1; if even, XOR would give 0.
count_bits(mask & result) % 2 != 0
mask & result can be simplified to simply result. You don't need to AND it with mask again. The % 2 != 0 can be alternately written as & 1.
count_bits(result) & 1
As far as how to count bits, the Bit Twiddling Hacks web page gives a number of bit counting algorithms.
Counting bits set, Brian Kernighan's way
unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v
unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v
for (c = 0; v; c++)
v &= v - 1; // clear the least significant bit set
Brian Kernighan's method goes through as many iterations as there are
set bits. So if we have a 32-bit word with only the high bit set, then
it will only go once through the loop.
If you were to use that implementation, you could optimize it a bit further. If you think about it, you don't need the full count of bits. You only need to track their parity. Instead of counting bits you could just flip c each iteration.
unsigned bit_parity(unsigned v) {
unsigned c;
for (c = 0; v; c ^= 1) {
v &= v - 1;
(Thanks to Slava for the suggestion.)
Using that the XOR with 0 doesn't change anything, it's OK to apply the mask and then unconditionally XOR all bits together, which can be done in a parallel-prefix way. So something like this (not tested):
x = m & v;
x ^= x >> 16;
x ^= x >> 8;
x ^= x >> 4;
x ^= x >> 2;
x ^= x >> 1;
result = x & 1
You can use more (or fewer) steps as needed, this is for 32 bits.
One significant issue to be aware of if using v &= v - 1 in the main body of your code is it will change the value of v to 0 in conducting the count. With other methods, the value is changed to the number of 1's. While count logic is generally wrapped as a function, where that is no longer a concern, if you are required to present your counting logic in the main body of your code, you must preserve a copy of v if that value is needed again.
In addition to the other two methods presented, the following is another favorite from bit-twiddling hacks that generally has a bit better performance than the loop method for larger numbers:
/* get the population 1's in the binary representation of a number */
unsigned getn1s (unsigned int v)
v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);
v = (v + (v >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
v = v + (v << 8);
v = v + (v << 16);
return v >> 24;

How would you transpose a binary matrix?

I have binary matrices in C++ that I repesent with a vector of 8-bit values.
For example, the following matrix:
1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
is represented as:
const uint8_t matrix[] = {
The reason why I'm doing it this way is because then computing the product of such a matrix and a 8-bit vector becomes really simple and efficient (just one bitwise AND and a parity computation, per row), which is much better than calculating each bit individually.
I'm now looking for an efficient way to transpose such a matrix, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it without having to manually calculate each bit.
Just to clarify, for the above example, I'd like to get the following result from the transposition:
const uint8_t transposed[] = {
NOTE: I would prefer an algorithm that can calculate this with arbitrary-sized matrices but am also interested in algorithms that can only handle certain sizes.
I've spent more time looking for a solution, and I've found some good ones.
The SSE2 way
On a modern x86 CPU, transposing a binary matrix can be done very efficiently with SSE2 instructions. Using such instructions it is possible to process a 16×8 matrix.
This solution is inspired by this blog post by mischasan and is vastly superior to every suggestion I've got so far to this question.
The idea is simple:
#include <emmintrin.h>
Pack 16 uint8_t variables into an __m128i
Use _mm_movemask_epi8 to get the MSBs of each byte, producing an uint16_t
Use _mm_slli_epi64 to shift the 128-bit register by one
Repeat until you've got all 8 uint16_ts
A generic 32-bit solution
Unfortunately, I also need to make this work on ARM. After implementing the SSE2 version, it would be easy to just just find the NEON equivalents, but the Cortex-M CPU, (contrary to the Cortex-A) does not have SIMD capabilities, so NEON isn't too useful for me at the moment.
NOTE: Because the Cortex-M doesn't have native 64-bit arithmetics, I could not use the ideas in any answers that suggest to do it by treating a 8x8 block as an uint64_t. Most microcontrollers that have a Cortex-M CPU also don't have too much memory so I prefer to do all this without a lookup table.
After some thinking, the same algorithm can be implemented using plain 32-bit arithmetics and some clever coding. This way, I can work with 4×8 blocks at a time. It was suggested by a collegaue and the magic lies in the way 32-bit multiplication works: you can find a 32-bit number with which you can multiply and then the MSB of each byte gets next to each other in the upper 32 bits of the result.
Pack 4 uint8_ts in a 32-bit variable
Mask the 1st bit of each byte (using 0x80808080)
Multiply it with 0x02040810
Take the 4 LSBs of the upper 32 bits of the multiplication
Generally, you can mask the Nth bit in each byte (shift the mask right by N bits) and multiply with the magic number, shifted left by N bits. The advantage here is that if your compiler is smart enough to unroll the loop, both the mask and the 'magic number' become compile-time constants so shifting them does not incur any performance penalty whatsoever. There's some trouble with the last series of 4 bits, because then one LSB is lost, so in that case I needed to shift the input left by 8 bits and use the same method as the first series of 4-bits.
If you do this with two 4×8 blocks, then you can get an 8x8 block done and arrange the resulting bits so that everything goes into the right place.
My suggestion is that, you don't do the transposition, rather you add one bit information to your matrix data, indicating whether the matrix is transposed or not.
Now, if you want to multiply a transposd matrix with a vector, it will be the same as multiplying the matrix on the left by the vector (and then transpose). This is easy: just some xor operations of your 8-bit numbers.
This however makes some other operations complicated (e.g. adding two matrices). But in the comment you say that multiplication is exactly what you want to optimize.
Here is the text of Jay Foad's email to me regarding fast Boolean matrix
The heart of the Boolean transpose algorithm is a function I'll call transpose8x8 which transposes an 8x8 Boolean matrix packed in a 64-bit word (in row major order from MSB to LSB). To transpose any rectangular matrix whose width and height are multiples of 8, break it down into 8x8 blocks, transpose each one individually and store them at the appropriate place in the output. To load an 8x8 block you have to load 8 individual bytes and shift and OR them into a 64-bit word. Same kinda thing for storing.
A plain C implementation of transpose8x8 relies on the fact that all the bits on any diagonal line parallel to the leading diagonal move the same distance up/down and left/right. For example, all the bits just above the leading diagonal have to move one place left and one place down, i.e. 7 bits to the right in the packed 64-bit word. This leads to an algorithm like this:
transpose8x8(word) {
(word & 0x0100000000000000) >> 49 // top right corner
| (word & 0x0201000000000000) >> 42
| ...
| (word & 0x4020100804020100) >> 7 // just above diagonal
| (word & 0x8040201008040201) // leading diagonal
| (word & 0x0080402010080402) << 7 // just below diagonal
| ...
| (word & 0x0000000000008040) << 42
| (word & 0x0000000000000080) << 49; // bottom left corner
This runs about 10x faster than the previous implementation, which copied each bit individually from the source byte in memory and merged it into the destination byte in memory.
Alternatively, if you have PDEP and PEXT instructions you can implement a perfect shuffle, and use that to do the transpose as mentioned in Hacker's Delight. This is significantly faster (but I don't have timings handy):
shuffle(word) {
return pdep(word >> 32, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) | pdep(word, 0x5555555555555555);
} // outer perfect shuffle
transpose8x8(word) { return shuffle(shuffle(shuffle(word))); }
POWER's vgbbd instruction effectively implements the whole of transpose8x8 in a single instruction (and since it's a 128-bit vector instruction it does it twice, independently, on the low 64 bits and the high 64 bits). This gave about 15% speed-up over the plain C implementation. (Only 15% because, although the bit twiddling is much faster, the overall run time is now dominated by the time it takes to load 8 bytes and assemble them into the argument to transpose8x8, and to take the result and store it as 8 separate bytes.)
My suggestion would be to use a lookup table to speed up the processing.
Another thing to note is with the current definition of your matrix the maximum size will be 8x8 bits. This fits into a uint64_t so we can use this to our advantage especially when using a 64-bit platform.
I have worked out a simple example using a lookup table which you can find below and run using: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_cpp11_online.php online compiler.
Example code
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::bitset;
/* Static lookup table */
static uint64_t lut[256];
/* Helper function to print array */
template<int N>
void print_arr(const uint8_t (&arr)[N]){
for(int i=0; i < N; ++i){
cout << bitset<8>(arr[i]) << endl;
/* Transpose function */
template<int N>
void transpose_bitmatrix(const uint8_t (&matrix)[N], uint8_t (&transposed)[8]){
assert(N <= 8);
uint64_t value = 0;
for(int i=0; i < N; ++i){
value = (value << 1) + lut[matrix[i]];
/* Ensure safe copy to prevent misalignment issues */
/* Can be removed if input array can be treated as uint64_t directly */
for(int i=0; i < 8; ++i){
transposed[i] = (value >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF;
/* Calculate lookup table */
void calculate_lut(void){
/* For all byte values */
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i){
auto b = std::bitset<8>(i);
auto v = std::bitset<64>(0);
/* For all bits in current byte */
for(int bit=0; bit < 8; ++bit){
v.set((7 - bit) * 8);
lut[i] = v.to_ullong();
int main()
const uint8_t matrix[] = {
uint8_t transposed[8];
transpose_bitmatrix(matrix, transposed);
return 0;
How it works
your 3x8 matrix will be transposed to a 8x3 matrix, represented in an 8x8 array.
The issue is that you want to convert bits, your "horizontal" representation to a vertical one, divided over several bytes.
As I mentioned above, we can take advantage of the fact that the output (8x8) will always fit into a uint64_t. We will use this to our advantage because now we can use an uint64_t to write the 8 byte array, but we can also use it for to add, xor, etc. because we can perform basic arithmetic operations on a 64 bit integer.
Each entry in your 3x8 matrix (input) is 8 bits wide, to optimize processing we first generate 256 entry lookup table (for each byte value). The entry itself is a uint64_t and will contain a rotated version of the bits.
byte = 0b01001111 = 0x4F
lut[0x4F] = 0x0001000001010101 = (uint8_t[]){ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }
Now for the calculation:
For the calculations we use the uint64_t but keep in mind that under water it will represent a uint8_t[8] array. We simple shift the current value (start with 0), look up our first byte and add it to the current value.
The 'magic' here is that each byte of the uint64_t in the lookup table will either be 1 or 0 so it will only set the least significant bit (of each byte). Shifting the uint64_t will shift each byte, as long as we make sure we do not do this more than 8 times! we can do operations on each byte individually.
As someone noted in the comments: Translate(Translate(M)) != M so if you need this you need some additional work.
Perfomance can be improved by directly mapping uint64_t's instead of uint8_t[8] arrays since it omits a "safe-copy" to prevent alignment issues.
I have added a new awnser instead of editing my original one to make this more visible (no comment rights unfortunatly).
In your own awnser you add an additional requirement not present in the first one: It has to work on ARM Cortex-M
I did come up with an alternative solution for ARM in my original awnser but omitted it as it was not part of the question and seemed off topic (mostly because of the C++ tag).
ARM Specific solution Cortex-M:
Some or most Cortex-M 3/4 have a bit banding region which can be used for exactly what you need, it expands bits into 32-bit fields, this region can be used to perform atomic bit operations.
If you put your array in a bitbanded region it will have an 'exploded' mirror in the bitband region where you can just use move operations on the bits itself. If you make a loop the compiler will surely be able to unroll and optimize to just move operations.
If you really want to, you can even setup a DMA controller to process an entire batch of transpose operations with a bit of effort and offload it entirely from the cpu :)
Perhaps this might still help you.
This is a bit late, but I just stumbled across this interchange today.
If you look at Hacker's Delight, 2nd Edition,there are several algorithms for efficiently transposing Boolean arrays, starting on page 141.
They are quite efficient: a colleague of mine obtained a factor about 10X
speedup compared to naive coding, on an X86.
Here's what I posted on gitub (mischasan/sse2/ssebmx.src)
Changing INP() and OUT() to use induction vars saves an IMUL each.
AVX256 does it twice as fast.
AVX512 is not an option, because there is no _mm512_movemask_epi8().
#include <stdint.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>
#define INP(x,y) inp[(x)*ncols/8 + (y)/8]
#define OUT(x,y) out[(y)*nrows/8 + (x)/8]
void ssebmx(char const *inp, char *out, int nrows, int ncols)
int rr, cc, i, h;
union { __m128i x; uint8_t b[16]; } tmp;
// Do the main body in [16 x 8] blocks:
for (rr = 0; rr <= nrows - 16; rr += 16)
for (cc = 0; cc < ncols; cc += 8) {
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
tmp.b[i] = INP(rr + i, cc);
for (i = 8; i--; tmp.x = _mm_slli_epi64(tmp.x, 1))
*(uint16_t*)&OUT(rr, cc + i) = _mm_movemask_epi8(tmp.x);
if (rr == nrows) return;
// The remainder is a row of [8 x 16]* [8 x 8]?
// Do the [8 x 16] blocks:
for (cc = 0; cc <= ncols - 16; cc += 16) {
for (i = 8; i--;)
tmp.b[i] = h = *(uint16_t const*)&INP(rr + i, cc),
tmp.b[i + 8] = h >> 8;
for (i = 8; i--; tmp.x = _mm_slli_epi64(tmp.x, 1))
OUT(rr, cc + i) = h = _mm_movemask_epi8(tmp.x),
OUT(rr, cc + i + 8) = h >> 8;
if (cc == ncols) return;
// Do the remaining [8 x 8] block:
for (i = 8; i--;)
tmp.b[i] = INP(rr + i, cc);
for (i = 8; i--; tmp.x = _mm_slli_epi64(tmp.x, 1))
OUT(rr, cc + i) = _mm_movemask_epi8(tmp.x);
Inspired by Roberts answer, polynomial multiplication in Arm Neon can be utilised to scatter the bits --
inline poly8x16_t mull_lo(poly8x16_t a) {
auto b = vget_low_p8(a);
return vreinterpretq_p8_p16(vmull_p8(b,b));
inline poly8x16_t mull_hi(poly8x16_t a) {
auto b = vget_high_p8(a);
return vreinterpretq_p8_p16(vmull_p8(b,b));
auto a = mull_lo(word);
auto b = mull_lo(a), c = mull_hi(a);
auto d = mull_lo(b), e = mull_hi(b);
auto f = mull_lo(c), g = mull_hi(c);
Then the vsli can be used to combine the bits pairwise.
auto ab = vsli_p8(vget_high_p8(d), vget_low_p8(d), 1);
auto cd = vsli_p8(vget_high_p8(e), vget_low_p8(e), 1);
auto ef = vsli_p8(vget_high_p8(f), vget_low_p8(f), 1);
auto gh = vsli_p8(vget_high_p8(g), vget_low_p8(g), 1);
auto abcd = vsli_p8(ab, cd, 2);
auto efgh = vsli_p8(ef, gh, 2);
return vsli_p8(abcd, efgh, 4);
Clang optimizes this code to avoid vmull2 instructions, using heavily ext q0,q0,8 to vget_high_p8.
An iterative approach would possibly be not only faster, but also uses less registers and also simdifies for 2x or more throughput.
// transpose bits in 2x2 blocks, first 4 rows
// x = a b|c d|e f|g h a i|c k|e m|g o | byte 0
// i j|k l|m n|o p b j|d l|f n|h p | byte 1
// q r|s t|u v|w x q A|s C|u E|w G | byte 2
// A B|C D|E F|G H r B|t D|v F|h H | byte 3 ...
// ----------------------
auto a = (x & 0x00aa00aa00aa00aaull);
auto b = (x & 0x5500550055005500ull);
auto c = (x & 0xaa55aa55aa55aa55ull) | (a << 7) | (b >> 7);
// transpose 2x2 blocks (first 4 rows shown)
// aa bb cc dd aa ii cc kk
// ee ff gg hh -> ee mm gg oo
// ii jj kk ll bb jj dd ll
// mm nn oo pp ff nn hh pp
auto d = (c & 0x0000cccc0000ccccull);
auto e = (c & 0x3333000033330000ull);
auto f = (c & 0xcccc3333cccc3333ull) | (d << 14) | (e >> 14);
// Final transpose of 4x4 bit blocks
auto g = (f & 0x00000000f0f0f0f0ull);
auto h = (f & 0x0f0f0f0f00000000ull);
x = (f & 0xf0f0f0f00f0f0f0full) | (g << 28) | (h >> 28);
In ARM each step can now be composed with 3 instructions:
auto tmp = vrev16_u8(x);
tmp = vshl_u8(tmp, plus_minus_1); // 0xff01ff01ff01ff01ull
x = vbsl_u8(mask_1, x, tmp); // 0xaa55aa55aa55aa55ull
tmp = vrev32_u16(x);
tmp = vshl_u16(tmp, plus_minus_2); // 0xfefe0202fefe0202ull
x = vbsl_u8(mask_2, x, tmp); // 0xcccc3333cccc3333ull
tmp = vrev64_u32(x);
tmp = vshl_u32(tmp, plus_minus_4); // 0xfcfcfcfc04040404ull
x = vbsl_u8(mask_4, x, tmp); // 0xf0f0f0f00f0f0f0full

Attempting to understand different CRC implementations

Taken from IEEE 802.3,
Mathematically, the CRC value corresponding to a given MAC frame is defined by the following procedure:
a) The first 32 bits of the frame are complemented.
b) The n bits of the protected fields are then considered to be the
coefficients of a polynomial M(x) of degree n – 1. (The first bit
of the Destination Address field corresponds to the x(n–1) term and the last
bit of the MAC Client Data field (or Pad field if present) corresponds to the
x0 term.)
c) M(x) is multiplied by x32 and divided by G(x), producing a remainder R(x) of degree ≤ 31.
d) The coefficients of R(x) are considered to be a 32-bit sequence.
e) The bit sequence is complemented and the result is the CRC.
A big-endian CRC written this way would be coded like:
for (i = 0; i < input_bits; i++) {
multiple = remainder & 0x80000000 ? CRCPOLY : 0;
remainder = (remainder << 1 | next_input_bit()) ^ multiple;
Where is part c) M(x) is multiplied by x^32? I don't see 32 zeros appended to any number.
Also the following piece of code make no sense to me. The code and math don't really match up.
Evaluating the differences in CRC-32 implementations
unsigned short
crc16_update(unsigned short crc, unsigned char nextByte)
crc ^= nextByte;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (crc & 1)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0xA001;
crc = (crc >> 1);
return crc;
What are these implementations doing? None of them really resemble the original procedure.
Even after reading the very end of this it still makes no sense:
This tutorial (also here, here, and here for those who will complain about link rot), in particular "10. A Slightly Mangled Table-Driven Implementation", explains well the optimization to avoid feeding an extra 32 zero bits at the end.
The bottom line is that you feed the bits into the end of the register instead of the start, which has the same effect as feeding a register-length's worth of zeros at the end.
The tutorial also shows nicely how the implementation you quoted implements the long division over GF(2).

checksum code in C++

can someone please explain what this code is doing? i have to interpret this code and use it as a checksum code, but i am not sure if it is absolutely correct. Especially how the overflows are working and what *cp, const char* cp and sum & 0xFFFF mean? The basic idea was to take an input as string from user, convert it to binary form 16 bits at a time. Then sum all the multiple 16 bits together (in binary) and get a 16 bit sum. If there is any overflow bit in the addition, add that to lsb of final sum. Then take a ones complement of the result.
How close is this code to doing the above?
unsigned int packet::calculateChecksum()
unsigned int c = 0;
int i;
string j;
int k;
cout<< "enter a message" << message;
getline(cin, message) ; // Some string.
//std::string message =
std::vector<uint16_t> bitvec;
const char* cp = message.c_str()+1;
while (*cp) {
uint16_t bits = *(cp-1)>>8 + *(cp);
cp += 2;
uint32_t sum=0;
uint16_t overflow=0;
uint32_t finalsum =0;
// Compute the sum. Let overflows accumulate in upper 16 bits.
for(auto j = bitvec.begin(); j != bitvec.end(); ++j)
sum += *j;
// Now fold the overflows into the lower 16 bits. Loop until no overflows.
do {
sum = (sum & 0xFFFF) + (sum >> 16);
} while (sum > 0xFFFF);
// Return the 1s complement sum in finalsum
finalsum = 0xFFFF & sum;
//cout<< "the finalsum is" << c;
c = finalsum;
return c;
I see several issues in the code:
cp is a pointer to zero ended char array holding the input message. The while(*cp) will have problem as inside the while loop body cp is incremented by 2!!! So it's fairly easy to skip the ending \0 of the char array (e.g. the input message has 2 characters) and result in a segmentation fault.
*(cp) and *(cp-1) fetch the two neighbouring characters (bytes) in the input message. But why the two-bytes word is formed by *(cp-1)>>8 + *(cp)? I think it would make sense to formed the 16bits word by *(cp-1)<<8 + *(cp) i.e. the preceding character sits on the higher byte and the following character sits on the lower byte of the 16bits word.
To answer your question sum & 0xFFFF just means calculating a number where the higher 16 bits are zero and the lower 16 bits are the same as in sum. the 0xFFFF is a bit mask.
The funny thing is, even the above code might not doing the exact thing you mentioned as requirement, as long as the sending and receiving party are using the same piece of incorrect code, your checksum creation and verification will pass, as both ends are consistent with each other:)

Strange CRC calculation

I'm going to connect to a device (MODBUS protocol), and I have to calculate CRC (CRC16). There are standard implementations of this protocol, but I have to create my CRC using this formula:
X15 + X2 + 1 (there is a standard implementation with this formula: X16 + X15 + X2 + 1)
I've tested differnt values for CRC, but none of them is giving me the correct answer. I should write some bytes to a port, and at the end of this byte string I should write two CRC bytes in order to obtain my device information.
What is your question?
I'm assuming your question is "How do I calculate a MODBUS CRC at the end of a message so the MODBUS device at the other end of the cable recognizes it as a valid MODBUS message?"
I try to get test vectors in hand first,
before I implement yet another checksum or CRC function.
Do you have any examples of valid messages, including the proper/expected CRC at the end?
According to Wikipedia: cyclic redundancy check,
"Since the high-order bit is always 1, and since an n-bit CRC must be defined by an (n+1)-bit divisor which overflows an n-bit register, some writers assume that it is unnecessary to mention the divisor's high-order bit."
So writers that say that MODBUS uses a "X^15 + X^2 + 1" polynomial (with an understood x^16, since it's a 16-bit CRC) are referring to exactly the same polynomial as other writers that say MODBUS uses a "X^16+X^15+X^2+1" polynomial.
Both authors will write code that generates exactly the same CRC and are interoperable with each other.
Also, people calculating the standard MODBUS CRC in the "foward" direction often use the magic constant "0x8005".
Those calculating the standard MODBUS CRC in the "reverse" direction often use the magic constant "0xA001" instead (the bitwise-reverse of "0x8005").
Both people write code that generates exactly the same CRC bytes and are interoperable with each other.
There are many implementations online of MODBUS CRC calculation;
perhaps you might find one of them useful.
online live CRC calculator with many options
On-line CRC calculation
and many others, in no particular order:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q
Many implementations are byte-oriented, which run a little faster but require a big lookup table
(and it's far from obvious to me how to test whether the lookup table is valid).
Many implementations are bit-oriented, which produce a much shorter program size
and have fewer dusty corners where bugs can lurk (but take about 8 times as long to calculate the checksum), such as the following:
// warning: untested code
// optimized for size rather than speed
// (i.e., uses a bit-oriented calculation rather than table-driven calculation)
uint16_t modbusCRC(uint8_t* data, int length) {
uint16_t crc = 0xFFFF;
for(int pos = 0; pos<length; pos++){
crc ^= (uint16_t)data[pos];
for( int i=0; i<8; i++ ){
if(crc & 1){ // LSB is set
crc >>= 1; // Shift right
crc ^= 0xA001; // XOR 0xA001
}else{ // LSB is not set
crc >>= 1;
return crc;
int main(void){
uint8_t message[80] = { // 6-byte test vector
0x11, 0x03, 0x00, 0x6B, 0x00, 0x03
int message_length = 6;
uint16_t the_CRC = modbusCRC(message, message_length); // find CRC of the message
message[message_length++] = the_CRC & 0xFF; // send low byte first
message[message_length++] = the_CRC >> 8; // then send high byte
assert( 0x76 == message[6] ); // test against known-good CRC
assert( 0x87 == message[7] );
send_message(message, message_length); // send all 8 bytes of the message,
// including the two MODBUS CRC bytes.
// (Must send *all* 8 bytes of the message,
// even though there are multiple 0x00 bytes).
"Binary MODBUS" ("Modbus RTU Frame Format") sends all the data of the message as raw 8-bit bytes, including the 2 CRC bytes.
"ASCII MODBUS" ("Modbus ASCII Frame Format") sends the message as more-or-less plain ASCII text, including an 8 bit checksum.
(The checksum is transmitted as 2 bytes -- as 2 ASCII hexadecimal characters).