How to model django apps - django

i'm building a web app customer ticketing system using Django. i'm stuck and drawing blanks. accounts would create client, send email to sign up, and update tickets that clients create. clients would login and be able to create a ticket and view already created tickets. wondering if i should create my models all in app or so i create separate apps like accounts app, ticket app and client app. I've tried searching on google but unable to find a specific answer to my question. any help would be appreciated as i'm new to database modeling.

It's completely up to you - it's your web app after all. But my suggestion would be to keep everything separate. The rule of thumb is - every app should have only one main thing that it does. For every app, can you describe what it's main purpose is? If you are listing more than one, then it's an indication that it should perhaps be a new app.
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Adding custom data to Django's admin dashboard

I'm having a bit of trouble with Django again.
I have a simple e-commerce website project that I'm working on for my graduation. It sells books. I've got basic functionalities down, such as adding categories and products, client sign-ups and logins, a session-based shopping cart, a checkout page fully connected to a payment API, and an orders model to keep track of data.
My professor has asked me now to to add relevant reports in the Admin panel, talked to me a while about what would be relevant to see and all. So, I've got in mind what I'm hoping to make.
I want to have two containers in the main dashboard page, which would display some quick analytics (like, how many books the store has sold in the past seven days, how much money from sales the site has made in the past month), as well as links in the sidebar: I want each relevant app within my project to have their own reports section in the Admin panel, maybe led to from a link underneath their models. I've separated the storefront, accounts, orders, shopping cart, and checkout, for instance, in different apps
The problem is I can't really figure out how to actually... do that...
I've fiddled with the layout and templates on the admin; I've figured out how to add custom links to the admin page, and change its design elements, for instance. But I'm not sure how to link the data I want to the dashboard. It feels like the answer is right in front of me and I can't reach it...
I guess my question is, how can I add my reports to the Django admin page per app, and how can I add these containers that I want in the dashboard?
I've guessed that I have to start out by building a view for each report. So I am currently reading the Django docs on the Admin page again, as well as looking at questions similar to mine.
But any information y'all can share that could ease up this process and save me some time would be very much appreciated. Thanks so much!
PS: If it helps, I am overriding the admin templates by having all the .html pages copied on my project's templates folder - it's how I got it to display the store's header in the admin dashboard.

What's next: after successful token created for django all-auth; how to sync google calendars?

Ok, I hope I don't get too beat up here for this question as it is kind of complex. At least in my view, with what I know so far. So the details first:
I built a nice app with django that brings in event data for users, utilizes that data for many things (not relevant to this question) but one of the things is that it syncs these events to the users Google calendar. I made the google app within the developer console, and it uses the provided credentials.json file to allow users to authenticate the app, thus creating individual user token.json files per user, then I have another script (not within django, just a custom python file) that runs from a cron job to automatically sync/ update the calendar info from the database to the google calendars.
Now, the new problem is having this work without my help. IE: a new user logs in and creates a profile, then if they should choose to sync to their Google calendars I have to be there, running the authentication process from my personal server. So I did that, by moving the whole app to a hosted platform and brought it up to speed in production mode.
Users can create a profile, using django-allauth it works to make an initial user account where they can fill in the rest of the profile. It does populate the token string for their account, but here is where I'm stuck.
What process is there to make the token.json file OR use the existing token string (the one it saves now on the server version) to allow the system to sync the calendars? Once the token files are created, the rest of this works. I just can't get the right answers to how django-allauth will handshake with Google and do this?
Thanks for any help!
Update: ultimately wound up using a service account with google api, and directing my users to combine the service account email (adding it as a shared user to the specific calendar) and they copy/paste the shared calendar ID in their profile on my app. All the logic now just uses this share function to sync the calendars, and it works great.

Django and angular6 with multitenancy

I am a newbie to Multi-Tenant architecture, developing SaaS product using django-tenant-schema
my requirement was something like clients would register for product. For every registered client, I was creating new schema by following single database and isolated schemas approach. Whenever client requested from a browser I was able to identify them by using subdomain and giving privilege to acces their specfic schema. While I was starting coding lot of questions were popup in my head. I am really sorry for asking here but stackoverflow is only my last hope. Database was like below
Q1.What kind of admin actions we can perform on every client?
I have rest api for example here client maybe ClientA or ClientB
Q2. How can we implement api routing which gets client name dynamically when user requested at browser which let us to use corresponding schema to display current client's user_list.

Using Firebase to make a simple group chat app, alongside an already existing django-react app

I have a basic project which uses django as backend and reactJS as frontend. Basically, it just shows a home page when a user logs in, and that's it. The sign up of new users is handled through the django.admin panel.
Now, I want to create a group chat for my users who are currently logged in using firebase. Here's the problem since I can't really understand the workflow on how I should proceed. My basic idea is that,
frontend gets the username and password from backend,
frontend posts them to firebase
firebase sends a unique id token to the frontend,
now frontend is logged in with both django and firebase,
users who are logged in joins in the group chat
Is there any guidelines on how I should proceed with this? I have read the docs but I can't really understand what I should be doing to go through with this.
You want to look at the docs for firebase.database().ref().on(<event here>) where <event here> is one of the firebase database events such as on, child_added, value
basically what you'll be doing is rendering a database ref, say: firebase.database().ref('livechat').on('value', snap => {render the snapshot}) to every client (to view the chat). Then, a user posts to the 'livechat' ref. You can add as much additional info to the users posted data (like uid) so that you can later filter the 'livechat' node by uid (or the like). Make sense?
Where it gets a bit trickier is when you want to have 1 on 1 chats. You can accomplish this in much the same way - maybe use one of the users uid as the ref. Like: firebase.database().ref(`chat/${user.uid}`).push(message_here so that when you render the chat in the client you have individual conversations.

Facebook Connect: capturing user data with django-profiles and django-socialregistration

Either my google searching has completely left me or there's hardly any documentation/tutorials for django-socialregistration. Too bad, because it seems like a nice enough app. Through some trial-and-error, I have managed to get it mostly running on my site.
My question, using django-socialregistration how do I request permission for the facebook user's full name, current city and date of birth and store it in my UserProfile table (which is my AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE for django-profiles) in Django upon registration? Also, how do I post to the user's wall from Django once the connection is made?
Currently, when I click the "Connect with Facebook" button the facebook connection is made, a new Django user is created and the user is logged in with that Django account. However, no UserProfile is created and no facebook profile data is saved.
Any facebook connect gurus out there want to help the Django pony fly to Facebookland?
- Django 1.2.1
- Python 2.5.2
- django-socialregistration 0.4.2
- django-registration 0.7
- django-profiles 0.2
"Kind sir, can you please help me find the magical Facebookland?"
In facebook_js.html you need to adjust the following line, by uncommenting items that you need to get from FB:
Then, in FacebookMiddleware you can extract that data from fb_user, like this:
FWIW, I just found this moderately helpful nugget from the app author buried in the "Issues" section on github:
question from "tolano":
I have a profile model associated with the users, and everytime the user is created the profile should be created also. Should we create a new custom setup view for this purpose?
I'm finding several problems because the documentation is poor. Thank you very much.
answer from "flashingpumpkin":
Yes. Ideally you'll overwrite the setup view with your own. An easier method to adjust what is done on user creation is to pass a custom form into the setup view. You'll do that by overriding the standard url.
Here's another relevant nugget (source: Enough of these and this page will become the de facto django-socialregistration documentation ;)
question from "girasquid":
Maybe I'm just missing something, but I'm stuck here - is there a way to 'connect' accounts on other sites to an already-existing user?
For example, I've already signed up on Really Awesome Website, so I don't need to sign up again - but I'd like to connect my Facebook and Twitter accounts so that I can sign in with those as well.
Is there a way to do this already? If there isn' would I do it?
answer from "flashingpumpkin":
Yes there is. Just use the same template tags for Facebook Connect as you would for registration. Depending on if the user is already logged in or not it will create just the FacebookProfile object and link it to the existing user - or create both, the User object and the FacebookProfile object.
Have a look here: