How to Backup IAM User in AWS - amazon-web-services

I want to delete several IAM Users in AWS Account, is there a way to backup them first so if something bad happen i can restore again?

If you have AWS Config snapshots enabled then the IAM user details will be captured as per example below.
Another option you can use is the IAM access advisor to determine last activity and what permissions the user has been performing. If nothing over a period of weeks/months then perhaps it is safe to delete.
Also as mentioned earlier, you can also just disable any keys associated with that user and remove all inline/attached policies. Keep for a while and see what breaks.
"relatedEvents": [],
"relationships": [
"resourceId": "<########>",
"resourceName": "admins",
"resourceType": "AWS::IAM::Group",
"name": "Is attached to Group"
"configuration": {
"path": "/",
"userName": "<########>",
"userId": "<########>",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::<########>:user/<########>",
"createDate": "2018-04-12T00:11:34.000Z",
"userPolicyList": [],
"groupList": [
"attachedManagedPolicies": []
"supplementaryConfiguration": {},
"tags": {},
"configurationItemVersion": "1.3",
"configurationItemCaptureTime": "2018-04-12T00:26:56.332Z",
"configurationStateId": <########>,
"awsAccountId": "<########>",
"configurationItemStatus": "ResourceDiscovered",
"resourceType": "AWS::IAM::User",
"resourceId": "<########>",
"resourceName": "<########>",
"ARN": "arn:aws:iam::<########>:user/<########>",
"awsRegion": "global",
"availabilityZone": "Not Applicable",
"configurationStateMd5Hash": "",
"resourceCreationTime": "2018-04-12T00:11:34.000Z"


Determine the exact problem point of calling AWS Backup to AWS KMS in order to decrypt S3 bucket

Here is a log in AWS CloudTrail presumably indicating that
the AWS Backup service ("userAgent": "",)
tries to call the AWS KMS service("eventSource": "",)
in order to decrypt("eventName": "Decrypt",)
some S3 bucket("principalId": "AROAY6JAXY37VKF726QCA:AWS_BACKUP_S3_71C3048C",) and fails.
But there are no clues as to which particular bucket or KMS key caused the problem, I'd appreciate any advice on how to determine the exact problem point, thanks.
BTW the account contains hundreds of keys and buckets that are being back-up, so to determine the problem point in some manual way like, like researching each bucket/key, is very undesirable:)
"eventVersion": "1.08",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "AssumedRole",
"principalId": "AROAY6JAXY37VKF726QCA:AWS_BACKUP_S3_71C3048C",
"arn": "arn:aws:sts::****:assumed-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole/AWS_BACKUP_S3_71C3048C",
"accountId": "****",
"accessKeyId": "ASIAY6JAXY37WHC7VFWN",
"sessionContext": {
"sessionIssuer": {
"type": "Role",
"principalId": "AROAY6JAXY37VKF726QCA",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::****:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole",
"accountId": "****",
"userName": "AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole"
"webIdFederationData": {},
"attributes": {
"creationDate": "2022-12-18T05:54:35Z",
"mfaAuthenticated": "false"
"invokedBy": ""
"eventTime": "2022-12-18T05:54:35Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "Decrypt",
"awsRegion": "eu-central-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "",
"errorCode": "AccessDenied",
"errorMessage": "The ciphertext refers to a customer master key that does not exist, does not exist in this region, or you are not allowed to access.",
"requestParameters": null,
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "660b1b90-66d9-4a2b-9ab1-4af4e195b71f",
"eventID": "ef6fe50b-67f9-46c6-bbf5-057de88c3c1c",
"readOnly": true,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"managementEvent": true,
"recipientAccountId": "****",
"eventCategory": "Management"

Access denied on table access to AWS Lake Formation using AWS EMR

I'm working on a small pet project in which I want to setup AWS Lake Formation, put there some data and then access this data in AWS EMR. I was following instructions in this doc: I've already got:
A data lake with some CSVs
Created table schemas for these CSVs
A external IdP (Auth0)
IAM Roles as in the tutorial.
The EMR cluster set up as in tutorial.
The problem is that I cannot access data in data lake. I can list databases and tables but can't perform a SELECT on any table.
I get:
com.amazonaws.emr.recordserver.remote.RecordServerException: com.amazonaws.emr.recordserver.remote.RecordServerException: Error while trying to get temporary table credentials for user: 5000, table: ***, database: ***, catalog: null from Secret Agent.
Caused by: SecretAgentClientException{httpResponseCode=Optional[500] message=Access denied for tableArn=arn:aws:glue:eu-west-1:743262912284:TABLE_NAME userId=5000 permissions=SELECT cause.class=null}
I checked the logs in Lake Formation and there I've got a DataAccess event with principal set to the user that I use in Zeppelin notebook.
"eventVersion": "1.08",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "AssumedRole",
"principalId": "***",
"arn": "***",
"accountId": "***",
"accessKeyId": "***",
"sessionContext": {
"sessionIssuer": {
"type": "Role",
"principalId": "***",
"accountId": "***",
"userName": "PROPER_ROLE"
"attributes": {
"creationDate": "2022-01-14T10:26:39Z",
"mfaAuthenticated": "false"
"eventTime": "2022-01-14T10:53:40Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "GetDataAccess",
"awsRegion": "eu-west-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "***",
"userAgent": "aws-sdk-java/1.11.970 Linux/4.14.252-195.483.amzn2.x86_64 OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.312-b07 java/1.8.0_312 vendor/Amazon.com_Inc.",
"errorCode": "AccessDenied",
"errorMessage": "Access is not allowed.",
"requestParameters": {
"tableArn": "arn:aws:glue:eu-west-1:***:***",
"permissions": [
"durationSeconds": 3600
"responseElements": null,
"additionalEventData": {
"requesterService": "UNKNOWN",
"LakeFormationTrustedCallerInvocation": "true",
"lakeFormationPrincipal": "PROPER_PRINCIPAL_ARN"
"requestID": "1e4c02e9-e09e-4906-a96f-c29a882b46de",
"eventID": "b5b26de0-60f4-482c-b670-7fba9d7089e5",
"readOnly": true,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"managementEvent": true,
"recipientAccountId": "***",
"eventCategory": "Management",
"tlsDetails": {
"clientProvidedHostHeader": ""
The assumed role in sessionContext is correct. I've checked policies of created roles multiple times and they are exactly as in the tutorial (they have granted access to the lakeformation and to glue and also to all tables)
Please ensure that you allow each account to run Lake Formation-enabled EMR clusters. You can do so on the Lake Formation console by going to "External Data Filtering" found on the left navigation panel.

How to fix AWS Config generating AccessDenied error?

I am trying to allow AWS Config to write to a non-public S3 bucket.
Based on the official documentation, I should have two policies assigned to the AWS role. However, It is not possible to add any policy to the service-linked role, neither to create a custom new service-linked role for AWS config.
As such, how can I stop receiving the S3 AccessDenied error without making the bucket public?
edit: here is the error log:
"eventVersion": "1.07",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "AssumedRole",
"principalId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:AWSConfig-BucketConfigCheck",
"arn": "arn:aws:sts::xxxxxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/AWSServiceRoleForConfig/AWSConfig-BucketConfigCheck",
"accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"accessKeyId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"sessionContext": {
"sessionIssuer": {
"type": "Role",
"principalId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/aws-service-role/",
"accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"userName": "AWSServiceRoleForConfig"
"attributes": {
"creationDate": "2020-04-30T00:43:57Z",
"mfaAuthenticated": "false"
"invokedBy": "AWS Internal"
"eventTime": "2020-04-30T00:43:57Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "PutObject",
"awsRegion": "eu-west-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "[AWSConfig]",
"errorCode": "AccessDenied",
"errorMessage": "Access Denied",
"requestParameters": {
"bucketName": "aws-config-bucket-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Host": "",
"x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control",
"x-amz-server-side-encryption": "AES256",
"key": "AWSLogs/xxxxxxxxxxxx/Config/ConfigWritabilityCheckFile"
"responseElements": null,
"additionalEventData": {
"SignatureVersion": "SigV4",
"CipherSuite": "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA",
"bytesTransferredIn": 0,
"AuthenticationMethod": "AuthHeader",
"x-amz-id-2": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=",
"bytesTransferredOut": 243
"requestID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"eventID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"readOnly": false,
"resources": [
"type": "AWS::S3::Object",
"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::aws-config-bucket-xxxxxxxxxxxx/AWSLogs/xxxxxxxxxxxx/Config/ConfigWritabilityCheckFile"
"accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::aws-config-bucket-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"managementEvent": false,
"recipientAccountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"vpcEndpointId": "vpce-xxxxxxxx",
"eventCategory": "Data"
I found the answer here:
When AWS Config sends configuration information to an Amazon S3
bucket in another account, it first attempts to use the IAM role, but
this attempt fails if the access policy for the bucket does not grant
WRITE access to the IAM role. In this event, AWS Config sends the
information again, this time as the AWS Config service principal.
I checked my logs and there was an AWS Config service principal log, the same second as the AccessDenied, that was being accepted. Therefore, the error can be safely ignored. I have updated my Cloudwatch alarm to ignore it:
{($.errorCode="*UnauthorizedOperation") || (($.errorCode="AccessDenied*") && (($.userIdentity.type!="AssumedRole") || ($.userAgent!="[AWSConfig]")))}

Tracking IAM Access Key Usage Beyond "Last Used"

Is there a way to get a deeper history of when an access key was used, and for what service it was used?
If a key was used in multiple places, I can't be sure deactivating it is safe just because I know the last place it was used.
Yes pretty much possible with AWS CloudTrail.
Have a look at below link
Logging IAM Events with AWS CloudTrail
Example CloudTrail event
"eventVersion": "1.05",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:user/Alice",
"accountId": "444455556666",
"accessKeyId": "AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE",
"userName": "Alice",
"sessionContext": {
"attributes": {
"mfaAuthenticated": "false",
"creationDate": "2014-07-15T21:39:40Z"
"invokedBy": ""
"eventTime": "2014-07-15T21:40:14Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "GetUserPolicy",
"awsRegion": "us-east-2",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "",
"requestParameters": {
"userName": "Alice",
"policyName": "ReadOnlyAccess-Alice-201407151307"
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "9EXAMPLE-0c68-11e4-a24e-d5e16EXAMPLE",
"eventID": "cEXAMPLE-127e-4632-980d-505a4EXAMPLE"
From above event information, you can determine that the request was
made to get a user policy named ReadOnlyAccess-Alice-201407151307 for
user Alice, as specified in the requestParameters element. You can
also see that the request was made by an IAM user named Alice on July
15, 2014 at 9:40 PM (UTC). In this case, the request originated in the
AWS Management Console, as you can tell from the userAgent element.

AWS CodePipeLine :Execute deploy action in diffent region than the one codepipeline is triggered in

I'm setting up a pipeline to automate cloudformation stack templates deployment.
The pipeline itself is created in the aws eu-west-1 region, but cloudformation stacks templates would be deployed in any other region.
Actually I know and can execute pipeline action in a different account, but I don't see where to specify the region I would like my template to be deployed in, like we do with aws cli : aws --region cloudformation deploy.....
Is there anyway to trigger a pipeline in one region and execute a deploy action in another region please?
The action configuration properties don't offer such possibility...
A workaround would be to run aws cli deploy command from cli in the codebuild container and speficy the good region, But I would like to know if there is a more elegant way to do it
If you're looking to deploy to multiple regions, one after the other, you could create a Code Pipeline pipeline in every region you want to deploy to, and set up S3 cross-region replication so that the output of the first pipeline becomes the input to a pipeline in the next region.
Here's a blog post explaining this further:
Since late Nov 2018, CodePipeline supports cross regional deploys. However it still leaves a lot to be desired as you need to create artifact buckets in each region and copy over the deployment artifacts (e.g. in the codebuild container as you mentioned) to them before the Deploy action is triggered. So it's not as automated as it could be, but if you go through the process of setting it up, it works well.
CodePipeline now supports cross region deployment and for to trigger the pipeline in different region we can specify the "Region": "us-west-2" property in the action stage for CloudFormation which will trigger the deployment in that specific region.
Steps to follow for this setup:
Create two bucket in two different region which for example bucket in "us-east-1" and bucket in "us-west-2" (We can also use bucket already created by CodePipeline when you will setup pipeline first time in any region)
Configure the pipeline in such a way that is can use respective bucket while taking action in respective account.
specify the region in the action for CodePipeline.
Note: I have attached the sample CloudFormation template which will help you to do the cross region CloudFormation deployment.
"Parameters": {
"BranchName": {
"Description": "CodeCommit branch name for all the resources",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "master"
"RepositoryName": {
"Description": "CodeComit repository name",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "aws-account-resources"
"CFNServiceRoleDeployA": {
"Description": "CFN service role for create resourcecs for account-A",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/CloudFormation-service-role-cp"
"CodePipelineServiceRole": {
"Description": "Service role for codepipeline",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/AWS-CodePipeline-Service"
"CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket1": {
"Description": "S3 bucket to store the artifacts",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "bucket-us-east-1"
"CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket2": {
"Description": "S3 bucket to store the artifacts",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "bucket-us-west-2"
"Resources": {
"AppPipeline": {
"Type": "AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline",
"Properties": {
"Name": {"Fn::Sub": "${AWS::StackName}-cross-account-pipeline" },
"ArtifactStores": [
"ArtifactStore": {
"Type": "S3",
"Location": {
"Ref": "CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket1"
"Region": "us-east-1"
"ArtifactStore": {
"Type": "S3",
"Location": {
"Ref": "CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket2"
"Region": "us-west-2"
"RoleArn": {
"Ref": "CodePipelineServiceRole"
"Stages": [
"Name": "Source",
"Actions": [
"Name": "SourceAction",
"ActionTypeId": {
"Category": "Source",
"Owner": "AWS",
"Version": 1,
"Provider": "CodeCommit"
"OutputArtifacts": [
"Name": "SourceOutput"
"Configuration": {
"BranchName": {
"Ref": "BranchName"
"RepositoryName": {
"Ref": "RepositoryName"
"PollForSourceChanges": true
"RunOrder": 1
"Name": "Deploy-to-account-A",
"Actions": [
"Name": "stage-1",
"InputArtifacts": [
"Name": "SourceOutput"
"ActionTypeId": {
"Category": "Deploy",
"Owner": "AWS",
"Version": 1,
"Provider": "CloudFormation"
"Configuration": {
"ActionMode": "CREATE_UPDATE",
"StackName": "cloudformation-stack-name-account-A",
"Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM",
"RoleArn": {
"Ref": "CFNServiceRoleDeployA"
"RunOrder": 2,
"Region": "us-west-2"