Correct testing pattern in Project Reactor block() vs StepVerifier - unit-testing

Recently I noticed that my team follows two approaches on how to write tests in Reactor. First one is with help of .block() method. And it looks something like that:
void set_entity_version() {
Entity entity = entityRepo.findById(ID)
Entity entity = entityRepo.findById(ID)
And the second one is about using of StepVerifier. And it looks something like that:
void set_entity_version() {
.assertNext(entity -> {
.assertNext(entity -> {
In my humble opinion, the second approach looks more reactive I would say. Moreover, official docs are very clear on that:
A StepVerifier provides a declarative way of creating a verifiable script for an async Publisher sequence, by expressing expectations about the events that will happen upon subscription.
Still, I'm really curious, what way should be encouraged to use as the main road for doing testing in Reactor. Should .block() method be abandoned completly or it could be useful in some cases? If yes, what such cases are?

You should use StepVerifier. It allows more options:
Verify that you expect n element in a flux
Verify that the flux/mono complete
Verify that an error is expected
Verify that a sequence is expected n element followed by an error (impossible to test with .block())
From the official doc:
public <T> Flux<T> appendBoomError(Flux<T> source) {
return source.concatWith(Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("boom")));
public void testAppendBoomError() {
Flux<String> source = Flux.just("thing1", "thing2");
Create initial context
Using virtual time to manipulate time. So when you have something like Mono.delay(Duration.ofDays(1)) you don't have to wait 1 day for your test to complete.
Expect that no event are emitted for a given duration...

There are pros and cons of both block() and StepVerifier testing
patterns. Hence, it is necessary to define a pattern or set of rules
which can guide us on how to use StepVerifier and block().
In order to decide which patterns to use, we can try to answer the
following questions which will provide a clear expectation from the
tests we are going to write:
Are we trying to test the reactive aspect of the code or just the output of the code?
In which of the patterns we find clarity based on the 3 A’s of testing i.e Arrange, Act, and Assert, in order to make the test
What are the limitations of the block() API over StepVerifier in testing reactive code? Which API is more fluent for writing tests in
case of Exception?
If you try answering all these questions above, you will find the
answers to “what” and “where”. So, just give it a thought before
reading the following answers:
block() tests the output of the code and not the reactive aspect. In such a case where we are concerned about testing the output of
the code, rather than the reactive aspect of the code we can use a
block() instead of StepVerifier as it is easy to write and the tests
are more readable.
The assertion library for a block() pattern is better organised in terms of 3 A’s pattern i.e Arrange, Act, and Assert than
StepVerifier. In StepVerfier while testing a method call for a mock
class or even while testing a Mono output one has to write expectation
in the form of chained methods, unlike assert which in my opinion
decreases the readability of the tests. Also, if you forget to write
the terminal step i.e verify() in case of StepVerifier, the code
will not get executed and the test will go green. So, the developer
has to be very careful about calling verify at end of the chain.
There are some aspects of reactive code that can not be tested by using block() API. In such cases, one should use StepVerifier when we
are testing a Flux of data or subscription delays or subscriptions
on different Schedulers, etc, where the developer is bound to use
To verify exception by using block() API you need to use assertThatThrownBy API in assertions library that catches the
exception. With the use of an assertion API, error message and
instance of the exception can be asserted. StepVerifier also provides
assertions on exception by expectError() API and supports the
assertion of the element before errors are thrown in a Flux of
elements that can not be achieved by block(). So, for the assertion of
exception, StepVerifier is better than a block() as it can assert
both Mono/Flux.


Does "unit test only one thing" means one feature or one whole scenario of a unit?

When people say "test only one thing". Does that mean that test one feature at a time or one scenario at a time?
method() {
//setup data
def data = new Data()
//send external webservice call
def success = service.webserviceCall(data)
if (success) {
Based on the example, do we test by feature of the method:
testA() //test if service.webserviceCall is called properly, so assert if called once with the right parameter
testB() //test if service.webserviceCall succeeds, assert that it should save the data
testC() //test if service.webserviceCall fails, assert that it should not save the data
By scenario:
testA() //test if service.webserviceCall succeeds, so assert if service is called once with the right parameter, and assert that the data should be saved
testB() //test if service.webserviceCall fails, so again assert if service is called once with the right parameter, then assert that it should not save the data
I'm not sure if this is a subjective topic, but I'm trying to do the by feature approach. I got the idea from Roy Osherove's blogs, but I'm not sure if I understood it correct.
It was mentioned there that it would be easier to isolate the errors, but I'm not sure if its overkill. Complex methods will tend to have lots of tests.
(Please excuse my wording on the by feature/scenario, I'm not sure how to word them)
You are right in that this is a subjective topic.
Think about how you want this method to behave, not just on how it's currently implemented. Otherwise your tests will just mirror the production code and will break everytime the implementation changes.
Based on the limited context provided, I'd write the following (separate) tests:
Is the webservice command called with the expected data?
If the command returns successfully, is the data saved? Don't overspecify the arguments provided to your webservice call here, as the previous test covers this.
If it's important that the data is not saved when the command returns a failure, I'd write a third test for this. If it's not important, I wouldn't even bother.
You might have heard the adage "one assert per test". This is good advice in general because a test stops executing as soon as a single assert fails. All asserts further down are not executed. By splitting up the asserts in multiple tests you will receive more feedback when something goes wrong. When tests go red, you know exactly all the asserts that fail and don't have to run through the -fix assertion failure, run tests, fix next assertion failure, repeat- cycle.
So in the terminology you propose, my approach would also be to write a test per feature of the method.
Sidenote: you construct your data object in the method itself and call the save method of that object. How do you sense that the data is saved in your tests?
I understand it like this:
"unit test one thing" == "unit test one behavior"
(After all, it is the behavior that the client wants!)
I would suggest that you approach your testing "one feature at a time". I agree with you where you quoted that with this approach it is "easier to isolate the errors". Roy Osherove really does know what he is talking about especially when it comes to TDD.
In my experience I like to focus on the behaviors that I am trying to test (and I am not particularly referring to BDD here). Essentially I would test each behavior that I am expecting from this code. You said that you are mocking out the dependencies (webservice, and data storage) so I would still class this as a unit test with the following expected behaviors:
a call to this method will result in a particular call to a web service
a successful web service call will result in the data being saved
an unsuccessful web service call will result in the data not being saved
Having tests for these three behaviors will help you isolate any issues with the code immediately.
Your tests should also have no dependency on the actual code written to achieve the behavior. For example, if my implementation called some decorator internal to my class which in turn called the webservice correctly then that should be no concern of my test. My test should only be concerned with the external dependencies and public interface of the class itself.
If I exposed internal methods of my class (or implementation details, such as the decorator mentioned above) for the purposes of testing its particular implementation then I have created brittle tests that will fail when the implementation changes.
In summary, I would recommend that your tests should lock down the behavior of a class and isolate failures to identify the 'unit of behavior' that is failing.
A unit test in general is a test that is done without a call to database or file system or even to that effect doesnot call a webservice either. The idea of a unit test is that if you did not have any internet connection you should be able to unit test. So having said that , if a method calls a webservice or calls a database, then you basically are expected to mock the responses from an external system. You should be testing that unit of work only. As mentioned above by prgmtc on how you should be asserting one assert per method is the way to go.
Second, if you are calling a real webservice or database etc, then consider calling those test as integrated or integration test depending upon what you are trying to test.
In my opinion to get the most out of TDD you want to be doing test first development. Have a look at uncle Bobs 3 Rules of TDD.
If you follow these rules strictly, you end up writing tests that generally only have a single assert statements. In reality you will often find you end up with a number of assert statements that act as a single logical assert as it often helps with the understanding of the unit test itself.
Here is an example
public void ValidateBankAccount_GivenInvalidAccountType_ShouldReturnValidationFailure()
//---------------Set up test pack-------------------
const string validBankAccount = "99999999999";
const string validBranchCode = "222222";
const string invalidAccountType = "99";
const string invalidAccoutTypeResult = "3";
var bankAccountValidation = Substitute.For<IBankAccountValidation>();
bankAccountValidation.ValidateBankAccount(validBankAccount, validBranchCode, invalidAccountType)
var service = new BankAccountCheckingService(bankAccountValidation);
//---------------Assert Precondition----------------
//---------------Execute Test ----------------------
var result = service.ValidateBankAccount(validBankAccount, validBranchCode, invalidAccountType);
//---------------Test Result -----------------------
Assert.AreEqual("Invalid account type", result.Message);
And the ValidationResult class that is returned from the service
public interface IValidationResult
bool IsValid { get; }
string Message { get; }
public class ValidationResult : IValidationResult
public static IValidationResult Success()
return new ValidationResult(true,"");
public static IValidationResult Failure(string message)
return new ValidationResult(false, message);
public ValidationResult(bool isValid, string message)
Message = message;
IsValid = isValid;
public bool IsValid { get; private set; }
public string Message { get; private set; }
Note I would have unit tests the ValidationResult class itself, but in the test above I feel it gives more clarity to include both Asserts.

How to avoid unnecessary preconditions in unit testing?

Ideally, a test class is written for every class in the production code. In test class, all the test methods may not require the same preconditions. How do we solve this problem?
Do we create separate test classes for these?
I suggest creating separate methods wrapping necessary precondition setup. Do not confuse this approach with traditional test setup. As an example, assume you wrote tests for receipt provider, which searches repository and depending on some validation steps, returns receipt. We might end-up with:
receipt doesn't exist in repository: return null
receipt exists, but doesn't match validator date: return null
receipt exists, matches validator date, but was not fully committed (i.e. was not processed by some external system): return null
We have several conditions here: receipt exists/doesn't exist, receipt is invalid date-wise, receipt is not commited. Our happy path is the default setup (for example done via traditional test setup). Then, happy path test would be as simple as (some C# pseudo-code):
public void GetReceipt_ReturnsReceipt()
Now, for the special condition cases we simply write tiny, dedicated methods that would arrange our test environment (eg. setup dependencies) so that conditions are met:
public void GetReceipt_ReturnsNull_WhenReceiptDoesntExist()
public void GetReceipt_ReturnsNull_WhenExistingReceiptHasInvalidDate()
You'll end up with couple extra helper methods, but your tests will be much easier to read and understand. This is especially helpful when logic is more complicated than simple yes-no setup:
public void GetReceipt_ThrowsException_WhenUncommittedReceiptHasInvalidDate()
It's an option to group tests with the same preconditions in the same classes, this also helps avoiding test classes of over a thousand lines. You can also group the creation of the preconditions in seperate methods and let each test call the applicable method. You can do this when most of the methods have different preconditions, otherwise you could just use a setup method that is called before the test.
I like to use a Setup method that will get called before each test runs. In this method I instantiate the class I want to test, giving it any dependencies it needs to be created. Then I will set the specific details for the individual tests inside the test method. It moves any common initialization of the class out to the setup method and allows the test to be focused on what it needs to be evaluated.
You may find this link valuable, it discusses an approach to Test Setups:
In Defense of Test Setup Methods, by Erik Dietrich

Unit Testing and Integration Testing examples

I have created following four tests in a Test class that tests a findCompany() method of a CompanyService.
public void findCompany_CompanyIdIsZero() {
public void findCompany_CompanyIdIsNegative() {
public void findCompany_CompanyIdDoesntExistInDatabase() {
Company storedCompany = companyService.findCompany(100000);
public void findCompany_CompanyIdExistsInDatabase() {
Company company = new Company("FAL", "Falahaar");
Company storedCompany1 = companyService.findCompany(company.getId());
My understanding says that the first three of these are unit tests. They test the behavior of the findCompany() method, checking how the method will respond on different inputs.
The fourth test, though placed in the same class, actually seems to be an integration test to me. It requires a Company to be added to the database first, so that it can be found later on. This introduces external dependencies - addCompany() and database.
Am I going right? If yes, then how should I unit test finding an existing object? Just mock the service to "find" one? I think that kills the intent of the test.
I appreciate any guidance here.
I look at it this way: the "unit" you are testing here is the CompanyService. In this sense all of your tests look like unit tests to me. Underneath your service, though, there may be another service (you mention a database) that this test is also exercising? This could start to blur the lines with integration testing a bit, but you have to ask yourself if it matters. You could stub out any such underlying service, and you may want to if:
The underlying service is slow to set up or use, making your unit tests too slow.
You want to be sure the behaviour of this test is unaffected by the underlying service - i.e. this test should only fail if there is a bug in CompanyService.
In my experience, provided the underlying service is fast enough I don't worry too much about my unit test relying on it. I don't mind a bit of integration leaking into my unit tests, as it has benefits (more integration coverage) and rarely causes a problem. If it does cause problems you can always come back to it and add stubbing to improve the isolation.
[1,2,3,4] could be unit-based (mocked | not mocked) and integration-based tests. It depends what you want to test.
Why use mocking? As Jason Sankey said ...test only service tier not underlaying tier.
Why use mocking? Your bussiness logic can have most various forms. So you can write several test for one service method, eg. create person (no address - exception, no bank account - exception, person does not have filled not-null attributes - exception).
Can you imagine that each test requested database in order to test all possibility exception states (no adress, no bank account etc.)? There is too much work to fill database in order to test all exception states. Why not to use mocked objects which eg. act like 'crippled' objects which do not contains expected values. Each test construct own 'crippled' mock object.
Mocking various states === your test will be simply as possible because each test method will be test only one state. These test will be clear and easy to understand and maintance. This is one of goals which I want to reach if I write a test.

Webservice test isolation - but when to verify the webservice itself?

I am isolating my webservice-related tests from the actual webservices with Stubs.
How do you/should i incorporate tests to ensure that my crafted responses match the actual webservice ones (i don't have control over it)?
I don't want to know how to do it, but when and where?
Should i create a testsuite-testsuite for testdata testing?...
I would use something like this excellent tool
If you can, install the service in a small, completely controlled environment. Drawback: You must find a way to be notified when a new version is rolled out.
If that's not possible, write a test that calls the real service and checks for vital points (do I get a response? Are all parts there and where I expect them? Can I parse the result?)
Avoid things like checking timestamps, result size, etc., that is things that can and do change all the time.
You can test the possible failures using EasyMock as follows:
public void testDisplayProductsWhenWebServiceThrowsRemoteLookupException() {
EasyMock.expect(mockWebService.getProducts(category)).andThrow(new RemoteLookupException());
Repeat for all possible failure scenarios. The other solution is to implement a dummy SEI yourself. Using JAX-WS, you can trivially annotate a java class that generates an interface consistent with the client you consume. All of the methods can just return dummy data. You can then deploy the services on your own server and point your test environment at the dummy location.
Perhaps more importantly than any of the crap I've said so far, you can take the advice of the authors of The Pragmatic Programmer and program with assertions. That is, given that you must inevitably make certain assumptions about the web service you consume given that you have no control over it's implementation, you can add code such as:
if(resultOfWebService == null || resultOfWebService.getId() == null)
throw new AssertionError("WebService violated contract by doing xyz: result => " + resultOfWebServivce);
That way, if your assumptions don't hold, you'll at least find out about it instead of potentially silently fail!
You can also turn on schema validations and protocol validations to ensure that the service is operating according to spec.

How do I ignore a test based on another test in NUnit?

I'm writing some NUnit tests for database operations. Obviously, if Add() fails, then Get() will fail as well. However, it looks deceiving when both Add() and Get() fail because it looks like there's two problems instead of just one.
Is there a way to specify an 'order' for tests to run in, in that if the first test fails, the following tests are ignored?
In the same line, is there a way to order the unit test classes themselves? For example, I would like to run my tests for basic database operations first before the tests for round-tripping data from the UI.
Note: This is a little different than having tests depend on each other, it's more like ensuring that something works first before running a bunch of tests. It's a waste of time to, for example, run a bunch of database operations if you can't get a connection to the database in the first place.
Edit: It seems that some people are missing the point. I'm not doing this:
public void AddTest()
public void GetTest()
Assert.That(data was retrieved successfully);
Rather, I'm doing this:
public void AddTest()
public void GetTest()
// need some way here to ensure that db.Add() can actually be performed successfully
Assert.That(data was retrieved successfully);
In other words, I want to ensure that the data can be added in the first place before I can test whether it can be retrieved. People are assuming I'm using data from the first test to pass the second test when this is not the case. I'm trying to ensure that one operation is possible before attempting another that depends on it.
As I said already, you need to ensure you can get a connection to the database before running database operations. Or that you can open a file before performing file operations. Or connect to a server before testing API calls. get the point.
NUnit supports an "Assume.That" syntax for validating setup. This is documented as part of the Theory (thanks clairestreb). In the NUnit.Framework namespace is a class Assume. To quote the documentation:
/// Provides static methods to express the assumptions
/// that must be met for a test to give a meaningful
/// result. If an assumption is not met, the test
/// should produce an inconclusive result.
So in context:
public void TestGet() {
MyList sut = new MyList()
Object expecting = new Object();
Assume.That(sut.size(), Is(1));
Assert.That(sut.Get(), Is(expecting));
Tests should never depend on each other. You just found out why. Tests that depend on each other are fragile by definition. If you need the data in the DB for the test for Get(), put it there in the setup step.
I think the problem is that you're using NUnit to run something other than the sort of Unit Tests that NUnit was made to run.
Essentially, you want AddTest to run before GetTest, and you want NUnit to stop executing tests if AddTest fails.
The problem is that that's antithetical to unit testing - tests are supposed to be completely independent and run in any order.
The standard concept of Unit Testing is that if you have a test around the 'Add' functionality, then you can use the 'Add' functionality in the 'Get' test and not worry about if 'Add' works within the 'Get' test. You know 'Add' works - you have a test for it.
The 'FIRST' principle ( describes how Unit tests should behave. The test you want to write violates both 'I' (Isolated) and 'R' (Repeatable).
If you're concerned about the database connection dropping between your two tests, I would recommend that rather than connect to a real database during the test, your code should use some sort of a data interface, and for the test, you should be using a mock interface. If the point of the test is to exercise the database connection, then you may simply be using the wrong tool for the job - that's not really a Unit test.
I don't think that's possible out-of-box.
Anyway, your test class design as you described will make the test code very fragile.
MbUnit seems to have a DependsOnAttribute that would allow you to do what you want.
If the other test fixture or test
method fails then this test will not
run. Moreover, the dependency forces
this test to run after those it
depends upon.
Don't know anything about NUnit though.
You can't assume any order of test fixture execution, so any prerequisites have to be checked for within your test classes.
Segregate your Add test into one test-class e.g. AddTests, and put the Get test(s) into another test-class, e.g. class GetTests.
In the [TestFixtureSetUp] method of the GetTests class, check that you have working database access (e.g. that Add's work), and if not, Assert.Ignore or Inconclusive, as you deem appropriate.
This will abort the GetTests test fixture when its prerequisites aren't met, and skip trying to run any of the unit tests it contains.
(I think! I'm an nUnit newbie.)
Create a global variable and return in the test for Get unless Add set it to true (do this in the last line of Add):
public boolean addFailed = false;
public void testAdd () {
try {
... old test code ...
} catch (Throwable t) { // Catch all errors
addFailed = true;
throw t; // Don't forget to rethrow
public void testGet () {
if (addFailed) return;
... old test code ...