How to navigate to a different page using Id in Django - django

I'm Using materialize CSS scrollspy with Django to navigate to a specific section inside a page using section id. How can I navigate that specific section when I'm on a different page.
<li><a href="#cat" >sample categories</a></li>
<li>About Me</li>
<section id="cat">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<h3 class="center">Few Categories I do</h3>
{% for category in categories|slice:":3" %}
<div class="col s12 m4"> ```

add to your html code <section id="cat"><a name="cat"/>
and then you can use links like to category

You can just add it in the url if i understood the question right.
if your on /home, in href put: /category/#cat

You can do something like this:
<h3 class="center">Few Categories I do</h3>
{% for category in categories|slice:":3" %}
Click me!
home is the name or your target url.


Showing list of items including item details on same page in Django

In a Django v3.x app I would like to display a list of uploaded file names (e.g. images) in the left hand side of the screen. When a user clicks on one of those, I'd like to display the actual file/image on the right hand side of the screen. I am still new to Django and have used both ListView and DetailView separately, but not in such a combination. I'm not sure how this can be achieved.
Using a little Bootstrap magic, I can create a split screen easily. Hence, my template would look somehow like this:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-5 left">
{% for image in images %}
<div class="card">
<h4>{{ image.url }}</h4>
{% endfor %}
<div class="col-md-5 right">
{# TODO: When the user clicks on the View url above, then I'd
like to load the actual image here on the right hand side of the
screen inside this div-tag. #}
Question 1: How can I achieve loading a selected image from a list? Can I still use ListView and DetailView, or do I need to write my own View logic?
Question 2: Ideally, I'd like to NOT re-send the whole page from the server to the client, because the list of images in the lefthand-side could potentially be long and require pagination. So, when the user clicks View, then, ideally, I'd like to load only the document from the server. Is this somehow feasible?
Well I have made a sample code and you can refer to it and get some idea.
<!--Carousel Wrapper-->
<div id="carousel-thumb" class="carousel slide carousel-fade carousel-thumbnails"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-8">
<div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">
{% for latest in latest_course %}
<div class="carousel-item {% if forloop.counter0 == 0 %}active{% endif %}">
<img class="d-block w-100" src="{{latest.poster.url}}" alt="First slide">
{% endfor %}
<div class="col-lg-4">
<ol class="slider_list">
{% for latest in latest_course %}
<li data-target="#carousel-thumb" data-slide-to="{{forloop.counter0}}"
class="active"> <img class="img-thumbnail" width="100px" height=100px src="
{% endfor %}
and the output looks like this
Here, you can see the list on the right side and when you select an item the selected item loads in the left side. This way you can style your template the way you want.
basically you want to show the selected item from the list on the other side like a slideshow

How to get the information of a specific object that is retrived from a django model using for loop

I have a boostrap slider which is populating using for loop and django model objects now I want that if I click on any of the slider object then it show me the information related to that specific object which I clicked the Information must be retrived from the django model.
Thanks In Advance please help me to get out of this situation ..
Here is my code which is populating the slider. I want when I clicked on any object in the loop it should only show me the information related to that object or How can I access and display the name and description of individual product diplayed using for loop in django
{% for product in products %}
<div class="services-block-two">
<div class="inner-box">
<div class="image">
<img src="/{{ product.prd_logo }}" alt="" />
<div class="lower-content">
<h3>{{ product.prd_name }}</h3>
<div class="text">{{ product.prd_des }}</div>
Read More <span class="arrow flaticon-next"></span>
{% endfor %}
here is a image of product i want to display the name,logo and description of the product on different web page when user would click on that product

Why Prestashop's checkout template doesn't extend page.tpl?

In prestashop 1.7, the checkout template file themes/classic/templates/checkout/checkout.tpl uses its own html structure instead of extending page.tpl, like every other checkout pages (cart, order confirmation, etc).
Why is that? Is there any security flaw we should be aware of?
I've overriden checkout.tpl in my own theme {extends file='page.tpl'} and I want to make sure that everything's alright:
{extends file='page.tpl'}
{block name='content'}
<section id="content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
{block name='cart_summary'}
{render file='checkout/checkout-process.tpl' ui=$checkout_process}
<div class="col-md-4">
{block name='cart_summary'}
{include file='checkout/_partials/cart-summary.tpl' cart = $cart}
{hook h='displayReassurance'}

Data base saving & Redirection issue using django

I have an issue, I do not know why it is happening and how to solve it;
My app ask a user to create a project and is redirect directly to the project detail page. On that detail page if a team_id is empty I ask the user to create a team and when the team is created the user is redirected again to the project detail page to now be able to populate his team.
I used the code {% if Project.team_id == None %} when the user is redirected after creating his team but it is not working .. could you please help ? It is like before the redirection the new team is not saved in the Db ..
my html:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block body %}
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron">
<h2>Welcome to your Project {{ }} Detail page</h2>
{% if Project.team_id == None %}
<div class="invite-team">
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="jumbo-text">
<h3>It is time to link a team to your project now create a new team and add team members</h3>
<div class="jumbo-button">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Create a new team
{% else %}
<div class="invite-teammembers">
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="jumbo-text">
<h3>The team {{ project.team_id }} has beed created, we now need to add TeamMembers</h3>
<div class="jumbo-button">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Create a new team
{% endif %}
{% endblock%}
Looking at your surrounding code, you are using project as the container of your project. However, in your statement you are using Project (first character uppercase). Changing Project to project might help.
Your comment question:
what do you mean "Looking at your surrounding code, you are using project as the container of your project". my model Project is with a capital letter why now it is without ?
With looking at the surrounding code I mean that I literally looked at your code how you are using the variables in the other parts of your code. I am not sure if you are using CBV (class based views) or FBV (function based views).
With CBV the object is added to the context with the name defined in:
or ListView:104
You can override the context object name by using the context_object_name in the View class
If you are using FBV, you have added it to the context manually as something like:
return render(request, 'myapp/template.html', {
'project': <project_query_or_variable>,

Django and tabbed navigationin templates

I am building a django project which among others has a customer model. Any customer can be a foreign key to some calendar entry models or some picture models. I want to be able to get in to a customers page (e.g domain/customoer/1) and be able to navigate to the different models the customer is related with (e.g all the pictures for the customer, all the calendar entries of the customer). I am using bootstrap for the "presentation of the site. My idea was to use tabs. So I created a pil for my main template the customer.html
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<li class="active">Personal Data</li>
and i was thinking of including a template for each pill
<div class="tab-content">
<div id="personal-data" class="tab-pane active ">
<div id="history" class="tab-pane">History is in the making</div>
<div id="analysis" class="tab-pane">
{% include 'customer/analysis.html' with customer=customer %}
<div id="diagnosis" class="tab-pane">Diagnosis is differential</div>
<div id="treatment" class="tab-pane">Treatment what treatment??</div>
<div id="appointments" class="tab-pane">Ap point ment</div>
<div id="graphics" class="tab-pane">Now this is going to be hard!</div>
The templates in each tab can do different things like upload pics navigate to different pages etc.
When i hit on a pill the url (domain/customer/1/) won't change (naturally) to inform me to which tab i am at the moment. So my question is how can i know in which tab i am ath the moment? I want the user to be able to do different things from different tabs (upload pics etc) and I want to be able to redirect to the specific tab after the view is called? Maybe #id could be appended to the url to specify the tab, but it doesn't happen with bootstrap.
What is the best way to deal with tabs in django? Ajax maybe? Will I not have the same problem? Any ideas or lings would be nice too
I use template inheritance for this kind of thing. It's simple and flexible. For example, you can define your main navigation in your base template like so:
<li {% block news %}{% endblock %}>News</li>
<li {% block features %}{% endblock %}>Features</li>
<li {% block sport %}{% endblock %}>Sport</li>
Then, in your base templates for each of those apps you'd have something like:
<!-- news/base_news.html -->
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block news %}class="active"{% endblock %}