How to go about creating a custom data export plugin from Maya (or similar) to Unreal Engine? - c++

I'm trying to get into game development as a tools programmer and to get some hands on experience I was told I should try to create a custom data export plugin for Maya/Max to Unreal. I'm not sure how to go about starting this project and google searches haven't been helpful or productive.
I have experience in C++ and I'm going through tutorials for Unreal Engine now. I haven't downloaded Maya because I'm not a student anymore so I can't get the free version and I want to make the most out of the free 30-day trial when I do download it.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to start with this? Thank you!

The maya devKit contains a lot of examples from command plugins up to Viewport renderers. And as much as I know there is an exporter as well. So you could download it and have a look at the example projects there.
If I'm not completele mistaken, you can use Maya in batch mode withou a license, at least it was the case for a long time. So you could use it for 30 days and after that period, you can try to start it in batch mode and execute your stuff even if it is a bit tricky because you do not have visual feedback.
And to be honest if you search for a "maya api exporter" you should get some decent results. e.g. the very first result here is "Maya API - Writing a plugin exporter".


How to use different IDE with Netsuite

I'm admittedly new to Netsuite, so this may be obvious, although I've been unable to find anything specific one way or the other. In fact, I don't even attend any training until next week, but I'm trying to get part of my development environment setup with one of the editors/IDEs I prefer. I know that Netsuite offers an Eclipse plugin, but I'm not an Eclipse fan. I'd prefer to use either WebStorm or TextMate. (I'm on MacOS Sierra)
I tried installing the WebStorm plugin, but it's throwing an exception and is not functional. I submitted a bug on GitHub, but what I'd really like to know is if it's possible for me to write my own script to upload/download files to the cabinet, so I could just roll my own feature in TextMate. Is this possible, and if so, how? (Just a link to the docs is perfectly fine)
In other words, is it possible via their API, to submit changes to a script I've been working on in another editor/IDE? Or interact with our cabinet? (Not sure if I'm using the proper NS verbiage, but hopefully you get my intent) I'm thinking about writing a Python script, that accepts a local script path as a parameter, that will then get submitted to our cabinet. Thanks for the help in advance.
I wrote a plugin for JetBrains IDEs (I use WebStorm specifically though) that mimics NetSuite's Eclipse plugin. Feel free to take a look. It is open source and has ~1500 downloads at the current moment.
If you are the same person that opened this issue (, it has been closed and was due to using an older version of WebStorm.
I don't like eclipse personally, so I just make my scripts in whatever and use Netsuite's script backend to upload the scripts as 'new' when I'm done. If I want to change them, simply use their backend again to 'edit' the script. You'll see a simple editor, where you can change things, or you just copy and paste what you have in there. It's a little more work than something integrated, but it does work..

How to begin building a VSTi Plugin?

Im wondering the exact method through which I would go to build a VSTi Plugin is. I don't expect to code the next Massive in a few shorts week, as I have no knowledge of DSP and very basic programming skills. Im sure this is probably above my current level but I figure I'll grow as a programmer if I give myself a high goal that Im deeply interested in.
All that being said, Im at a loss as to where to begin. I know that I would need to download the Steinberg VST SDK, but many of the other resources I've searched have given conflicting info as to what framework I need to download, etc etc.
So what are the basic tools I need to have and what are some good resources.
I currently am using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate as my IDE and I'll be coding in C++,.
Getting the development environment and tools set up to write a VST plugin is very time consuming. I strongly recommend Juce (, which will abstract away most of the VST framework weirdness for you, and also provide nice tools for generating the project files for your IDE, etc.
Juce isn't prefect, but it's much better than doing it all by hand.

How can I learn array database Rasdaman easily?

I'm working at VietNam - HaNoi National University and I've a research at BigData satellite raster image by array database.
A solution is using Rasdaman database which has been developed many years. I've installed this server successfully, try to make some query with this by using this guide from Everything should be ok but I've known that this has a GUI tool name Rview.
I can't search Rview from any where (may be it's too old), I need some GUI tool because I some time don't really know what is error in my query and I need some tool that can show me the result (2D, 3D) with interractive viewer.
Please tell me how can I get a tool that can have GUI as MS SQL Database management tool, Phpmyadmin,...
Rview (recently renamed to rasdaview actually, to avoid clashing with vim) is a GUI client for rasdaman that allows to send queries and has some cool visualization capabilities for 1D to 3D data.
The problem with rasdaview is that it has been last compiled 10+ years ago against wxWidgets 1.6x and the code is so outdated and incompatible with recent wxWidgets that it's not possible to compile it anymore without significant rewriting.
So rasdaman comes with this rview binary, which amazingly still works on most systems today. However, since it's not possible to compile it, it's a bit tricky to get it running. These guidelines should help you.
Are you looking for a website where you can execute your DDL or DML statements?
If yes then try SQL Fiddle.

Marmalade and AppEasy

I wanted to know some general throughts about Marmalade and AppEasy.
I've been following DrMop's tutorials on creating a game engine in Marmalade but noticed that since the tutorials he's gone on to make AppEasy(with others). I have looked at it and have a couple of immediate concerns
1) How easily I can incorporate text files/xml files with XOML.
2) What degree of control I would have over the code base.
3) How deep the engine is and whether it has any comparitable rivels which are better.
I've started the project I'm working on with the IWGame engine that DrMop was using in his tutorials but was wondering that if all my fears are unfounded if it is worth carrying on?
Support for IwGame is coming to a close. IwGame is being replaced by the AppEasy Core SDK, which is an open source portable engine where Marmalade is just one of the platforms that it plans to support. AppEasy Core will also be open source so others can contribute to its development, submit bug fixes etc..
XOML + Lua or XOML + C++ or all 3 used together provide a very powerful easy to use environment. You can easily integrate text files, XML files, image files, sound files etc. You should check out the official web site appeasymobile, theres plenty of documentation and a drag and drop app builder that spits out cross platform apps based on XOML + Lua.
Cocos2d-x is a good alternative, but you will need to set up each dev environment for each platform you plan to support (massive pain to do) as it doesn't cross platform compile stuff for you. Although Marmalade do now have a stable interface to Cocos2dx which enables you to use Cocos2dx cross multiple platforms.

What is an SDK? (C++)

Just in general terms, for a noobie. I apparently need an 'SDK' to install something; what is this?
An SDK is a set of libraries which hold reusable code that you in turn use to develop applications. Whether those applications will run in Windows, on an XBOX, and iPhone, in a Flash application, etc. determine what SDK you should be using.
Take the iPhone for example. To write an iPhone application, you write code in a language called Objective-C (which looks and feels just like C, but with Smalltalk's object-model). Anyway, every time you write an app, you don't need to rewrite the code that draws text on the actual screen or registers the actual screen-touches. Instead, Apple provides the code that all application developers will need to do simple things.
Likewise, if you're writing for Windows, there are libraries to do things like draw an actual window, or connect to the network stack.
All of these common libraries, along with some other tools, make up an SDK.
For C++, you will probably see a lot of mention of Boost. This is not an SDK, but rather a set of libraries that contain code that a lot of other developers find useful.
What platform are you trying to write for? Are you just getting into C++ in Windows and looking to get started? Are you trying to write a game for some console?
"Software Development Kit" - a set of tools and libraries that let you develop software.
An example would be the iPhone SDK, which lets you develop software for the iPhone.
An SDK for a given product in general includes what you need to create an interface or an application based on that product. That's why "software development kit", a set of things needed to build software. It is strange though that an SDK is necessary for an install, could you provide more details?
An SDK is a tool kit that helps you develop software for a certain platform.
Help us out with some context! We might just be able to get you the correct SDK.
The OP indicates that the SDK is needed to install software. If this is the case, then maybe the OP is really asking is "Why is an SDK needed to install software, given that I am not developing (compiling) software?"
The OP tagged the question with SDK, which provides a definition and if the OP took the time write the question, the OP would in all likeliness Google SDK.
I suspect this is a case where moderators could have helped the OP to refine the question.