How to detect the newline character with gzgetc in c/c++ - c++

I want to read an entire line of a file character by character using gzgetc and stop when the newline is encountered. I know there is a function to grab the entire line but I would like to try to do it this way first. I tried:
Int c;
do {
c = gzgetc((gzFile) fp);
cout << c;
} while (c != '\n');
The result was an infinite loop. I tried adding (char) before c, still the same result. What am I doing wrong? The data file I am trying to read is encoded in base64 and I want to read in each token separated by space. Some of the lines are variable length and have a mixture of encoded and not encoded data which I set up an algorithm for I just need to know how to stop at newline.

You need to also check for gzgetc() returning -1, which indicates an error or end of file, and exiting the loop in that case. Your infinite loop is likely due to one of those.


Difference between while(!file.eof()) and while(file >> variable)

First things first - I've got a text file in which there are binary numbers, one number for each row. I'm trying to read them and sum them up in a C++ program. I've written a function which transforms them to decimal and adds them after that and I know for sure that function's ok. And here's my problem - for these two different ways of reading a text file, I get different results (and only one of these results is right) [my function is decimal()]:
ifstream file;"sample.txt");
int sum = 0;
string BinaryNumber;
while (!file.eof()){
file >> BinaryNumber;
and that way my sum is too large, but by a small quantity.
ifstream file;"sample.txt");
int sum = 0;
string BinaryNumber;
while (file >> BinaryNumber){
and this way gives me the the right sum. After some testing I came to a conclusion that the while loop with eof() is making one more iteration than the other while loop. So my question is - what is the difference between those two ways of reading from a text file? Why the first while loop gives me the wrong result and what may be this extra iteration that it's doing?
The difference is that >> reads the data first, and then tells you whether it has been a success or not, while file.eof() does the check prior to the reading. That is why you get an extra read with the file.eof() approach, and that read is invalid.
You can modify the file.eof() code to make it work by moving the check to a place after the read, like this:
// This code has a problem, too!
while (true) { // We do not know if it's EOF until we try to read
file >> BinaryNumber; // Try reading first
if (file.eof()) { // Now it's OK to check for EOF
break; // We're at the end of file - exit the loop
However, this code would break if there is no delimiter following the last data entry. So your second approach (i.e. checking the result of >>) is the correct one.
EDIT: This post was edited in response to this comment.
When using file.eof() to test the input, the last input probably fails and the value stays unchanged and is, thus, processed twice: when reading a string, the stream first skips leading whitespace and then reads characters until it finds a space. Assuming the last value is followed by a newline, the stream hasn't touched EOF, yet, i.e., file.eof() isn't true but reading a string fails because there are no non-whitespace characters.
When using file >> value the operation is executed and checked for success: always use this approach! The use of eof() is only to determine whether the failure to read was due to EOF being hit or something else.

C++ - Skipping code after first run-through?

I have a do-while loop, shown below
dimensions = NULL;
printf("=======================================\nDo you want to multiply in 2 dimensions, or 3?\n\n");
scanf("%c", &dimensions);
... //do stuff
printf("\nEnter r to repeat, return to terminate\n");
scanf("%c", &key);
scanf("%c", &key);
while(key == 'r');
On the first run, it executes fine. The problem however is when it runs through the code again after the user enters 'r' and hits return. It'll take you to the first printf("==== etc., but won't allow the user to do anything, it'll go straight back to the second printf("\nEnter...
I stepped through the code to see what was going on, and on a second run through the program just skips the scanf( and all following code for absolutely no reason. Initially I thought it was because 'dimensions' wasn't being set to a value that doesn't run the following methods - but I have, and even if that were the case, the program would run the methods instead of skipping them without user input.
Am I missing something? Is scanf( not enough to stop the program once it's already been used?
Your problem is that when your program gets input from the console with scanf, it reads the data from the keyboard into the input buffer, then values are taken out of the buffer and placed into the locations you provide to scanf. The issue is that when scanf reads a character, it also reads the \n into the buffer, then upon being called again, it reads the second character that was placed into the buffer (without asking you for more input - because why would it? It already HAS things in the buffer).
So there are two solutions: one - use fflush on stdin like so: fflush(stdin). Second - write a while loop that clears out characters one by one from the input buffer: while (getchar() != '\n' );
EDIT: For more reading, see How to clear input buffer in C?
Think it through: "the user enters 'r' and hits return", then the program reads the 'r' and repeats. What's left in the input buffer? There were two keys pressed, and the code only read the first one.
That's also the reason that the code needs two calls to scanf. The first clears the extra character out of the input buffer and the second reads the new character.
What is happening now
To make the buffer flush you need to enter
Hitting <enter> flushes the buffer. So the input buffer now contains two characters.
So the first scanf will read r
The second scanf will read \n
So by the time you reach the while key has a value of \n. The test fails and the loop is not repeated. So you should remove the second scanf() reading into key.
So you remove the second scanf. Now what happens?
User types
This leaves the input buffer with:
The scanf() read r into key. The loop repeats correctly. But when we get back to the scanf(). The input buffer still has \n character in the buffer. So the scanf() immediately reads this value and the loop exists as it should have.
how you should fix it.
Ask for Y/N answer and validate that the input is correct.
std::string line;
std::getline(std::cin, line);
while (line != "Y" && line != "N")
std::cout << "Hey cluts enter a correct value. Y/N\n";
std::getline(std::cin, line);

Having problems with 0x0A character in C++ even in binary mode. (interprets it as new file)

Hi this might seem a bit noobie, but here we go. Im developing a program that downloads leaderboards of a certain game from the internet and transforms it into a proper format to work with it (elaborate rankings, etc).
The files contains the names, ordered by rank, but between each name there are 7 random control codes (obivously unprintable). The txt file looks like this:
Checked via an hexEditor and saw the first control code after each name is always a null character (0x00). So, what I do is read everything, and then cout every character. When a 0x00 character is found, skip 7 characters and keep couting. Therefore you end up with the list, right?
At first I had the problem that on those random control codes, sometimes you would find like a "soft EOF" (0x1A), and the program would stop reading there. So I finally figured out to open it in binary mode. It worked, and then everything would be couted... or thats what I thought.
But I came across another file which still didn't work, and finally found out that there was an EOF character! (0x0A) Which doesn't makes sense since Im opening it in binary mode. But still, after reading that character, C++ interprets that as a new file, and hence skips 7 characters, so the name after that character will always appear cut.
Here's my current code:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
string scores;
system("wget http://certainwebsite/001.txt"); //download file
ifstream highin ("001.txt", ios::binary);
ofstream highout ("board.txt", ios::binary);
if (highin.is_open())
while ( highin.good() )
getline (highin, scores);
for (int i=0;i<scores.length(); i++)
if (scores[i]==0x00){
i=i+7; //skip 7 characters if 'null' is found
cout << endl;
highout << endl;
cout << scores[i];
highout << scores[i]; //cout names and save them in output file
else cout << "Unable to open file";
Not sure how to ignore that character if being already in binary mode doesn't work. Sorry for the long question but I wanted to be detailed and specific. In this case, the EOF character is located before the Name3, and hence this is how the output looks like:
By default getline() reads until the end of line and discards the newline character. However, the delimiter character could be customized (by supplying the third parameter). If you wish to read until the null character (not until the end of line), you could try using getline (highin, scores, '\0'); (and adjusting the logic of skipping the characters).
I'm glad you figured it out and it doesn't surprise me that getline() was the culprit. I had a similar issue dealing with the newline character when I was trying to read in a CSV file. There are several different getline() functions in C++ depending on how you call the function and each seems to handle the newline character differently.
As a side note, in your for loop, I'd recommend against performing a method call in your test. That adds unnecessary overhead to the loop. It'd be better to call the method once and put that value into a variable, then enter the loop and test i against the length variable. Unless you expect the length to change, calling the length() method each iteration is a waste of system resources.
Thank you all guys, it worked, it was the getline() which was giving me problems indeed. Due to the 'while' loop, each time it found a new line character, it restarted the process, hence skipping those 7 characters.

C++ cin fails when reading more than 127 ASCII values

I've created a text file that has 256 characters, the first character of the text file being ASCII value 0 and the last character of the text value being ASCII value 255. The characters in between increment from 0 to 255 evenly. So character #27 is ASCII value 27. Character #148 should be ASCII value 148.
My goal is to read every character of this text file.
I've tried reading this with cin. I tried cin.get() and, both of which are supposed to read unformatted input. But both fail when reading the 26th character. I think when I used an unsigned char, cin said it was reading read in 255, which simply isn't true. And when I used a normal signed char, cin said it was reading in -1. It should be reading in whatever the character equivalent of ASCII 26 is. Perhaps cin thinks it's hit EOF? But I've read on separate StackOverflow posts previously that EOF isn't an actual character that one can write. So I'm lost as to why cin is coughing on character values that represent integer -1 or integer 255. Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong, why, and what the best solution is, and why?
There's not much concrete code to paste. I've tried a few different non-working combinations all involving either cin.get() or with either char or unsigned char and call casts to char and int in between. I've had no luck with being able to read past the 26th character, except for this:
unsigned char character;
while ( (character = (unsigned char)cin.get()) != EOF) { ... }
Interestingly enough though, although this doesn't stop my while loop at the 26th character, it doesn't move on either. It seems like cin, whether its cin.get() or just refuses to advance to the next character the moment it detects something it doesn't like. I'm also aware that something like cin.ignore() exists, but my input isn't predictable; that is, these 256 characters for my text file are just a test case, and the real input is rather random. This is part of a larger homework assignment, but this specific question is not related to the assignment; I"m just stuck on part of the process.
Note: I am reading from the standard input stream, not a specific text file. Still no straightforward solution it seems. I can't believe this hasn't been done on cin before.
On Windows, it stops after character 26 probably due to that Ctrl-Z thing. I don't care that much for this problem. It only needs to work on Linux.
On Linux, though, it reads all characters from 0 - 127. But it doesn't seem to be reading the extended ASCII characters from 127 to 255. There's a "solution" program that produces output we're supposed to imitate, and that program is able to read all 255 characters somehow.
Question: How, using cin, can I read all 255 ASCII characters?
int characterInt;
unsigned char character;
while ( (characterInt = getchar()) != EOF )
// 'character' now stores values from 0 - 255
character = (unsigned char)(characterInt);
I presume you are on windows. On the windows platform character 26 is ctrl-z which is used in a console to represent end of file, so the iostreams is thinking your file ends at that character.
It onlt does this in text mode which cin is using, if you open a steam in binary mode it won't do this.
std::cin reads text streams, not arbitrary binary data.
As to why the 26th character is interesting, you are probably using a CP/M derivative (such as MS-DOS or MS-Windows). In those operating systems, Control-Z is used as an EOF character in text files.
On Linux, using g++ 4.4.3, the following program behaves precisely as expected, printing the numbers 0 thru 255, inclusive:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main () {
int ch;
while( (ch=std::cin.get()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof() )
std::cout << ch << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
There are two problems here. The first is that in Windows the default mode for cin is text and not binary, resulting in certain characters being interpreted instead of being input into the program. In particular the 26th character, Ctrl-Z, is being interpreted as end-of-file due to backwards compatibility taken to an extreme.
The other problem is due to the way cin >> works - it skips whitespace. This includes space obviously, but also tab, newline, etc. To read every character from cin you need to use cin.get() or

Actual difference between end of line and end of file under windows?

I understand EOF and EOL but when I was reading this question (second part of answer) and i got my concepts broken :
Specially the para :
It won't stop taking input until it finds the end of file(cin uses
stdin, which is treated very much like a file)
so i want to know when we do some thing like in c++ under windows :
std::cin>>int_var; , and we press enter , this end the input but according to reference link it should only stop taking input after hitting ctrl+z.
So i would love to know how std::*stream deal with EOF and EOL.
Second part:
please have a look at this example :
std::cin.getline(char_array_of_size_256 ,256);
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout << "artist is " << artist << endl;
If i remove std::cin.ignore() it simply stops taking input (which is known case) but when i keep it , it waits for a new input which is ended by '\n' . But it should simply clear up stream rather then waiting for any new input ending-up with '\n'.
Thanks for giving you time)
End-of-line and end-of-file are very different concepts.
End-of-line is really just another input character (or character sequence) that can appear anywhere in an input stream. If you're reading input one character at a time from a text stream, end-of-line simply means that you'll see a new-line ('\n') character. Some input routines treat this character specially; for example, it tells getline to stop reading. (Other routines treat ' ' specially; there's no fundamental difference.)
Different operating systems use different conventions for marking the end of a line. On Linux and other Unix-like systems, the end of a line in a file is marked with a single ASCII linefeed (LF, '\n') character. When reading from a keyboard, both LF and CR are typically mapped to '\n' (try typing either Enter, Control-J, or Control-M). On Windows, the end of a line in a file is marked with a CR-LF pair (\r\n). The C and C++ I/O systems (or the lower-level software they operate on top of) map all these markers to a single '\n' character, so your program doesn't have to worry about all the possible variations.
End-of-file is not a character, it's a condition that says there are no more characters available to be read. Different things can trigger this condition. When you're reading from a disk file, it's just the physical end of the file. When you're reading from a keyboard on Windows, control-Z denotes end-of-file; on Unix/Linux, it's typically control-D (though it can be configured differently).
(You'll usually have an end-of-line (character sequence) just before end-of-file, but not always; input can sometimes end in an unterminated line, on some systems.)
Different input routines have different ways of indicating that they've seen an end-of-file condition. Read the documentation for each one for the details.
As for EOF, that's a macro defined in <stdio.h> or <cstdio>. It expands to a negative integer constant (typically -1) that's returned by some functions to indicate that they've reached an end-of-file condition.
EDIT: For example, suppose you're reading from a text file containing two lines:
Let's say you're using C's getchar(), getc(), or fgetc() function to read one character at a time. The values returned on successive calls will be:
'o', 'n', 'e', '\n', 't', 'w', 'o', '\n', EOF
Or, in numeric form (on a typical system):
111, 110, 101, 10, 116, 119, 111, 10, -1
Each '\n', or 10 (0x0a) is a new-line character read from the file. The final -1 is the value of EOF; this isn't a character, but an indication that there are no more characters to be read.
Higher-level input routines, like C's fgets() and C++'s std::cin >> s or std::getline(std::cin, s), are built on top of this mechanism.
First "part"
so i want to know when we do some thing like in c++ under windows : std::cin>>int_var; , and we press enter , this end the input but according to reference link it should only stop taking input after hitting ctrl+z.
No, you're confusing formatted input operations with stream iterators. The following will use the formatted input operation (operator>>) repeatedly until the end of file is reached because the "end iterator" represents the end of the stream.
std::vector<int> integers;
If you use the following:
int i = 0;
std::cin >> i;
in an interactive shell (e.g. in console mode), std::cin will block on user input which is acquired line by line. So, if no data (or only white space) is available, this operation will actually force the user to type a line of input and press the enter key.
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
std::cin >> i >> j;
may block on one or two lines of input, depending on what the user types. In particular, if the user types
then the two input operations will be applies using the same line of input.
Second "part"
Considering the code snippet:
std::cin.getline(char_array_of_size_256 ,256);
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout << "artist is " << artist << endl;
If the line contains 255 or less lines of character data, std::cin.getline() will consume the end-of-line character. Thus, the second line will consume all characters until the next line is completed. If you want to capture only the current line and ignore all characters past 256, I suggest you use something like:
std::cin.getline(char_array_of_size_256 ,256);
if (std::cin.gcount() == 256) {
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout << "artist is " << artist << endl;
On the second part:
When the linked answer said "read into a string", I guess they meant
std::string s;
std::getline(std::cin, s);
which always reads the entire line into the string s (while setting s to the proper size).
That way there is nothing left over from the input line to clean up.