Regex for SQL Query - regex

Hello together I have the following problem:
I have a long list of SQL queries which I would like to adapt to one of my changes. Finally, I have a renaming problem and I'm afraid I want to solve it more complicated than expected.
The query looks like this:
INSERT member (member, prename, name, street, postalcode, town, tel1, tel2, fax, bem, anrede, salutation, email, name2, name3, association, project) VALUES (2005, N'John', N'Doe', N'Street 4711', N'1234', N'Town', N'1234-5678', N'1234-5678', N'1234-5678', N'Leader', NULL, N'Dear Mr. Doe', N'', N'This is the text i want to delete', N'Name2', N'Name3', NULL, NULL);
In the "Insert" there was another column which I removed (which I did simply via Notepad++ by typing the search term - "example, " - and replaced it with an empty field. Only the following entry in Values I can't get out using this method, because the text varies here. So far I have only worked with the text file in which I adjusted the list of queries.
So as you can see there is one more entry in Values than in the insertions (there was another column here, but it was removed by my change).
It is the entry after the email address. I would like to remove this including the comma (N'This is the text i want to delete',).
My idea was to form a group and say that the 14th digit after the comma should be removed. However, even after research I do not know how to realize this.
I thought it could look like this (tried in
VALUES\s?\((,) something here
Is this even the right approach or is there another method? I only knew Regex to solve this problem, because of course the values look different here.
And how can I finally use the regex to get the queries adapted (because the queries are local to my computer and not yet included in the code).
Short summary:
Change the query from
VALUES (... test5, test6, test7 ...)
VALUES (... test5, test7 ...)

As per my comment, you could use find/replace, where you search for:
(\bVALUES +\((?:[^,]+,){13})[^,]+,
And replace with $1
See the online demo
( - Open 1st capture group.
\bValues +\( - Match a word-boundary, literally 'VALUES', followed by at least a single space and a literal open paranthesis.
(?: - Open non-capturing group.
[^,]+, - Match anything but a comma at least once followed by a comma.
){13} - Close non-capture group and repeat it 13 times.
) - Close 1st capture group.
[^,]+, - Match anything but a comma at least once followed by a comma.

You may use the following to remove / replace the value you need:
Find What: \bVALUES\s*\((\s*(?:N'[^']*'|\w+))(?:,(?1)){12}\K,(?1)
Replace With: (empty string, or whatever value you need)
See the regex demo
\bVALUES - whole word VALUES
\s* - 0+ whitespaces
\( - a (
(\s*(?:N'[^']*'|\w+)) - Group 1: 0+ whitespaces and then either N' followed with any 0 or more chars other than ' and then a ', or 1+ word chars
(?:,(?1)){12} - twelve repetitions of , followed with the Group 1 pattern
\K - match reset operator that discards the text matched so far from the match memory buffer
, - a comma
(?1) - Group 1 pattern.
Settings screen:


Grok pattern/Regex to parse string with nested parenthesis

I am trying to parse out several dynamic strings via Grok/Regex that exist in log messages between (). For example (SenderPartyName below):
2021/05/23 16:01:26.094 High Messaging.Message.Delivered Id(ci1653336085475.12327434#test_te) MessageId(EPIUM#1130754#84601671) SenderPartyName(Mcdonalds (CFH) Restaurant Glen) ReceiverPartyName(TEST_HERE_AGAIN) SenderRoutingId(08Mdsfkm853)
I would want to parse each key-value out from the string that follow the () format. Here is my grok pattern so far. I've been testing with
%{DATESTAMP:ts} %{WORD:loglevel} %{DATA:reason}\s ?(Id\(%{DATA:id}\))? ?(MessageId\(%{DATA:originalmessageid}\))? ?(SenderPartyName\((?<senderpartyname>.+?\).+?)\))? ?(ReceiverPartyName\(%{DATA:receiverpartyname}\))? ?(SenderRoutingId\(%{DATA:senderroutingid}\))?
This works when there are () within the nested string like this:
Mcdonalds (CFH) Restaurant Glen
...but it is dynamic and could appear without () like such: Mcdonalds Restaurant Glen
Trying to build regex to account for both scenarios with this portion of the grok pattern:
Currently this parses the non-parenthesis case like this though:
"senderpartyname": "Mcdonalds Restaurant Glen) ReceiverPartyName(TEST_HERE_AGAIN"
..where desired state is one of the following depending on the string:
"senderpartyname": "Mcdonalds Restaurant Glen"
"senderpartyname": "Mcdonalds (CFH) Restaurant Glen"
You can use
Note I revamped it so that all optional fields match one or more whitespaces and the fields as obligatory patterns, but they are made optional as a sequence, which makes matching more efficient.
The main thing changed is (?:\s+SenderPartyName(?<senderpartyname>\((?:[^()]++|\g<senderpartyname>)*\)))?, it matches
(?: - start of a non-capturing group:
\s+ - one or more whitespaces
SenderPartyName - a fixed word
(?<senderpartyname>\((?:[^()]++|\g<senderpartyname>)*\)) - Group "senderpartyname": ( (matched with \(), then zero or more repetitions of any char other than ( and ) or the Group "senderpartyname" pattern recursed ( see (?:[^()]++|\g<senderpartyname>)*) and then a ) char (matched with \))
)? - end of the group, one or zero repetitions (optional)

PostgreSQL: .csv regex - test for repeating substrings within a string (digits)

I have the following scenario in PostgreSQL whereby I want to perform some data validation on a .csv string prior to inserting it into a table (see the fiddle here).
I've managed to get a regex (in a CHECK constraint) which disallows spaces within strings (e.g. "12 34") and also disallows preceding zeros ("00343").
Now, the icing on the cake would be if I could use regular expressions to disallow strings which contain a repeat of an integer - i.e. if a sequence \d+ matched another \d+ within the same string.
Is this beyond the capacities of regular expressions?
My table is as follows:
CONSTRAINT d_csv_only_ck
CHECK (data ~ '^([ ]*([1-9]\d*)+[ ]*)(,[ ]*([1-9]\d*)+[ ]*)*$')
And I can populate it as follows:
('992,1005,1007,992,456,456,1008'), -- want to make this line unnacceptable - repeats!
('13, 44 , 1005, 10078 '), -- acceptable - spaces before and after integers
(' 1234 '); -- acceptable
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('23432, 3433 ,00343, 567'); -- leading 0 - unnacceptable
fails (as it should), and also fails (again, as it should)
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('12 34'); -- spaces within numbers - unnacceptable
The question:
However, if you notice the first string, it has repeats of 992and 456.
I would like to be able to match these.
All of these rules do not have to be in the same regex - I can use a second CHECK constraint.
I would like to know if what I am asking is possible using Regular Expressions?
I did find this post which appears to go some (all?) of the way to solving my issue, but I'm afraid it's beyond my skillset to get it to work - I've included a small test at the bottom of the fiddle.
Please let me know should you require any further information.
p.s. as an aside, I'm not very experienced with regexes and I would welcome any input on my basic one above.
Since PostegreSQL regex does not support backreferences, you cannot apply this restriction because you would need a negative lookahead with a backreference in it.
Have a look at this PCRE regex:
^(?!.*\b(\d+)\b.*\b\1\b) *[1-9]\d* *(?:, *[1-9]\d* *)*$
See this regex demo.
^ - start of string
(?!.*\b(\d+)\b.*\b\1\b) - no same two numbers as whole word allowed anywhere in the string
* - zero or more spaces
[1-9]\d* - a non-zero digit and then any zero or more digits
* - zero or more spaces
(?:, *[1-9]\d* *)* - zero or more occurrences of
, * - comma and zero or more spaces
[1-9]\d* - a non-zero digit and then any zero or more digits
* - zero or more spaces
$ - end of string.
Even if you replace \b with \y (PostgreSQL regex word boundaries) in the PostgreSQL code, it won't work due to the drawback mentioned at the top of the answer.

Regex with 2 semi colons in notepad++

I have data like this
I am trying to find a regex that will only select the second data (Basket7, Cake4).
From past help I tried something like
^(\w+ [^\v;;]+;;[^\v;]+)?.*
But I know that is not right
Please assist with the regex if you can
You could use a positive lookbehind (?<= to assert what is before is ;; and a positive lookahead (?= to assert that what follows is ;
Use a negative character class [^;]+ to match not a ; to match your values.
You may use
and replace with $1.
(?:.*;)? - an optional substring having 0+ chars other than line break chars, as many as possible, up to the ;
([^;\n\r]+) - Group 1: any one or more chars other than CR, LF and ;
; - a semi-colon
[^;\n\r]+ - any one or more chars other than CR, LF and ;
$ - end of line.
The second regex matches
.*?;; - any 0+ chars as few as possible up to (and including) the first ;;
([^;\r\n]+) - Group 1: any one or more chars other than CR, LF and ;
(?:;.*)? - an optional group matching 1 or 0 occurrences of a ; and then any 0+ chars up to the end of line
The $1 in the replacement is the value you need to keep.
You need to specify more precisely what "the second data (Basket7, Cake4)" means. This looks like CSV data with the ; set as separator, but that would place Basket7 and Cake4 in the third column, since the second column is empty. In order to write a regex that solves this problem in the general case, you need to take into account the full domain of possible lines, and you've only given two examples and let everyone guess what the underlying format and total possible variations might be.
For example, is it always reasonable to assume that that which you're looking for is always preceded by ;; and ends with a ;, and that ;; never occurs in other places than immediately before that which you're looking for? In that case, (?<=;;)([^;]*) captures this. But what if you encounter one of the following lines?
Giftsbirth;;;CC # Here, the thing matched is empty
Giftsbirth;1600;Basket7;CC # Here, the second column isn't empty
;;Basket7;CC # Here, the first column is empty
;;;CC # Here, all but the last column are empty
;;; # Here, all columns are empty
You may experience that various suggestions will give you "the right text", but if you test this on a limited subset that does not account for all variations that can reasonably be expected in the input, you will inevitably have to revise your regex.
Assuming this is a CSV where the fields don't contain literal ;s, and that you don't know anything about the length of any of the fields (and consequently that the second column isn't always empty), but that there are at least three columns, you could consider the regex:
(See demo at
These assumptions may not be correct, but my ability to guess are much worse than yours, since you're sitting with a larger sample size of data. In order to succeed at automating your tasks, it is critical that you learn to modify code to fit your assumptions.
For example, you may want to disregard the cases where the third column is empty:
Here the difference is [^;]* changed into [^;]+.
Or you may want to take into account that the first column could contain semicolons when they are wrapped in double quotes, e.g. like "Giftsbirth; Holiday";;Basket7;CC:
Here the difference is [^;]* changed into (?:[^;"]*|"[^"]*") being either [^;"]* (being all but ; and ") or "[^"]*" (being " followed by anything but ", which includes ;, followed by ").

Using RegEx to grab a field in brackets

I have multiple square bracketed data in the log file of a splunk log. I am attempting to find a particular field named UserDataGuid and then gather the data in the bracket after this. My only option seems to be regular expressions in a standard that seems similar to perl to me. Yet does not work what am I doing wrong here ?
| rex "\]\s(?<UserDataGuid>.*?)\s*$"
// this trial looks more promising but grabs the last bracket :( and doesn't name the field, to be used in a subSearch.
| rex "(?i)UserDataGuid\s*\[([^\}]*)\]
the data looks like this
[21] INFO UserDataGuid [fas08f0da-faf6-4308-aad6-hfld5643gs] [(null)] [(null)] [(null)]
and I want only the guid
and I would love for it to be a field I could reuse like fields are used in splunk.
It looks like you want
I'd try the following regex:
(?<=UserDataGuid \[).*?(?=\])/g
This will capture fas08f0da-faf6-4308-aad6-hfld5643gs. See a demo here.
you say: match a ] > \], follow by any space character (only one) > \s, follow by a group with name UserDataGuid > (?<UserDataGuid> ... ) that contains any character, except newline (zero times, to unlimited times) > .*? ( in lazy mode, ? ), follow by any space character (zero times, to unlimited times) > \s*, follow by end of string > $
I think that you don't want this (?<UserDataGuid> ... );
you want match (in some way) UserDataGuid, no call UserDataGuid at the group that match " any character, except newline (zero times, to unlimited times) > .*? ( in lazy mode, ? ) "
change the }, for a ], and then, you captured your GUID in group #1
but, you don't need match "UserDataGuid\s[*"
you could use:
(?<=UserDataGuid \[)([^\]]*)
and then, you only match the GUID, and find it in the group #1
you can remove the parenthesis of group #1, because is a full match:
(?<=UserDataGuid \[)[^\]]*

regex get string within two string

I have a query and want to get table names between from & where
If its a single line and single table without alias i could do so:
(?<=from )([^#]\w*)(?=.*where)
I need to get each table except the prefixed table. i.e course c marks s
But i can't figure out regex for the following Query.
(The where clause could be in same line or new line, on start of line or with space or tab)
from #prefix#student, course c, marks m
where ....
There are also sub queries in some places, if that case could also be handled would help.
select ... from course c
where id = (select ... from student where ...)
I'm trying to find & replace in sublime text 3 editor
Test case queries:
//output [course]
select ... from course
where ...
//output [course c] [marks s]
select ... from course c, marks s
where ....
//output [marks m]
select ... from #prefix#course c, marks m
where ...
//output [student s]
select ... from #prefix#course c
where id = (select ... from student s where ...)
You can use the following regex:
See the regex demo
Check Case sensitive option in case you need that.
If you need to just highlight all between from and where, use lookarounds:
See another demo and the screen with results:
Regex breakdown:
(?<=\bfrom\b) - check if there is a whole word from before the next...
(?!\s*#) - make sure there is no 0 or more whitespaces followed by #
([^w]*(?:\bw(?!here\b)[^w]*)*) - match any text that is not where up to...
(?=\bwhere\b) - a whole word where.
Since you need to get comma-separated values excluding prefixed names with their aliases, you need a boundary-constrained regex. It can be achieved with \G operator:
(?:\bfrom\b(?:\s*#\w+(?:\s*\w+))*+|(?!^)\G),?\s*\K(?!(?:\w+ )?\bwhere\b)([\w ]+)(?=[^w]*(?:\bw(?!here\b)[^w]*)*\bwhere\b)
(?:\bfrom\b(?:\s*#\w+(?:\s*\w+))*+|(?!^)\G) - matches from (as a whole word) followed by optional whitespace followed by # and 1 or more alphanumerics that are followed by whitespaces+alphanumerics (alias)
,?\s*\K - optional (1 or 0) commas followed by 0 or more whitespaces that are followed by \K that forces the engine to omit the whole chunk of text matched so fat
(?!(?:\w+ )?\bwhere\b) - a restrictive lookahead with which we forbid the next or the word following the next word to be equal to where
([\w ]+) - our match, 1 or more alphanumerics or space (may be replaced with [\w\h]+)
(?=[^w]*(?:\bw(?!here\b)[^w]*)*\bwhere\b) - a trailing boundary: there must be text other than where up to the first where.