mailgun send template email via SMTP - mailgun

I've created a HTML template on mailgun site. It work fine when I call the API restful.
So, I need use the template via SMTP.
My question: is possible to add headers on SMTP to use the template?

No. Mailgun templates are only available through their web service.


How to send email with Amazon SES using a pure HTTP request?

I want to send email using the Amazon SES without using aws-sdk. I need to send it using just a pure HTTP request. In other words, how can I send email with Amazon SES using cURL?
SES has email service and it is possible to quite easily check what is being sent with some external tool to sniff the requests that are being sent from your computer. On the other hand, keep in mind that if you want to do it purely using cURL, you have to also handle authentication and signing your requests before, which will create a lot of additional work.
Here you have example request syntax:
Link for the signature (I believe that was the things that oyu were looking for) etc:
Here you have the link for the endpoints:

Problem with sending email in django using SMTP with new google rules

I am using smtp to send emails in django app but for some reasons it stops working and i found this on the google page.
I do not want to use SendGrid or others.because in my app i send more than 1000000 emails per semester and it was working well before this new condition.
How can i solve this problem ? Thanks.
Try to create an application token in the Google account you use to send the emails with and use it instead of your usual email password.
Have a look at this link: Authorizing Your App with Gmail

Is there an API to configure email templates in wso2 identity server?

I am trying to configure the email template in wso2-IS-5.1.0 through Admin web services. Does an API exist for doing this?
You can use the AccountCredentialMgtConfigService service to get and set the email templates. The WSDL can be found at,

Can I send email via pure javascript

I'm using mailgun as my mail service,
I wonder how to using mailgun to send email via pure javascript in a static website, no backend program
Mailgun does not support a plain JavaScript (with no Backend) interaction. You cannot make AJAX request to Mailgun.
This is actually a good thing for security/safety of your application. Also Mailgun requires server-side authentication (over HTTPS) for all your endpoints, so think about using cURL, nodejs, ruby, python or Java as a way better option to interact with Mailgun
Happy emailing!

Custom Email Marketing from Django on Slicehost Server

I have a Slicehost slice running django through nginx and apache. This is for a project in which email marketing is a key component. We will need to be able to send up to 10,000 emails in a day from this Django app. We need to recieve email as well, however, that can simply be a forwarder.
What would be your recommended solution? would you setup a postfix mail server on the slice or try to use some 3rd party mail service with an API like MailChimp or constant contact?
Sending thousands of emails from your own machine in a reliable way is very hard.
I would recommend you to use SendGrid. You can use them as a smtp server, so there's no need to code against APIs. They can also receive email and POST the data to a URL on your server.