Does anyone know how to use AWS App2Container(A2C)? - amazon-web-services

AWS App2Container (A2C) is a recently launched feature by AWS. It is a CLI tool to help you lift and shift applications that run in your on-premises data centres or on virtual machines so that they run in containers that are managed by Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS. Since there is not much info on the internet about this, apart from the AWS document so does anybody knows how to implement it and what are the dependencies required for it?

This is a fairly new service so most people will be relying on reading at the moment.
For JAVA applications the setup instructions on Linux indicate that you just download the app2container package and then run the following over your code
sudo app2container containerize --application-id java-app-id
For .NET applications the setup instructions on Windows indicate that it is exactly the same process, run the install file and that will have all dependencies.
The best way to try and implement this will be by following these tutorials step by step. Also remember at this time it is JAVA or .NET only.


Can I use gamelift with node.js servers?

I know it may sound as a stupid question but I am new to all this backend stuff, so take it into account pls.
So, gamelift gives you a fleet of Amazon Linux (or Windows) servers where you can put your game and on top of that a lot of fancy features for gamedev. So if it is a simple Linux can I put there my node.js application? And if not then can I at least use some of the Gamelift functionality (SDK which is available in javascript) while having my servers on ECS for example.
Not a JS user, but come across this question.
It seems that Amazon has released GameLift SDK for Node.js:
You can use below command to install:
npm install aws-sdk
I'm currently trying out different solutions. But you can use node.js to create game server on Gamelift.
There are 2 options:
Realtime server - basically already setup environment to start a game server using node
Custom server - Amazon supports only a couple of languages with their server SDK and js isn't one of them. Fortunately the user dplusic at Github rewrote C# SDK in js, you should be able to use it to run a custom server using node.js

implement a tool that uses the technologies - Jenkins, Docker, Docker Swarm, and AWS

I want to implement a tool that uses the technologies - Jenkins, Docker, Docker Swarm, and AWS - to achieve a deployment tool that our team of developers can use to manage instances and deploys.
Please recommend what technologies should we (both administrators and developers) be using, what needs to be built and what sorts of machines must be having.
Any help here would be much appreciated.
Your question is too generic to provide a specific answer, as there are different approaches to implement what you are trying to achieve. IMHO the best approach would be to talk with your existing dev team & administrators and come up with a solution which all parties find easy to manage and maintain container based environment rather than specifying several specific technologies.
Each tool you have mentioned has different capabilities and also there are other tools that provide the same features which would be more ideal for your situation. (Thats why proper understanding between Devs and admins are necessary on what you really want to achieve.) .
Since you have asked about what kind of machines you must be having (I suppose this is on AWS env) try Core OS on AWS instances. CoreOS (Container Linux) will be the best option to manage and run your container based environments. [About CoreOS]
Jenkins can run in a docker container and issue docker commands to deploy new docker containers that reside in the same swarm as jenkins. You also need to hook into a software repo like git. Jenkins Blue Ocean is something you could look at for pipe-lining your dev->build->test->deploy->maintain pipes. Also, Travis-ci, github, JIRA, and Dockerhub are useful components to what you are trying to achieve.

Medium Hadoop / Spark Cluster Administration

Please let me know if this question is more appropriate for a different channel but I was wondering what the recommended tools are for being able to install, configure and deploy hadoop/spark across a large number of remote servers. I'm already familiar with how to setup all of the software but I'm trying to determine what I should start using that would allow me to easily deploy across a large number of servers. I've started to look into configuration management tools (ie. chef, puppet, ansible) but was wondering what the best and most user friendly option to start off with is out there. I also do not want to use spark-ec2. Should I be creating homegrown scripts to loop through a hosts file containing IP? Should I use pssh? pscp? etc. I want to just be able to ssh with as many servers as needed and install all of the software.
If you have some experience in scripting language then you can go for chef. The recipes are already available for deployment and configuration of cluster and it's very easy to start with.
And if wants to do it by your own then you can use sshxcute java API which runs the script on remote server. You can build up the commands there and pass them to sshxcute API to deploy the cluster.
Check out Apache Ambari. Its a great tool for central management of configs, adding new nodes, monitoring the cluster, etc. This would be your best bet.

Continuous deployment without cloning whole repository

I am searching for a solution to do continuous deployment in a cloud environment, more specific, in an Amazon AWS environment.
The code to be deployed are mainly Microsoft's ASP and PHP, so this framework should work on both platforms. As I have an auto-scale environment, this framework will work if it pulls the new code, like Puppet does.
My first thought was to deploy direct from the VCS, but I ended in a problem where all repository information was mirrored to the servers, as GIT, for instance, works. This is a problem because the repository keeps growing and the servers will demand more and more space.
I found Ansible, that works the way I need, but does not work on Windows environment. It only sends to the servers the production code, not the VCS repository, and keeps track which servers are updated.
Without using an easy-to-setup framework like this, I will need to create a Puppet + Jenkins + a VCS framework, where Jenkins creates the package from a VCS source code and Puppet delivers it.
Does anybody know any small framework for my needs or the Puppet + Jenkins + VCS is the way to go?
Consider CloudMunch ( for this. The platform is built exactly to solve this kind of polyglot requirements.
Disclaimer: I work for CloudMunch

Utilizing EC2 or Azure to scale out a distributed C# build system?

Quite a few build and CI systems support steps for pushing build output to Azure, but I haven't seen any which can actually run on Azure (or EC2). Ideally I would like to be able to spin up an arbitrary number of instances (depending on the # of pending submits) to deal with the actual build + quality gates (UTs, FXCop, other static analysis tools) + source repository checkin process.
Are there existing tools which can do this, or has anyone built something which they can discuss?
[Edit: I found this question which is quite similar but didn't have any informative answers, so I'll keep my question alive]
If you're using Git or Mercurial for source control, AppHarbor might be what you're looking for. It's a CI build/deploy environment that runs exclusively in the cloud (EC2), and can deploy build output to Azure.
Here are some links for reference:
The open souce Jenkins CI server has an EC2 plugin that will spin up EC2 instances automatically depending on your build load. I couldn't find anything for Azure, but I highly recommend Jenkins - it's easy to configure, well maintained and has stacks of features.
Continuous Integration on Windows Azure (over Mercurial)
Disclaimer: work produced by my 1st year CS students
Also Teamcity has support for this: