I am trying to write a class template that uses a parameter-pack and implements a member function for each type contained in the parameter-pack.
This is what I have so far:
template <typename...T>
class Myclass {
void doSomething((Some_Operator_to_divorce?) T) {
* Do Something
std::cout << "I did something" << std::endl;
My goal is to have a class template that can be used in the following way:
Myclass<std::string, int, double> M;
M.doSomething("I am a String");
Where the class template mechanism will create an implementation for a doSomething(std::string x), a doSomething(int x) and a doSomething(double x) member function but not a doSomething(std::string x, int i, double f) member function.
I found a lot of examples in the web on the usability of parameter-packs, but I could not figure out if it can be used for my purpose, or if I totally misunderstood for what a parameter-pack can be used.
I thought that I need to unpack the parameter-pack but, after reading a lot of examples about unpacking parameter packs, I believe that this is not the right choice and it has a complete different meaning.
So, therefore, I am looking for a operation to "divorce" a parameter-pack.
There is no "operator" specifically that supports this, but what you're requesting can be done in a few different ways, depending on your requirements.
The only way to "extract" T types from a parameter pack of a class template with the purpose of implementing an overload-set of functions is to implement it using recursive inheritance, where each instance extracts one "T" type and implements the function, passing the rest on to the next implementation.
Something like:
// Extract first 'T', pass on 'Rest' to next type
template <typename T, typename...Rest>
class MyClassImpl : public MyClassImpl<Rest...>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
using MyClassImpl<Rest...>::doSomething;
template <typename T>
class MyClassImpl<T> // end-case, no more 'Rest'
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass : public MyClassImpl<Types...>
using MyClassImpl<Types...>::doSomething;
This will instantiate sizeof...(Types) class templates, where each one defines an overload for each T type.
This ensures that you get overload semantics -- such that passing an int can call a long overload, or will be ambiguous if there are two competing conversions.
However, if this is not necessary, then it'd be easier to enable the function with SFINAE using enable_if and a condition.
For exact comparisons, you could create an is_one_of trait that only ensures this exists if T is exactly one of the types. In C++17, this could be done with std::disjunction and std::is_same:
#include <type_traits>
// A trait to check that T is one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct is_one_of : std::disjunction<std::is_same<T,Types>...>{};
Alternatively, you may want this to only work if it may work with convertible types -- which you might do something like:
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct is_convertible_to_one_of : std::disjunction<std::is_convertible<T,Types>...>{};
The difference between the two is that if you passed a string literal to a MyClass<std::string>, it will work with the second option since it's convertible, but not the first option since it's exact. The deduced T type from the template will also be different, with the former being exactly one of Types..., and the latter being convertible (again, T may be const char*, but Types... may only contain std::string)
To work this together into your MyClass template, you just need to enable the condition with SFINAE using enable_if:
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass
// only instantiates if 'T' is exactly one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
// or
// only instantiate if T is convertible to one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_convertible_to_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
Which solution works for you depends entirely on your requirements (overload semantics, exact calling convension, or conversion calling convension)
Edit: if you really wanted to get complex, you can also merge the two approaches... Make a type trait to determine what type would be called from an overload, and use this to construct a function template of a specific underlying type.
This is similar to how variant needs to be implemented, since it has a U constructor that considers all types as an overload set:
// create an overload set of all functions, and return a unique index for
// each return type
template <std::size_t I, typename...Types>
struct overload_set_impl;
template <std::size_t I, typename T0, typename...Types>
struct overload_set_impl<I,T0,Types...>
: overload_set_impl<I+1,Types...>
using overload_set_impl<I+1,Types...>::operator();
std::integral_constant<std::size_t,I> operator()(T0);
template <typename...Types>
struct overload_set : overload_set_impl<0,Types...> {};
// get the index that would be returned from invoking all overloads with a T
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct index_of_overload : decltype(std::declval<overload_set<Types...>>()(std::declval<T>())){};
// Get the element from the above test
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct constructible_overload
: std::tuple_element<index_of_overload<T, Types...>::value, std::tuple<Types...>>{};
template <typename T, typename...Types>
using constructible_overload_t
= typename constructible_overload<T, Types...>::type;
And then use this with the second approach of having a function template:
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass {
// still accept any type that is convertible
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_convertible_to_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T& v)
// converts to the specific overloaded type, and call it
using type = constructible_overload_t<T, Types...>;
template <typename T>
void doSomethingImpl(const T&) { ... }
This last approach does it two-phase; it uses the first SFINAE condition to ensure it can be converted, and then determines the appropriate type to treat it as and delegates it to the real (private) implementation.
This is much more complex, but can achieve the overload-like semantics without actually requiring recursive implementation in the type creating it.
I need to pass a unique pointer to a derived template class to a function that takes a unique base template class, like this:
template <typename T>
class Base {};
template <typename T>
class Derived : public Base<T> {};
template <typename T>
void foo(std::unique_ptr<Base<T>>){}
template <typename T>
class MyClass{
MyClass(std::unique_ptr<Base<T>> arg) : _arg(std::move(arg)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Base<T>> _arg;
int main()
auto b = make_unique<Derived<int>>();
MyClass mc(std::move(b))
Why is this not working and how can I fix it?
I get an error:
'void foo1<T>(std::unique_ptr<Base<T>,std::default_delete<Base<T>>>)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'std::unique_ptr<Derived<int>,std::default_delete<Derived<int>>>' to 'std::unique_ptr<Base<T>,std::default_delete<Base<T>>>'
but it work
auto derived = std::make_unique<Derived<int>>();
std::unique_ptr<Base<int>> base = std::move(derived);
C++ doesn't deduce template arguments in this situation. You can specify <int>, and that will succeed.
foo<int>(std::move(b)); // fine
MyClass<int> mc(std::move(b)); // fine
See it on coliru
You can't have template argument deduction also consider implicit conversions, at least not in most situations. Normally the argument type must match the parameter type exactly for deduction of a template argument to be possible (in this case to deduce T), but std::unique_ptr<Base<int>> and std::unique_ptr<Dervived<int>> are not the same type.
As the other answer suggests you can explicitly specify the template argument instead of trying to have it be deduced.
If you want to automate this without having to add anything to Derived or Base you can however make use of one of the exceptions to the general rule above. If the template parameter is a reference-to or pointer-to base of the argument type, then it may (with certain conditions) still be used for deduction:
// Here an exception to the deduction rules applies
// and `Base<T>*` can be deduced against a pointer `X*`
// if `X` is (uniquely) derived from a `Base<T>`
template<typename T>
auto as_base_ptr(Base<T>* p){
return p;
template<typename X>
auto to_base_unique_ptr(std::unique_ptr<X> p) {
using base_type = std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(as_base_ptr(std::declval<X*>()))>;
return std::unique_ptr<base_type>(std::move(p));
template <typename T>
void foo(std::unique_ptr<Base<T>>){
template <typename X>
void foo(std::unique_ptr<X> p){
But even simpler you can ask yourself whether you really need to have the function foo take std::unique_ptr<Base<T>> specifically (e.g. because you need access to T) or whether std::unique_ptr<X> wouldn't already be enough.
With C++20 and concepts around the corner I wondered if it will be possible to write a concept to check if a Type has a function with a certain name which takes any number of arbitrary arguments.
Take the following code for example (with GCC's current concept TS syntax):
template <typename T>
concept bool Initializable = requires(T t) {
{ t.init() } ->void;
struct S {
void init() {}
The concept Initializable checks if a Type implements a void init() function. Now lets assume there is another Type which also has an init function but one which requires arguments, e.g. an int:
struct T {
void init(int) {}
Now in this case the static assertion would fail.
Is there any way to make the Initializable concept ignore the function arguments? This example might seem rather derived, but for something like a generic serializer there might be use-cases for such a concept.
There is a type trait for that, std::is_member_function_pointer. But if you want that the return type is void too, then you can do both at the same time:
template <typename>
struct mptr_returns_void : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename ...Args>
struct mptr_returns_void<void(T::*)(Args...)> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
concept Initializable = mptr_returns_void<decltype(&T::init)>::value;
I have a Base class:
class Base() {
Base(int, int);
I have multiple classes that inherit from Base:
class childA : public Base {
childA(int, int, string);
childA::childA(int x, int y, string str) : Base (x, y)
// do something here
Same for childB, childC, etc
I want to know if it's possible to create childA, childB or childC using a string. I heard about variadic tempaltes but I don't really understand how to use it.
Variadic template is a template, which can take an arbitrary number of template arguments of any type. Both the functions could be variadic since dawn of C language (printf function, for example), then macros and now - templates.
You can declare it like this:
template<typename... Arguments> class Variadic;
then specialize it with any number of arguments, including zero:
Variadic<double> instance;
Variadic<double, std::string> instance;
Variadic<> instance;
Then you may use the argument list, known as argument pack, like this:
template<typename... Arguments> void SampleFunction(Arguments... parameters);
Just as in case of variadic functions, the argument pack can be preceded by concrete arguments:
template<typename First, typename... Rest> class BunchOfValues;
There is classic example of variadic template in STL: std::tuple. Some compilers do not support this feature fully or do not support at all, and in their case tuple is implemented through metaprogramming and macro definitions.
There is no direct way in C++ to select particular argument from the list, like it is possible with variadic functions. It's possible to use recursion to iterate through them in one direction:
template<typename T> foo(T first)
// do something;
template<typename T, typename U, typename ... Args> foo(T first, U second, Args... Rest)
// do something with T
foo(second, Rest...);
Usually iteration would rely on function overloading, or - if the function can simply pick one argument at a time - using a dumb expansion marker:
template<typename... Args> inline void pass(Args&&...) {}
which can be used as follows:
template<typename... Args> inline void expand(Args&&... args) {
pass( some_function(args)... );
expand(42, "answer", true);
which will expand to something like:
pass( some_function(arg1), some_function(arg2), some_function(arg3) etc... );
The use of this "pass" function is necessary, since the expansion of the argument pack proceeds by separating the function call arguments by commas, which are not equivalent to the comma operator. some_function(args)...; will never work. Moreover, this above solution will only work when the return type of some_function is not void. Furthermore, the some_function calls will be executed in an unspecified order, because the order of evaluation of function arguments is undefined. To avoid the unspecified order, brace-enclosed initializer lists can be used, which guarantee strict left-to-right order of evaluation. To avoid the need for a not void return type, the comma operator can be used to always yield 1 in each expansion element.
struct pass {
template<typename ...T> pass(T...) {}
pass{(some_function(args), 1)...};
The number of arguments in argument pack can be determined by sizeof...(args) expression.
As of creating initializers that use calls name it is possible only if name is defined at time of writing the code. There stingizer operator # in preprocessor that can be used, e.g.
#define printstring( x ) printf(#x "\n")
printstring( This a dumb idea );
will generate code (assuming that C++ automatically joins string literals):
printf("This a dumb idea \n")
You can declare something like this:
template<typename T> class moniker
moniker(const char* tname);
#define declare_moniker(type, name) moniker<type> name(#type)
How would variadic macro definitions and variadic template interact? I'm not sure. Compiler I have at hand failed, but it isn't C++11. Try that, if interested.
There might be typeid operator supporeted, depending on compiler settings.
const std::type_info& ti1 = typeid(A);
std::type_info got method name(), but string it returns is implementation dependant: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/type_info/name
In c++14 you could create some helper struct to determine each character of the string you pass at compile-time and to forward it to a type. However string you pass need to be stored in variable with linkage to let compiler to use it as a non-type template parameter:
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
template <char... Cs>
struct string_literal { };
template <class T, T &, class>
struct make_string_literal_impl;
template <class T, T &Cs, std::size_t... Is>
struct make_string_literal_impl<T, Cs, std::index_sequence<Is...>> {
using type = string_literal<Cs[Is]...>;
template <class T, T &>
struct make_string_literal;
template <class T, std::size_t N, T (&Cs)[N]>
struct make_string_literal<T[N], Cs>: make_string_literal_impl<T[N], Cs, std::make_index_sequence<N>> {
struct Base {
Base(int, int) { }
~Base() { }
template <class>
struct Child: Base {
using Base::Base;
constexpr char const str[] = "abc";
int main() {
Child<make_string_literal<decltype(str), str>::type> c(1, 1);
[live demo]
In C++ if you want to partially specialize a single method in a template class you have to specialize the whole class (as stated for example in Template specialization of a single method from templated class with multiple template parameters)
This however becomes tiresome in bigger template classes with multiple template parameters, when each of them influences a single function. With N parameters you need to specialize the class 2^N times!
However, with the C++11 I think there might a more elegant solution, but I am not sure how to approach it. Perhaps somehow with enable_if? Any ideas?
In addition to the inheritance-based solution proposed by Torsten, you could use std::enable_if and default function template parameters to enable/disable certain specializations of the function.
For example:
template<typename T>
struct comparer
template<typename U = T ,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool operator()( U lhs , U rhs )
return /* floating-point precision aware comparison */;
template<typename U = T ,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool operator()( U lhs , U rhs )
return lhs == rhs;
We take advantage of SFINAE to disable/enable the different "specializations" of the function depending on the template parameter. Because SFINAE can only depend on function parameters, not class parameters, we need an optional template parameter for the function, which takes the parameter of the class.
I prefer this solution over the inheritance based because:
It requires less typing. Less typing probably leads to less errors.
All specializations are written inside the class. This way to write the specializations holds all of the specializations inside the original class , and make the specializations look like function overloads, instead of tricky template based code.
But with compilers which have not implemented optional function template parameters (Like MSVC in VS2012) this solution does not work, and you should use the inheritance-based solution.
EDIT: You could ride over the non-implemented-default-function-template-parameters wrapping the template function with other function which delegates the work:
template<typename T>
struct foo
template<typename U>
void f()
void g()
Of course the compiler can easily inline g() throwing away the wrapping call, so there is no performance hit on this alternative.
One solution would be to forward from the function, you want to overload to some implementation that depends on the classes template arguments:
template < typename T >
struct foo {
void f();
template < typename T >
struct f_impl {
static void impl()
// default implementation
template <>
struct f_impl<int> {
static void impl()
// special int implementation
template < typename T >
void foo< T >::f()
f_impl< T >::impl();
Or just use private functions, call them with the template parameter and overload them.
template < typename T >
class foo {
void f()
template < typename G >
void impl( const G& );
void impl( int );
Or if it's really just one special situation with a very special type, just query for that type in the implementation.
With enable_if:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
class A {
template <typename U>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, char>::value, char>::type
g() {
std::cout << "char\n";
return char();
template <typename U>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, int>::value, int>::type
g() {
std::cout << "int\n";
return int();
static T f() { return g<T>(); }
int main(void)
// error: no matching function for call to ‘A<double>::g()’
// A<double>::f();
return 0;
Tag dispatching is often the clean way to do this.
In your base method, use a traits class to determine what sub version of the method you want to call. This generates a type (called a tag) that describes the result of the decision.
Then perfect forward to that implememtation sub version passing an instance of the tag type. Overload resolution kicks in, and only the implememtation you want gets instantiated and called.
Overload resolution based on a parameter type is a much less insane way of handling the dispatch, as enable_if is fragile, complex at point of use, gets really complex if you have 3+ overloads, and there are strange corner cases that can surprise you with wonderful compilation errors.
Maybe i'm wrong but chosen best anwser provided by Manu343726 has an error and won't compile. Both operator overloads have the same signature. Consider best anwser in question std::enable_if : parameter vs template parameter
P.S. i would put a comment, but not enough reputation, sorry
I have class World which manages creation of object... After creation it calls afterCreation method and I the created object is user-defined type derived from Entity (eg. MyEntity), I want to call addEntity. I the object was something else, I want to do nothing.
addEntity must be called with appropriate T, because it generates unique IDs for every derived class etc.
Here is my solution:
template <int v>
struct ToType
enum { value = v };
template <typename T>
void World::afterCreation(T * t)
afterCreation(t, ToType<std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value>());
template <typename T>
void World::afterCreation(T * t, ToType<true>)
addEntity(t); //here I cant pass Entity *, I need the real type, eg. MyEntity
template <typename T>
void World::afterCreation(T * t, ToType<false>)
My question is - Can in be done better way?
How can I simulate following code without ToType or similar?
template <typename T>
void afterCreation(){/*generic impl*/}
template <typename T where T is derived from Entity>
void afterCreation(){/*some specific stuff*/}
"specialize" in the title is only to describe my intention, no need to solve problem with template specialization
It is not going to make it much better, but you can remove one level of indirection by using SFINAE:
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value >::type
World::afterCreation(T * t)
// Derived from Entity
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value >::type
World::afterCreation(T * t)
// generic
How does this work? When the compiler finds the call to afterCreation it tries to determine which of the overloads is best, and for that it matches the types and tries to perform the substitution. In both cases, the matched type (from the arguments) and apply the substitution to the whole expression. The enable_if template contains an inner type type if the value passed as the first argument is true or else it does not contain such type. During the substitution of the types, one of the overloads will yield an invalid function signature (the one for which the condition is false) and will be dropped from the set of candidates.
You can do this with polymorphic pointers:
template <typename T>
void afterCreation(T* x) {
T* entity = dynamic_cast<Entity*> x;
if (!entity) {
// ... generic implementation
} else {
// ... entity implementation, use "entity"
Though this might not be the best solution since this has a (tiny) run-time overhead. A very smart compiler might remove this overhead through static analysis but I doubt compilers will pick this up.