How to create a field with a list of choices but store the index? - list

I'm making a Microsoft Access table where one of the fields is a list of pre-made options. When I make a SQL query on that table it returns the values of the list as strings containing the spelled out choice. I would like to assign numerical values to each element of the list so a SQL query returns a number instead. How do I do this? I know it's possible because I have an access file with such a list but I'm unable to recreate it.

An easy way to do this is to have your combo box use a query of the table as a Rowsource. This query would have the table unique ID in the first field and the field you wish to return as the second field. Then change the setting on the combo box for "Column Count" to 2. If you want to show both fields change the "Column Widths" value to 1"; 1". If you want to show only one field, change the value of one you do not want to see to 0. Now we you refer to this list in an SQL queries, it will use the ID field but show the user the string field.


How get display value of checkbox in a checkbox group?

I am using APEX 21.1. I have a checkbox group whose list of values is retrieved using a query...
select disease, id from history;
The query returns many checkboxes. I have another textarea item. I need to get the display value for any checkbox whenever it's checked and set item HISTORY to that value. How to do so?
Describing a how-to would be so much easier if you had provided some example page item names and example data. So, lets call your checkbox group P10_CHECKBOX and your textarea P10_TEXT.
Usually, your checkbox group will save the item ids as a colon seperated list, like this: 3:4:5
To display the corresponding display values, make a dynamic action on change on your item P10_CHECKBOX.
Then, use an action of type Execute PL/SQL Code to fetch the display values of your items.
The code could look like this:
select listagg(disease,chr(10)) within group (order by disease) into :P10_TEXT
from history h
join table(apex_string.split_numbers(:P10_CHECKBOX,':')) t on ( = t.column_value);
apex_string.split_numbers will convert your colon list into an actual "table" with the column column_value you can use in the join clause. listagg will do the actual concatenation and will work up to a couple thousand characters. chr(10) is an ordinary line break and will have your items be shown line by line, but any other seperator will do.
Last step is to set up P10_CHECKBOX in your Items to submit and P10_TEXT in your Items to return.
Now, whenever you click a checkbox, the textarea will be updated immediately.

Oracle Apex Autocomplete Item to return ID value, not the lookup value

I have the table "SYMPTOMS" with two fields:
"ID" number and "SYMPTOM" varchar2(1000).
I want on my page the item "P2117_SYMPTOM_ID" to be autocomplete and search from the second field ("SYMPTOM") but to return the ID value of this record.
Check the docs. The page item type "Text field with autocomplete" only takes a single column as source (a return value), not 2 columns like a list of values. Reason is that this is an enhanced text field: you can freely enter data but it will suggest you possibilities from a list. A text field only has its actual value as return type too. You could have return ids from a table but then how would you handle values entered by the user that are not in the list ? If you want to map the data the user enters to an id then you can write your own function to do that. Ideally that function would:
Return the id of the value if it exists
Create a new value and return that newly created id if it doesn't exist.

How to add a new column with custom values, based on a WHERE clause from another table in PowerBi?

I am stuck while dynamically forming a new column based certain WHERE clause from another Table in PowerBi. To give more details, let's say I have a table with item numbers associated with a Customer Name. In another table, I have to add a new column, which will dynamically add the item numbers associated with a particular customer and append as a query parameter to a base url.
So, my first table looks like this:
The second table that I want is this:
The query parameter value in the URL, has to be dynamically based on a SELECT query with a WHERE clause and pick up the ItemNumbers using the Customer field which is common between both. So, how can this be done in PowerBi? Any help would be really appreciated :)
I have one table in my model "TableRol" if I want to summarize my Date as the string I can use CONCATENATEX;
URL = CONCATENATE(CONCATENATE("http:\\\parametersHere\getitem?='",CONCATENATEX(VALUES('TableRol'[Date]), 'TableRol'[Date],";")),"'")

Reselect item on Select2 multi-value select list

I use plugin Select2 on Apex.
I have scenario like this:
One ROOM can have many STUDENT
User can select more than one student(with Select2 from MASTER_STUDENT) when create ROOM
When user edit ROOM, previously selected student show in Select2 item(selected item by MAP_STUDENT_ROOM), so user can remove or add more Student
How to achieve point number 4, item Select2 list of values is MASTER_STUDENT but with default selected by MAP_STUDENT_ROOM?
I found this documentation, but i dont know how to apply it.
I'm not familiar with the Select2 plug-in.
Have you considered using the built-in Popup LOV, which since APEX 19.1 now allows multiple selection.
Whether you're using the Select2 plug-in or the built-in Popup LOV, the issue will be the same. You have a form on ROOM, that's trying to take into account an item that isn't part of the ROOM table (its values are stored in MAP_STUDENT_ROOM). The trick is to populate the item correctly during page load so that the item can correctly display the currently assigned students.
How is the item's Source configured? If it's not, set Type to SQL Query (return colon separated value). Assuming you have a primary key item on the page for the room (e.g. P1_ID), enter a query like the following:
select student_id
where room_id = :P1_ID
Then set Used to Always, replacing any existing value in session state.
This should get the item to display correctly when the page loads. However, you'll still have to figure out how to map the values back to the MAP_STUDENT_ROOM table correctly when the page is submitted. You'll need to add some logic that first deletes rows from the room (P1_ID) that are not in the selection (e.g. P1_ASSIGNED_STUDENTS). You can use APEX_STRING.SPLIT_NUMBERS to help:
delete from map_student_room
where room_id = :P1_ID
and student_id not in (
select column_value
from apex_string.split_number(:P1_ASSIGNED_STUDENTS, ':')
Then you can insert rows that are in the selection but not already in the room.
insert into map_student_room (
select :P1_ID,
from apex_string.split_number(:P1_ASSIGNED_STUDENTS, ':')
where column_value not in (
select student_id
from map_student_room
where room_id = :P1_ID
I've not tested any of this code, but it should get the points across.
Another option would be to use an Interactive Grid instead of a list of values item. This is a classic master/detail scenario where students could be added and removed below the form region (typically only done after create).

Trying to modify read-only DataSet field

I use C++ Builder 6.0
I use TADODataSet execute following SQL statement:
SELECT Id, SUM(Saldo) AS Saldo
FROM Table
I use this DataSet only for reporting. No need update date back to database.
When I try to modify field "Saldo"
I get error:
Field 'Saldo' cannot be modified.
I add this line
and error no more occurred, but field 'Saldo' has not changed.
Howe to change ‘Saldo’ field value?
Add a calculated field to your dataset.
Calculate the right value for Saldo
in this calculated field (you can
use Saldo as source for it if you
want to)
display this calculated field in your report in
stead of the Saldo field.
For examples of how to add calculated fields, see for instance here, here and here.
As ldsandon said, you cannot modify the "Saldo" field as it is computed.
If you need to set the value to zero when Id is "something" you are better off doing it in your query. The best approach depends on the criteria for setting the value to zero.
Or, save the results of the original query in a temp table then modify that before returning the results to the report.
Finally, what reporting tool are you using? Can that do the "Saldo = 0" change when rendering the report?
Consider storing your result in a ClientDataset - if you can be assured the result isn't too large.
I don't use "TADODataSet" so the following may not apply :)...
When I do the same (or similar) using my DB of choice (i.e. Advantage Database Server) I would use the INTO clause, albeit, with a TSQLQuery component (with the RequestLive property enabled). For example:
SELECT Id, SUM(Saldo) AS Saldo INTO #TempTable FROM Table GROUP BY Id