Does AWS TransferUtility.Download() overwrite existing files - amazon-web-services

A file is being placed into an S3 bucket each month. I need to download it after it arrives to S3. To do this I'm using the AWS TransferUtility.Download() function for this task.
The documentation doesn't indicate if the previous month's file will be overwritten or if the download will fail if a file (with the same name) is already there. Does anyone know how this function will behave?

So I made a test program to see what the application would do. I found two things. First, to the my original question, I found the program will overwrite the existing file.
Next, before I could download a file, I needed to upload a file. Again, I used the TransferUtility, but the Upload function. This would NOT overwrite the existing file in S3.
So it was interesting to see the different behavior from the upload to the download functions.


To get notification to email when they are unprocessed folders in GCP

I am beginner to GCP, I want to have two folders processed and unprocessed folder
in the cloud storage bucket. whenever a files comes to the google storage bucket from any source, after which cloud function will get triggered, if the files are successfully inserted into the target such as Bigquery, the file will go into the processed folder, if not into the unprocessed folder.
I want to know how can I get alerts when the files go into the unprocessed folder or error folder??
Do I have to write a code or Should I write a cloud function or anything else which gets me alerts??
Any help will be appreciated
Thank you
As you mentioned usage of Cloud Functions is the right approach.
A simple function is required, then it should be deployed with the proper trigger associated with a bucket.
More details, with examples can be found here:

Replacing object in Google Cloud Bucket

I am trying to replace an object(video) in google cloud bucket after doing certain operations over it giving it the same name. Giving it same name because it's already shared to multiple users. While doing an operation over it and while replacing it, some chunks of video becomes temporarily unavailable for people who are playing that video at that time and they face issue for a few seconds because of this.
So I have a question that whether its possible to replace the object in-place without affecting the existing version loaded in some places. Also to add I have CDN above this bucket too. Can object versioning on this bucket help me here? I want to keep the name same so that I dont have to send this link again to everyone
I had a similar situation. When I called support, they had me name the new file EXACTLY the same as the original file. Delete the original file from your bucket. Upload the new file that has the exact same name, and the URL will be the same as the original URL.

Copying objects from one bucket directory folder to another bucket folder using transfer

I'm wanting to use google transfer to copy all folders/files in a specific directory in Bucket-1 to the root directory of Bucket-2.
Have tried to use transfer with the filter option but doesn't copy anything across.
Any pointers on getting this to work within transfer or step by step for functions would be really appreciated.
I reproduced your issue and worked for me using gsutil.
For example:
gsutil cp -r gs://SourceBucketName/example.txt gs://DestinationBucketName
Furthermore, I tried to copy using Transfer option and it also worked. The steps I have done with Transfer option are these:
1 - Create new Transfer Job
Panel: “Select Source”:
2 - Select your source for example Google Cloud Storage bucket
3 - Select your bucket with the data which you want to copy.
4 - On the field “Transfer files with these prefixes” add your data (I used “example.txt”)
Panel “Select destination”:
5 - Select your destination Bucket
Panel “Configure transfer”:
6 - Run now if you want to complete the transfer now.
7 - Press “Create”.
For more information about copy from a bucket to another you can check the official documentation.
So, a few things to consider here:
You have to keep in mind that Google Cloud Storage buckets don’t treat subdirectories the way you would expect. To the bucket it is basically all part of the file name. You can find more information about that in the How Subdirectories Work documentation.
The previous is also the reason why you cannot transfer a file that is inside a “directory” and expect to see only the file’s name appear in the root of your targeted bucket. To give you an example:
If you have a file at gs://my-bucket/my-bucket-subdirectory/myfile.txt, once you transfer it to your second bucket it will still have the subdirectory in its name, so the result will be: gs://my-second-bucket/my-bucket-subdirectory/myfile.txt
This is why, If you are interested in automating this process, you should definitely give the Google Cloud Storage Client Libraries a try.
Additionally, you could also use the GCS Client with Google Cloud Functions. However, I would just suggest this if you really need the Event Triggers offered by GCF. If you just want the transfer to run regularly, for example on a cron job, you could still use the GCS Client somewhere other than a Cloud Function.
The Cloud Storage Tutorial might give you a good example of how to handle Storage events.
Also, on your future posts, try to provide as much relevant information as possible. For this post, as an example, it would’ve been nice to know what file structure you have on your buckets and what you have been getting as an output. And If you can provide straight away what’s your use case, it will also prevent other users from suggesting solutions that don’t apply to your needs.
try this in Cloud Shell in the project
gsutil cp -r gs://bucket1/foldername gs://bucket2

How to recover lambda code or edit it inline after uploading huge sized zip file to the aws lambda?

Firstly, I am a newbie to AWS. I was able to edit my Lambda code in line, but I recently uploaded a zip file to it(30MB) to S3 bucket and added this zip to my Lambda from S3, and now my Lambda inline editor doesn't open anymore saying the following error
"The deployment package of your Lambda function "LF2" is too large to
enable inline code editing. However, you can still invoke your function."
I tried deleting my zip file from S3 bucket hoping that the URL of zip would not be reachable and the lambda would lose the zip file and let me edit the function again. But, my lambda size still consists of the 30MB zip file size. I am unable to delete this zip and can't figure out a way to get rid of this it and edit my lambda code again.
Note: My Lambda code was written in-line and different from the zip file(which only contains elastic search setup files which I uploaded for using in my code since import elastic search wasn't working). I know there would have been a better way to do this without uploading it's zip.
Yes, you can download the Lambda function. Go to the AWS console for the Lambda function, make sure you are in the Configuration view, then click Actions | Export function. This will allow you to download a ZIP file containing the Lambda function.
Note that once you upload a Lambda function via S3, it's copied by the Lambda service. There's no connection at that point back to the S3 object that you uploaded. One reason for this is that your Lambda function would break if you, accidentally or otherwise, deleted the file from S3.
I had this problem yesterday then I somehow managed to find my code but not that full code that was vanished from AWS lambda. I wrote that code again, tested it, then tried to upload it with the same name of the lambda function and at the same lambda function by compressing it in my own system.
While uploading it, lambda gave me the option to choose between the remote file I uploaded and the local file it had saved previously. I opted for the local file and boom! I got my code back as it was last saved.
So, I suggest you to just try to upload a random blank compressed zip file containing one file name same as the lambda function. It would give you the option to choose from both files, then choose for "local" file. It would take you to the in-line editor where your code was.
I just ran into same soup .. seem like the upload replaced the previous index.js with export handler.

GCS Says File Already Exists in Bucket But It Doesn't

I created a storage bucket to put files in, and I put one video file. Then when I try to add any other file, it says the file already exists, but it doesn't. Couldn't find any solutions, or any threads about this. Anyone faced this issue?
Found the issue,
If you are logged in with multiple accounts, and even if you selected the correct account, sometimes GCS thinks you are using a different account and doesn't let you do anything.
Cleared the cookies and it worked. (Or if you don't want to, use a private tab to log in)