No read permission ot token returned by client credentials grant type - cloud-foundry

In my apps, I don't want to store personal username and paawordk. So, I use the client_id and client_secret to get a token, grant type use client credentials. See following:
curl --request POST --url 'https://<url>/oauth/token' --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data grant_type=client_credentials --data 'client_id=my client id' --data client_secret=my client secret
The scopes corresponding to the token are uaa.none. Neither nor cloud_controller.write includes in that. So, I can't read the events, applications and so on.
How can I get the access token with scope?


How to configure postman for GCP IAP with both Authorization and Proxy-Authorization headers?

We are testing putting our API behind Google Cloud Platform's IAP. The API itself requires a JWT bearer token in the 'Authorization' header. In such a case, IAP also requires for the appropriate Google-issued token to be in the 'Proxy-Authorization' header.
This works using curl, but I have not been successful in configuring postman to do the same. It seems that in any case the IAP receives the 'Authorization' header first and rejects the inappropriate token.
The following curl command is successful when the appropriate credentials are provided:
curl -X POST 'https://<endpoint>' \
--header 'Proxy-Authorization: Bearer <Google_Auth_Token>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '<Query_JSON>'
However, none of the below seems to work in postman unless there is some mistake I am not aware of.
With Type set to No Auth in the Authorization tab, add the appropriate Proxy-Authorization and Authorization (in that order) keys & values in the headers tab.
Using only Proxy-Authorization results in "Invalid IAP credentials: empty token"
Using the appropriate IAP token in the Authorization header gets past IAP but is then of course rejected by the API.
Combining one bearer token in the Authorization tab and another as a header in the header tab.
Invalid token error when using the IAP token in the Proxy-Authorization header
Get past IAP if using the appropriate token as the bearer token in the Authorization tab

how to use google AI platform online predictions?

i created a custom tensorflow model and deployed to google cloud AI platform
however, when i sent a post request to online prediction api ( i got back 401 Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token my understand that by deploying model is its API already available online, so is there away to make API public? if not how i can make api authentication through bearer token?
You can get the auth token using gcloud:
access_token=$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
and then embed it into the header:
curl --silent \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

900908 Resource forbidden error when invoking an API with an access token obtained with JWT Grant in WSO2

I have successfully configured the API Manager, ID and IS according to the documentation:
I invoke the WSO2 token endpoint to exchange an external JWT for a WSO2 access token:
curl -i -X POST -k -d 'grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsImF1ZCI6WyJ3c28yIl0sImVudmlyb25tZW50Ijp7InByb2ZpbGVzIjpbImRldiJdfSwiYXV0aCI6eyJyb2xlcyI6WyJVU0VSIiwiQURNSU4iXX0sInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6IjAwMDAwMDk5Iiwic2NvcGUiOlsib3BlcmF0ZSJdLCJpc3MiOiJQQVMiLCJleHAiOjE1NDUzNDgyODcsImdlbmVyYXRlZEJ5IjoiUEFTIiwianRpIjoiOWQ4ZWU3ZTgtNDBlZS00MTZjLTlkYjgtYjU2NDZhYTZhN2JmIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiZnJvbnQtcG9saXphcyJ9.Ccs1OxjteRsvHTump-ZTawEsqlTrIeO0LJUzt5Ita8udvMOa_tB1rHOtI8GAa2mDCPMD_Z_jtZ2SlXPs10GvsYlF4jS_wcCVAPtHsoigzuNtg5t7CVfeCI2Bzhak721LdYBcjB9s0Jn24G9eb2jqx8NF0RPlKgmhbxwdY0b8XeigLp-kGCsFKY_fDIjFUM0oifzCWOmtaCRMtMx3CKVZOWq9dBIokheCi2foL8YkBCz57yo4vb782AYWXdiHj38TPPe4IguARuoc9FSymyiL1gWHJmyMZFvAeAJkDnHHEnnezqPmcWQweC1ylLwUYGNVLM8YSfuBDtcGBWSO0F-WKw' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token -d 'client_id=w_paekjnDDY8zcCfCRgj_81g2eYa'
This answers successfully with an access token, a refresh token etc etc.
I have created an application in the WSO2 APIM store. In the production/sandbox tabs, the only checked Grant Type item is JWT.
The point is, I use the previously gotten access token (which is itself an JWT token) to invoke an API subscribed with the above application:
curl -k -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQiOiJOVEF4Wm1NeE5ETXlaRGczTVRVMVpHTTBNekV6T0RKaFpXSTRORE5sWkRVMU9HRmtOakZpTVEiLCJraWQiOiJOVEF4Wm1NeE5ETXlaRGczTVRVMVpHTTBNekV6T0RKaFpXSTRORE5sWkRVMU9HRmtOakZpTVEiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsImF1ZCI6IndfcGFla2puRERZOHpjQ2ZDUmdqXzgxZzJlWWEiLCJuYmYiOjE1NDUzNDgxOTgsImF6cCI6IndfcGFla2puRERZOHpjQ2ZDUmdqXzgxZzJlWWEiLCJzY29wZSI6ImRlZmF1bHQiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvbG9jYWxob3N0Ojk0NDNcL29hdXRoMlwvdG9rZW4iLCJleHAiOjE1NDUzNDgyODcsImlhdCI6MTU0NTM0ODE5OCwianRpIjoiNjRlM2I5N2UtOTNlNC00YzQ2LThlNmQtMzlmZjQzOWQxM2Y0In0.UBLOsCCD3t4Wf8nXBnDkkGXxefYySelDzEcs1F_IrbshMJXohxcL92Av1nmcpdNdjin7GdC8Y305rrkBt9T1L_cMAHLYYcI5cI1J7wmAgEd1CEv9gI7IUYfAdbga2AeV4kIlNsgiV6PKnU34WnY7rEVqXD908eEHY5UvaNXc0Bz6C8d-p39-SqKUblGHPh9vdkpcCGcK0CgGKjtiU2lai_JkRALdgEgonT37R5eqmuxPxUouWNz9TCJgTuonKPA-9bYOsMvbzGlm--0m0j9gdxnv-3N1Kv_2JqSCR4pToDClhSKgFCE1L025LIICM-sLd_PDU5pwYge_iKseiIDZfA" -d 'client_id=w_paekjnDDY8zcCfCRgj_81g2eYa'
I get the following error (900908) - Resource forbidden:
<ams:fault xmlns:ams=""><ams:code>900908</ams:code><ams:message>Resource forbidden </ams:message>
<ams:description>Access failure for API: /myapp/api/v1, version: v1 status: (900908) - Resource forbidden </ams:description></ams:fault>%
I must be missing the final step which is how to allow those access tokens gotten in the JWT grant to be used to access an API subscribed by an application.
The error code 900908 means the API is not subscribed by the application. Please double check.
Technically Bee was right in his answer, but I would like to point specifically at what I was doing wrong in case it happens to others:
The problem was that the client_id/client_secret I was using when exchanging the JWT to get the access token were the ones from the Service Provider I had created. WRONG!
The ones was that need to be sent are those from the subscribed application. With that the resource forbidden error doesn't show up anymore.

Cannot authenticate into google datastore through REST Api

I tried to access Google's Datastore through their REST Api. It says that they allow authentication through the API-key. However it doesn't seems that I can get it to work any where. I copied the snippet generated from their Try this API page.
curl --request POST \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":{"filter":{"compositeFilter":{"op":"AND","filters":[{"propertyFilter":{"property":{"name":"id"},"op":"EQUAL","value":{"stringValue":"ID"}}}]}},"kind":[{"name":"NAME"}]},"partitionId":{"namespaceId":"NAMESPACE_ID","projectId":"PROJECT_ID"}}' \
But it keeps returning me an 401 error.
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
It looks like it require me to use OAuth instead, which is not what their documentation says. Anyone experienced something similar?
You are using an API key which is incorrect.
This link details which services support API Keys. Cloud Datastore is not one of them.
Using API Keys
You want to use an Access Token which is derived from Service Account credentials.
Review this document.
Using OAuth 2.0
The steps to generate an Access Token:
Load the service account credentials json file.
Extract the client_email, private_key and private_key_id.
Create a json payload.
Call the authorization URL:
This returns a json object. Extract the access_token.
Use the access_token instead of an API Key.
There are examples on the Internet in various languages. The link will get you started. The process appears complicated, and it is, but once you understand it, generating Access Tokens is easy and they can be reused until they expire (typically 60 minutes which you control).
This document on Google Cloud Storage authentication is the same for Cloud Datastore. The key is understanding "Authorization: Bearer" which is a header you need to include with your curl request.

WSO2is SCIM auth user

I have a WSO2 Identity Server with PostgreSQL, i work in node and i already use a SCIM 2.0 api for create new users, my question is, how i use SCIM to create a authentication user for my app, in my app how i know when the user have a valid token.
to create a new user i use this:
curl -v -k --user user:pass --data '{"schemas":[],"name":{"familyName":"nae","givenName":"name",},"userName":"newuser","password":"newpassword","emails":[{"primary":true,"value":"data","type":"home"},{"value":"data","type":"work"}]}' --header "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users
To get a valid token for the user you have to invoke oAuth flow.
Create SP in the IS with oAuth configurations.
Use the client id and secret to get the access token using the created user credentials.
curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded client id:client secret value>" -k -d "grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=<password>" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
Refer :