How to debug Halide internal error with CodeGen_LLVM - llvm

I have problems finding the source of an error message reported by JIT-compiled pipeline with halide.
The log message is:
Internal Error at Halide-release_2019_08_27/halide/src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp:2815 triggered by user code at :
Condition failed: append_string:
The LLVM_code at the following lines is:
llvm::Function *append_string = module->getFunction("halide_string_to_string");
I'm using halide release build from 2019_08_27 on Ubuntu 18.04.
The pipeline runs without any errors until somebody wanted to use the Halide::print() for debugging.
I've checked a small test pipeline and print seem to work.
My problem now is to find our bug in a very complex pipeline. Could somebody explain the source of this bug and what I need to check in my code to solve this?
Thanks in advance.

That means the function "halide_string_to_string" was not found in the runtime, which would be very odd for CPU targets. Hrm, I wonder if you're trying to use print inside a Func scheduled on a GPU or DSP? I could easily imagine that being broken.


ArrayFire convolution issue with Cuda backend

I've been having an issue with a certain function call in the
dphaseWeighted = af::convolve(dphaseWeighted, m_slowTimeFilter);
which seem to produce nothing but nan's.
The back ground is we have recently switched from using AF OpenCL to AF Cuda and the problem that we are seeing happens in the function.
dphaseWeighted = af::convolve(dphaseWeighted, m_slowTimeFilter);
This seems to work well when using OpenCL.
Unfortunatley, I can't give you the whole function because of IP. only a couple of snippets.
This convolve lies deep with in a phase extract piece of code. and is actualy the second part of that code which uses the af::convolve funtion.
The first function seems to behave as expected, with sensible floating point data out.
but then when it comes to the second function all I'm seeing is nan's coming out ( I view that with af_print amd dumping the data to a file.
in the CMakeList I include
target_link_libraries(DASPhaseInternalLib ${ArrayFire_CUDA_LIBRARIES})
and it builds as expected.
Has anyone experience any think like this before?

Running the executable of hdl_simple_viewer.cpp from Point Cloud Library

The Point Cloud library comes with an executable pcl_hdl_viewer_simple that I can run (./pcl_hdl_viewer_simple) without any extra arguments to get live data from a Velodyne LIDAR HDL32.
The source code for this program is supposed to be hdl_viewer_simple.cpp. A simplified version of the code is given on this page which cannot be compiled readily and requires a tiny bit of tweaking to make it compile.
My problem is that the executable that I build myself for both the versions are not able to run. I always get the smart pointer error "Assertion px!=0" error. I am not sure if I am not executing the program in the correct way or what. The executable is supposed to be executed like
./hdl_viewer_simple -calibrationFile hdl32calib.xml -pcapFile file.pcap
in case of playing from previously recorded PCAP files or just ./hdl_viewer_simple if wanting to get live data from the real sensor. However, I always get the assertion failed error.
Has anyone been able to run the executables? I do not want to use the ROS drivers
"Assertion px!=0" is occurring because your pointer is not initialized.
Now that being said, you could initialize it inside your routines, in case the pointer is NULL, especially for data input.
in here, you can try updating the line 83 like this :
CloudConstPtr cloud(new Cloud); //initializing your pointer
and hopefully, it will work.

Assertion Failed Error while compiling Bitcoin-QT application in QT framework?

I am facing error while compiling bitcoin-qt application, I didn't understand what is the problem in main.cpp.
The error:
/main.cpp:2985: bool InitBlockIndex(): Assertion `block.hashMerkleRoot
== uint256("0x7c0b21983dc5a17daeef4b6b936375b0a59f3414af7a1bf248d98209447a494b")'
The program has unexpectedly finished.
what is the problem? Please give some advice to resolve this problem.
Have you tried this solution?
The first time you run the compiled code (daemon or qt), it will say
"assertion failed". Just exit the program, go to config dir (under
AppData/Roaming), open the debug.log, get the hash after
"block.GetHash() = ", copy and paste it to the beginnig of main.cpp,
hashGenesisBlock. Also get the merkle root in the same log file, paste
it to the ... position in the following code, in LoadBlockIndex()
assert(block.hashMerkleRoot == uint256("0x...")); recompile the code,
and genesis block created!
BTW, don't forget to change "txNew.vout[0].nValue = " to the coin per
block you defined, it doesn't matter to leave as 50, just be
consistent with your coin per block (do this before adjust the hash
and m-root, otherwise they will be changed again).
check for complete
It's for an altcoin, but it seems you've some problem with the genesis block.

CMake Release made my code stop working properly

I have a C++ program which works well when I compile with no additional options. However, whenever I use cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release there is a very specific part of the code which stops working.
Concretely, I have an interface for a Boost Fibonacci Heap. I am calling this function:
And this function does the following:
inline void myHeap::push (myStruct & c) {
handles_[c.getIndex()] = heap_.push(c);
where heap_ is:
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<myStruct, boost::heap::compare<compare_func>> heap_;
For some reason the heap_size is not being modified, therefore the rest of the code does not work because the next step is to extract the minimum from the heap and it is always empty.
In Debug mode it works ok. Thank you for your help.
EDIT - Additional info
I have also found this problem: I have a set of code which do simple math operations. In Release mode the results are incorrect. If I just do cout of a couple of variables to check their values, the result changes, which is still incorrect but quite strange.
I solved the problem. It was funny but in this case it was not initialization/timing issues common in the Release mode. It was that the return statement was missing in a couple of functions. In debug mode the output was perfect but in the release mode that failed. I had warnings deactivated, that is why I did not see it before.

Timed Indexed Color sets in CPN Tools that results in Unhandled Exception Error

I am using CPN Tools to model a distributed system. CPN Tools uses CPN ML an extension of SML. The project homepage is:
I started with a simple model and when I try to make a particular indexed color set timed, I get an "Internal error". There is another indexed colorset within my Petri-net model that is timed and works correctly. I am not sure how I can troubleshoot since I don't understand the error message. Could you help me interpret the error message or give me some hints on what I could be doing wrong?
The model is:
The declarations of the model are:
The error message is:
Internal error: Compile error when generating code. Caught error.../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:296.17-296.20../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:44.55../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
structure CPN`TransitionID1413873858 = struct ... end (* see simulator debug info for full code *)
Thank you~
I know this is an old question, but I run in the same problem and wasted too much time on this, so maybe it will help someone else in the future.
I didn't understand exactly the reason for this, but it seems the problem appears when you play with time values on an arch that ends to a transition (I was updating an integer value to the current time, using IntInf.toInt(time())). Now, if I move the code on the outgoing arch of that transition (that is: the one that ends in a place) there is no error.