One to Many relationship real life example - django

I am trying to design the schema. I am confused about should I use one-to-many or many-to-one relationships.
My use case is somewhat like customers ordering the food.
There are 2 customers and 5 food items
Customers: [John, Alice]
Food: [Rice, Noodle, Chicken, Beacon, Ice-cream]
Use case: One Customer can order many items, but if first customer orders that item, it can not be ordered by other.
John orders -> Rice, Noodle, Chicken
Alice orders -> Beacon, Ice-cream
**This is valid, both customers ordered unique food.**
John orders -> Rice, Noodle, Chicken
Alice orders -> Beacon, Ice-cream, Chicken
**This is invalid, because Chicken is being ordered twice. John Already ordered chicken so Alice can not order it.**
Note: I am trying to this in mongodb documents and trying to establish relationship using Django models.

One way to handle this would be to create a junction table CustomerFood which looks something like this:
CREATE TABLE CustomerFood (
Customer varchar(255) NOT NULL,
Food varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(Customer, Food)
The above table definition alone would only ensure that each customer can be related to each food at most once. To enforce the additional restriction that a given food can be associated with only one customer, we can add a unique constraint on the Food column:
ALTER TABLE CustomerFood ADD CONSTRAINT food_unique UNIQUE (Food);

Using Django templates:
You could use many to many in django (less code bit more complex to understand) OR create "table in the
middle approch" (more manual approach that needs more model code).
Django many to many documentation
Secondly you should use Validators to
ensure your logic that one person can only order one dish, and the
dishes will sell out, this is more programming logic and can be part
of a validator. Django validators documentation


django query with filtered annotations from related table

Take books and authors models for example with books having one or more authors. Books having cover_type and authors having country as origin.
How can I list all the books with hard cover, and authors only if they're from from france?
Books.objects.filter(cover_type='hard', authors__origin='france')
This query doesnt retrieve books with hard cover but no french author.
I want all the books with hard cover, this is predicate #1.
And if their authors are from France, I want them annotated, otherwise authors field may be empty or 'None'.
Bookname, covertype, origin
The Trial, hardcover, none
Madam Bovary, hardcover, France
Tried many options, annotate, Q, value, subquery, when, case, exists but could come up with a solution.
With sql this is so easy:
select * from books b left join authors a on and a.origin=france where b.covertype='hard'
(my models are not books and authors, i picked them because they're django-docs' example models. my models are building and buildingtype, where i want with buildigtype where buildingtype is active, buildingtype might be null for the building or only 1 active and zero or more passive)
You should use Book id in Auther table.then your query will be like this: Author.objects.filter(origin="france",book__cover_type="hard")
I think i solved it with subquery, outerref, exists, case, when, charfield...too many imports for a simple sql.
author = Authors.objects.filter(bookref=OuterRef('id'), origin='France').values('origin')
books = Books.objects.filter(cover_type='hard').annotate(author=Case(When(Exists(author), then=Subquery(author)), default='none', output_field=CharField())).distinct().values('name','cover_type','author')

How can I model this data in DynamoDB for a Library App

I have two entities, Books and Authors with a strict one-to-many relationship (many-to-many relationship not required for my use case)
The access patterns I want to satisfy are:
Get Author Info by Author Name
Get Book Info By just ISBN
Get all Books records by an Author using Author Name.
Do I need any GSI given the constraint that I can make only a single request to DB when adding a Book or an Author, and fulfill above three access patterns also with a single request?
If my Author Entity uses this key schema:
Partition Key: AUTHOR#XYZ
and for Book Entity I use
Partition Key: BOOK#123
Sort Key BOOK#123
I can get author info by name and book info by ISBN easily. How do I get the 3rd access pattern, entire book data by author name?
Two approaches I thought of:
Have a third entity in the table with PK AUTHOR#XYZ, SK BOOK#123, and use BEGINS_WITH(SK, 'BOOK') but in this approach, when adding a book to DB, I will have to write two items, PK BOOK#, SK BOOK# for getting book by just ISBN and PK AUTHOR#, SK BOOK# for getting all books by author, and the book info will be duplicated in both items.
Add an attribute GSIAuthorName to Book entity when adding a book, and create a GSI with PK GSIAuthorName (AUTHOR#XYZ) and SK being PK of Book entity (BOOK#123). But in this the issue is, in projections I will have to select ALL, since I want all book info attributes by author name, and need to fetch in single query to the GSI, so entire Book Entity will be duplicated in this GSI.
Is there an easier way to model this data?
Since you're trying to have two different access patterns for a single entity that require a different partition key value, there is basically only the two options you have identified correctly.
Your design seems to only work for books that have a single author. In the real world that's not sufficient. There are plenty of books with multiple authors such as "The Dictator's handbook" by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith - your data model might want to account for that. Author <-> Book isn't One-to-Many, it's Many-to-Many.
I'd go for something like this which uses a Global Secondary Index. It's very close to your second suggestion.
name, birthdate, ...
name, birthdate, ...
title, publisher, author,...
title, publisher, author,...
Does this introduce data duplication? - Yes
Does this introduce complexity on writes? - Yes
Does it work in the real world? - Yes
The model I've chose allows you to fulfill the requirements:
Get Author Info by Author Name: GetItem on the primary index with PK=AUTHOR#... and SK=Author#...
Get Book Info by just ISBN: Query on primary index with PK=BOOK#... and limit 1
Get all books for an Author: Query on GSI1 with PK=AUTHOR#
When you write a book, you need to add a book record for each author and potentially the author entries. For updates on a books info (which should be very rare) you first do the query as in 2) without the limit and then update each item that comes back.
To address the requests for clarification in the comments:
If you require a strict One-to-Many relationship, I'd pick the second approach
Frequent writes are typically not a problem in your one-to-many case as long as you don't exceed the write throughput of a single partition, which is unlikely given the data. I don't see why you'd need frequent writes though.
The extra complexity is typically only a one-time penalty when you create your data access layer. The code for update_book_by_isbn will have to include the steps I outlined above and the create_book might store multiple records.

In Django, can I have one model field whose value is the highest value in a one-to-many relationship?

I have two models. One represents several groups, and the other represents people in those groups with a ranking. I would like to have a field in the groups model that represents the highest ranked person inside that group. Is this possible?
For example:
id name highest
1 alpha gold
2 bravo diamond
name group rank
Dave 1 silver
bob 1 gold
dilan 1 silver
arthur 2 gold
mark 2 diamond
I would like to have a field in the groups model that represents the highest ranked person inside that group.
In this case, you might want to add a ForeignKey to your Group model. What a foreign key does is it links one of the fields (which you can name it whatever you want) to another model class, which in your case, will be the User model.
But seeing as you want the highest ranked person, all the above actions will deem unrealistic as every time the leaderboard changes you need to refresh your model, and that's inconvenient.
What I'll suggest, instead of adding another field, is to render all the person objects and pass it as a part of the context. That way, as the user's rank changes, you don't need to refresh your model. Please refer to the doc's detail on passing context to view and a way to sort your data.

How to model lending items between a group of companies

I have a group of related companies that share items they own with one-another. Each item has a company that owns it and a company that has possession of it. Obviously, the company that owns the item can also have possession of it. Also, companies sometimes permanently transfer ownership of items instead of just lending it, so I have to allow for that as well.
I'm trying to decide how to model ownership and possession of the items. I have a Company table and an Item table.
Here are the options as I see them:
Inventory table with entries for each Item - Company relationship. Has a company field pointing to a Company and has Boolean fields is_owner and has_possession.
Inventory table with entries for each Item. Has an owner_company field and a possessing_company field that each point to a Company.
Two separate tables: ItemOwner and ItemHolder**.
So far I'm leaning towards option three, but the tables are so similar it feels like duplication. Option two would have only one row per item (cleaner than option one in this regard), but having two fields on one table that both reference the Company table doesn't smell right (and it's messy to draw in an ER diagram!).
Database design is not my specialty (I've mostly used non-relational databases), so I don't know what the best practice would be in this situation. Additionally, I'm brand new to Python and Django, so there might be an obvious idiom or pattern I'm missing out on.
What is the best way to model this without Company and Item being polluted by knowledge of ownership and possession? Or am I missing the point by wanting to keep my models so segregated? What is the Pythonic way?
I've realized I'm focusing too much on database design. Would it be wise to just write good OO code and let Django's ORM do it's thing?
Is there a reason why you don't want your item to contain the relationship information? It feels like the owner and possessor are attributes of the item.
class Company(models.Model):
class Item(models.Model):
owner = models.ForeignKey(Company, related_name='owned_items')
holder = models.ForeignKey(Company, related_name='held_items')
Some examples:
company_a = Company.objects.get(pk=1)
items_owned_and_held_by_a=Items.objects.filter(owner=company_a, holder=company_a)
company_b = Company.objects.get(pk=2)
items_owned_by_a_held_by_b=Items.objects.filter(owner=company_a, holder=company_b)
I think if your items are only owned by a single company and held by a single company, a separate table shouldn't be needed. If the items can have multiple ownership or multiple holders, a m2m table through an inventory table would make more sense.
class Inventory(models.Model):
REL = (('O','Owns'),('P','Possesses'))
item = models.ForeignKey(Item)
company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
relation = models.CharField(max_length=1,choices=REL)
Could be one implementation, instead of using booleans. So I'd go for the first. This could even serve as an intermediate table if you ever decide to use a 'through' to relate items to company like this:
items = models.ManyToManyField(Item, through=Inventory)
Option #1 is probably the cleanest choice. An Item has only one owner company and is possessed by only one possessing company.
Put two FK to Company in Item, and remember to explicitly define the related_name of the two inverses to be different each other.
As you want to avoid touching the Item model, either add the FKs from outside, like in field.contribute_to_class(), or put a new model with a one-to-one rel to Item, plus the foreign keys.
The second method is easier to implement but the first will be more natural to use once implemented.

Grouping Custom Attributes in a Query

I have an application that allows for "contacts" to be made completely customized. My method of doing that is letting the administrator setup all of the fields allowed for the contact. My database is as follows:
So the contact table only tells whether they are active and their identifier; the fields tables only holds the label of the field and identifier, and the fieldvalues table is what actually holds the data for contacts (name, address, etc.)
So this setup has worked just fine for me up until now. The client would like to be able to pull a cumulative report, but say state of all the contacts in a certain city. Effectively the data would have to look like the following
California (from fields table)
Costa Mesa - (from fields table) 5 - (counted in fieldvalues table)
Newport 2
Wallingford 2
Clinton 2
Berlin 5
The state field might be id 6 and the city field might be id 4. I don't know if I have just been looking at this code way to long to figure it out or what,
The SQL to create those three tables can be found at
You've got an Entity Attribute Value (EAV) model. Use the field and fieldvalue tables for searching only - the WHERE caluse. Then make life easier by keeping the full entity's data in a CLOB off the main table (e.g. in a serialized format (WDDX is good for this). Read the data column out, deserialize, and work with on the server side. This is much easier than the myriad of joins you'd need to do otherwise to reproduce the fully hydrated entity from an EAV setup.