I want to set time to visible message with AWS SQS - amazon-web-services

I have a use case where I am reading the time from DB in every 30mins and if found time to be executed in next 30mins I put in a AWS SQS.
Example- I am running cron every 30 mins with lambda that reads schedule_at from DB. And find tasks which needs to be execute in next 30mins I put it in a AWS SQS queue;
Like the cron run time is 11:30 and the tasks is scheduled at 11:16. I want to add them to queue and only execute it when 11:16 time(which is schedule_at it would be different for every tasks).
Here I want to set the time to execute the message, or visible only when time schedule_at time and at that time it will trigger another lambda to deal with business logic.
I am not sure how to solve this using what attribs of AWS SQS, Can any one help me with this?

You can delay message visibility for up to 15 minutes.
Since you don't specify what SDK you're using, here's the API doc; look at DelaySeconds. And note that it only works for a "standard" SQS queue, not a FIFO queue.


Recursive AWS lambda with updating state

I have an AWS Lambda that polls from an external server for new events every 6 hours. On every call, if there are any new events, it publishes the updated total number of events polled to a SNS. So I essentially need to call the lambda on fixed intervals but also pass a counter state across calls.
I'm currently considering the following options:
Store the counter somewhere on a EFS/S3, but it seems an
overkill for a simple number
EventBridge, which would be ok to schedule the execution, but doesn't store state across calls
A step function with a loop + wait on the the lambda would do it, but it doesn't seem to be the most efficient/cost effective way to do it
use a SQS with a delay so that the lambda essentially
triggers itself, passing the updated state. Again I don't think
this is the most effective, and to actually get to the 6 hours delay
I would have to implement some checks/delays within the lambda, as the max delay for SQS is 15 minutes
What would be the best way to do it?
For scheduling Lambda at intervals, you can use CloudWatch Events. Scheduling Lambda using Serverless framework is a breeze. A cronjob type statement can schedule your lambda call. Here's a guide on scheduling: https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/events/schedule
As for saving data, you can use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. It's a simple Key value pair storate for such small amount of data.
OR you can also save it in DynamoDB. Since the data is small and frequency is less, you wont be charged much and there's no hassle of reading files or parsing.

Multiple curl calls php issue

My problem every 20minutes I want to execute the curl request which is around 25000 or more than that and save the curl response in database. In PHP it is not handled properly which is the best AWS services I can use except lambda.
A common technique for processing large number of similar calls is:
Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue and push each request into the queue as a separate message. In your case, the message would contain the URL that you wish to retrieve.
Create an AWS Lambda function that performs the download and stores the data in the database.
Configure the Lambda function to trigger off the SQS queue
This way, the SQS queue can trigger hundreds of Lambda functions running parallel. The default concurrency limit is 1000 Lambda functions, but you can request for this to be increased.
You would then need a separate process that, every 20 minutes, queries the database for the URLs and pushes the messages into the SQS queue.
The complete process is:
Schedule -> Lambda pusher -> messages into SQS -> Lambda workers -> database
The beauty of this design is that it can scale to handle large workloads and operates in parallel, rather than each curl request having to wait. If a message cannot be processed, it Lambda will automatically try again. Repeated failures will send the message to a Dead Letter Queue for later analysis and reprocessing.
If you wish to perform 25,000 queries every 20 minutes (1200 seconds), this would need a query to complete every 0.05 seconds. That's why it is important to work in parallel.
By the way, if you are attempting to scrape this information from a single website, I suggest you investigate whether they provide an API otherwise you might be violating the Terms & Conditions of the website, which I strongly advise against.

How to trigger AWS Lambda just once on multiple S3 notifications

We are designing a pipeline. We get a number of raw files which come into S3 buckets and then we apply a schema and then save them as parquet.
As of now we are triggering a lambda function for each file written but ideally we would like to start this process only after all the files are written. How we can we trigger the lambda just once?
I encourage you to use an alternative that maintains the separation between the publisher (whoever is writing) and the subscriber (you). The publisher tells you when things are written; it's your responsibility to choose when to process those things. The neat pattern here would be for the publisher to write its files in batches and publish manifests for you to trigger on: i.e. a list which says "I just wrote all these things, you can find them in these places". Since you don't have that / can't change the publisher, I suggest the following:
Send the notifications from the publisher to an SQS queue.
Schedule your lambda to run on a schedule; how often is determined by how long you're willing to delay ingestion. If you want data to be delayed at most 5min between being published and getting ingested by your system, set your lambda to trigger every 4min. You can use Cloudwatch notifications for this.
When your lambda runs, poll the queue. Keep going until you accumulate the maximum amount of notifications, X, you want to process in one go, or the queue is empty.
Process. If the queue wasn't empty when you stopped polling, immediately trigger another lambda execution.
Things to keep in mind on the above:
As written, it's not parallel, so if your rate of lambda execution is slower than the rate at which the queue fills up, you'll need to 1. run more frequently or 2. insert a load-balancing step: a lambda that is triggered on a schedule, polls the queue, and calls as many processing lambdas as necessary so that each one gets X notifications.
SNS in general and SQS non-FIFO queues specifically don't guarantee exactly-once delivery. They can send you duplicate notifications. Make sure you can handle duplicate processing cleanly.
Hook your Lambda up to a Webhook (API Gateway) and then just call it from your client app once your client app is done.
Zip all files together, Lambda unzip it
create a UI code and send files one by one, trigger lambda from it when the last one is sent
Lambda check files, if didn't find all files, silent quit. if it finds all files, then handle all files in one thread

Is there a way to set a walltime on AWS Batch jobs?

Is there a way to set a maximum running time for AWS Batch jobs (or queues)? This is a standard setting in most batch managers, which avoids wasting resources when a job hangs for whatever reason.
As of April, 2018, AWS Batch now supports setting a Job Timeout when submitting a Job, or in the job definition.
You specify an attemptDurationSeconds parameter, which must be at least 60 seconds, either in your job definition, or when you submit the job. When this number of seconds has passed following the job attempt's startedAt timestamp, AWS Batch terminates the job. On the compute resource, your job's container receives a SIGTERM signal to give your application a chance to shut down gracefully; if the container is still running after 30 seconds, a SIGKILL signal is sent to forcefully shut down the container.
Source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/latest/userguide/job_timeouts.html
POST /v1/submitjob HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"timeout": {
"attemptDurationSeconds": number
AFAIK there is no feature to do this. However, a workaround was suggested in the forum for a similar question.
One idea is to call Batch as an Activity from Step Functions, pingback
back on a schedule (e.g. every minute) from that job. If it stops
responding then you can detect that situation as a Timeout in the
activity and act accordingly (terminate the job etc.). Not an ideal
solution (especially if the job continues to ping back as a "zombie"),
but it's a start. You'd also likely have to store activity tokens in a
database to trace them to Batch job id.
Alternatively, you split that setup into 2 steps, and schedule a Batch
job from a Lambda in the first state, then pass the Batch job id to
the second step which then polls Batch (from another Lambda) for its
state with Retry and IntervalSeconds (e.g. once every minute, or even
with exponential backoff), and MaxAttempts calculated based on your
timeout. This way, you don't need any external state storage
mechanism, long polling or even a "ping back" from the job (it CAN be
a zombie), but the downside is more steps.
There is no option to set timeout on batch job but you can setup a lambda function that triggers every 1 hour or so and deletes jobs created before say 24 hours.
working with aws for some time now and could not find a way to set a maximum running time for batch jobs.
However there are some alternative way which you could utilize.
AWS Forum
Sadly there is no way to set the limit execution time on AWS Batch.
One solution may be to edit the docker's entry point to schedule the execution time limit.

SQS - Delivery Delay of 30 minutes

From the documentation of SQS, Max time delay we can configure for a message to hide from its consumers is 15 minutes - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-delay-queues.html
Suppose if I need to hide the messages for a day, what is the pattern?
For eg. I want to mimic a daily cron for doing some action.
The simplest way to do this is as follows:
SQS.push_to_queue({perform_message_at : "Thursday November 2022"},delay: 15 mins)
Inside your worker
message = SQS.poll_messages
if message.perform_message_at > Time.now
SQS.push_to_queue({perform_message_at : "Thursday November
2022"},delay:15 mins)
Basically push the message back to the queue with the maximum delay and only process it when its processing time is less than the current time.
Visibility timeout can do up to 12 hours. I think you can hack something together where you process a message but don't delete it and next time it is processed its been 12 hours. So a queue with one message and visibility timeout of 12 hours. That gets you a 12 hour cron.
Cloudwatch is likely a better way to do it. You can use a createEvent API with the timer, and have it trigger either a lambda function or an API call to whatever comes next.
Another way to do is to use the "wait" utility in an AWS step function.
In any case, unless you are extremely sure you will never need anything more than 15 minutes, the SQS backdoor to add the delay seems hacky.
You can do this by adding a DLQ with MaxReceives set to 1 on the first queue.
Add a simple Lambda on the first queue and fail the message vi Lambda. So message will be moved to DLQ automatically and then you can consume from DLQ.
Both primary queue and DLQ can have max 15 min delay, so finally you get 30 min delay.
So your consumer app receives the message after 30 minutes, without adding any custom logic on it.
Two thoughts.
Untested. Perhaps publish to and SNS topic that has no SQS queues. When delivery needs to happen, subscribe the queue to the topic. (I've not done this, I'm not sure if this would work as expected)
Push messages as files to a central store (like S3). Create a worker that looks at the time created timestamp and decides whether to publish them to a queue or not. If created >= 1d ago, publish.
This was a challenge for us as well and I never found a perfect solution so I ended up building a service to address it. Obviously self promotion here but the system allows you to work around the DelaySeconds limitation and set arbitrary date/times at scale.
Some of the challenges working with Step Functions are scale of registered machines (if your system had that requirement). If you use EventBridge to fire them you run out of allowable rulesets (limit is 200 as of this posting). Example: if you need to set 150,000 arbitrary events a month you run into limits quickly.