Puthds Nifi 0 bytes - hdfs

We are trying a inhouse nifi integration with SSL enabled CDH 5.13.3, but while using nifi puthdfs processor we can able to see only files with 0 bytes. what could be wrong


Higher response times are observed in Jmeter Performance test when ran in AWS windows machine

While load/performance testing of an API on DNS in AWS using JMeter, we observed relatively higher response times(~ 230 ms) in AWS windows machine. When this test is performed in my local machine, the response times are around 110 ms.The throughput/# of samples served does change widely due to this response time.
The tests were ran for 1 hour each with no delay for three times in both the machines. The only difference I see is my RAM size is 16 GB while AWS is 4 GB. Will this really make such a big difference? or is there something I am missing.
AWS Machine configuration:
My local machine configuration:
Can anyone share their thoughts?
I can think of 2 possible reasons:
Your AWS machine is located in the region which is geographically more far from the endpoint than your local machine
It might really be the case JMeter lacks resources on the AWS instance and hence cannot send requests fast enough so make sure to:
Monitor the resources available to JMeter using Windows PerfMon or Amazon Cloudwatch or JMeter Perfmon Plugin as JMeter might be very resources intensive and it should heave sufficient headroom to operate
Follow JMeter Best Practices

In Wso2 ESB 4.8.1, SFTP file movement is very slow

We are working using WSO2 ESB 4.8.1. We are trying to move the around 250 files of size just 4 KB each. It is taking more than 3 to 4 hours for the transfer. Can you please help on this.

How to prevent losing JDBC connection to Redshift during long query on Windows 10

I am using the Redshift 4.1 1013 JDBC driver on Windows 10. When I submit a query from SQL Workbench or Aginity and that query takes longer than 2 minutes the application loses connectivity with the query such that when the query completes the applications are not notified.
I have followed the AWS instructions for setting the registry keys and changing ICMP setting on my VPC.
My MTU is 1500.
What other options can I try to keep my queries from disconnecting? Is there a local firewall setting I must apply?
Any help is appreciated.

Measuring inflow and outflow traffic with Jetty based app

My server application is using embedded jetty as an http end point. It hosts several web applications with a bunch of jsp/servlets as well as several web services.
This application will eventually be deployed on the cloud but before that I'd like to make sure that this app measures the inflow and outflow (in bytes) coming through the jetty. I could probably make a global filter and count bytes somehow..
But is there a more intelligent way of doing this?
You should check for NetworkTrafficListener in Jetty 7 & 8, and how to use it in this test class.

(Mono) Mod-mono's versus custom server's limit on number of concurrent requests

I read that Mod-Mono has a limit on the number of concurrent requests determined by:
MonoMaxActiveRequests 20
MonoMaxWaitingRequests 20
If I have a custom .NET server (using tcplistener) running under mono, does it have a similar limit? If yes, where can I change that limit?
Mod-mono is a apache module to run mono application and MonoMaxActiveRequests and MonoMaxWaitingRequests are apache directive added by mod-mono. If you use a custom .NET server with tcp listener on port 80 you dont need apache. Because you are doing this directly by .NET. So there will be no mod-mono and no directive.
does it have a similar limit?
Answer is NO