Despite everything looks fine, values are not swapped - c++

I wanted to write a function to swap two integers. Despite everything looks fine, values are not swapped.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void mySwap(int a, int b)
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
int main()
int a = 5, b = 4;
mySwap(a, b);
cout << a << ' ' << b << endl;
return 0;
Output: 5 4
Please, help me understand the reason. Any help is appreciated.

You are copying arguments a and b. Change them to reference.
void mySwap(int & a, int & b)

What you are doing right now is swapping a local Copy of the variables instead of the real variables.
What you need to do, to fix it is to change your function a little bit(just add &, this makes it take a reference of the variables and not create a local copy of them)
void mySwap(int &a, int &b)
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

To manipulate with the values passed as arguments in main() directly, use a reference (followed by an ampersand sign &) as shown:
#include <iostream>
void mySwap(int& a, int& b) // using reference here
int temp; // remove for alternative option described at the bottom
temp = a; // a = a + b;
a = b; // b = a - b;
b = temp; // a = a - b;
int main(void)
int a = 5, b = 4;
mySwap(a, b); // passed 5, 4 and original values are manipulated.
std::cout << a << ' ' << b << std::endl;
return 0;
As soon as you pass the variables as the function arguments, it'll change originally too.
On the contrary, if you don't use that, the program will just create two local variables that will only be visible inside the function, then even after swapping them, you won't get success.
Another method of swapping between two variables (without a temporary variable):
a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;


Understand pointers

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class idk{
int x;
int y;
void obj(idk* obj[]){
obj[0]-> x = 1000;
obj[0]-> y = 30;
int main(){
idk *z[5];
cout << z[0]->x;
return 0;
I am just trying out how to use pointers. The problem is when I set my array 'z' size to 5 or any number it doesn't do anything, however when I make it 10 it then prints out the correct output. Ive tried pasting the code into an online compiler and it also plays up there but with other numbers. Is my code wrong or missing some things?
In this
idk *z[5];
you declare 5 idk pointers. These are only pointers that you can assign to point at idks, but you have not created any actual idks. When you later dereference the first pointer you get undefined behavior since it's not actually pointing at an idk:
void obj(idk* obj[]){
obj[0]-> x = 1000; // BOOM
Making the array of pointers actually point at idk instances can be made in many different ways. Here's one:
#include <iostream>
class idk{
int x;
int y;
void obj(idk* obj[]){
obj[0]-> x = 1000;
obj[0]-> y = 30;
int main(){
idk instances[5];
idk *z[5]{
}; // now all five point at one idk instance each
std::cout << z[0]->x;
Another option would be to skip the pointer array completely:
#include <iostream>
class idk {
int x;
int y;
void obj(idk obj[]) {
obj[0].x = 1000;
obj[0].y = 30;
int main() {
idk z[5];
std::cout << z[0].x;

Perform same operation on different class members without duplicate code

How do I perform the same operation on different class members without duplicating code?
I have a function which creates an object of type Farm, and then performs some kind of a calculation on its members (in this case, it prints the member variable, but the code I am currently working on is too complex to copy here in its entirety):
#include <iostream>
#include <String>
class Farm
int cows = 1;
int chickens = 2;
int mules = 3;
using namespace std;
void count_animals()
Farm* animal_farm = new Farm;
cout << animal_farm->chickens;
int main()
string animals_to_count = "count my chickens";
if (animals_to_count == "count my chickens")
if (animals_to_count == "count my cows")
if (animals_to_count == "count my mules")
return 0;
"Count my chickens" is hard-coded in main(). However, in the problem I am working on right now, animals_to_count will come from another function as an argument.
Is it possible to print cows/chickens/mules of animal_farm without using n if statements in count_animals, where n is the number of member variables?
To further clarify my problem: what I am trying to do is have 1 if statement in count_animals() which will identify which member of Farm is printed (change ->chickens to ->cows or to ->mules).
Is what I am trying possible? If not, are there other ways to work around this?
Putting your variables into a vector or other container may be the right answer.
Alternately, you can make a worker function (that you may wish to be private or protected), and getter functions with almost no code. This lets you write your complicated statistics-extraction once, with slim "getters" that make it visible in your preferred way.
class Farm
int cows = 1;
int chickens = 2;
int mules = 3;
int get_cow_stats() {return get_complicated_thing(self.cows);}
int get_chicken_stats() {return get_complicated_thing(self.chickens);}
int get_mule_stats() {return get_complicated_thing(self.mules);}
int get_complicated_thing(int animals);
Perhaps a pointer-to-member is what you are looking for?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Farm
int cows = 1;
int chickens = 2;
int mules = 3;
int Farm::* getMemberPtr(int whichMember)
switch (whichMember)
case 0: return &Farm::chickens;
case 1: return &Farm::cows;
case 2: return &Farm::mules;
throw invalid_argument("");
void count_animals(int Farm::*member)
Farm animal_farm;
cout << animal_farm.*member;
int main()
int animals_to_count = ...; // 0, 1, 2, etc
int Farm::* member = getMemberPtr(animals_to_count);
return 0;
Online Demo
Use std::vector and constant indices:
class Farm
std::vector<int> animal_quantity(3);
const int cow_index = 0;
const int chickens_index = 1;
const int mules_index = 2;
When referring to the quantity of cows:
std::cout << animal_quantity[cow_index] << "\n";

How can I print the variable that a void pointer points to

I would like the function to return different types depending on different parameter values, but how can I print the variable the void pointer points to
in main()?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void * func(int a)
if (a == 1)
int param = 5;
return &param;
else if (a == 2)
double param = 5.5;
return &param;
else if (a == 3)
string param = "hello";
return &param;
return nullptr;
int main()
void *ptr = func(3);//
cout << ptr;// print the address not the value
return 0;
param is an automatic variable. You cannot return it and use it outside its scope.
param exists only within func, if you return it, the result is Undefined Behaviour.
To fix it you can either:
allocate param on the heap dynamically. After you do that, you can safely return param address but you have to remember to free it when you don't need it.
Here is correction of your code
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
void * func(int a)
if (a == 1)
int *param = new int(5);
return param;
else if (a == 2)
double *param = new double(5.5);
return param;
else if (a == 3)
char *param = new char[50];
strcpy(param, "test");
return param;
return nullptr;
int main()
int *ptr = (int*)func(1);
cout << *ptr << std::endl; // print the int value
delete ptr;
double *ptr2 = (double*)func(2);
cout << *ptr2 << std::endl; // print the double value
delete ptr2;
char *ptr3 = (char*)func(3);
cout << ptr3 << std::endl; // print the string
delete[] ptr3;
return 0;
If you can use C++17, you can easily solve it by using a std::variant instead of a void *:
std::variant<int, double, std::string, void *> func(int a) {
if (a == 1) {
int param = 5;
return param;
} else if (a == 2) {
double param = 5.5;
return param;
} else if (a == 3) {
std::string param = "hello";
return param;
} else {
return nullptr;
int main() {
std::visit([](auto v) {
std::cout << v << std::endl;
}, func(3));
See it up and running on wandbox.
In C++11/14 you can do the same with a tagged union. The basic idea is that what you return contains enough information so that the caller can get out of it the original type.
Alternatives exist.
As an example, you could erase the type and return a pair that contains both the original (erased) variable and a pointer to function filled with an instantiation of a function template. The latter will be able to reconstruct the original variable from a void * for it knows its type.
Well, pretty much a great machinery you can avoid to use with a tagged union or a std::variant (more or less a type-safe version of a tagged union at the end of the day).
What you're returning is the address of a local variable. That variable goes out of scope when the function returns, meaning that the memory it was using could be reused. Attempting to dereference that pointer (i.e. access the memory it points to) invokes undefined behavior.
Even if you were returning a valid pointer, the fact that your function returns a void * means that any type information regarding what that pointer was pointing to is lost. You could print one or more bytes starting at that address, but it won't tell you what the original type was.
Even if that pointer were valid, you simply can't have enough information to force safely a cast to something and then print it.
No information of its size, no information of its internal layout. So,you simply can not print what's pointed by a void*, unless you have some information prepared by hand somewhere, and force a static_cast to the known type.
For example:
double x = 1.2;
int y = 5;
int f(void** output) {
static int x;
if ( x++ ) {
*output = &x;
return 1;
*output = &y;
return 2;
void* out;
int r = f(&out);
if ( r == 1 ) cout << *(static_cast<double*>(out));
else if ( r == 2 ) cout << *(static_cast<int*>(out));

Changing the value of a int variable through pointers passed as arguments?

I want to modify values of some variables of a particular class by accessing address of these variables from another different class through a function. So, to access this address I try to pass pointers-to-variables as arguments to a function, where these pointers-to-variables will be set with the address of the variables. To learn how to do it, I'm trying to mimic in a simple program.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int numberA = 100;
int numberB = 200;
void referenceSetter(int *a, int *b)
*a = numberA;
*b = numberB;
void numberOutput()
cout << "A = " << numberA << endl;
cout << "B = " << numberB << endl;
int main() {
int *testA = 0;
int *testB = 0;
referenceSetter(testA, testB);
*testA = 30;
*testB = 40;
return 0;
As you could see I declare numberA and numberB as global variables and set their values. The I try to get the address of these two variables through the function referenceSetter function and then after that I try to modify the values in those variables using the references. Apparently, I'm doing something wrong which leads to to have Unhandled Exception error exactly when I try to modify the values and try to set them as 30 and 40 resepectively.
Alternatively I tried the following approach:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int numberA = 100;
int numberB = 200;
void referenceSetter(int *a, int *b)
a = &numberA;
b = &numberB;
void numberOutput()
cout << "A = " << numberA << endl;
cout << "B = " << numberB << endl;
int main() {
int *testA;
int *testB;
referenceSetter(testA, testB);
*testA = 30;
*testB = 40;
return 0;
But this approach throws up the error uninitialized local variables testA and testB. Do I have to initialize pointers too?
Please help me find my mistake. Thanks.
The thing you're not understanding is that pointers are passed by value, just like any other variable. If you want the passed pointer to be changed, you need to pass a pointer to a pointer (or a reference to a pointer, but I'll leave that alone, as explaining references at this point will confuse you further).
Your main() is passing NULL pointers to referenceSetter(). The assignment *a = numberA copies the value of numberA (i.e. 100) into the memory pointed to by a. Since a is a NULL pointer, that has the effect of overwriting memory that doesn't exist as far as your program is concerned. The result of that is undefined behaviour which means - according to the standard - that anything is allowed to happen. With your implementation, that is triggering an unhandled exception, probably because your host operating system is detecting that your program is writing to memory that it is not permitted to write to.
If, after the call of referenceSetter() you want testA and testB to contain the addresses of numberA and numberB respectively, you need to change referenceSetter() to something like;
void referenceSetter(int **a, int **b)
*a = &numberA;
*b = &numberB;
This allows the values passed to be addresses of pointers. *a then becomes a reference to the pointer passed. &numberA compute the address of numberA, rather than accessing its value 100. Similarly for numberB.
The second change is to change main() so it calls the function correctly;
referenceSetter(&testA, &testB);
which passes the address of testA (and testB) to the function, so those pointers can be changed
You are trying to set the contents of address 0 to be equal to the other numbers, so when you're doing *a = numberA you're assigning a value of numberA to memory address 0.
Not sure, but I think what you're trying to achieve is this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int numberA = 100;
int numberB = 200;
void referenceSetter(int **a, int **b)
*a = &numberA;
*b = &numberB;
void numberOutput()
cout << "A = " << numberA << endl;
cout << "B = " << numberB << endl;
int main() {
int *testA = 0;
int *testB = 0;
referenceSetter(&testA, &testB);
*testA = 30;
*testB = 40;
return 0;
This way, using pointers to pointers as arguments for referenceSetter(), you are actually modifying the address that your passed pointers are pointing to.
You are close, but the key is you need to pass the address of the value you want to set. You declare the values as int in main and pass the address by using the & operator:
int *testA = 0;
int *testB = 0;
referenceSetter(&testA, &testB);
*testA = 30;
*testB = 40;
If you declare testA and testB as pointers in main and pass the pointer, the function gets a copy of the pointer instead of the address of the value you want to set.

Access object array using pointer

This is my sample program
#include "stdafx.h"
class B
int i,j;
class A
B b[2];
b[0].i = 1;
b[0].j = 2;
b[1].i = 3;
b[1].j = 4;
B* function()
return b;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
A a;
B* obj = new B();
obj = a.function();
return 0;
I have to get the array of b objects(ie, need all the values, b[0].i, b[0].j,b[1].i and b[1].j)
But when I tried it with this code, only one object is returned.
What you state in the question is not true. Two objects are indeed returned. Access them with obj[0] and obj[1].
I guess you are looking at obj under the debugger and the IDE cannot know that you mean for your pointer obj to be an array of two objects. So the tooltips will only show the first object, obj[0], or *obj. But the other object, obj[1] is definitely there.
Add the following line after the call to a.function:
printf("%d, %d, %d, %d\n", obj[0].i, obj[0].j, obj[1].i, obj[1].j);
and you will see this output:
1, 2, 3, 4
Note that there is no point in the line B* obj = new B(); since you immediately overwrite obj. You should do it this way:
B* obj = a.function();
Your code is also a little dangerous in that you must keep a alive at least as long as you are making references to obj.
This code
B* function()
return b;
returns the pointer to the first element of array
B b[2];
which can be dereferenced applying pointer arithmetics and/or operator [].
Yes, you are actually returning the a pointer to the array b[2]. What you want to do now is to iterate through the items in that pointer. You can print them by adding this lines to you code:
A a;
B *obj = a.function();
std::cout << obj[0].i << ", " << obj[0].j << "; " << obj[1].i << ", " << obj[1].j << std::endl;
And of course, including iostream at the beginning of your file:
#include <iostream>