Is there any proper way to change text in the user's created xTextField using C++ UNO?
These fields names are[FIELD NAME]
I tried this before, but it didn't help:
Libreoffice API (UNO) : text and data from xTextField
Also I've tried something like this but still didn't help:
// current_field - xTextField I got before
Reference<XText> xText = Reference<XText>(current_field, UNO_QUERY);
if (!
qDebug() << "XText FROM xTextField IS NULL!";
OUStringBuffer bufText;
bufText.append( new_value.utf16() );
std::stringstream textStr;
textStr << bufText.toString();
xText->setString( bufText.toString() );
Any suggestions?
Did you read section 5.18 of Andrew's Macro Document as recommended in my other answer? Here is Listing 5.49 translated into C++. It seems there is a bug in that listing because I had to add "." to make it work.
OUString sName = OUString::createFromAscii("Author Name");
OUString sServ = OUString::createFromAscii("");
OUString sFieldName = sServ + OUString::createFromAscii(".") + sName;
Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xDocFactory (xTextDocument, UNO_QUERY);
if (xNamedFieldMasters->hasByName(sFieldName))
fieldMaster = xNamedFieldMasters->getByName(sFieldName);
Reference< XPropertySet> xProps (fieldMaster, UNO_QUERY);
Any aContent;
aContent <<= OUString::createFromAscii("Andrew Pitonyak");
xProps->setPropertyValue(OUString::createFromAscii("Content"), aContent);
fieldMaster <<= xDocFactory->createInstance(sServ);
Reference< XPropertySet> xProps (fieldMaster, UNO_QUERY);
Any aName;
aName <<= sName;
xProps->setPropertyValue(OUString::createFromAscii("Name"), aName);
Any aContent;
aContent <<= OUString::createFromAscii("Andrew Pitonyak");
xProps->setPropertyValue(OUString::createFromAscii("Content"), aContent);
If this code is run on a blank document, the newly created field can be seen by going to Insert -> Fields -> More Fields, Variables, User Field.
How can I get xTextFields from .odt document properly?
I tried something like that, but it doesn't work (Any returns a nullptr address):
Reference <XTextFieldsSupplier> xTextFieldsSupplier (xTextDoc, UNO_QUERY);
if (!
return { };
Reference<XNameAccess> xTextFieldsInfo = xTextFieldsSupplier->getTextFieldMasters();
if (!
return { };
Sequence<OUString> xTextFieldsNames = xTextFieldsInfo->getElementNames();
Any any;
for (::rtl::OUString* field = xTextFieldsNames.begin();
field != xTextFieldsNames.end();
field++) {
std::stringstream field_string;
field_string << *field;
QString fieldName = QString::fromStdString(field_string.str());
any = xTextFieldsInfo->getByName(*field);
Reference< XTextField > xField(any, UNO_QUERY);
// other code to work with xField
I got a solution that helped me here:
Libreoffice API (UNO): need to change user's xTextField text
XTextFieldsSupplier has two methods, and it looks like you chose the wrong one. The method to get text fields is getTextFields().
Example code:
Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xFieldsEnumAccess = xTextFieldsSupplier->getTextFields();
Reference< XEnumeration > xFieldsEnum = xFieldsEnumAccess->createEnumeration();
Reference< XTextRange > xTextRange;
while ( xFieldsEnum->hasMoreElements() )
Any aNextElement = xFieldsEnum->nextElement();
Reference< XTextField > xField(aNextElement, UNO_QUERY);
OUString presentation = xField->getPresentation(true);
xTextRange = xText->getEnd();
xTextRange->setString(presentation + OUString::createFromAscii("\n"));
If you want to deal with text field masters instead, then your code is mostly correct.
Any aFieldMaster;
aFieldMaster = xNamedFieldMasters->getByName(*field);
Here is where xText comes from.
Reference < XTextDocument > xTextDocument (xComponent,UNO_QUERY);
Reference< XText > xText = xTextDocument->getText();
Here is an example of changing a text field. Start with a new Writer document and go to Insert -> Field -> More Fields. Under the Functions tab, double-click Input Field. Enter "hello" in the text box area and press OK.
Then, run the following code.
Reference< XServiceInfo > xInfo (xField, UNO_QUERY);
OUString sContent;
if (xInfo->supportsService(""))
Reference< XPropertySet > xProps (xField, UNO_QUERY);
Any aContent = xProps->getPropertyValue(OUString::createFromAscii("Content"));
aContent >>= sContent;
sContent += OUString::createFromAscii(" there");
aContent <<= sContent;
xProps->setPropertyValue(OUString::createFromAscii("Content"), aContent);
Reference< XRefreshable > xRefreshable (xFieldsEnumAccess, UNO_QUERY);
Now, the field contains "hello there".
For more information, please review Andrew's Macro Document section 5.18 User Fields.
I am new to Solr and SolrJ. I am trying to use for a desktop application and I have files(text files) to index and search. I wanted to use highlight feature and display the fragments with highlight,but I don't get them to display in yellow background as you highlight a text, please let me know how to display the text in yellow background.
here is my code snippet:
public void TestHighLight(SolrQuery query) throws
SolrServerException, IOException {
query.set("hl", "true");
query.set("hl.snippets", "5");
query.set("q", "text:Pune");
query.set("hl.fl", "*");
QueryResponse queryResponse = client.query(query);
SolrDocumentList docs = queryResponse.getResults();
Iterator iter = docs.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < docs.size(); i++) {
iter = docs.get(i).getFieldNames().iterator();
String fldVal = (String) docs.get(i).getFieldValue("id");
String docID = (String) docs.get(i).get("id");
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String highlighText = getHighlightedText(queryResponse,
"text", docID);
System.out.println(" tHighlightedText is " + highlighText );
The output looks like this:how do I color it ?
[ for Java Developer at Pune
Thanks a lot !
Set the pre and post parameters of the highlighter. Specifies the “tag” to use before a highlighted term. This can be any string, but is most often an HTML or XML tag.
solrQueryHandler.setHighlightSimplePre("<font color="yellow">");
But note that this will work only for the Original Highlighter
I have been trying to load an SQL database into a datatable in C++, however; it doesn't seem to want to work. The connection is working though, as DataReader works. Here is my code
void importDatabase() {
SqlConnection con;
SqlDataAdapter^ da;
SqlCommand cmd;
DataTable^ dt;
int count = 1;
try {
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=MYNAME\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=VinylRecords;Integrated Security=True";
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Records";
cmd.Connection = %con;
da = gcnew SqlDataAdapter(%cmd);
dt = gcnew DataTable("Records");
for (int i = 0; i < dt->Rows->Count - 1; i++) {
String^ value_string;
value_string = dt->Rows[i]->ToString();
cout << "There are " << count << " many records";
catch (Exception^ ex) {
Please note, that I slightly altered the source name to post here, but only the first part.
What is wrong with my code?
So, the problem is here:
Rows[i] is a Row object. And the Row class's ToString() method always prints out the fully qualified typename, which is what you are seeing. So this is technically working just fine. What you will need to do to get something useful is: you will need to access a specific column in that row and get it's value, then output that.
Something along the lines of:
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
Console.Write(" | ");
I am not entirely sure on the syntax for accessing a specific cell inside of a DataTable when using C++\CLI. So I have provided the C# equivalent to explain why it is you were getting output of managed type names (e.g. "System.Data.DataRow") instead of the info inside of the Row's columns.
Also, I noticed you tagged this question with "mysql", but you are using the ADO.NET System.Data.SqlClient namespace. The SqlDataReader and SqlDataAdapter classes only work with TSQL (Microsoft's SQL Server databases) If you are actually connecting to a mysql database you will want to use the System.Data.OdbcDataAdapter class. You can read a little more here:
I have a need to create an action that will:
1. copy a selected part (selected by hand) of an image in an already opened file
2. paste selection into new file
3. save new file as jpg file, but not with default file name of "untitled.jpg" - instead use a unique name or use a auto-increment suffix
Because the action will be run multiple times on different selections from the same image, saving each selection with a unique name or auto-incremented suffix would save the step of manually supplying the filename each time a different selection is saved.
I can create an action that gets to the save-as step, but don't know if it is possible to modify the default save as name as described above. Is it possible?
No. Tried it before with no success. You have to save manually.
Don't think this is possible with an action but you can write a script do to it.
I have created a script for similar work. It uses a technique to generate unique filenames and save the file.
* Author: Nishant Kumar
* Description: This script iterates through a template to create
* jpg images with id card numbers.
* Date: 08-03-2015
//current id count
var id_count = 0;
//total no of id cards to produce
var total_id_cards = 42;
//no. of cards per sheet
var card_per_sheet = 21;
//Save path related to current file
var save_path = app.activeDocument.path;
//do an iteration, number the cards and save file
//iterate 24 nos in each document
for(var i = 0; i<card_per_sheet; i++){
app.activeDocument.layers[i].textItem.contents = id_count;
//Create a jpg document with standard options
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 12;
//Save jpg with incremental file names (1.jpg, 2.jpg), make sure the path exists
jpgFile = new File( save_path + "/output/" + id_count/card_per_sheet + ".jpeg" );
app.activeDocument.saveAs(jpgFile, jpgSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
}while(id_count < total_id_cards);
I know this is old, but still. You can use the following script.
How to use a script:
Copy the following script in notepad, and save it in directory similar to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Presets\Scripts" with the extension JSX.
To run the scrip in photoshop, go to File > Scripts > "Your Script".
#target photoshop
function main(){
if(!documents.length) return;
var Name =[^.]+$/, '');
Name = Name.replace(/\d+$/,'');
var savePath = activeDocument.path;
alert("You must save this document first!");
var fileList= savePath.getFiles(Name +"*.jpg").sort().reverse();
var Suffix = 0;
Suffix = Number(fileList[0].name.replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '').match(/\d+$/));
Suffix= zeroPad(Suffix + 1, 4);
var saveFile = File(savePath + "/" + Name + "_" + Suffix + ".jpg");
function SaveJPG(saveFile){
//Create a jpg document with standard options
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 12;
//Save jpg with incremental file names (1.jpg, 2.jpg), make sure the path exists
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
function zeroPad(n, s) {
n = n.toString();
while (n.length < s) n = '0' + n;
return n;
I'm implementing a custom field in Sitecore for the Content Editor, and I need to be able to open the Rich Text editor and get the data from there. I'm not really sure where to look though, nor how to go about it.
Had to decompile the Sitecore.Kernel DLL in order to figure this out.
First thing is to spin off a call from the Context.ClientPage object
So, for my situation:
switch (message.Name)
case "richtext:edit":
Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "EditText");
You will then need to have a method in your class with the same name as defined in the above Start method. Then, you either start the rich text control if the request isn't a postback, or handle the posted data
protected void EditText(ClientPipelineArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
if (args.IsPostBack)
if (args.Result == null || args.Result == "undefined")
var text = args.Result;
if (text == "__#!$No value$!#__")
text = string.Empty;
Value = text;
UpdateHtml(args); //Function that executes Javascript to update embedded rich text frame
var richTextEditorUrl = new RichTextEditorUrl
Conversion = RichTextEditorUrl.HtmlConversion.DoNotConvert,
Disabled = Disabled,
FieldID = FieldID,
ID = ID,
ItemID = ItemID,
Language = ItemLanguage,
Mode = string.Empty,
Source = Source,
Url = "/sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/EditorPage.aspx",
Value = Value,
Version = ItemVersion
UrlString url = richTextEditorUrl.GetUrl();
handle = richTextEditorUrl.Handle;
ID md5Hash = MainUtil.GetMD5Hash(Source + ItemLanguage);
SheerResponse.Eval("scContent.editRichText(\"" + url + "\", \"" + md5Hash.ToShortID() + "\", " +
StringUtil.EscapeJavascriptString(GetDeviceValue(CurrentDevice)) + ")");