usage of std optional mixed with shared_ptr - c++

I have two derived classes as follows. This is the simplified design version that I have right now.
class A objects are copy-able but they are big. That is why I used reference in the constructor of the derived_1 class.
I used shared_ptr for the class derived_2 in order to make usage of p_a optional. I noticed that I can also use std::optional in the constructor of the class derived_2. By this I can give hint to the user that this argument is indeed optional.
Please take into consideration that this the simplified version and this member p_a is used in all three classes intensively. Also std::shared_ptr<A&> a is not the only argument for the constructor in the real example. I will be thankful if you show me how to use std::optional properly here.
Is it ok to mix std::optional with std::shared_ptr?
class A
int m_a;
A(int a) :m_a(a) {};
class Base
std::shared_ptr<A> p_a; //Do I need to change type of p_a???
Base() {};
void print()
if (p_a)
std::cout << "p_a is allocated\n";
void virtual check() = 0;
class derived_1 : public Base
derived_1(const A& a)
p_a = std::make_shared<A>(a);
void check() {};
class derived_2 : public Base
derived_2(std::shared_ptr<A&> a) //can I use std::optional instead??
if (a)
p_a = a;
void check() {};


How to use derived parameter in an overriding function without dynamic casting

Can anyone let me know how to achieve:
the parameter of a method of a derived class being the parameter's
derived class (not the parameter's base class)?
This is what I want:
class Base{
// Base class method has ParameterBase parameter
virtual void f(ParameterBase pb) = 0;
class Derived : public Base{
// I want: Derived class method has ParameterDerived parameter;
void f(ParameterDerived pd){ //do something with pd; }
class ParameterBase{
// Base class of parameter;
class ParameterDerived : public ParameterBase{
// Derived class of parameter;
How to achieve above?
Do I have to use ParamterBase in the derived method's parameter list and dynamic_cast the parameter in the method body?
The feature you are asking for is called parameter type contra-variance. And C++ unfortunately, doesn't support it. C++ supports just the return type covariance. See here for a nice explanation.
Perhaps inconveniently, C++ does not permit us to write the function
marked hmm... above. C++’s classical OOP system supports “covariant
return types,” but it does not support “contravariant parameter
But you can use dynamic_cast<>() operator. But first, you must change the parameter type to pointer or reference, and add at least one virtual member (virtual destructor counts too) to your class ParameterBase to make compiler to create virtual method table for it. Here is the code with references. Pointers can be used instead.
class ParameterBase
// To make compiler to create virtual method table.
virtual ~ParameterBase()
class ParameterDerived : public ParameterBase
class Base
// Pointers or references should be used here.
virtual void f(const ParameterBase& pb) = 0;
class Derived : public Base
virtual void f(const ParameterBase& pb) override
// And here is the casting.
const ParameterDerived& pd=dynamic_cast<const ParameterDerived&>(pb);
int main()
Derived d;
ParameterDerived p;
Supposing you want Derived to be called with ParameterDerived, but you also want to declare the interface in abstract base classes.
The interface MUST have the same parameter types, but you can still enforce the right parameter subclass with a dynamic_cast inside Derived::f
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// interface
struct ParameterBase {
virtual ~ParameterBase() {};
struct Base {
virtual void f(ParameterBase *pb) = 0;
virtual ~Base() {};
// specific
struct ParameterDerived : public ParameterBase {
std::string name;
ParameterDerived(const std::string &name) : name(name) {}
ParameterDerived& operator=(const ParameterDerived& rhs) { name =; }
~ParameterDerived() {};
struct Derived : public Base {
Derived& operator=(const Derived &rhs) {}
virtual ~Derived(){}
void f(ParameterBase *pb) {
ParameterDerived *pd = dynamic_cast<ParameterDerived*>(pb);
if (pd) {
std::cout << "Derived object with derived parameter " << pd->name << std::endl;
} // else {throw std::exception("wrong parameter type");}
int main() {
Derived object;
ParameterDerived param("foo");

Automatically downcast function arguments in C++

I have two classes, let's say Base and Derived:
class Base {
virtual ~Base() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {};
and a function foo:
auto foo (Derived* d) {
Is it possible to automatically downcast its argument? So I could do something like this:
Base* b = new Derived();
Basically I would like to write this without explicit casting it before function call.
I read something about conversion operators/constructors but they seem not useful in my case, do you have any other idea?
Edit: Sorry, I oversimplified the question with 2 classes and just a function. But actually I've got a library of 50-ish functions and 3 classes (a superclass and 2 subclasses). This unfortunately makes the easiest and cleanest solutions unsuitable because in my opinion (correct me if I am wrong) they scale bad.
I can think of three possible solutions, depending on your needs. I've replaced raw pointers with unique_ptrs in my examples.
Case 1: You don't need the base type of each derived type to be the same.
Use CRTP to allow the base type to invoke itself as a derived type. Example implementation:
template <typename DerivedType>
class Base {
template <typename F>
auto invoke_as_derived(F&& f) {
return std::forward<F>(f)(static_cast<DerivedType*>(this));
class Derived : public Base<DerivedType> {};
std::unique_ptr<Base<Derived>> b = std::make_unique<Derived>();
Since you mentioned using a list of Base pointers, this probably won't work for you.
Case 2: You need a shared base type but only have one layer in your type hierarchy and no virtual methods.
Use std::variant and std::visit.
class Derived {};
using Base = std::variant<Derived, /* other derived types */>;
auto foo(Derived*) { ... }
class FooCaller {
operator ()(Derived& d) {
return foo(&d);
// Overload for each derived type.
Base b = Derived();
std::visit(FooCaller{}, b);
Case 3: You need a single base type but also want virtual methods and/or additional layers in your type hierarchy.
You might try the visitor pattern. It takes some boilerplate, but it may be the best solution depending on your needs. Sketch of the implementation:
class Visitor; // Forward declare visitor.
class Base
virtual void accept(Visitor& v) = 0;
class Derived : public Base
void accept(Visitor& v) final { v.visit(*this); }
struct Visitor
virtual void visit(Derived&) = 0;
// One visit method per derived type...
struct FooCaller : public Visitor
// Store return value of call to foo in a class member.
decltype(foo(new Derived())) return_value;
virtual void visit(Derived& d)
return_value = foo(&d);
// Override other methods...
std::unique_ptr<Base> b = std::make_unique<Derived>();
FooCaller foo_caller;
You could write a visitor that takes a function to apply to the element so you don't have to repeat this for all of your many functions. Alternatively, if you can alter the functions themselves, you could replace your functions with visitor types.
Edit: Simplifying the call syntax back down to foo(b)
Define an overload per function overload set to which you want to pass Base objects. Example, using the 3rd technique:
auto foo(Base* b) {
FooCaller foo_caller;
return std::move(foo_caller.return_value);
Now foo(b.get()) will delegate to the appropriate overload of foo at run-time.
The usual approach would not be to downcast, but to use virtual functions. I.e. put void foo() inside of the class.
class Base {
virtual ~Base() = default;
virtual void foo() { std::cout << "Base foo()\n"; }
class Derived : public Base {
void foo() override { std::cout << "Derived foo()\n"; }
int main()
Base* b = new Derived();
delete b;
Derived foo()
If you want to make it impossible to call Base::foo(), you can set
class Base {
virtual ~Base() = default;
virtual void foo() = 0;
making Base an abstract class.
But if you really want to call foo(b), you can use a (templated) helper function. E.g.:
class Base {
virtual ~Base() = default;
virtual void foo() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
void foo() override {
std::cout << "Derived foo()\n";
template<typename T>
void foo(T* t)
int main()
Base* b = new Derived();
delete b;

One of my member functions, which is a purely virtual void, has an LNK 2019 error [duplicate]

I have a base class MyBase that contains a pure virtual function:
void PrintStartMessage() = 0
I want each derived class to call it in their constructor
then I put it in base class(MyBase) constructor
class MyBase
virtual void PrintStartMessage() =0;
class Derived:public MyBase
void PrintStartMessage(){
void main()
Derived derived;
but I get a linker error.
this is error message :
1>------ Build started: Project: s1, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>s1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall MyBase::PrintStartMessage(void)" (?PrintStartMessage#MyBase##UAEXXZ) referenced in function "public: __thiscall MyBase::MyBase(void)" (??0MyBase##QAE#XZ)
1>C:\Users\Shmuelian\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\s1\Debug\s1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
1>s1 - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
I want force to all derived classes to...
A- implement it
B- call it in their constructor
How I must do it?
There are many articles that explain why you should never call virtual functions in constructor and destructor in C++. Take a look here and here for details what happens behind the scene during such calls.
In short, objects are constructed from the base up to the derived. So when you try to call a virtual function from the base class constructor, overriding from derived classes hasn't yet happened because the derived constructors haven't been called yet.
Trying to call a pure abstract method from a derived while that object is still being constructed is unsafe. It's like trying to fill gas into a car but that car is still on the assembly line and the gas tank hasn't been put in yet.
The closest you can get to doing something like that is to fully construct your object first and then calling the method after:
template <typename T>
T construct_and_print()
T obj;
return obj;
int main()
Derived derived = construct_and_print<Derived>();
You can't do it the way you imagine because you cannot call derived virtual functions from within the base class constructor—the object is not yet of the derived type. But you don't need to do this.
Calling PrintStartMessage after MyBase construction
Let's assume that you want to do something like this:
class MyBase {
virtual void PrintStartMessage() = 0;
MyBase() {
printf("Doing MyBase initialization...\n");
PrintStartMessage(); // ⚠ UB: pure virtual function call ⚠
class Derived : public MyBase {
virtual void PrintStartMessage() { printf("Starting Derived!\n"); }
That is, the desired output is:
Doing MyBase initialization...
Starting Derived!
But this is exactly what constructors are for! Just scrap the virtual function and make the constructor of Derived do the job:
class MyBase {
MyBase() { printf("Doing MyBase initialization...\n"); }
class Derived : public MyBase {
Derived() { printf("Starting Derived!\n"); }
The output is, well, what we would expect:
Doing MyBase initialization...
Starting Derived!
This doesn't enforce the derived classes to explicitly implement the PrintStartMessage functionality though. But on the other hand, think twice whether it is at all necessary, as they otherwise can always provide an empty implementation anyway.
Calling PrintStartMessage before MyBase construction
As said above, if you want to call PrintStartMessage before the Derived has been constructed, you cannot accomplish this because there is no yet a Derived object for PrintStartMessage to be called upon. It would make no sense to require PrintStartMessage to be a non-static member because it would have no access to any of the Derived data members.
A static function with factory function
Alternatively we can make it a static member like so:
class MyBase {
MyBase() {
printf("Doing MyBase initialization...\n");
class Derived : public MyBase {
static void PrintStartMessage() { printf("Derived specific message.\n"); }
A natural question arises of how it will be called?
There are two solution I can see: one is similar to that of #greatwolf, where you have to call it manually. But now, since it is a static member, you can call it before an instance of MyBase has been constructed:
template<class T>
T print_and_construct() {
return T();
int main() {
Derived derived = print_and_construct<Derived>();
The output will be
Derived specific message.
Doing MyBase initialization...
This approach does force all derived classes to implement PrintStartMessage. Unfortunately it's only true when we construct them with our factory function... which is a huge downside of this solution.
The second solution is to resort to the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP). By telling MyBase the complete object type at compile time it can do the call from within the constructor:
template<class T>
class MyBase {
MyBase() {
printf("Doing MyBase initialization...\n");
class Derived : public MyBase<Derived> {
static void PrintStartMessage() { printf("Derived specific message.\n"); }
The output is as expected, without the need of using a dedicated factory function.
Accessing MyBase from within PrintStartMessage with CRTP
While MyBase is being executed, its already OK to access its members. We can make PrintStartMessage be able to access the MyBase that has called it:
template<class T>
class MyBase {
MyBase() {
printf("Doing MyBase initialization...\n");
class Derived : public MyBase<Derived> {
static void PrintStartMessage(MyBase<Derived> *p) {
// We can access p here
printf("Derived specific message.\n");
The following is also valid and very frequently used, albeit a bit dangerous:
template<class T>
class MyBase {
MyBase() {
printf("Doing MyBase initialization...\n");
class Derived : public MyBase<Derived> {
void PrintStartMessage() {
// We can access *this member functions here, but only those from MyBase
// or those of Derived who follow this same restriction. I.e. no
// Derived data members access as they have not yet been constructed.
printf("Derived specific message.\n");
No templates solution—redesign
Yet another option is to redesign your code a little. IMO this one is actually the preferred solution if you absolutely have to call an overridden PrintStartMessage from within MyBase construction.
This proposal is to separate Derived from MyBase, as follows:
class ICanPrintStartMessage {
virtual ~ICanPrintStartMessage() {}
virtual void PrintStartMessage() = 0;
class MyBase {
MyBase(ICanPrintStartMessage *p) : _p(p) {
printf("Doing MyBase initialization...\n");
ICanPrintStartMessage *_p;
class Derived : public ICanPrintStartMessage {
virtual void PrintStartMessage() { printf("Starting Derived!!!\n"); }
You initialize MyBase as follows:
int main() {
Derived d;
MyBase b(&d);
You shouldn't call a virtual function in a constructor. Period. You'll have to find some workaround, like making PrintStartMessage non-virtual and putting the call explicitly in every constructor.
If PrintStartMessage() was not a pure virtual function but a normal virtual function, the compiler would not complain about it. However you would still have to figure out why the derived version of PrintStartMessage() is not being called.
Since the derived class calls the base class's constructor before its own constructor, the derived class behaves like the base class and therefore calls the base class's function.
I know this is an old question, but I came across the same question while working on my program.
If your goal is to reduce code duplication by having the Base class handle the shared initialization code while requiring the Derived classes to specify the code unique to them in a pure virtual method, this is what I decided on.
#include <iostream>
class MyBase
virtual void UniqueCode() = 0;
MyBase() {};
void init(MyBase & other)
std::cout << "Shared Code before the unique code" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Shared Code after the unique code" << std::endl << std::endl;
class FirstDerived : public MyBase
FirstDerived() : MyBase() { init(*this); };
void UniqueCode()
std::cout << "Code Unique to First Derived Class" << std::endl;
using MyBase::init;
class SecondDerived : public MyBase
SecondDerived() : MyBase() { init(*this); };
void UniqueCode()
std::cout << "Code Unique to Second Derived Class" << std::endl;
using MyBase::init;
int main()
FirstDerived first;
SecondDerived second;
The output is:
Shared Code before the unique code
Code Unique to First Derived Class
Shared Code after the unique code
Shared Code before the unique code
Code Unique to Second Derived Class
Shared Code after the unique code
Facing the same problem, I imaginated a (not perfect) solution. The idea is to provide a certificate to the base class that the pure virtual init function will be called after the construction.
class A
static const int checkValue;
A(int certificate);
A(const A& a);
virtual ~A();
virtual void init() = 0;
template <typename T> static T create();
template <typeneme T> static T* create_p();
template <typename T, typename U1> static T create(const U1& u1);
template <typename T, typename U1> static T* create_p(const U1& u1);
//... all the required possibilities can be generated by prepro loops
const int A::checkValue = 159736482; // or any random value
A::A(int certificate)
assert(certificate == A::checkValue);
A::A(const A& a)
template <typename T>
T A::create()
T t(A::checkValue);
return t;
template <typename T>
T* A::create_p()
T* t = new T(A::checkValue);
return t;
template <typename T, typename U1>
T A::create(const U1& u1)
T t(A::checkValue, u1);
return t;
template <typename T, typename U1>
T* A::create_p(const U1& u1)
T* t = new T(A::checkValue, u1);
return t;
class B : public A
B(int certificate);
B(const B& b);
virtual ~B();
virtual void init();
B::B(int certificate) :
B::B(const B& b) :
void B::init()
std::cout << "call B::init()" << std::endl;
class C : public A
C(int certificate, double x);
C(const C& c);
virtual ~C();
virtual void init();
double x_;
C::C(int certificate, double x) :
C::C(const C& c) :
void C::init()
std::cout << "call C::init()" << std::endl;
Then, the user of the class can't construct an instance without giving the certificate, but the certificate can only be produced by the creation functions:
B b = create<B>(); // B::init is called
C c = create<C,double>(3.1415926535); // C::init is called
Moreover, the user can't create new classes inheriting from A B or C without implementing the certificate transmission in the constructor. Then, the base class A has the warranty that init will be called after construction.
I can offer a work around / "companion" to your abstract base class using MACROS rather than templates, or staying purely within the "natural" constraints of the language.
Create a base class with an init function e.g.:
class BaseClass
virtual ~BaseClass(){}
virtual void virtualInit( const int i=0 )=0;
Then, add a macro for a constructor. Note there is no reason to not add multiple constructor definitions here, or have multiple macros to choose from.
clazz( const int i ) \
{ \
virtualInit( i ); \
Finally, add the macro to your derivation:
class DervivedClass : public BaseClass
virtual ~DervivedClass();
void virtualInit( const int i=0 )
int x_;

C++ member access from a derived class of a templated type

Long story short, what I want here is to declare a templated type in a base class and be able to access that type A<T> such that the base class B contains it and the derived class C is able to access it as C::A<T>. I did try declaring an int inside of class B and that can be accessed from the derived C class as C::int, here's the error!
||In constructor ‘D::D()’:|
|74|error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘A<C*>’ and ‘A<B*>’)|
|4|note: candidate: A<C*>& A<C*>::operator=(const A<C*>&)|
|4|note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘A<B*>’ to ‘const A<C*>&’|
And this is the code that does compile ( comment A<B*> i; and uncomment A<C*> i; to get the error).
#include <iostream>
//class with a template parameter
template <class a>
class A
int somevalue;
void print()
//1. could forward declare
class C;
class B
A<B*> i;
//2. and then use
//A<C*> i;
A<B*> get()
return i;
//3. use this return instead
A<C*> get()
return i;
//specialization of B that uses B's methods variables
class C : public B
virtual ~C(){}
void method()
//class D that inherits the specialization of C
class D : public C
A<B*> i;//works
//4. but I want the inherited type to work like
//A<C*> i;// so that the type C* is interpreted as B*
this->i = C::i;
int main()
D* d = new D();
delete d;
return 0;
But okay what if we tried this std::list<template parameter> LIST and then plug that in? That's the problem A<T> is std::list.
As far as I understand your issue now you seem to have a std::list<Base *> (renamed B to Base for clarity) and want to fill an std::list<Concrete*> (renamed C to Concrete, it's derived from Base) with it.
For that you need to iterate over the Base* pointers, checking for each whether it can be downcast to a Concrete* and if so adding it to the std::list<Concrete*>. You need to think about what to do if the downcast fails, too.
For all of this to work your Base needs to be a polymorphic base class, that is it must contain a virtual member function (don't forget to make the destructor virtual). Also note that this sounds like a catastrophe waiting to happen in terms of managing ownership of those pointers.
template<typename Base, typename Concrete>
std::list<Concrete*> downcast_list (std::list<Base*> const & bases) {
std::list<Concrete*> result;
for (auto const base_ptr : bases) {
Concrete * concrete_ptr = dynamic_cast<Concrete*>(base_ptr);
if (concrete_ptr != nullptr) {
} else {
// Error or ignore?
return result;
Note: a more idiomatic version of this would use iterators.
I found the pattern to my problem, it's actually really simple and it serves as the base for encapsulating a class type a (which is a template parameter to be passed around, try looking at my question as a reference to class a). The pattern is shown below, it's generally what I wanted. I found it on this webpage Using Inheritance Between Templates chapter 7.5 from the book entitled OBJECT-ORIENTED
with C++ by Dennis Kafura. I'll copy it below the edited code for the sake of future reference in case anyone else needs it.
template <class a>
class B
template <class a>
class C : public B<a>
This is the code it was adapted from.
template <class QueueItem> class Queue
QueueItem buffer[100];
int head, tail, count;
void Insert(QueueItem item);
QueueItem Remove();
template <class QueueItem> class InspectableQueue : public Queue<QueueItem>
QueueItem Inspect(); // return without removing the first element
Try changing this:
#include <iostream>
//class with a template parameter
template <class a>
class A {
int somevalue;
void print() {
//1. could forward declare
class C;
class B {
A<B*> i;
//2. and then use
//A<C*> i;
A<B*> get() {
return i;
/*/3. use this return instead
A<C*> get() {
return i;
} */
//specialization of B that uses B's methods variables
class C : public B {
virtual ~C(){}
void method() {
//class D that inherits the specialization of C
class D : public C {
A<B*> i;//works
//4. but I want the inherited type to work like
//A<C*> i;// so that the type C* is interpreted as B*
D() {
this->i = C::i;
int main() {
D* d = new D();
delete d;
return 0;
To Something Like This:
#include <iostream>
//class with a template parameter
template <typename T>
class Foo {
T value_;
Foo(){} // Default
Foo( T value ) : value_(value) {}
void print() {
std::cout<< value_ << std::endl;
class Derived;
class Base {
Foo<Base*> foo_;
Base(){} // Default;
virtual ~Base(){}
// Overload This Function
template<typename T = Base>
/*virtual*/ Foo<T*> get();
/*virtual*/ Foo<Base*> get() { return this->foo_; }
/*virtual*/ Foo<Derived*> get();
class Derived : Base {
Derived() {}
virtual ~Derived() {}
void func() {
void Foo<Derived*> get() override { return this->foo_; }
And this is as about as far as I could get trying to answering your question...
There are objects that you are not using in your code
There are methods that aren't being called.
It is kind of hard to understand the direction/indirection
of what you mean to do with the inheritance tree.
You are inheriting from a base class without a virtual destructor
And probably a few other things that I can not think of off the top of my head right now.
I'd be more than willing to try and help you out; but this is as far as I can go with what you currently are showing.
EDIT -- I made changes to the base & derived classes and removed the virtual keyword to the overloaded function template declarations - definitions belonging to those classes.

Class reference another two classes

I have two classes with some methods with same name.
Can I create third class that accept reference from ony of the other two and in the constructor to set obj variable to A or B type?
class A
void f();
class B
void f();
class C
??? obj;
Maybe you want a template class:
template <typename T>
class C
T& obj;
explicit C(T& t) : obj(t) {}
void f() { obj.f(); }
And then:
A a;
B b;
C<A> c1(a);
C<B> c2(b);
C++ is a very flexible language and as such provides multiple options for what you are asking for. Each with their own pros and cons.
The first route that comes to mind is to use polymorphism.
You have two routes to choose from: static or dynamic polymorphism.
The Static Polymorphic Route
To use static polymorphism (also known as compile-time polymorphism) you should make C a template class:
template <typename T> class C
T& obj;
The Dynamic Polymorphic Route
To use dynamic (also known as run-time polymorphism) you should provide an interface:
class Fer
virtual ~Fer() {}
virtual void f() = 0;
Which A and B would implement:
class A : public Fer
void f() overide;
class B : public Fer
void f() overide;
C would then be like this:
class C
Fer& obj;
The Variant Route
There are various libraries that provide classes that can safely hold arbitrary types.
Some examples of these are:
QVariant from Qt
When using such classes you generally need some means of converting back to the actual type before operating on it.
You can have a base class that defines the required interface.
class Base
virtual void f();
And you can have derived classes that implement the interface.
class A : public Base
virtual void f();
class B : public Base
virtual void f();
The class C then refers to the Base class and can actually accept objects of A or B type.
class C
Base& base;
C(Base& b) : base(b) {}
It can be easily used then.
int main()
B b;
C c(b);
return 0;