Final:Result after calculating and displaying the differenceI am new to VVC and I am going through the reference software's code trying to understand it. I have encoded and decoded videos using the reference software. I want to extract the bitstream from it, I want to know the number of bits there are in each macroblock. I am not sure which class I should be working with, for now I am looking at, mv.cpp, QuantRDOQ.cpp, and TrQuant.cpp.
I am afraid to mess the code up completely, I don't know where to add what lines of code. Start: Result after calculating and displaying the difference
P.S. The linked pictures are after my problem has been solved, I attached these pictures because of my query in the comments.
As the error says, getNumBins() is not supported by the CABAC estimator. So you should make sure you call it "only" during the encoding, and not during the RDO.
This should do the job:
if (isEncoding())
before = m_BinEncoder.getNumBins()
coding_unit( cu, partitioner, cuCtx );
if (isEncoding())
after = m_BinEncoder.getNumBins();
diff = after - before;
The simpleset solution that I'm aware of is at the encoder side.
The trick is to compute the difference in the number of written bits "before" and "after" encoding a Coding Unit (CU) (aka macroblock). This stuff happens in the CABACWriter.cpp file.
You should go to to coding_tree() function, where coding_unit() function is called, which is responsible for context-coding all syntax elementes in the current CU.
There, you may call the function getNumBins() twice: once before and once after coding_unit(). The difference of the two value should do the job for you.
I am using Hyperparameter using HParams Dashboard in Tensorflow 2.0-beta0 as suggested here
I am confused in step 1, I could not find any better explanation. My questions are related to following lines:
HP_NUM_UNITS = hp.HParam('num_units', hp.Discrete([16, 32]))
HP_DROPOUT = hp.HParam('dropout', hp.RealInterval(0.1, 0.2))
HP_OPTIMIZER = hp.HParam('optimizer', hp.Discrete(['adam', 'sgd']))
My question:
I want to try more dropout values instead of just two (0.1 and 0.2). If I write more values in it then it throws an error- 'maximum 2 arguments can be given'. I tried to look for documentation but could not find anything like from where these hp.Discrete and hp.RealInterval functions came.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Good question. They notebook tutorial lacks in many aspects. At any rate, here is how you do it at a certain resolution res
for dropout_rate in tf.linspace(
By looking at the implementation to me it really doesn't seem to be GridSearch but MonteCarlo/Random search (note: this is not 100% correct, please see my edit below)
So on every iteration a random float of that real interval is chosen
If you want GridSearch behavior just use "Discrete". That way you can even mix and match GridSearch with Random search, pretty cool!
Edit: 27th of July '22: (based on the comment of #dpoiesz)
Just to make it a little more clear, as it is sampled from the intervals, concrete values are returned. Therefore, those are added to the grid dimension and grid search is performed using those
RealInterval is a min, max tuple in which the hparam will pick a number up.
Here a link to the implementation for better understanding.
The thing is that as it is currently implemented it does not seems to have any difference in between the two except if you call the sample_uniform method.
Note that tf.linspace breaks the mentioned sample code when saving current value.
In particular OscarVanL's comment about his quick&dirty workaround.
I've been following Dave Miller's ANN C++ Tutorial, and I've been having some problems getting it to function as expected.
You can view the code I'm working with here. It's an XCode project, but includes the main.cpp and data set file.
Previously, this program would only gives outputs between -1 and 1, I'm presuming due to the use of the tanh function. I've manipulated the data inputs so I can input my data that is much larger and have valid outputs. I've simply done this by multiplying the input values by 0.0001, and multiplying the output values by 10000.
The training data I'm using is the included CSV file. The last column is the expected output, the rest are inputs. Am I using the wrong mathematical function for these data?
Would you say that this is actually learning? This whole thing has stressed me out so much, I understand the theory behind ANN's but just can't implement from scratch for myself.
The net recent average error definitely gets smaller and smaller, which to me would say it is learning.
I'm sorry if I haven't explained myself very well, I'm very new to ANN's and this whole thing is very confusing to me. My university lecturers are useless when it comes to the practical side, they only teach us the theory of it.
I've been playing around with the eta and alpha values, along with the number of hidden layers.
You explained yourself quite well, if the net recent average is getting lower and lower it probably means that the network is actually learning, but here is my suggestion about how to be completely sure.
Take you CSV file and split it into 2 files one should be about 10% of the all data and the other all the remaining.
You start with an untrained network and you run your 10% file trough the net and for each line you save the difference between actual output and expected result.
Then you train the network only with the 90% of the CSV file you have and finally you re run trough the NET the first 10% file again and you compare the differences you had on the first run with the the latest ones.
You should find out that the new results are much closer to the expected values than the first time, and this would be the final proof that your network is learning.
Does this make any sense ? if not please send share some code or send me a link to the exercise you are running and I will try to explain it in code.
I am working user behavior project. Based on user interaction I have got some data. There is nice sequence which smoothly increases and decreases over the time. But there are little discrepancies, which are very bad. Please refer to graph below:
You can also find data here:
2.0789 2.09604 2.11472 2.13414 2.15609 2.17776 2.2021 2.22722 2.25019 2.27304 2.29724 2.31991 2.34285 2.36569 2.38682 2.40634 2.42068 2.43947 2.45099 2.46564 2.48385 2.49747 2.49031 2.51458 2.5149 2.52632 2.54689 2.56077 2.57821 2.57877 2.59104 2.57625 2.55987 2.5694 2.56244 2.56599 2.54696 2.52479 2.50345 2.48306 2.50934 2.4512 2.43586 2.40664 2.38721 2.3816 2.36415 2.33408 2.31225 2.28801 2.26583 2.24054 2.2135 2.19678 2.16366 2.13945 2.11102 2.08389 2.05533 2.02899 2.00373 1.9752 1.94862 1.91982 1.89125 1.86307 1.83539 1.80641 1.77946 1.75333 1.72765 1.70417 1.68106 1.65971 1.64032 1.62386 1.6034 1.5829 1.56022 1.54167 1.53141 1.52329 1.51128 1.52125 1.51127 1.50753 1.51494 1.51777 1.55563 1.56948 1.57866 1.60095 1.61939 1.64399 1.67643 1.70784 1.74259 1.7815 1.81939 1.84942 1.87731
1.89895 1.91676 1.92987
I would want to smooth out this sequence. The technique should be able to eliminate numbers with characteristic of X and Y, i.e. error in mono-increasing or mono-decreasing.
If not eliminate, technique should be able to shift them so that series is not affected by errors.
What I have tried and failed:
I tried to test difference between values. In some special cases it works, but for sequence as presented in this the distance between numbers is not such that I can cut out errors
I tried applying a counter, which is some X, then only change is accepted otherwise point is mapped to previous point only. Here I have great trouble deciding on value of X, because this is based on user-interaction, I am not really controller of it. If user interaction is such that its plot would be a zigzag pattern, I am ending up with 'no user movement data detected at all' situation.
Please share the techniques that you are aware of.
PS: Data made available in this example is a particular case. There is no typical pattern in which numbers are going to occure, but we expect some range to be continuous with all the examples. Solution I am seeking is generic.
I do not know how much effort you want to involve in this problem but if you want theoretical guaranties,
topological persistence seems well adapted to your problem imho.
Basically with that method, you can filtrate local maximum/minimum by fixing a scale
and there are theoritical proofs that says that if you sampling is
close from your function, then you extracts correct number of maximums with persistence.
You can see these slides (mainly pages 7-9 to get the idea) to get an idea of the method.
Basically, if you take your points as a landscape and imagine a watershed starting from maximum height and decreasing, you have some picks.
Every pick has a time where it is born which is the time where it becomes emerged and a time where it dies which is when it merges with an higher pick. Now a persistence diagram pictures a point for every pick where its x/y coordinates are its time of birth/death (by assumption the first pick does not die and is not shown).
If a pick is a global maximal, then it will be further from the diagonal in the persistence diagram than a local maximum pick. To remove local maximums you have to remove picks close to the diagonal. There are fours local maximums in your example as you can see with the persistence diagram of your data (thanks for providing the data btw) and two global ones (the first pick is not pictured in a persistence diagram):
If you noise your data like that :
You will still get a very decent persistence diagram that will allow you to filter local maximum as you want :
Please ask if you want more details or references.
Since you can not decide on a cut off frequency, and not even on the filter you want to use, I would implement several, and let the user set the parameters.
The first thing that I thought of is running average, and you can see that there are so many things to set, to get different outputs.
I'm trying to replicate the functionality of the Windows function GetTimeZoneInformation, which populates a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure, using CoreFoundation. I've made a function that turns a CFAbsoluteTime along with a CFTimeZoneRef into the equivalent of a SYSTEMTIME, but there are a few other things I can't quite figure out. For example:
StandardDate and DaylightDate: I've used the CFTimeZoneGetNextDaylightSavingTimeTransition function to find the next transition, and CFTimeZoneIsDaylightSavingTime to determine which transition this is, but since TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION requires both dates, how would I find the transition after the next transition?
Similarly, DaylightBias - I can use CFTimeZoneGetDaylightSavingTimeOffset to find the offset if we're currently in DST, but this value goes to zero if we're not currently in DST. I know it's pretty much always -60, but I'd like this function to stay completely faithful to the Windows function.
Does anyone know a good solution for this?
Sorry to ask a similar question to the one i asked before (FFT Problem (Returns random results)), but i've looked up pitch detection and autocorrelation and have found some code for pitch detection using autocorrelation.
Im trying to do pitch detection of a users singing. Problem is, it keeps returning random results. I've got some code from which i've converted to C++ and modified (below). My sample rate is 2048, and data size is 1024. I'm detecting pitch of both a sine wave and mic input. The frequency of the sine wave is 726.0, and its detecting it to be 722.950820 (which im ok with), but its detecting the pitch of the mic as a random number from around 100 to around 1050.
I'm now using a High pass filter to remove the DC offset, but it's not working. Am i doing it right, and if so, what else can i do to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Changed the code to implement a high pass filter with a cutoff of 30hz (from What Are High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters?, can anyone tell me how to convert the low-pass filter using convolution to a high-pass one?) but it's still returning random results. Plugging it into a VST host and using VST plugins to compare spectrums isn't an option to me unfortunately.
Edit: Fixed, thanks for everyones help, but I never got it to work, now using new code.
I am no sound expert, but if you are sampling with 44100 (I guess samples per second) and use 1024 datapoints. You are working with about 1/40th of a second worth of data. I doesn't surprise me that the current pitch varies a lot, depending on which piece you pick. If you want to find the average or main pitch of a voice, I'd expect to need about 1second worth of data.
At 44.1 kHz sampling frequency, 1024 samples is only a little bit over 23 ms worth of data. Isn't it possible that this is simply insufficient data in order to compute the pitch of a human singer?
I mean, the sound I can make that lasts for 23 ms is probably not something I have a lot of pitch-control over; I would expect this kind of measurement to be done over slighly longer periods of time.
The problem is in your findBestCandidates() function:
Inside this function you access the 'inputs' array from 0 up to 'length - 1'.
When you call this function inside detectPitchCalculation() function 'inputs' is 'results' and 'length' is 'nHiPeriodInSamples'.
But 'results' is only allocated and filled up to 'nHiPeriodInSamples - nLowPeriodInSamples - 1'.
So if 'nLowPeriodInSamples' is greater 0 you access unallocated and random memory inside the findBestCandidates() function!
Another bug is that you fill each 'nResolution' entry of the 'results' array in detectPitchCalculation() function but access each entry in the findBestCandidates() function (via the 'inputs' argument). But since you call detectPitchCalculation() with a 'nResolution=1' this does not explain your specific I will look a little bit more. But it would definitely a problem if you call it with higher resolutions.
I don't see the problem in you code, but I'm no good in C. But I'd try the following to find the problem:
run with data where the result in known, e.g. with sin(x) as input
run it with small data size (e.g. 2)
Compare the results with known correct ones. You should be able to find those on the internet, or do them by hand.
If random means: same input, different output, you most probably have some bug in the initialisation of variables. Use a debugger and known input to check, that all variables, especially all elements of arrays are properly initialized.