Create unique pointer inside a function - c++

Is it possible to declare a unique_ptr inside a class (nullptr), then pass its raw value (with get()) to a function which create the instance it will point to?
I have to run an application with a Qt made interface. Qt needs the Qapplication to start in the same thread in which the UI will be updated. To do so, since I cannot do that into my main because i'm also using QP framework(which has a blocking function similar to the qt exec()), i created a class that contais 2 unique_ptr:
std::unique_ptr<Qapplication> Core;
std::unique_ptr<MainWindow> UI;
then in my code inside the constructor of MyClass i start the thread:
std::thread(&MyClass::threadfunc,this, UI.get(), Core.get());
the thread is:
int MyClass::threadfunc(MainWindow* UI,Qapplication* Core){
int dummy=0;
Core = new QApplication(dummy,nullptr);
UI= new MainWindows();
return Core ->exec();
I need the pointer in MyClass since I need to update the UI, so with the pointer to mainwindows I should be able to call its methods, but since it has to be created after QApplication, i cannot istance it in my class constructor.
Then I decided to create all in the separated thread, and since I can guarantee that the pointer in my class will be destroyed after Qt is stopped, I read that it is possible to declare the pointer as unique ones (I could just use the shared pointer, but I want to understand if it is possible to use unique pointers).
To create unique poiters i need make_unique function, but since i passed the raw pointers I cannot use that. I cannot even pass the pointer since they have to be unique (and I use them in MyClass)
The question is, is there a better solution to implement what i want to obtain? or can I obtain it with the implementation I'm using just by doing something different?

Your code is so messy it is impossible to fix it.
Looks like you are using Qt, so only proper use of QApplication looks like this:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow window;;
return app.exec();
You do not have need or skill do do anything else with it.
The only exception from this pattern is described in documentation when application have no UI mode.
Do no use threads. I know they are fashionable now, and this is a buzz word, but they are very hard to master (muti threading bugs are extremly hard to fix and understand and it is easy to write code which will work on 90% computers and will fail always on 10% of machines), so this feature should be avoided by beginners as long as possible.
First master basics of developing Qt applications without threads of any kind.

Is it possible to declare a unique_ptr inside a class (nullptr), then pass its raw value (with get()) to a function which create the instance it will point to?
You can, but the way you're going about this (from the limited code snipped you've posted) sounds convoluted. Why does threadfunc need to take in raw pointers? Can't it take unique pointers? Seems it can, since you control MyClass.
At any rate, maybe something like this will accomplish what you want. We're basically stuffing the raw pointer inside threadfunc into the class's unique ptr.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
struct A {
std::unique_ptr<int> p;
std::thread t1;
A() {
p = nullptr; //happens by default, but explicit for OP
void start()
//int *rawp_;
t1 = std::thread(&A::threadfunc, this, p.get());
//p = std::unique_ptr<int>{rawp_};
void threadfunc(int* rawp){
rawp = new int(5);
p = std::unique_ptr<int>{rawp};
std::cout << "A::p " << *(p) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sleeping for 5 seconds" << std::endl;
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 * (*rawp)));
void end()
int main()
A a;
// std::cout << *(a.p) << std::endl; //--> SEGFAULT


C++ stack memory management questions

I'm trying to understand C++ memory management. As far as I know, objects on stack are guaranted to live (if stack is now overflown) only in current block of code. If I call a function from this block and pass a link of a stack object to this function it must work because calling block is still alive.
What happens with stack objects if I start a new thread from current block of code? As far as I understand this block is considered as finished.
The problem is that stack variables live some time after block finishes so I can't understand if they are guaranted to live or not.
Here I have some code. It compiles and works well but I suppose that it is not guaranted to work.
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
class MyThread : public QThread
virtual void run();
void returnVar(int *aPtr, int *bPtr);
int *a;
int *b;
class MyClass : public QObject
int a; // Is it considered stack or global?
void someFunc(int *aPtr, int *bPtr);
MyThread thread; // Is it OK to create thread objects like this or should I use heap only?
public slots:
void varAdded(int *aPtr, int *bPtr);
#endif // MAIN_H
.cpp file:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include "main.h"
void MyThread::run()
qDebug() << "A in thread: " << *a << ", B in thread: " << *b;
emit returnVar(a, b);
a = 1;
int b = 2;
someFunc(&a, &b);
//MyThread thread; // If i declare thread here program will crush because thread was destroyed while running
QObject::connect(&thread, SIGNAL(returnVar(int*, int*)), this, SLOT(varAdded(int*, int*)));
thread.a = &a;
thread.b = &b;
// Is current block considered alive when I start a thread?
// As far as I understand it it not alive any more. Am I right?
// If I give this block some time I can create stack thread object in constructor and it will work
void MyClass::someFunc(int *aPtr, int *bPtr)
// As far as I understand these objects will work fine anyway because calling block is alive.
// Am I right?
qDebug() << "A: " << *aPtr << ", B: " << *bPtr;
void MyClass::varAdded(int *aPtr, int *bPtr)
qDebug() << "A returned from thread: " << *aPtr << ", B returned from thread: " << *bPtr;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
MyClass myClass;
return a.exec();
My questins are:
Are a and thread stack or global objects?
Is it OK to declare thread objects as I did or should I create them only in heap?
Are a and b objects guaranted to live in thread?
Are a and b objects guaranted to live when they (their references) return from thread?
I appreciate any help.
Your MyClass has 2 instance variables: int a and MyThread thread. Lifetime of these is bound to MyClass'es lifetime. Hence, since you declare MyClass on stack in main function these two variables will live in the same scope.
Now, in MyClass'es constructor you initialize fields of MyThread with pointer to variable a which, as already shown, is a stack variable alive throughout the whole program runtime, and a local variable int b which will cease to exist (hence the pointer will be invalid and dereferencing it is an undefined behaviour) as soon as the constructor finishes running.
a and thread are stack variables, but since their parent (MyClass instance) is declared in main scope of main function they will be valid for the whole duration of the program
I would say so, but I'm in no way Qt expert (quick search around the net suggests it's safe to declare Qt objects on stack as long as you know their lifetime).
No, b will go out of scope hence dereferencing pointer to it results in UB. Your program may work, but it's unsafe to do so.
What Qt guarantees is that what you pass as arguments to a signal is delivered to signal's receiver. From what I gathered by reading this article Qt will copy the arguments (so, if the arguments are classes they will be copy constructed) and dispatch the call to appropriate thread (if subscription was done from different thread than the one emiting the signal). This however does not prolong (or in any other way control) the lifetime of objects pointed to via your pointer - one should use shared_ptr<T> if you want guarantee that the object is delivered intact.

C++ lambda pointer/reference memory occupation struggle

I've decided to start learning C++ lately; coming from scripting background (Ruby, JavaScript, PHP). I've started building a very simple observer. What I am trying to achieve, is a custom callback for notify method as shown below:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template<class StateT>
class Observer{
typedef function<void(StateT)> LambdaT;
LambdaT callback;
//delete callback;
void setCallback(LambdaT &callback)
this->callback = callback;
void notify(StateT state){
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Observer<string>* obs = new Observer<string>;
std::function<void(string)> customCallback = [](string state){
cout << state << endl;
obs->notify("State has changed");
return 0;
Then I have a Subject to observe, and when Subject instance is being destroyed, all of it's attached observers are being destroyed too, in order to free memory. This was just an idea, which could be wrong in terms of "ideal" implementation, also not sure if that's how I am supposed to clean memory, I haven't tried smart pointers yet.
delete (*it); //observer instances pointers are stored in a list
I was planning to pass callback for my observer, as a pointer to setCallback() function, so i can delete it as I delete observer instances from subject. Now my main question is how do I de-allocate memory, which has been occupied by my callback (which is now an observer property)?
You don't. The callback property is not dynamically allocated. You only need to make sure to deallocate your observer. As a rule of thumb, there should be one delete for each new. Since you never use new for a LambdaT, then there is no need for delete.
Since the setCallback method takes a reference to your callback, this method sees the same value as your main method. But, you do not store a reference to the callback, you store a copy of the callback. So to make this clear:
customCallback is the original value.
callback is a reference to customCallback.
Observer::callback is a copy of callback.

class member mutex assertion failed

I'm trying to implement what I think is a fairly simple design. I have a bunch of objects, each containing a std::map and there will be multiple processes accessing them. I want to make sure that there is only one insert/erase to each of these maps at a time.
So I've been reading about boost::thread and class member mutexes and using bind to pass to class member which are all new things to me. I started with a simple example from a Dr. Dobbs article and tried modifying that. I was getting all kinds of compiler errors due to my Threaded object having to be noncopyable. After reading up on that, I decided I can avoid the hassle by keeping a pointer to a mutex instead. So now I have code that compiles but results in the following error:
T* boost::shared_ptr< <template-parameter-1-1> >::operator->() const
[with T = boost::mutex]: Assertion `px != 0' failed. Abort
Now I'm really stuck and would really appreciate help with the code as well as comments on where I'm going wrong conceptually. I realize there are some answered questions around these issues here already but I guess I'm still missing something.
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Threaded {
std::map<int,int> _tsMap;
void count(int id) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
//std::cout << id << ": " << i << std::endl;
_tsMap[i] ++;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::mutex> _mx;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Threaded th;
int i = 1;
boost::thread thrd1(boost::bind(&Threaded::count, &th, 1));
//boost::thread thrd2(boost::bind(&th.count, 2));
return 0;
It looks like you're missing a constructor in your Threaded class that creates the mutex that _mx is intended to point at. In its current state (assuming you ran this code just as it is), the default constructor for Threaded calls the default constructor for shared_ptr, resulting in a null pointer (which is then dereferenced in your count() function.
You should add a constructor along the following lines:
Threaded::Threaded(int id)
: _mx(new boost::mutex())
, _mID(id)
Then you could remove the argument from your count function as well.
A mutex is non-copyable for good reasons. Trying to outsmart the compiler by using a pointer to a mutex is a really bad idea. If you succeed, the compiler will fail to notice the problems, but they will still be there and will turn round and bite you at runtime.
There are two solutions
store the mutex in your class as a static
store the mutex outside your class.
There are advantages for both - I prefer the second.
For some more discussion of this, see my answer here mutexes with objects
Conceptually, I think you do have a problem. Copying a std::shared_ptr will just increase its reference count, and the different objects will all use the same underlying mutex - meaning that whenever one of your objects is used, none of the rest of them can be used.
You, on the other hand, need each object to get its own mutex guard which is unrelated to other objects mutex guards.
What you need is to keep the mutex defined in the class private section as it is - but ensure that your copy constructor and copy assignment operator are overloaded to create a new one from scratch - one bearing no relation to the mutex in the object being copied/assigned from.

Checking if this is null

Does it ever make sense to check if this is null?
Say I have a class with a method; inside that method, I check this == NULL, and if it is, return an error code.
If this is null, then that means the object is deleted. Is the method even able to return anything?
Update: I forgot to mention that the method can be called from multiple threads and it may cause the object to be deleted while another thread is inside the method.
Does it ever make sense to check for this==null? I found this while doing a code review.
In standard C++, it does not, because any call on a null pointer is already undefined behavior, so any code relying on such checks is non-standard (there's no guarantee that the check will even be executed).
Note that this holds true for non-virtual functions as well.
Some implementations permit this==0, however, and consequently libraries written specifically for those implementations will sometimes use it as a hack. A good example of such a pair is VC++ and MFC - I don't recall the exact code, but I distinctly remember seeing if (this == NULL) checks in MFC source code somewhere.
It may also be there as a debugging aid, because at some point in the past this code was hit with this==0 because of a mistake in the caller, so a check was inserted to catch future instances of that. An assert would make more sense for such things, though.
If this == null then that means the object is deleted.
No, it doesn't mean that. It means that a method was called on a null pointer, or on a reference obtained from a null pointer (though obtaining such a reference is already U.B.). This has nothing to do with delete, and does not require any objects of this type to have ever existed.
Your note about threads is worrisome. I'm pretty sure you have a race condition that can lead to a crash. If a thread deletes an object and zeros the pointer, another thread could make a call through that pointer between those two operations, leading to this being non-null and also not valid, resulting in a crash. Similarly, if a thread calls a method while another thread is in the middle of creating the object, you may also get a crash.
Short answer, you really need to use a mutex or something to synchonize access to this variable. You need to ensure that this is never null or you're going to have problems.
I know that this is old but I feel like now that we're dealing with C++11-17 somebody should mention lambdas. If you capture this into a lambda that is going to be called asynchronously at a later point in time, it is possible that your "this" object gets destroyed before that lambda is invoked.
i.e passing it as a callback to some time-expensive function that is run from a separate thread or just asynchronously in general
EDIT: Just to be clear, the question was "Does it ever make sense to check if this is null" I am merely offering a scenario where it does make sense that might become more prevalent with the wider use of modern C++.
Contrived example:
This code is completely runable. To see unsafe behavior just comment out the call to safe behavior and uncomment the unsafe behavior call.
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
class SomeAPI
SomeAPI() = default;
void DoWork(std::function<void(int)> cb)
void DoAsync(std::function<void(int)> cb)
std::cout << "SomeAPI about to do async work\n";
m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [](auto cb)
std::cout << "Async thread sleeping 10 seconds (Doing work).\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 10 });
// Do a bunch of work and set a status indicating success or failure.
// Assume 0 is success.
int status = 0;
std::cout << "Executing callback.\n";
std::cout << "Callback Executed.\n";
}, cb);
std::future<void> m_future;
class SomeOtherClass
void SetSuccess(int success) { m_success = success; }
bool m_success = false;
class SomeClass : public std::enable_shared_from_this<SomeClass>
SomeClass(SomeAPI* api)
: m_api(api)
void DoWorkUnsafe()
std::cout << "DoWorkUnsafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Call DoWork on the API.
// DoWork takes some time.
// When DoWork is finished, it calls the callback that we sent in.
m_api->DoWork([this](int status)
// Undefined behavior
m_value = 17;
// Crash
void DoWorkSafe()
// Create a weak point from a shared pointer to this.
std::weak_ptr<SomeClass> this_ = shared_from_this();
std::cout << "DoWorkSafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Capture the weak pointer.
m_api->DoWork([this_](int status)
// Test the weak pointer.
if (auto sp = this_.lock())
std::cout << "Async work finished.\n";
// If its good, then we are still alive and safe to execute on this.
sp->m_value = 17;
void ReportSuccess()
// Tell everyone who cares that a thing has succeeded.
SomeAPI* m_api;
std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass> m_data = std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass>();
int m_value;
int main()
std::shared_ptr<SomeAPI> api = std::make_shared<SomeAPI>();
std::shared_ptr<SomeClass> someClass = std::make_shared<SomeClass>(api.get());
// Comment out the above line and uncomment the below line
// to see the unsafe behavior.
std::cout << "Deleting someClass\n";
std::cout << "Main thread sleeping for 20 seconds.\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 20 });
return 0;
FWIW, I have used debugging checks for (this != NULL) in assertions before which have helped catch defective code. Not that the code would have necessarily gotten too far with out a crash, but on small embedded systems that don't have memory protection, the assertions actually helped.
On systems with memory protection, the OS will generally hit an access violation if called with a NULL this pointer, so there's less value in asserting this != NULL. However, see Pavel's comment for why it's not necessarily worthless on even protected systems.
Your method will most likely (may vary between compilers) be able to run and also be able to return a value. As long as it does not access any instance variables. If it tries this it will crash.
As others pointed out you can not use this test to see if an object has been deleted. Even if you could, it would not work, because the object may be deleted by another thread just after the test but before you execute the next line after the test. Use Thread synchronization instead.
If this is null there is a bug in your program, most likely in the design of your program.
I'd also add that it's usually better to avoid null or NULL. I think the standard is changing yet again here but for now 0 is really what you want to check for to be absolutely sure you're getting what you want.
This is just a pointer passed as the first argument to a function (which is exactly what makes it a method). So long as you're not talking about virtual methods and/or virtual inheritance, then yes, you can find yourself executing an instance method, with a null instance. As others said, you almost certainly won't get very far with that execution before problems arise, but robust coding should probably check for that situation, with an assert. At least, it makes sense when you suspect it could be occuring for some reason, but need to track down exactly which class / call stack it's occurring in.
I know this is a old question, however I thought I will share my experience with use of Lambda capture
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class foo {
foo(int no) : no_(no) {
template <typename Lambda>
void lambda_func(Lambda&& l) {
cout << "No is " << no_ << endl;
int no_;
int main() {
auto f = std::make_unique<foo>(10);
f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable {
cout << "lambda ==> " << endl;
cout << "lambda <== " << endl;
return 0;
This code segment faults
$ g++ -std=c++14 uniqueptr.cpp
$ ./a.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I remove the std::cout statement from lambda_func The code runs to completion.
It seems like, this statement f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable { processes lambda captures before member function is invoked.

Detecting when an object is passed to a new thread in C++?

I have an object for which I'd like to track the number of threads that reference it. In general, when any method on the object is called I can check a thread local boolean value to determine whether the count has been updated for the current thread. But this doesn't help me if the user say, uses boost::bind to bind my object to a boost::function and uses that to start a boost::thread. The new thread will have a reference to my object, and may hold on to it for an indefinite period of time before calling any of its methods, thus leading to a stale count. I could write my own wrapper around boost::thread to handle this, but that doesn't help if the user boost::bind's an object that contains my object (I can't specialize based on the presence of a member type -- at least I don't know of any way to do that) and uses that to start a boost::thread.
Is there any way to do this? The only means I can think of requires too much work from users -- I provide a wrapper around boost::thread that calls a special hook method on the object being passed in provided it exists, and users add the special hook method to any class that contains my object.
Edit: For the sake of this question we can assume I control the means to make new threads. So I can wrap boost::thread for example and expect that users will use my wrapped version, and not have to worry about users simultaneously using pthreads, etc.
Edit2: One can also assume that I have some means of thread local storage available, through __thread or boost::thread_specific_ptr. It's not in the current standard, but hopefully will be soon.
In general, this is hard. The question of "who has a reference to me?" is not generally solvable in C++. It may be worth looking at the bigger picture of the specific problem(s) you are trying to solve, and seeing if there is a better way.
There are a few things I can come up with that can get you partway there, but none of them are quite what you want.
You can establish the concept of "the owning thread" for an object, and REJECT operations from any other thread, a la Qt GUI elements. (Note that trying to do things thread-safely from threads other than the owner won't actually give you thread-safety, since if the owner isn't checked it can collide with other threads.) This at least gives your users fail-fast behavior.
You can encourage reference counting by having the user-visible objects being lightweight references to the implementation object itself [and by documenting this!]. But determined users can work around this.
And you can combine these two-- i.e. you can have the notion of thread ownership for each reference, and then have the object become aware of who owns the references. This could be very powerful, but not really idiot-proof.
You can start restricting what users can and cannot do with the object, but I don't think covering more than the obvious sources of unintentional error is worthwhile. Should you be declaring operator& private, so people can't take pointers to your objects? Should you be preventing people from dynamically allocating your object? It depends on your users to some degree, but keep in mind you can't prevent references to objects, so eventually playing whack-a-mole will drive you insane.
So, back to my original suggestion: re-analyze the big picture if possible.
Short of a pimpl style implementation that does a threadid check before every dereference I don't see how you could do this:
class MyClass;
class MyClassImpl {
friend class MyClass;
threadid_t owning_thread;
void doSomethingThreadSafe();
void doSomethingNoSafetyCheck();
class MyClass {
MyClassImpl* impl;
void doSomethine() {
if (__threadid() != impl->owning_thread) {
} else {
Note: I know the OP wants to list threads with active pointers, I don't think that's feasible. The above implementation at least lets the object know when there might be contention. When to change the owning_thread depends heavily on what doSomething does.
Usually you cannot do this programmatically.
Unfortuately, the way to go is to design your program in such a way that you can prove (i.e. convince yourself) that certain objects are shared, and others are thread private.
The current C++ standard does not even have the notion of a thread, so there is no standard portable notion of thread local storage, in particular.
If I understood your problem correctly I believe this could be done in Windows using Win32 function GetCurrentThreadId().
Below is a quick and dirty example of how it could be used. Thread synchronisation should rather be done with a lock object.
If you create an object of CMyThreadTracker at the top of every member function of your object to be tracked for threads, the _handle_vector should contain the thread ids that use your object.
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
class CMyThreadTracker
vector<DWORD> & _handle_vector;
CRITICAL_SECTION &_CriticalSection;
CMyThreadTracker(vector<DWORD> & handle_vector,CRITICAL_SECTION &crit):_handle_vector(handle_vector),_CriticalSection(crit)
_h = GetCurrentThreadId();
printf("thread id %08x\n",_h);
vector<DWORD>::iterator ee = remove_if(_handle_vector.begin(),_handle_vector.end(),bind2nd(equal_to<DWORD>(), _h));
class CMyObject
vector<DWORD> _handle_vector;
void method1(CRITICAL_SECTION & CriticalSection)
CMyThreadTracker tt(_handle_vector,CriticalSection);
printf("method 1\n");
for(int i=0;i<_handle_vector.size();++i)
printf(" this object is currently used by thread %08x\n",_handle_vector[i]);
CMyObject mo;
unsigned __stdcall ThreadFunc( void* arg )
unsigned int sleep_time = *(unsigned int*)arg;
while ( true)
_endthreadex( 0 );
return 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
HANDLE hThread;
unsigned int threadID;
if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&CriticalSection, 0x80000400) )
return -1;
for(int i=0;i<5;++i)
unsigned int sleep_time = 1000 *(i+1);
hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, &ThreadFunc, &sleep_time, 0, &threadID );
printf("creating thread %08x\n",threadID);
WaitForSingleObject( hThread, INFINITE );
return 0;
As mentioned in the comment, reference dispensing could be implemented as below. A vector could hold the unique thread ids referring to your object. You may also need to implement a custom assignment operator to deal with the object references being copied by a different thread.
class MyClass
static MyClass & Create()
static MyClass * p = new MyClass();
return *p;
static void Destroy(MyClass * p)
delete p;
class MyCreatorClass
MyClass & _my_obj;
MyClass & GetObject()
// use GetCurrentThreadId to get thread id
// check if the id is already in the vector
// add this to a vector
return _my_obj;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
MyCreatorClass mcc;
MyClass &o1 = mcc.GetObject();
MyClass &o2 = mcc.GetObject();
return 0;
The solution I'm familiar with is to state "if you don't use the correct API to interact with this object, then all bets are off."
You may be able to turn your requirements around and make it possible for any threads that reference the object subscribe to signals from the object. This won't help with race conditions, but allows threads to know when the object has unloaded itself (for instance).
To solve the problem "I have an object and want to know how many threads access it" and you also can enumerate your threads, you can solve this problem with thread local storage.
Allocate a TLS index for your object. Make a private method called "registerThread" which simply sets the thread TLS to point to your object.
The key extension to the poster's original idea is that during every method call, call this registerThread(). Then you don't need to detect when or who created the thread, it's just set (often redundantly) during every actual access.
To see which threads have accessed the object, just examine their TLS values.
Upside: simple and pretty efficient.
Downside: solves the posted question but doesn't extend smoothly to multiple objects or dynamic threads that aren't enumerable.