How to develop to-point moving algorithm using Gps and compass - c++

I am trying to develop an alghoritm for controlling the rudder of the boat...
I got lost in geo algoritms...
Function Does not work corectly.
direction WhereToMove(double CurrentLatitude, double CurrentLongitude, double TargetLatitude, double TargetLongitude, double azimuth) {
double azimuthHysteresis = 5; //straight if the deviation is less than 5 degrees
double pi = 2 * asin(1.0);
double target = atan2(TargetLatitude - CurrentLatitude, TargetLongitude - CurrentLongitude) * 180 / pi;
double delta = azimuth - target;
if (delta > 180) delta -= 360;
if (delta < -180) delta += 360;
if (delta < -2) {
return right;
if (delta > 2) {
return left;
return straight; // go straight

A few points:
You could use the constant M_PI for pi
I would imagine you want your angles to be measured clockwise from north. atan2 gives an angle counter clockwise from the x axis. This is simple to fix, use
atan2( dLon, dLat)
instead of
atan2( dLat, dLon)
The distance represented by a degree of longitude is, roughly, cos(lat) times the distance represented by a degree of latitude. So you should scale your dlon in the above by cos( M_PI/180.0 * lat). (cos, like all the math functions that deal in angles, takes radians as an argument).
You could simplify computing the difference of azimuth and target by using the math library function remainder, as in
delta = remainder( azimuth-target, 360.0)
this will give a delta between -180 and 180
I don't know if your code will ever be used near 180E. I'd say you should compute the difference in longitudes as if it might, ie use
remainder( TargetLongitude - CurrentLongitude, 360.0)
instead of
TargetLongitude - CurrentLongitude
This might seem OTT, but I've found (the hard way) that its much easier to get into the habit of always computing the difference of longitudes this way than to track down everywhere in the code that such differences are taken when your code is used across 180E.

Final version
direction WhereToMove(double CurrentLatitude, double CurrentLongitude, double TargetLatitude, double TargetLongitude, double azimuth) {
double azimuthHysteresis = 2; //straight if the deviation is less than 2 degrees
double target = atan2(remainder(TargetLongitude - CurrentLongitude, 360.0), remainder(TargetLatitude - CurrentLatitude, 360.0)) * 180 / M_PI;
double delta = remainder(azimuth - target, 360.0);
double deltaModule = sqrt(delta * delta);
if (deltaModule <= azimuthHysteresis) //deviation is small go straight
return straight;
if (delta <= -azimuthHysteresis) {
return right;
if (delta >= azimuthHysteresis) {
return left;
return straight; // go straight


Rounding issue when dealing with Radian Angles and Distance. c++

Noob Here.
I have a problem where I have to round my outputs to 4 decimal places and I'm getting weird return values.
I'm using this with all variables being double or int since precision is secondary to getting it to work semi-accurately.
//Rounds Input to 4 decimal places
double round(double initial)
int newInitial = (initial * 10000);
double round = newInitial / 10000;
return round;
This returns values along the lines of 0.781623...-1311 & 2.25194111-3
I have to find 2 things, a Positive radian angle for "vectorC" and Distance saved going from the Origin of a Coordinate plane by following one direct vectorC over the the path created by 2 others, vectorA
Initially I was getting this problem with my function that finds the radian angle here:
/*Finds Positive Radian Angle of Vector C by using inverse tangent given x and y dimensions. Using Pi at 11 decimals.
double angle(int x2,int y2)
double pi = 3.14159265359;
double vAngle = atan(y2 / x2);
if (x2 < 0 && y2 > 0)
vAngle = pi + vAngle;
if (x2 < 0 && y2 < 0)
vAngle = pi + vAngle;
if (x2 < 0 && y2 < 0)
vAngle = (2 * pi) + vAngle;
return vAngle;
I was thinking that its because of the decimal length being to long for double but I'm also getting this issue with my Distance function here:
//Uses distance formula to find the Magnitude of a "Vector" from Coordinates (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
double distance(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2)
double vDistance = sqrt((pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2)));
return vDistance;
I'm kinda lost. I know the math is correct but my implementation is breaking somewhere. Any Help would be Great.
EDIT: OK so it seems my functions are breaking before the rounding even occurs.
Heres an Example. Lets say we have 3 points. (0,0)(1,1)(1,-3)
Vector A from (0,0)->(1,1) has distance sqrt(2) aprox ~ 1.4142
Vector B from (1,1)->(1,-3) has distance 2
Vector C from (0,0)->(1,-3) has distance sqrt(10) aprox ~ 3.1623
When using distance() to find the values it returns 1.4142143.16228-1, 3.16228 , 2111-3. So there's something wrong with either my distance function or the numbers passed but the numbers passed are whole number doubles. Dont know why the first answer is coming back as a number with 2 decimals
Then with my Angle function the Angle should be x=arctan(-3/1)=5.0341. Instead im getting just -1. I can post the entire program if needed.
EDIT2: So the Error is occuring before my rounding even occurs i'm thinking its cause im using double instead of float maybe?? I have two different functions and both print with a weird ending before i even pass them through my round function. Again using xy(0,0), v1xy(1,1), v2xy(1,-3)
//Uses distance formula to find the Magnitude of a "Vector" from Coordinates (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
double distance(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2)
double vDistance = sqrt((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
return vDistance;
All three are printed out as:
cout << vectorA <<endl<< vectorB <<endl<< vectorC<<endl;
And the answers come out correctly for the first two but then the third comes out incorrect and with a -3 stuck on. Here:
Then commenting that out and just checking for Angle:
/*Finds Positive Radian Angle of Vector C by using inverse tangent given x and y dimensions. Using Pi at 11 decimals.
double angle(int x2,int y2)
double pi = 3.14159265359;
double vAngle = atan(y2 / x2);
if (x2 < 0 && y2 > 0)
vAngle = pi + vAngle;
if (x2 < 0 && y2 < 0)
vAngle = pi + vAngle;
if (x2 < 0 && y2 < 0)
vAngle = (2 * pi) + vAngle;
return vAngle;
gives me a similar result:

Find a new angle of the ball when it bounces (using coordinates)

I have a game where a ball is bouncing off walls. It's on a coordinate plane. I want there to be some small amount of randomness when it bounces to keep the game more interesting. How would I do this while keeping the ball at a constant speed the whole time? Right now my code means it only bounces at right angles.
The top left corner of the window is 0,0 and the bottom right is winW,winH (set at 800,800 right now).
ball.cpp snippet
pos.x = start.x;
pos.y = start.y;
speed.x = .4f; // the f indicates that it's per frame.
speed.y = .4f;
void Ball::hitLeftRight() {
speed.x = -speed.x;
void Ball::hitTopBottom() {
speed.y = -speed.y;
void Ball::reset() {
// for a new level in game
pos.x = start.x;
pos.y = start.y;
void Ball::update() {
// called every frame
pos.y += speed.y;
pos.x += speed.x;
You could add a random angle to the ball in addition to just flipping the velocities. By using the <random> header and generating values between 0 and 2 * pi you can add a random velocity in any direction. Or as in the example below, limiting it to -22.5 to 22.5 degrees. Or pi / 8.0 radians.
Random Angle
You could of course tweak those values based on the angle of impact, but that is implementation specific. Below is an example on how you could generate such numbers:
#include <random>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
constexpr double pi = 3.14159;
constexpr double bounceSpeed = 5.0;
std::random_device seed;
std::mt19937 generator(seed());
// Numbers between - pi / 2 and pi / 8 gives angles between -22.5 and 22.5
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> random(-pi / 8.0, pi / 8.0);
double deltaX = cos(random(generator)) * bounceSpeed;
double deltaY = sin(random(generator)) * bounceSpeed;
std::cout << deltaX << "\n" << deltaY << "\n";
return 0;
Afterwards, you could add deltaX and deltaY to your respective x and y velocities.
Plain Random
Or if you're satisfied with just any purely random velocity:
// Generate random double in range [min, max]
double uniform(double min, double max) {
static std::random_device seed;
static std::mt19937 generator(seed());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> random(min, max);
return random(generator);
Call that function twice with the velocity range you desire, and add that to the x and y of your ball.
Keeping Speed
To keep the speed of the ball you could normalize the velocity vector and then multiply it by the desired speed of you ball after adding the random velocity.
To normalize, divide by length:
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
constexpr double speed = 4.0;
double x = 3.0;
double y = 4.0;
double length = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
x /= length;
y /= length;
x *= speed;
y *= speed;
std::cout << x << "\n" << y << "\n";
return 0;
Then multiply by speed to keep it consistent.
To start, have a set speed for the ball as a float. Then have a velocity which you move by every update with x and y members like what you have now. Calculate how far you move x and y using your speed, your angle of movement, and some trigonometry. (Remember to convert degrees to radians)
float Speed = 10;
float Angle = 45;
Velocity.x = cos(Angle * 3.14159 / 180) * Speed;
Velocity.y = sin(Angle * 3.14159 / 180) * Speed;
Whenever you encounter a collision, you can then recalculate your angle add your new random angle and recalculate your velocity. (Again converting degrees to radians).
//if (collision)
Angle = atan2(Velocity.y * 3.14159 / 180, Velocity.x * 3.14159 / 180);
Angle += rand() % 90 + 1; // Could also be subtracting here
Velocity.x = cos(Angle * 3.14159 / 180) * Speed;
Velocity.y = sin(Angle * 3.14159 / 180) * Speed;
Add or subtract from the angle based on what side you have struck and from what angle.
void HitTop()
if (Velocity.x > 0)
//Subtract random angle
//Add random angle
Do this for all sides.
Let your border has arbitrary form (not only rectangle). If border normal (unit) vector in bouncing points is
n = (n.x, n.y)
then speed vector after bouncing changes:
dot = speed.x * n.x + speed.y * n.y
//after reflection
newspeed.x = speed.x - 2 * dot * n.x
newspeed.y = speed.y - 2 * dot * n.y
To add some randomness, just rotate normal by small random angle:
df = GaussianRandom(Mean = 0, Sigma = Pi / 30) //arbitrary parameter
//seems in c++ it is std::normal_distribution
n'.x = n.x * Cos(df) - n.y * Sin(df)
n'.y = n.x * Sin(df) + n.y * Cos(df)
and use n' to calculate reflection. Note that this approach preserves speed magnitude.

C++ AI Rotation Issue

For a game I'm making, I want 3 ships which will all race around the map following a collection of points. It works perfectly fine, except for one point in the map, where the ships decide to rotate almost 360 degrees counter clockwise even though only 10 degrees clockwise should be enough.
The code for calculating the rotation:
vec2 distance = *desiredPosition - position;
float rot = atan2(distance.y, distance.x);
rot = rot * 180.f / PI + 90.f;
if (rot < angle)
angle -= dAngle;
if (rot > angle)
angle += dAngle;
velocity += vec2(acceleration * cos((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0), acceleration * sin((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0));
How do I ensure it won't rotate in the wrong direction there?
Thanks to Richard Byron (accepted answer below), the problem is fixed. Taking the dot product is better than using degrees.
The final code:
vec2 distance = desiredPosition - position;
normal = vec2(sin((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0), cos((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0) * -1);
float dir = normal.x * distance.x + normal.y * distance.y;
if (dir > 0)
angle -= dAngle;
if (dir < 0)
angle += dAngle;
velocity += vec2(acceleration * cos((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0), acceleration * sin((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0));
The angle the boat turns should be less than 180 degrees either CW or CCW. If it turns more than 180 degrees in one direction it would have been better to turn the other way.
A more general solution would be calculate the distance vector with respect to the boat's frame of reference.
There are a couple of problems with your updated code. Firstly, it should be rot2 = 360 - rot1; (rot1 + 360 is exactly the same angle as rot1).
The second issue is that you are not taking into account that 1 and 359 degrees are almost the same angle. So if abs(rot1 - angle) > 180, then you really want to use 360 - abs(rot1 - angle) in that case. Your later comparisons with rot and angle are a problem for the same reason, and you need to handle angle incrementing above 360 and decrementing below 0.
I could write out code for this, but there's actually a much simpler and faster way to do this. If you take the dot product of the vector (desiredPosition - position) and a vector at right angles to the ships current heading, then you can turn based on the sign of that result. If it's not clear how to do this, let me know and I can expand on it in the comments.

Dealing with Angle Wrap in c++ code

Is there a way to safety and simply deal with angle wrap with the minimum number of case statements.
Angle wrap occurs when using a particular representation for angle (either 0-360 deg or -180 - 180 deg (or equivalent in radians)) and you wrap over the angle. For example say you have an angle of -170, and you subtract 50 deg. You mathematically add up to -220 but should actually be +140 deg.
Obviously you can check for this using:
if (deg < -180) { 180 - abs(deg + 180); }
or similar. But firstly you need multitudes of checks and secondly it doesn't work if you wrap twice.
The second case where this is prevalent is in the interpolation between two angles.
For Example, say I have an angle of -170 deg and 160 deg and I want halfway in between them. A common way to do this is ang1 + 0.5(ang2-ang1) but in the example i have provided it will cause the angle to be -5 deg when it should be 175.
Is there a common way to handle angle wrap in these scenarios?
For completeness I'll include both [0, 360) and [-180, 180) normalizations.
You will need #include <math.h>.
Normalize to [0,360):
double constrainAngle(double x){
x = fmod(x,360);
if (x < 0)
x += 360;
return x;
Normalize to [-180,180):
double constrainAngle(double x){
x = fmod(x + 180,360);
if (x < 0)
x += 360;
return x - 180;
The pattern should be easy enough to recognize to generalize to radians.
Angle Bisection:
double angleDiff(double a,double b){
double dif = fmod(b - a + 180,360);
if (dif < 0)
dif += 360;
return dif - 180;
double bisectAngle(double a,double b){
return constrainAngle(a + angleDiff(a,b) * 0.5);
This should bisect an angle on the "smaller" side. (warning: not fully tested)
I find using remainder() from the math library is convenient. Given an angle a, to constrain it to -180, 180 you can just do:
remainder(a, 360.0);
and change the 360.0 to 2.0 * M_PI for radians
Normalise an angle to range [-180, 180)
deg -= 360. * std::floor((deg + 180.) * (1. / 360.));
Normalise an angle to range [0, 360)
deg -= 360. * std::floor(deg * (1. / 360.));
deg = -90 -> [0, 360):
deg -= 360. * std::floor(-90 / 360.);
deg -= 360. * -1;
deg = 270
deg = 270 -> [-180, 180):
deg -= 360. * std::floor((deg + 180.) / 360.);
deg -= 360. * std::floor(480. / 360.);
deg -= 360. * 1.;
deg = -90;
So if figured out a way to effectively do what i want using Mystical's approach to constraining the Angle. Here it is:
This seems to work with any example i can think of.
I know this is an old thread, but try this on:
double angleRef(double thtIn, double thtRef){
tht = fmod(thtIn + (180-thtRef),360) + (thtRef-180);
return tht;
So as in your example, if A=-170 and B=160, then the angle halfway between them is
A + 0.5*(angleRef(B,A) - A) = -185
or if you prefer A=160 and B=-170
A + 0.5*(angleRef(B,A) - A) = 175
Please forgive any c++ format errors, it is not my native language.
auto new_angle = atan2(sin(old_angle), cos(old_angle));
Map angle(+PI ~ -PI) to signed int value (or short value):
angle_signed_short = angle_float / PI * 0x7FFFF;
Then you can add or sub value as normal. Then map back:
angle_float = angle_signed_short * PI / 0x7FFFF;

Recursively create a sine wave given a single sine wave value and the period

I am trying to write a .oct function for Octave that, given a single sine wave value, between -1 and 1, and sine wave period, returns a sine wave vector of period length with the last value in the vector being the given sine wave value. My code so far is:
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/dColVector.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265
DEFUN_DLD (sinewave_recreate, args, , "args(0) sinewave value, args(1) is period")
octave_value_list retval;
double sinewave_value = args(0).double_value ();
double period = args(1).double_value ();
ColumnVector output_sinewave(period);
double degrees_inc = 360 / period;
double output_sinewave_degrees;
output_sinewave_degrees = asin( sinewave_value ) * 180 / PI;
output_sinewave(period-1) = sin( output_sinewave_degrees * PI / 180 );
for (octave_idx_type ii (1); ii < period; ii++) // Start the loop
output_sinewave_degrees = output_sinewave_degrees - degrees_inc;
if ( output_sinewave_degrees < 0 )
output_sinewave_degrees += 360 ;
output_sinewave( period-1-ii ) = sin( output_sinewave_degrees * PI / 180 );
retval(0) = output_sinewave;
return retval;
but is giving patchy results. By this I mean that it sometimes recreates the sine wave quite accurately and other times it is way off. I have determined this simply by creating a given sine wave, taking the last value in time and plugging this into the function to recreate the sine wave backwards through time and then comparing plots of the two. Obviously I am doing something wrong, but I can't seem to identify what.
Lets start with some trigonometric identities:
sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 == 1
sin(x+y) == sin(x)*cos(y) + sin(y)*cos(x)
cos(x+y) == cos(x)*cos(y) - sin(x)*sin(y)
Given the sine and cosine at a point x, we can exactly calculate the values after a step of size d, after precalculating sd = sin(d) and cd = cos(d):
sin(x+d) = sin(x)*cd + cos(x)*sd
cos(x+d) = cos(x)*cd - sin(x)*sd
Given the initial sine value, you can calculate the initial cosine value:
cos(x) = sqrt(1 - sin(x)^2)
Note that there are two possible solutions, corresponding to the two possible square-root values. Also note that all the angles in these identities are in radians, and d needs to be negative if you're going back through the wave.
Mike's note that there are two possible solutions for cos(x) made me realise that I would need to resolve the phase ambiguity of the sine wave. My second, successful attempt at this function is:
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/dColVector.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265
DEFUN_DLD (sinewave_recreate_3, args, , "args(0) sinewave value, args(1) is period, args(2) is the phase")
octave_value_list retval;
double sinewave_value = args(0).double_value ();
double period = args(1).double_value ();
double phase = args(2).double_value ();
ColumnVector output_sinewave(period);
double X0 = asin(sinewave_value);
if (sinewave_value < 0 & phase > 180 & phase < 270)
X0 = PI + (0 - X0);
if (sinewave_value < 0 & phase >= 270)
X0 = X0 + 2 * PI;
if (sinewave_value > 0 & phase > 90)
X0 = PI - X0;
if (sinewave_value > 0 & phase < 0)
X0 = X0 + PI / 2;
double dx = PI / 180 * (360/period);
for (octave_idx_type ii (0); ii < period; ii++) // Start the loop
output_sinewave(period-1-ii) = sin(X0 - dx * ii);
retval(0) = output_sinewave;
return retval;
Thanks are also due to Keynslug.
There is simple formula. Here is the example in Python:
import math
import numpy as np
# We are supposing step is equal to 1degree
T = math.radians(1.0/360.0)
PrevBeforePrevValue = np.sin(math.radians(49.0)) # y(t-2)
PrevValue = np.sin(math.radians(50.0)) # y(t-1)
ValueNowRecursiveFormula = ((2.0*(4.0-T*T))/(4.0+T*T))*PrevValue - PrevBeforePrevValue
print("From RECURSIVE formula - " + str(ValueNowRecursiveFormula))
The details can be found here:
You might try an easier way to go through.
Just recall that if
y = sin(x)
then first derivative of y will be equal to
dy/dx = cos(x)
So at every step of computation you add to the current value of y some delta equal to
dy = cos(x) * dx
But that might cut your accuracy down as a side-effect. You could probe it whatever. HTH.
It seems that slightly improved equation tend to be more accurate:
dy = cos(x + dx/2) * dx
Take a look at this.