Amazon EventBridge: Match an object inside of an array - amazon-web-services

I've stuck the problem with defining a rule for matching my events.
Googled, tested.
Let's say, we've the following event which contains the object user in the array events:
"version": "0",
"...": "...",
"detail": {
"events": [
"user": {
"id": "5efdee60b48e7c1836078290"
Is there any way to match the in an EventBus rule?
I've already tried to use the following rule which is not valid:
"detail": {
"events": [
"user": {
"id": [
"detail": {
"events[0]": {
"user": {
"id": [
also no effect.
I don't want to give up, but I'm tired with it ;)

This pattern should work to match this event:
"detail": {
"events": {
"user": {
"id": [

Today, EventBridge only supports matching simple values (string, integer, boolean, null) with an array. You can read more in the service documentation.

I did some playing around with your example but I can't make it work. Based on reading the Arrays in EventBridge Event Patterns I have to conclude that matching inside arrays with complex values is not possible.
The quote that seems to confirm this is "If the value in the event is an array, then the pattern matches if the intersection of the pattern array and the event array is non-empty."
And from the Event Patterns page "Match values are always in arrays." So if your pattern is an array and the value in the event is also an array (this is the example you gave), a "set" based intersection test is performed. Your pattern would have to match the entire array entry, not just a single field like you have in the example.


AWS EventBridge Input transformation rule with array List

I have a event with an Arraylist :
I have an Arraylist :
"TelephoneDetails": {
"Telephone": [
"Number": "<Number>",
"Type": "<Type>",
"Primary": "<Primary>",
"TextEnabled": "<TextEnabled>"
"Number": "<Number>",
"Type": "<Type>",
"Primary": "<Primary>",
"TextEnabled": "<TextEnabled>"
how to write the InputTransformer for the InputPath for this ? ,
i can get the Telephone[0]using this
"Type": "$.detail.payload.TelephoneDetails.Telephone[0].Type",
"Number": "$.detail.payload.TelephoneDetails.Telephone[0].Number",
"Primary": "$.detail.payload.TelephoneDetails.Telephone[0].Primary",
"TextEnabled": "$.detail.payload.TelephoneDetails.Telephone[0].TextEnabled"
not understanding how to write, if I have ArrayList of N?
Is simple as that:
"TextEnabled": "$.detail.payload.TelephoneDetails.Telephone[*].TextEnabled"
please note the [*] instead of [0] to let the template engine iterates over the list of Telephones
I think you can't do this with plain EB syntax. Probably the best way would be to put a lambda function as target of your EB rule, make the transformations and then forward it to your target.

ElasticSearch wildcard not returning when value has special characters

I have an elastic search service that fetches when you type into a text input to then populate a table. The search is working (returning filtered data) correctly for all alphanumeric values but not special characters (hyphens in particular). For example for the country Timor-Leste if I pass in Timor as the term I get the result but as soon as I add the hyphen (Timor-) I get an empty array response.
const queryService = {
search(tableName, field, term) {
// If there is no search term, run the wildcard search with 20 values
// for the smaller lists to be pre-populated, like "Gender"
return `
"size": ${term ? 200 : 20},
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"tablename": "${tableName}"
"wildcard": {
"${field}": {
"value": "${term ? `*${term.trim()}*` : '*'}",
"boost": 1.0,
"rewrite": "constant_score"
Is there a way I can modify my wildcard request to allow hyphens? The other response I've seen on here has suggested using "analyze_wildcard": true which hasn't worked. I've also tried to manually escape by putting a \ before each hyphen with .replace.
It all boils down to Elasticsearch analyzers.
By default, all text fields will be run through the standard analyzer, e.g.:
GET _analyze/
"text": ["Timor-Leste"],
"analyzer": "standard"
This will lowercase your input, strip any special chars, and produce the tokens:
["timor", "leste"]
If you'd like to forgo this default process, add a .keyword mapping:
PUT your-index/
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"country": {
"type": "text",
"fields": { <---
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword"
Then reindex your docs, and when dynamically constructing the wildcard query with the newly created .keyword field, make sure the hyphen (and all other special chars) is properly escaped:
POST your-index/_search
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"country.keyword": {
"value": "*Timor\\-*" <---

ElasticSearch regexp query of a path

So far I've used a query that would match paths and get aggregations of those paths:
"query": {
"terms": {
"path.keyword": [
"size": 0,
"aggs": { ...
Since the only difference between the paths is the version number (which keeps changing) I thought about using Regexp query.
In a normal regex I would search for \/api\/v1\.\d\/cc-dashboard\/aggregated.
I know ElasticSearch uses different reserved characters for this and I've tried everything I know, but the search comes back without hits.
Any Thoughts?
I think there are a couple of things to watch out for here. First make sure that path.keyword is actually of the type "keyword" or else you will have problem matching b/c you are actually trying to match against tokens and Elasticsearch will split on /. Second it doesn't look like Elasticsearch supports \d to escape for a digit, but it does allow [0-9]. Third to escape the . I had to use two backslashes \\.
So all together now:
PUT /stackoverflow
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"path.keyword": {
"type": "keyword"
POST /stackoverflow/_doc/1
"path.keyword": "/api/v1.0/cc-dashboard/aggregated"
POST /stackoverflow/_doc/2
"path.keyword": "/api/v1.1/cc-dashboard/aggregated"
POST /stackoverflow/_doc/3
"path.keyword": "/api/not/cc-dashboard/aggregated"
GET /stackoverflow/_search
GET /stackoverflow/_search
"query": {
"regexp": {
"path.keyword": {
"value": "/api/v1\\.[0-9]/cc-dashboard/aggregated"
DELETE /stackoverflow

Get keys from Json with regex Jmeter

I'm hustling with regex, and trying to get the id's from this body.
But only the id´s in the members list, and not the id in the verified key. :)
To clarify, I'm using Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter
"id": "9c40ffca-0f1a-4f93-b068-1f6332707d02", //<--not this
"me": {
"id": "38a2b866-c8a9-424f-a5d4-93b379f080ce", //<--not this
"isMe": true,
"user": {
"verified": {
"id": "257e30f4-d001-47b3-9e7f-5772e591970b" //<--not this
"members": [
"id": "88a2b866-c8a9-424f-a5d4-93b379f780ce", //<--this
"isMe": true,
"user": {
"verified": {
"id": "223e30f4-d001-47b3-9e7f-5772e781970b" //<--not this
"id": "53cdc218-4784-4e55-a784-72e6a3ffa9bc", //<--this
"isMe": false,
"user": {
"unverified": {
"verification": "XYZ"
at the moment I have this regex :
("id": )("[\w-]+")
But as you can see here it returns every guid
Any ideas on how to go on?
Thanks in advance.
Since the input data type is JSON, it is recommended to use the JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin.
Once you add it, use the
JSON path expression to match all id values of each members in the document that are the top nodes.
If you may have nested memebers, you may get them all using
You may test these expressions at, see a test:

Body Mapping template AWS lambda API

I need to pass 2 arrays and 2 vars. with API to LAmbda function
I get everytime this:
{"message": "Could not parse request body into json: Unexpected character (\',\' (code 44)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, \'true\', \'false\' or \'null\')\n at [Source: [B#5a648099; line: 5, column: 11]"}
My template mapping:
#foreach($elem in $input.params('items').split(','))
"ids": $elem.ids,
"contents": $elem.contents
"QueryID": $input.params('QueryID'),
"nR": $input.params('nR')
Try quoting your values:
"items": [
#foreach($elem in $input.params('items').split(','))
"ids": "$elem.ids",
"contents": "$elem.contents"
"QueryID": "$input.params('QueryID')",
"nR": "$input.params('nR')"
This looks like you are trying to pass items in the "params" field. If you are passing in items, QueryID, and nR every time, just put $input.json('$') (only that, remove everything else, even the surrounding {}). If that doesn't work, refer to #dave-maple's answer