from gitlab ci/cd to AWS EC2 - amazon-web-services

It's beens ome time since I've been trying to figure out the really easy way.
I am using gitlab CI/CD and want to move the built data from there to AWS EC2. Problem is i found 2 ways which both are really bad ideas.
building project on gitlab ci/cd, then ssh into the AWS, pull the project from there again, and run npm scripts. This is really wrong and I won't go into details why.
I saw the following: How to deploy with Gitlab-Ci to EC2 using AWS CodeDeploy/CodePipeline/S3 , but it's so big and complex.
Isn't there any easier way to copy built files from gitlab ci/cd to AWS EC2 ?

I use Gitlab as well, and what has worked for me is configuring my runners on EC2 instances. A few options come to mind:
I'd suggest managing your own runners (vs. shared runners) and
giving them permissions to drop built files in S3 and have your
instances pick from there. You could trigger SSM commands from the
runner targeting your instances (preferably by tags) and they'll
download the built files.
You could also look into S3 notifications. I've used them to trigger
Lambda functions on object uploads: it's pretty fast and offers
retry mechanisms. The Lambda could then push SSM commands to


AWS CLI vs Console and CloudFormation stacks

Is there any known downside to creating resources on aws through the CLI? Is it more reliable/easier/error prone/largely accepted/recommended to use one method over the other? While setting up recurring scripts, is there a reason why i would want to use CloudFormation or the AWS Console over the AWS CLI to run commands directly?
For example, if I were to create an ECS Fargate Task Definition, is there any reason why I might want to use AWS CloudFormation or the Console over AWS CLI? Cli syntax is straightforward and easy to use, and there are a few things (like setting up event rules/targets for a fargate task specifically) that are not supported via cloudformation yet.
The AWS CLI and AWS CloudFormation are two different tools that can be used to create infrastructure on AWS. The CLI is more powerful and has finer grained control than CloudFormation. CloudFormation makes it very easy to use yaml or json text files that can describe an entire enterprise in the cloud.
One of the strong benefits of CloudFormation is the automatic support for rolling back changes if anything fails while deploying a stack. The CLI in comparison would require you to figure out the details of what went wrong and how to get back to where your state was. Updating infrastructure using CloudFormation is another benefit. Make the change in the template and update the stack.
For small setups, using the CLI is fine. However, once you get past launching an EC2 instance and start building VPCs, Instances, KeyPairs, Security Groups, RDS, etc. etc. you will find that the CLI has some real limitations: mostly being too manual of a process, not easily repeatable, difficult to put the process into version control, ....
If you are constantly building, testing and deleting complex setups, CloudFormation is absolutely one of the best tools from AWS. Note that there are a number of third party solutions that have a huge number of followers such as Bamboo, Octopus, Jenkins, Chef, etc.
If your job is SysOps or DevOps then you absolutely want to master the CLI and CloudFormation. These are amazing tools for working with AWS. Also master Beanstalk, maybe OpsWorks and one of the third party tools like Jenkins.

What should I use for configuration management on AWS

I am trying to find a solution for configuration management using AWS OpsWorks. What I can see is AWS offers three services for OpsWorks
Chef Automate
AWS stacks
I have read basics of all three of them but unable to compare between three of them. I am unable to understand when to use which solution.
I want to implemnet a solution for my multiple EC2 instances, using which I can deliver updates to all my instances from a central repository(github). And, rollback changes if needed.
So following are my queries:
Which of the three solutions is best for this use case?
What should I use if my instances are in different regions?
I am unable to find anything useful on these topics so that I can make my decision. It would be great if I can get links to some useful articles as well.
Thanks in advance.
Terraform, Packer and Ansible are a great resource, I use them everyday to configure AMI's and build out all my infrastructure.
Terraform - Configuration Management for Infrastructure, it allows you to provision all the AWS, Azure, GCE components you needs to run your application.
Packer - Creates reusable images by pre installing software that is common to your applications.
Ansible - pre and post provisioning configuration management. You can use Ansible with Packer to provision software in an AMI, then if needed, use Ansible to configure it after provisioning. There is no need for a chef server or puppet master, you can run Ansible from your desktop if you have access to the cloud servers.
This examples provisions all the infrastructure for a Wordpress site, and uses Ansible to configure it post provisioning.
All of this as well can automated in a Jenkins pipeline or with other Continous Deployment tools like CircleCI etc.
Ansible has no restriction on regions, neither does Terraform. Packer is a local build tool or on a CD server.

Continuous Integration on AWS EMR

We have a long running EMR cluster that has multiple libraries installed on it using bootstrap actions. Some of these libraries are under continuous development and their codebase is on GitHub.
I've been looking to plug Travis CI with AWS EMR in a similar way to Travis and CodeDeploy. The idea is to get the code on GitHub tested and deployed automatically to EMR while using bootstrap actions to install the updated libraries on all EMR's nodes.
A solution I came up with is to use an EC2 instance in the middle, where Travis and CodeDeploy can be first used to deploy the code on the instance. After that a lunch script on the instance is triggered to create a new EMR cluster with the updated libraries.
However, the above solution means we need to create a new EMR cluster every time we deploy a new version of the system
Any other suggestions?
You definitely don't want to maintain an EC2 instance to orchestrate a CI/CD process like that. First of all, it introduces a number of challenges because then you need to deal with an entire server instance, keep it maintained, deal with networking, apply monitoring and alerts to deal with availability issues, and even then, you won't have availability guarantees, which may cause other issues. Most of all, maintaining an EC2 instance for a purpose like that simply is unnecessary.
I recommend that you investigate using Amazon CodePipeline with a Lambda Step Function.
The Step Function can be used to orchestrate the provisioning of your EMR cluster in a fully serverless environment. With CodePipeline, you can setup a web hook into your Github repo to pull your code and spin up a new deployment automatically whenever changes are committed to your master Github branch (or whatever branch you specify). You can use EMRFS to sync an S3 bucket or folder to your EMR file system for your cluster and then obtain the security benefits of IAM, as well as additional consistency guarantees that come with EMRFS. With Lambda, you also get seamless integration into other services, such as Kinesis, DynamoDB, and CloudWatch, among many others, that will simplify many administrative and development tasks, as well as enable you to have more sophisticated automation with minimal effort.
There are some great resources and tutorials for using CodePipeline with EMR, as well as in general. Here are some examples:
There are also great tutorials for orchestrating applications with Lambda Step Functions, including the use of EMR. Here are some examples:
In the very worst case, if all of those options fail, such as if you need very strict control over the startup process on the EMR cluster after the EMR cluster completes its bootstrapping, you can always create a Java JAR that is loaded as a final step and then use that to either execute a shell script or use the various Amazon Java libraries to run your provisioning commands. In even this case, you still have no need to maintain your own EC2 instance for orchestration purposes (which, in my opinion, still would be hard to justify even if it was running in a Docker container in Kubernetes) because you can easily maintain that deployment process as well with a fully serverless approach.
There are many great videos from the Amazon re:Invent conferences that you may want to watch to get a jump start before you dive into the workshops. For example:
Many more such videos are available on YouTube.
Travis CI also supports Lambda deployment, as mentioned here:

Is it possible to use AWS CodePipeline with Lightsail?

I'm working all the day and couldn't find the answer. So I'm asking you guys: is it possible to use AWS Pipeline with AWS Lightsail?
My objective is to store the code inside CodeCommit and use CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline and S3 to create a Continuous Deployment inside a Lightsail instance.
Those are the steps I think I have to follow to accomplish the task:
[x] setup a Lightsail instance
[x] create an IAM user and set permissions
[x] transfer my repository to CodeCommit
[x] create an S3 bucket to hold the build artifacts
[x] create a CodeBuild project to build the artifacts
[x] create a buildspec.yml file with my build steps
[ ] create a CodeDeploy project to deploy my application
[ ] create a CodePipeline project to trigger the build when I commit to certain branch
As you can see, I'm almost there. But I couldn't find any way to use my Lightsail instance with CodeDeploy. So, my question is: is it possible? Is there some limitation? Did I miss something really basic? Is there any other way to make the CD with Lighsail? Sorry, I'm getting a little crazy right here ahhaha.
Today, 08/16/2017, it's not possible to integrate them.
I asked the same question on AWS forums and they replied that those technologies are not integrated yet since they are separated from each other.
Well I guess I'll have to find another way.
i’m not a total expert here, but I think the way to do it would be with a custom script in CodeBuild, rather than with CodeDeploy.
CodeDeploy has a lot of custom stuff going on to support rollbacks and that sorr of advanced stuff (means you have to install the agent on your target server etc).
CodeBuild is just made for running scripts, so I think it’d be reasonable to add a deploy script (that runs after your tests) that connects up to yor Lightsail instance via SSH and deploy any changed files (similar to how you’d do it in open source using Travis CI etc).
Specifically I’ve used the dploy package on npm to do the actual SFTP upload before. It’s Git-aware so it only uploads changes since the last revision (but you could just rsync if you didn’t care about that).
I recently had the same challenge and got it working.
It is necessary to register the Lightsail Instance as an on-premise instance with CodeDeploy. On the instance itself the CodeDeploy agent needs to be installed and configured.
I have written a post about how to set this up on my blog.
Following those steps can help you deploy lightsail as an onpremises instance and you configure codedeploy to deploy to the onpremises instance

Exploring tools to trigger build script to rollout specific git branch to a subset of the amazon ec2 instances

We have multiple amazon ec2 instances behind a load balancer. Our build script is written in phing and is integrated with git.
We are looking for a tool (like Jenkins or Amazon code deploy) which could display all the active instances currently behind load balancer and then allow us to select some of them (or select a group defined previously) and then trigger either of the following (whichever is better) -
a build script hosted on the same dedicated server where the tool is hosted.
or the respective build scripts hosted on the selected ec2 instances.
We should be able to do the following -
specify a git branch name, optionally, when we trigger the build script for any group of instances.
be able to roll out in batches of boxes, so as to get some time to monitor load, and then move to next batch if all is good. Best way, I guess, would be to specify a size of the batch (e.g. 10), so that the process waits for a user prompt after rollout on every batch completes.
So, if we have to rollout two different git branches to two groups of instances, we should be able to run them in two steps (if we do not specify batch size).
Would like to know about experiences of people who dealt with something similar.
For CodeDeploy, it supports Git (more precisely, GitHub). It also allows you to deploy only to tagged EC2 instances. If combined with custom DeploymentConfig (, you can also control how fast (the size of the batch) to deploy.
I would re-structure the question:
The choices you have for application deployment
and whether the tool has option to perform rolling deployments.
Jenkins is software for CI/CD, which will have to use plugins,custom scripting or leverage an existing orchestration software setup for doing the deployments.
For software orchestration, you have many choices, some of the more famous tools are Chef, puppet, ansible etc.. All of these would need you to manage some kind of centralized setup. All such software support application deployment.
You need to make a decision on whether you would want to invest in maintaining such a setup.
If you decide against such a setup, you have the option of using managed services such as AWS OpsWorks, AWS CodeDeploy, hosted chef etc.
In choosing any of these services, you delegate the management of orchestration software to a vendor, which will ensure the service is up all the time.
AWS code deploy and AWS OpsWorks are managed services on aws and work pretty well on AWS setups.
AWS OpsWorks uses chef under the hood.
AWS CodeDeploy only provides a subset of what OpsWorks provides and is responsible only for deployments. With AWS code deploy you get convenient visualization of your software deployments through AWS console.
With AWS code deploy, you can achieve the goal of partial roll out to ec2 instances.
You can do the same with other tools as well but CodeDeploy on AWS environment will take least amount of work.
CodeDeploy also allows you to deploy from GIT. Please refer to the following aws documentation
The pitfall with code deploy is the fact that the agent that will run on instances has been tested for and is supported for only a limited number of OS combinations.(
Also in future if you decide to move away from AWS, you will have to redo the deployment related work.
CodeDeploy service only charges you for the underneath AWS resources.
Please find the link to pricing documentation below: