pointer attribute changes when reexamined - c++

I am new to C++, currently working on a networking project, faced an unusual error with a vector of object pointers.
State class:
struct State
int reject_percent_;
int fill_percent_;
int partial_fill_;
bool is_logged_in_;
struct order
long id;
long price;
int quantity;
bool is_filled = false;
bool is_partially_filled = false;
std::vector<order *> orders;
pushing into vector: (here state is an object of State struct)
State::order* o;
o->id = (obj->ClOrdID); // obj->ClOrdID = 1
o->price = (obj->Price); // obj->Price = 1
o->quantity = (obj->OrderQty); // obj->OrderQty = 1
std::cout<<o->id<<"\n"; //outputs 1
in other function:
State::order* ord = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < state->orders.size(); ++i)
std::cout<<((state->orders).at(i)->id)<<"\n"; //outputs :: 93893845689152
std::cout<<((state->orders).at(i)->price)<<"\n"; //outputs :: 93893845689184
std::cout<<((state->orders).at(i)->quantity)<<"\n"; //outputs :: 869246848
I know this is not a minimal reproducible example, but I think this might be a trivial error that I don't see, the code is big and will take a long time shortening, so please bear with me, can you just point out what might cause this problem, as the values seem to be junk values of the datatypes.

You didn't allocate memory for the order and you didn't initialize the pointer
State::order* o;
Dereferencing this pointer to write into it
o->id = (obj->ClOrdID); // obj->ClOrdID = 1
o->price = (obj->Price); // obj->Price = 1
o->quantity = (obj->OrderQty); // obj->OrderQty = 1
to read from it
std::cout<<o->id<<"\n"; //outputs 1
or copying it
causes undefined behavior. Your program could crash, everything could seem correct or your computer could order a pizza.
It's difficult to say what's the best way to solve this problem with just some code snippets. One way is to change std::vector<order *> orders; to std::vector<order> orders;. Another way is to use smart pointers.

State::order* o;
o->id = (obj->ClOrdID);
The pointer has an indeterminate value. The behaviour of indirecting through this uninitialised pointer is undefined.
You should probably use this instead:
std::vector<order> orders;
So that the vector contains order instances.


Declaring any new variable changes pointer address for unknown reason

I am writing an auction program for a class project and one of the features I was trying to implement was a hash table to make searching for auction items by name efficient. I set it up in node format so that you can chain nodes together if their hash value lines up with another item that already exists.
The main problem that I cannot seem to figure out is how some pointer values are changing when I don't think I have done anything to them. I stepped through each line of this program keeping an eye on the Red highlighted areas in the attached screenshots to see when the data changes. In case #1 the data was intact and able to be accessed. However, in case #2 where I simply declare an additional variable (int i = 0;) suddenly the data passed into the function appears to point to a different memory location (0xcccccccc) which from what I understand is another version of null? This is the same no matter what variable type I have tried to declare whether it be an int, const char*, string, etc it all reacts like the second screenshot.
Does anyone know why the program would be doing this? Are there any other troubleshooting tips? Is this a common error and how should I avoid it in the future and for this project?
I can provide a complete code if needed. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Image 1: No additional variable declared, data in tact as expected
Image 2: integer variable declared, data at ->next suddenly changed. This appears to be this way from the start of the function.
Update: I created an MRE as suggested in a comment, the same error can be reproduced using this code.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class AuctionItemBidsMaxHeap {
string name = "test";
const char * getItemName() {
return name.c_str();
class AuctionItemHashTable {
struct Node {
AuctionItemBidsMaxHeap* AuctionItem;
Node* next = nullptr;
Node* itemArray;
int capacity = 50;
int generateHashKey(string auctionItem) {
return 11;
AuctionItemHashTable() {
//Create the array of X amount of different possible storage locations
Node emptyNode;
emptyNode.AuctionItem = nullptr;
emptyNode.next = nullptr;
itemArray = new Node[capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
itemArray[i] = emptyNode;
~AuctionItemHashTable() {
delete itemArray;
void insertItem(AuctionItemBidsMaxHeap* auctionItem) {
//Check to see if this item already exists
int key = generateHashKey(auctionItem->getItemName());
Node newAuctionItem;
newAuctionItem.AuctionItem = auctionItem;
newAuctionItem.next = nullptr;
//Check to see if anything has been inserted there yet
if (itemArray[key].AuctionItem == nullptr) {
itemArray[key] = newAuctionItem;
else {
//WE have to make room in the semi-linked list
Node holder;
holder.AuctionItem = itemArray[key].AuctionItem;
holder.next = itemArray[key].next;
newAuctionItem.next = &holder;
itemArray[key] = newAuctionItem;
AuctionItemBidsMaxHeap* getAuctionItem(const char* itemName) {
int key = generateHashKey(itemName);
//Loop through all items in location
Node* currentNode = &itemArray[key];
if (currentNode == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
else {
if (currentNode->AuctionItem->getItemName() == itemName) {
cout << "Match" << endl;
while (currentNode->next != nullptr && currentNode->next != (void*)0xcccccccc) {
int i = 0;
if (currentNode->next->AuctionItem->getItemName()[0] == 'M') {
cout << "M Matched" << endl;
while (currentNode->next->AuctionItem->getItemName()[0] != 'e') {
//cout << currentNode->next->AuctionItem->getItemName()[i];
currentNode = currentNode->next;
//There was an item stored at this location, lets see which one it is
//void* p = (void*)0xcccccccc; //Creating a pointer since for some reason my final pointer gets changed to another type of null character upon passing it to a function
//cout << currentNode->AuctionItem->getItemName() << endl;
//while (currentNode->next != nullptr && currentNode->next != p) {
//cout << currentNode->AuctionItem->getItemName() << endl;
//currentNode = currentNode->next;
return currentNode->AuctionItem;
int main()
/**Creating MaxHeap of one bid**/
AuctionItemBidsMaxHeap myBidTest;
AuctionItemBidsMaxHeap myBidTest2;
/**Creating Auction Item Hash Table**/
AuctionItemHashTable auctionItems;
const char* myInput = "test";
First a rant: Why is it that classes still teach pointers in C++? There are MUCH better ways to do this than Node*.
Your code contains several errors, but the most important one is here:
//WE have to make room in the semi-linked list
Node holder;
holder.AuctionItem = itemArray[key].AuctionItem;
holder.next = itemArray[key].next;
newAuctionItem.next = &holder; ////<<< ERROR HERE
itemArray[key] = newAuctionItem;
You create a temporary variable on the stack Node holder; This variable will be destroyed as soon as you leave the function.
But you take a pointer to this variable here
newAuctionItem.next = &holder;
IOW: Your list contains pointers to objects that no longer exist.
&holder is the address of the variable holder. As soon as holder goes out of scope, the contents of it will be destroyed. But newAuctionItem.next and as a consequence also itemArray[key].next will still point to the memory, where holder used to be.
This is what is called a dangling pointer.
I stopped reading your example, but it is also pretty dangerous to accept pointers to AuctionItems in your insert method. When you are using pointers here, you MUST MAKE SURE, that the actual objects remain valid for as long as they are in the list.
Or, to put it the other way round: You must remove them from your list before they get destructed. And we humans are not made to "make sure". We make errors, so it is better to write code where you cannot make an error like this (i.e. avoid pointers in the first place).
Another error: You are creating an array with itemArray = new Node[capacity];, but you are deleting it with delete itemArray;. When you are using new to create an array, you must use delete[] itemArray to delete it. See here delete vs delete[] operators in C++
A general note: DO NOT USE POINTERS AT ALL (unless you have to). Pointers are an advanced C++ concept.
You could use shared_ptr<> instead. This will take away the burdon of freeing the memory.
For your itemArray you could use std::vector<> instead of allocating an array with new[]; etc...
There are many good and easy to use classes in the C++ library, which will help you a lot writing safer and cleaner code.
Learning C++ is (at least) as much about learning the std Library as about learning the syntax and statements. std::vector<AuctionItemNodes> IS C++.

2 [main] hw3 10368 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to hw3.exe.stackdump

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
struct node
int level = -1;
int value = -5;
node *left;
node *right;
int array[100][100];
void storetree(node *root, int val);
void printtree();
int main()
cout << " u there?" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
array[i][j] = -5;
ifstream file1;
ifstream file2;
node root;
node *root1;
int val1;
int randval;
file1 >> val1;
root.level = 0;
root1->level = 0;
root.value = val1;
root1->value = val1;
array[0][0] = val1;
cout << "made it" << endl;
root1->left->value = -5; // <-- Error happens here
root1->right->value = -5;
root1->left->level = -5;
root1->right->level = -5;
So my error happens when I access root1->left->value, and I get the stack dump error.
Is it impossible to access root1->left->value the way I've written it? Through print statements I've deduced that this is the error. I don't understand pointers well and would appreciate help. :)
I've annotated your source code below:
// Allocate an actual instance of your 'node' struct (local variable, on the stack)
node root;
// This allocates a POINTER variable, which just contains an address.
// The compiler knows that 'root1' will point at 'node' types.
// Note that you've only created a pointer variable here; NOT an actual node.
// Further, you haven't initialized it, so its value is "undefined"
// (you can't assume you know what its value is ... it could be anything).
node *root1;
// Set 'level' on the root node to zero
root.level = 0; // This is OK, because root is an actual 'node' struct instance
// Set 'level' ON THE NODE THAT 'root1' POINTS TO to zero
root1->level = 0; // This is not OK, because root1 is a wild (uninitialized) pointer
This is your first problem. You created a pointer, but you didn't point it at anything.
The value of root1 (i.e., the address it refers to) is undefined
(could be NULL, could be whatever was in memory where that variable resides)
It's good practice to initialize your local variables right when you define them. Uninitialized variables can have undefined values, and that can add countless hours of debugging to your life, where each run of your program does something different from the last one. Bleh.
If you're not ready to assign the actual value when you define a variable,
set it to some known value like 0, nullptr, whatever. If you forget to set it later, your program will at least do the SAME wrong thing each time.
node *root1 = nullptr; // (...or maybe your compiler uses "NULL" or "(void *)0"...)
It looks like you're going to be building up a tree of nodes based upon whatever you read in from the input file?
If so, then you're almost certainly going to be dynamically allocating node structs, since you can't know how many you'll need ahead of time.
// Allocate and initialize a new node struct (on the heap)
root1 = new node();
// Set 'level' ON THE NODE THAT 'root1' POINTS TO to zero
root1->level = 0; // Yay, now this works
The variable root1 now contains the address of the newly-allocated node struct. The rest of your code should work from there.
Just a reminder that a 'correct' program (e.g., one that doesn't leak memory) should ultimately call delete on every pointer returned by a call to new.
Also, keep that in mind as you're building your tree of dynamically-allocated node objects; you'll need to call delete on each of them (except for root, which you didn't allocate dynamically) when you're all done.

Pointer of class to void*

i am working on a rpg games with class
i created a struct call Character with ActionList* which store the instance.
GeneralPlayer is a class where there have still a bunch of other players classes inherited it.
This is my header file:
class Battle
struct Character
char type;//monster or player?
bool alive;
void*instance;//pointer to instance
Battle(GeneralPlayer*, AbstractMonster*, int, int);
Character *ActionList;
i was trying to convert GeneralPlayer* to void*. However seems like the code doesnt work as i thought. P and M are array of pointers of those player classes.
Battle::Battle(GeneralPlayer*P, AbstractMonster*M, int a, int b, int c)
a = numP;
b = numM;
c = turn_limit;
ActionList = new Character[numP + numM];
P = new GeneralPlayer[numP];
for (int i = 0; i < numP; i++)
ActionList[i] = static_cast<void*>(P[i]);
ActionList[i].type = 'p';
for (int i = numP; i < numP+numM; i++)
ActionList[i] = static_cast<void*>(M[i]);
ActionList[i].type = 'm';
it keeps showing the error C2440. I wish can solve my problem with anyone helps thank you.
You are trying to convert object into pointer, use the & operator to get the pointer in question.
ActionList[i] = (void*)&P[i];
ActionList[i] = (void*)&M[i];
One of the problems here is that the Character structure is not a parent of either GenericPlayer or AbstractMonster. It seems that the Character::instance member should be pointing to the player or monster, which means your code should be something like
ActionList[i].type = 'p';
ActionList[i].alive = true;
ActionList[i].instance = &P[i];
This is assuming that the list of players is already initialized by the caller of the Battle constructor, then you should not allocate a new array of players, so the P = new GenericPlayer[numP]; statement should be removed.
It should be noted that having something like you do, a "generic pointer" (what void * is) and then a member saying what type it's really pointing to is considered bad design. Instead you would have a common base-class for both monsters and players, and use a pointer to that. Then with the correct use of polymorphism and virtual member functions you don't need the type field. And then it's easy to refactor the code to use some other means of telling if a player or monster is alive or not, and then you don't need the Battle::Character class at all, and could use an array of pointers to the common base class instead, thus simplifying the code a bit, which is very good for maintainability.
There are a few other problems with the code as you show it, things that will cause problems later at runtime.
One problem is that in the loop iterating over the monsters, you initialize o to numP and loop up to numP + numM, but if the array M doesn't contain numP + numM elements you will go out of bounds.
Instead I suggest you do e.g.
for (int i = 0; i < numM; i++)
ActionList[i + numP].type = 'm';
ActionList[i + numP].alive = true;
ActionList[i + numP].instance = &M[i];

Using pointers to get to data in structs in classes

I am trying to write a program that will solve a maze using a class and a tree. I am trying to use a class to represent the maze (the design will be entered using cin), and the class contains a struct as a private member.
This struct contains two ints (for the x and y coordinate of the position) and an array with 3 spaces that will hold three pointers to other structs.
In the constructor function for my class, I am trying to set all the pointers in the array to NULL to start off. The program compiles fine, but when I get to the constructor the program gives me a segmentation fault. Here is some relevant code:
const int POSSIBLE_BRANCHES = 3; //at any point the path can split in 3 ways
struct PathNode
int x_coord;
int y_coord;
PathList branches[POSSIBLE_BRANCHES];
typedef PathNode *PathList;
class Maze
PathList initial_pos;
And the constructor:
cout << "entered constructor" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_BRANCHES; i++)
initial_pos->branches[i] = NULL;
I get the "entered constructor" phrase printed out, but the program stops immediately afterwards. I am assuming it is some silly problem with my pointer syntax, but I have been unable to locate the problem.
As I understand it: the -> operator dereferences the pointer to the PathNode struct, so now we have access to the members like x_coord, y_coord, and branches. The [] operator gets to each index of the branches array. And because it is an array of pointers to PathNodes, setting them as NULL should be fine. Where is the flaw in my reasoning?
Solved. See the answer marked as best.
You haven't yet allocated initial_pos before you use it. That is causing the segfault.
Something along the lines of:
: initial_pos(new PathNode)
cout << "entered constructor" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_BRANCHES; i++)
initial_pos->branches[i] = NULL;
Should fix your problem.
Your constructor is the first thing that gets called for the new class, so you never allocate or initialize initial_pos in anyway, but you then dereference it - leading to undefined behavior (most likely causing a segfault)

Cannot operate on an array of structures which comprise a string C++

I have a structure which includes a string field. I create an array of those structures and then I want to pass them to a function (by reference). Everything works perfectly fine when I comment out the string field, but if I don't the program crashes. I can't find an answer to this anywhere..
Here's the code (I reduced it to only show the issue):
struct student {
int a;
int b;
string name[20];
char status;
void operation(student the_arr[1],int number_of_students) {
delete[] the_arr;
the_arr = new student[3];
for(int i = 0; i<3; i++) {
the_arr[i].a = i+5;
the_arr[i].b = i+4;
int main() {
student *abc;
abc = new student[0];
operation(abc, 0);
return 0;
I need the array to be dynamic so I can change its' size when I need to.
Assuming you can't use std::vector instead of dynamically allocated arrays follow the answer below. In any other case you should use the containers provided by the standard library.
Note: Your program doesn't crash. The only things the compiler will complain about it the allocating zero elements part, but will let you compile and run this program.
Your function is completely wrong. When using dynamic allocation you can simply pass a pointer like this:
void operation(student* the_arr, int number_of_students) {
Then inside your function you are dynamically allocating memory which is stored inside the the_arr pointer which is not passed by reference therefore leading to the creation of a local pointer variable that will lose the pointer after its execution:
void operation(student*& the_arr [...]
I suggest you to avoid the below solution though and return the new pointer instead:
student* operation(student* the_arr, int number_of_students) {
delete[] the_arr;
the_arr = new student[3];
return the_arr; // <----
Allocating abc = new student[0]; doesn't make any sense. You are trying to allocate an array of 0 elements. Maybe you meant abc = new student[1];?
You should just use the vector or other sequence objects. Though I'm not sure what you are trying to do with your code. Here's a quick example:
// Vector represent a sequence which can change in size
vector<Student*> students;
// Create your student, I just filled in a bunch of crap for the
// sake of creating an example
Student * newStudent = new Student;
newStudent->a = 1;
newStudent->b = 2;
newStudent->name = "Guy McWhoever";
newStudent->status = 'A';
// and I pushed the student onto the vector
students.push_back( newStudent );
students.push_back( newStudent );
students.push_back( newStudent );
students.push_back( newStudent );