I am trying to use Geocoding and Search API v7, Where I can search using category that are mentioned in
My question is, can we get the category list. At TomTom they provide the list as JSON file, can I get it from HERE in the same way.
You can use Place API to search the POIs based on category. The format is
For more details refer : https://developer.here.com/documentation/places/dev_guide/topics_api/resource-place-categories.html
I am looking for some help with finding a list of categories recognized by Google Vision API either by Object Localizer API or by Product Search API.
I searched the issue and found an old post here https://groups.google.com/g/cloud-vision-discuss/c/Gpo2h-Rw7gA/m/uSHH-r8lAgAJ and linked StackOverflow questions.
However, after a thorough examination of Open Images V6 and Google Knowledge Graph, I still do not see a clear connection between Open Images category tree and Vision API Product Search.
Product Search API has 5 main productCategories: homegoods, apparel, toys, packedgoods, general. (link: https://cloud.google.com/vision/product-search/docs/product-categories)
However, Open Images does not have any of these categories https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/2018_04/bbox_labels_600_hierarchy_visualizer/circle.html.
Can anyone help me with a list of detailed categories returned by a detector in Product Search and corresponding top-category (homegoods, apparel, toys, packedgoods, general)?
I would like what categories can be detected in each of the top-category, so for example: "Apparel": ["Pants", "Skirt", "Shoes", ...].
Thanks in advance.
I want get all wikipedia categorys name with api.
i search it and find some way like dumb data or sql data but i want make it this with wikipedia api. Also i found it some great link for wikipedia tools like wmflabs.org but this tools not have my need.
i want use wikipedia api and result json data and get english wikipedia category name list. All categories content is here-> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Contents/Categories
i need same style category name lis data all other languages.
i find it some query but not enough like(find subcategorys in weapons category)-> https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php ?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Weapons
Is any solution have for this situation?
All the categories belong to the Category namespace, that has id=14, so you can use allpages API and filter by namespace using the apnamespace parameter. Here's an example query.
I am trying to figure out the right parameters for ItemSearch such that the API call will return the same result as on the website. Currently I am using these params it is not consistent with the website.
url_params = dict(
For example if 'iphone%205s' is put in keywords, the API returns a list of iPhone protectors, while searching on the website gives iPhones as top results.
I am also trying to figure out why this is for book searches. One possible answer I found online was that the websites search feature might use more elaborate queries than just one simple API call. For example, it may take into account other factors into the search (not sure what that might be but it may).
I have coordinates as latitude and longitude, I want to get a list of place from facebook using facebook query (FQL). Does anyone have an example of how to to that? I am also fine with using the graph api
It's easy with the Graph API:
(Via the online documentation)
I can't get it to work with FQL, although the correct syntax appears to be:
SELECT name,description,geometry,latitude,longitude,checkin_count,display_subtext FROM place WHERE latitude=40.797702 AND longitude=-105.587082
(Try it)
I just got started looking at using Solr as my search web service. I don't know whether Solr supports these query types:
Exact Match
Doesn't Contain
In the range
Could anyone guide me how to implement those features in Solr?
Solr is capable of all those things but to adequately explain how to do each of time an answer would become a mini-manual for Solr.
I'd suggest you read the actual manual and tutorials linked from the Solr homepage.
In short though:
Startswith can be implemented using Lucene wildcards.
Exact matches will only be found if a field is not tokanized. I.e. the entire field is viewed as a single token.
Contain is the default search format. I.e. a search for "John" will find any document's whose search field contains the value "John". Prefixing with - (e.g. "-John" will only find documents that do not contain John).
Ranges (be they date or integer) are possible and quite powerful, example date:[* TO NOW] would find any document whose date is not in the future.