Data structure for interpolating T along axis of numerical keys - c++

Is there a data structure that when initialized with a key1 at 10 and key2 at 20, when accessed at 15 will call an interpolation callback function with (key1, key2, 0.5) with return value T?
The callback ensures that we can use our preferred S-curve for the interpolation. I'm expecting accesses on each end to pass the same key in both with 1.0 as the factor.
Container<float, MyStruct> container;
container.insert(10, MyStruct{ .x = 1.0f });
container.insert(20, MyStruct{ .x = 2.0f });
auto middlepoint = container.get(15,
[] (const MyStruct& a, const MyStruct& b, float factor) {
return MyStruct{ a.x * factor + b.x * (1.0 - factor) };
assert(middlepoint.x ~ 1.5f);
Have you seen this? What is this data structure called?

Its not just a data structure you are looking for, but a way to retrieve information from it. You can use a map + find_if:
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
template <typename C,typename I>
double get(const C& container,double x,I interp) {
auto it = std::find_if(container.begin(),container.end(),[x](auto e){ return e.first > x;});
return interp(std::prev(it)->second,it->second);
int main() {
std::map<double,double> m{ {1,0.0},{2,3.0},{3,5.0}};
std::cout << get(m,1.5,[](auto x1,auto x2){ return 0.5*(x1 + x2);});
Prints: 1.5
Maybe 2-3 more lines are needed to handle edge cases, but otherwise above is all you need. Sometimes a wheel is really just a wheel and can be crafted by building on existing containers and algorithms. I don't expect to find this anywhere as a container, but rather as a interpolation function along the line of interpolate(some_array_with_x_values,some_array_with_y_values,x).


Using unordered_map to store key-value pairs in STL

I have to store some data in my program as described below.
The data is high dimensional coordinates and the number of points in those coordinates. Following would be a simple example (with coordinate dimension 5):
coordinate # of points
(3, 5, 3, 5, 7) 6
(6, 8, 5, 8, 9) 4
(4, 8, 6, 7, 9) 3
Please note that even if I use 5 dimensions as an example, the actual problem is of 20 dimensions. The coordinates are always integers.
I want to store this information in some kind of data structure. The first thing that comes to my mind is a hash table. I tried unordered_map in STL. But cannot figure out how to use the coordinates as the key in unordered_map. Defining it as:
unordered_map<int[5], int> umap;
unordered_map<int[], int> umap;
gives me a compilation error. What am I doing wrong?
unordered_map needs to know how to hash your coordinates. In addition, it needs a way to compare coordinates for equality.
You can wrap your coordinates in a class or struct and provide a custom operator == to compare coordinate points. Then you need to specialise std::hash to be able to use your Point struct as a key in unordered_map. While comparing coordinates for equality is fairly straightforward, it is up to you to decide how coordinates are hashed. The following is an overview of what you need to implement:
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cmath>
class Point
std::vector<int> coordinates;
inline bool operator == (const std::vector<int>& _other)
if (coordinates.size() != _other.size())
return false;
for (uint c = 0; c < coordinates.size(); ++c)
if (coordinates[c] != _other[c])
return false;
return true;
namespace std
struct hash<Point>
std::size_t operator() (const Point& _point) const noexcept
std::size_t hash;
// See
// for an example of hash implementation for std::vector.
// Using Boost just for this might be an overkill - you could use just the hash_combine code here.
return hash;
int main()
std::unordered_map<Point, int> points;
// Use points...
return 0;
In case you know how many coordinates you are going to have and you can name them like this
struct Point
int x1;
int x2;
int x3;
// ...
you could use a header-only hashing library I wrote exactly for this purpose. Your mileage may vary.
Hacky way
I've seen this being used in programming competitions for ease of use. You can convert the set of points to a string(concatenate each coordinate and separate them with a space or any other special character) and then use unordered_map<string, int>
unordered_map<string, int> map; int p[5] = {3, 5, 3, 5, 7};
string point = to_string(p[0]) + " " + to_string(p[1]) + " " to_string(p[2]) + " " to_string(p[3]) + " " to_string(p[4]);
map[point] = 6;

Using derivatives as functions in CppAD

I am trying to modify the example here:
# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
namespace { // ---------------------------------------------------------
// define the template function JacobianCases<Vector> in empty namespace
template <typename Vector>
bool JacobianCases()
{ bool ok = true;
using CppAD::AD;
using CppAD::NearEqual;
double eps99 = 99.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
using CppAD::exp;
using CppAD::sin;
using CppAD::cos;
// domain space vector
size_t n = 2;
X[0] = 1.;
X[1] = 2.;
// declare independent variables and starting recording
// a calculation between the domain and range values
AD<double> Square = X[0] * X[0];
// range space vector
size_t m = 3;
Y[0] = Square * exp( X[1] );
Y[1] = Square * sin( X[1] );
Y[2] = Square * cos( X[1] );
// create f: X -> Y and stop tape recording
CppAD::ADFun<double> f(X, Y);
// new value for the independent variable vector
Vector x(n);
x[0] = 2.;
x[1] = 1.;
// compute the derivative at this x
Vector jac( m * n );
jac = f.Jacobian(x);
F'(x) = [ 2 * x[0] * exp(x[1]) , x[0] * x[0] * exp(x[1]) ]
[ 2 * x[0] * sin(x[1]) , x[0] * x[0] * cos(x[1]) ]
[ 2 * x[0] * cos(x[1]) , -x[0] * x[0] * sin(x[i]) ]
ok &= NearEqual( 2.*x[0]*exp(x[1]), jac[0*n+0], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( 2.*x[0]*sin(x[1]), jac[1*n+0], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( 2.*x[0]*cos(x[1]), jac[2*n+0], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( x[0] * x[0] *exp(x[1]), jac[0*n+1], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( x[0] * x[0] *cos(x[1]), jac[1*n+1], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual(-x[0] * x[0] *sin(x[1]), jac[2*n+1], eps99, eps99);
return ok;
} // End empty namespace
# include <vector>
# include <valarray>
bool Jacobian(void)
{ bool ok = true;
// Run with Vector equal to three different cases
// all of which are Simple Vectors with elements of type double.
ok &= JacobianCases< CppAD::vector <double> >();
ok &= JacobianCases< std::vector <double> >();
ok &= JacobianCases< std::valarray <double> >();
return ok;
I am trying to modify it in the following way:
Let G be the Jacobian jac that is calculated in this example, in the line:
jac = f.Jacobian(x);
and, as in the example, let X be the independent variables. I would like to construct a new function, H, which is a function of jac, i.e. H(jacobian(X)) = something, such that H is autodifferentiable. An example may be H(X) = jacobian( jacobian(X)[0]), i.e. the jacobian of the first element of jacobian(X) w.r.t X (a second derivative of sorts).
The problem is that jac as written here is of type Vector, which is a parameterized type on a raw double, not an AD<double>. To my knowledge, this means the output is not autodifferentiable.
I am looking for some advice on if it is possible to use the Jacobian in a larger operation, and take the Jacobian of that larger operation (not unlike any arithmetic operator) or if this is not possible.
EDIT: This has been put up for a bounty once, but I'm putting it up again to see if there's a better solution, because I think this is important. To be a bit more clear, the elements that the "correct" answer needs are:
a) A means of calculating arbitrary order derivatives.
b) An intelligent way of not having to specify the order of derivatives a priori. If the maximum order derivative must be known at compile time, the order of derivative can't be determined algorithmically. Further, specifying an enormously large order as in the current answer given will lead to memory allocation issues and, I imagine, performance issues.
c) Abstracting the templating of derivative order away from the end-user. This is important, because it can be difficult to keep track of the order of derivatives needed. This is probably something that comes "for free" if b) is solved.
If anybody can crack this, it would be an awesome contribution and an extremely useful operation.
If you want to nest functions, you should nest the AD<> as well. You can nest Jacobians as other functions, for instance see the code snippet below, which is computing the double derivative by nesting Jacobian
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream> // standard input/output
#include <vector> // standard vector
#include <cppad/cppad.hpp> // the CppAD package
// main program
int main(void)
{ using CppAD::AD; // use AD as abbreviation for CppAD::AD
using std::vector; // use vector as abbreviation for std::vector
size_t i; // a temporary index
// domain space vector
auto Square = [](auto t){return t*t;};
vector< AD<AD<double>> > X(1); // vector of domain space variables
// declare independent variables and start recording operation sequence
// range space vector
vector< AD<AD<double>> > Y(1); // vector of ranges space variables
Y[0] = Square(X[0]); // value during recording of operations
// store operation sequence in f: X -> Y and stop recording
CppAD::ADFun<AD<double>> f(X, Y);
// compute derivative using operation sequence stored in f
vector<AD<double>> jac(1); // Jacobian of f (m by n matrix)
vector<AD<double>> x(1); // domain space vector
jac = f.Jacobian(x); // Jacobian for operation sequence
CppAD::ADFun<double> f2(x, jac);
vector<double> result(1);
vector<double> x_res(1);
// print the results
std::cout << "f'' computed by CppAD = " << result[0] << std::endl;
As a side-note, since C++14 or 11 implementing expression templates and automatic differentiation became easier and can be done with much less effort, as shown e.g. in this video towards the end (sorry for the poor quality). If I had to implement reasonably simple symbolic operations I would start from scratch with modern C++: you can write simpler code, and you get errors that you can understand easily.
Generalizing the example to build arbitrary order derivatives can be a template metaprogramming exercice. The snippet below shows it is possible using template recursion
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
using CppAD::AD;
using std::vector;
template<typename T>
struct remove_ad{
using type=T;
template<typename T>
struct remove_ad<AD<T>>{
using type=T;
template<int N>
struct derivative{
using type = AD<typename derivative<N-1>::type >;
static constexpr int order = N;
struct derivative<0>{
using type = double;
static constexpr int order = 0;
template<typename T>
struct Jac{
using value_type = typename remove_ad<typename T::type>::type;
template<typename P, typename Q>
auto operator()(P & X, Q & Y){
CppAD::ADFun<value_type> f(X, Y);
vector<value_type> jac(1);
vector<value_type> x(1);
jac = f.Jacobian(x);
return Jac<derivative<T::order-1>>{}(x, jac);
struct Jac<derivative<1>>{
using value_type = derivative<0>::type;
template<typename P, typename Q>
auto operator()(P & x, Q & jac){
CppAD::ADFun<value_type> f2(x, jac);
vector<value_type> res(1);
vector<value_type> x_res(1);
return f2.Jacobian(x_res);
int main(void)
constexpr int order=4;
auto Square = [](auto t){return t*t;};
vector< typename derivative<order>::type > X(1);
vector< typename derivative<order>::type > Y(1);
Y[0] = Square(X[0]);
auto result = Jac<derivative<order>>{}(X, Y);
std::cout << "f'' computed by CppAD = " << result[0] << std::endl;
There is a new feature in CppAD that eliminates the need for AD< AD >, see

c++ change of coordinates (Pixels 1920 x 1080 to 640 x 480)

I am developing a small program that can draw a rectangle in different videos modes (for example 1920 x 1080 -> 640 x 480). I can resize a rectangle. But I am getting stuck, because I cannot find a clear method to achieve the problem. I am currently trying to create a matrix to perform a scale operation over the pixels but I cannot get the right answer. Part of the problem seems to be that TransformMatrix::transform is not scaling correctly.
#include <iostream>
typedef struct _Pixel
unsigned X;
unsigned Y;
typedef struct TransformMatrix
constexpr TransformMatrix(const float aWeigth = 0.3f
,const float aHeigth = 0.225f):W(aWeigth)
void transform( const Pixel & aPixel)
auto x_value=static_cast<float>(aPixel.X)*W;
auto y_value=static_cast<float>(aPixel.Y)*H;
std::cout<<"x_value: "<<x_value<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"y_value: "<<y_value<<std::endl;
const float W;
const float H;
int main()
Pixel aPixel;
TransformMatrix _TransformMatrix;
return 0;
The actual result:
x_value: 576
y_value: 243
The expected result:
x_value: 640
y_value: 480
How can I perform the right operation? Is it just a change of basis?
Should I scale only or also do a transformation operation?
Wokay, since people urged me, let me explain the most important style improvements here:
Naming: don't start names with underscores: It's illegal and the program invokes undefined behaviour
struct tags: they're a thing of C, and obsolete in C++ ever since C++98
Single Responsibility Principle - don't make the transform function print things
Make the Pixel struct capable of printing itself (using operator<< for iostreams)
Pure Functions: make transform return a modified value, instead of mutating the argument. In general this makes code a lot safer, and it can enable a class of optimizations. In the rare case where you wanted to update the pixel in-place you'd simply write
pixel = transform(pixel); // the optimizer will see right through this
Make TransformMatrix a calleable object (by implementing transform as operator() instead. This way, you can simply use it as a function, e.g. in an algorithm:
std::vector<Pixel> poly1, poly2;
std::transform(poly1.begin(), poly1.end(),
back_inserter(poly2), TransformMatrix());
Which simply transforms all pixels in poly1 to poly2.
Exercise for the reader: name TransformMatrix so it does what it says. Right now, it's more like ScalePixel
Live On Coliru
#include <iostream>
struct Pixel {
Pixel(unsigned x = 1920, unsigned y = 1080) : X(x), Y(y) {}
unsigned X;
unsigned Y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Pixel const& p) {
return os << "Pixel(" << p.X << ", " << p.Y << ")";
struct TransformMatrix {
constexpr TransformMatrix(float aWidth = 640/1920.f, float aHeigth = 480/1080.f) : W(aWidth), H(aHeigth) {}
Pixel operator()(const Pixel &aPixel) const {
return { static_cast<unsigned>(aPixel.X * W), static_cast<unsigned>(aPixel.Y * H) };
float W;
float H;
int main() {
Pixel aPixel;
TransformMatrix xfrm;
std::cout << aPixel << " -> " << xfrm(aPixel) << "\n";
Pixel(1920, 1080) -> Pixel(640, 480)

Check if mouse is within triangle C++

I'm making a application for school in which I have to click a particular object.
EDIT: This is being made in 2D
I have a rectangle, I rotate this rectangle by X.
The rotation of the rectangle has made my rectangles (x,y,width,height) become a new rectangle around the rotated rectangle.
(excuse me for my terrible paint skills)
The Black lines describe the rotated rectangle, the red lines are my new rectangle.
I need to find out if my mouse is within the black rectangle or not. Whatever rotation I do I already have a function for getting the (X,Y) for each corner of the black rectangle.
Now I'm trying to implement this Check if point is within triangle (The same side technique).
So I can either check if my mouse is within each triangle or if theres a way to check if my mouse is in the rotated rectangle that would be even better.
I practically understand everything written in the triangle document, but I simply don't have the math skills to calculate the cross product and the dot product of the 2 cross products.
This is supposed to be the cross product:
a × b = |a| |b| sin(θ) n
|a| is the magnitude (length) of vector a
|b| is the magnitude (length) of vector b
θ is the angle between a and b
n is the unit vector at right angles to both a and b
But how do I calculate the unit vector to both a and b?
And how do I get the magnitude of a vector?
I forgot to ask for the calculation of the dotproduct between 2 cross products.
function SameSide(p1,p2, a,b)
cp1 = CrossProduct(b-a, p1-a)
cp2 = CrossProduct(b-a, p2-a)
if DotProduct(cp1, cp2) >= 0 then return true
else return false
Thank you everyone for your help I think I got the hang of it now, I wish I could accept multiple answers.
If you are having to carry out loads of check, I would shy away from using square root functions: they are computationally expensive. for comparison purposes, just multiply everything by itself and you can bypass the square rooting:
magnitude of vector = length of vector
If vector is defined as float[3] length can be calculated as follows:
double magnitude = sqrt( a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2] );
However that is expensive computationally so I would use
double magnitudeSquared = a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2];
Then modify any comparative calculations to use the squared version of the distance or magnitude and it will be more performant.
For the cross product, please forgive me if this maths is shaky, it has been a couple of years since I wrote functions for this (code re-use is great but terrible for remembering things):
double c[3];
c[0] = ( a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1] );
c[1] = ( a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2] );
c[2] = ( a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0] );
To simplify it all I would put a vec3d in a class of its own, with a very simple representation being:
class vec3d
float x, y, z;
vec3d crossProduct(vec3d secondVector)
vec3d retval;
retval.x = (this.y * secondVector.z)-(secondVector.y * this.z);
retval.y = -(this.x * secondVector.z)+(secondVector.x * this.z);
retval.z = (this.x * secondVector.y)-(this.y * secondVector.x);
return retval;
// to get the unit vector divide by a vectors length...
void normalise() // this will make the vector into a 1 unit long variant of itself, or a unit vector
if(fabs(x) > 0.0001){
x= x / this.magnitude();
if(fabs(y) > 0.0001){
y= y / this.magnitude();
if(fabs(z) > 0.0001){
z = / this.magnitude();
double magnitude()
return sqrt((x*x) + (y*y) + (z*z));
double magnitudeSquared()
return ((x*x) + (y*y) + (z*z));
A fuller implementation of a vec3d class can be had from one of my old 2nd year coding excercises: .h file and .cpp file.
And here is a minimalist 2d implementation (doing this off the top of my head so forgive the terse code please, and let me know if there are errors):
#ifndef VEC2D_H
#define VEC2D_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Vec2D {
double x, y;
Vec2D(); // default, takes no args
Vec2D(double, double); // user can specify init values
void setX(double);
void setY(double);
double getX() const;
double getY() const;
double getMagnitude() const;
double getMagnitudeSquared() const;
double getMagnitude2() const;
Vec2D normalize() const;
double crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector);
Vec2D crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector);
friend Vec2D operator+(const Vec2D&, const Vec2D&);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream&, const Vec2D&);
double dotProduct(const Vec2D, const Vec2D);
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#include "Vec2D.h"
// Constructors
Vec2D::Vec2D() { x = y = 0.0; }
Vec2D::Vec2D(double a, double b) { x = a; y = b; }
// Mutators
void Vec2D::setX(double a) { x = a; }
void Vec2D::setY(double a) { y = a; }
// Accessors
double Vec2D::getX() const { return x; }
double Vec2D::getY() const { return y; }
double Vec2D::getMagnitude() const { return sqrt((x*x) + (y*y)); }
double Vec2D::getMagnitudeSquared() const { return ((x*x) + (y*y)); }
double Vec2D::getMagnitude2 const { return getMagnitudeSquared(); }
double Vec2d::crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector) { return ((this.x * secondVector.getY())-(this.y * secondVector.getX()));}
Vec2D crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector) {return new Vec2D(this.y,-(this.x));}
Vec2D Vec2D::normalize() const { return Vec2D(x/getMagnitude(), y/getMagnitude());}
Vec2D operator+(const Vec2D& a, const Vec2D& b) { return Vec2D(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);}
ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const Vec2D& a) { output << "(" << a.x << ", " << a.y << ")" << endl; return output;}
double dotProduct(const Vec2D a, const Vec2D b) { return a.getX() * b.getX() + a.getY() * b.getY();}
Check if a point is inside a triangle described by three vectors:
float calculateSign(Vec2D v1, Vec2D v2, Vec2D v3)
return (v1.getX() - v3.getX()) * (v2.getY() - v3.getY()) - (v2.getX() - v3.getX()) * (v1.getY() - v3.getY());
bool isPointInsideTriangle(Vec2D point2d, Vec2D v1, Vec2D v2, Vec2D v3)
bool b1, b2, b3;
// the < 0.0f is arbitrary, could have just as easily been > (would have flipped the results but would compare the same)
b1 = calculateSign(point2d, v1, v2) < 0.0f;
b2 = calculateSign(point2d, v2, v3) < 0.0f;
b3 = calculateSign(point2d, v3, v1) < 0.0f;
return ((b1 == b2) && (b2 == b3));
In the code above if calculateSign is in the triangle you will get a true returned :)
Hope this helps, let me know if you need more info or a fuller vec3d or 2d class and I can post:)
I have added in a small 2d-vector class, to show the differences in the 2d and 3d ones.
The magnitude of a vector is its length. In C++, if you have a vector represented as a double[3], you would calculate the length via
#include <math.h>
double a_length = sqrt( a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2] );
However, I understand what you actually want is the cross product? In that case, you may want to calculate it directly. The result is a vector, i.e. c = a x b.
You code it like this for example:
double c[3];
c[0] = ( a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2] );
c[1] = ( a[3]*b[1] - a[1]*b[3] );
c[2] = ( a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1] );
You can calculate the magnitude of vector by sqrt(x*x + y*y). Also you can calculate the crossproduct simpler: a x b = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x. Checking that a point is inside triangle can be done by counting the areas for all 4 triangles. For example a is the area of the source triangle, b,c,d are areas of other ones. If b + c + d = a then the point is inside. Counting the area of triangle is simple: we have vectors a, b that are vertexes of triangle. The area of triangle then is (a x b) / 2
One simple way without getting into vectors is to check for area.
For example ,lets say you have a rectangle with corners A,B,C,D. and point P.
first calculate the area of rectangle, simply find height and width of the rectangle and multiply.
| /
| /
|/____ C
For calculating the height,width take one point lets say A, find its distance from all other three points i.e AB,AC,AD 1st and 2nd minimum will be width,and height, max will be diagonal length.
Now store the points from which you get the height, width, lets says those points are B,C.
So now you know how rectangle looks, i.e
B _____ D
| |
Then calculate the sum of area of triangles ACP,ABP,BDP,CDP (use heros formula to compute area of rectangle), if it equals to the area of rectangle, point P is inside else outside the rectangle.

How do I delete the closest "Point" object in a STD::List to some x,y?

I have a point class like:
class Point {
int x, y;
Point(int x1, int y1)
x = x1;
y = y1;
and a list of points:
std::list <Point> pointList;
std::list <Point>::iterator iter;
I'm pushing points on to my pointList (although the list might contain no Points yet if none have been pushed yet).
I have two questions:
How can I delete the closest point to some arbitrary (x, y) from the list?
Lets say I have the x,y (5,12) and I want to find the Point in the list closest to that point and remove it from the STD::List.
I know I'll have to use the distance formula and I'll have to iterate through the list using an iterator but I'm having some trouble conceptualizing how I'll keep track of which point is the closest as I iterate through the list.
How can I return an array or list of points within x radius of a given (x,y)?
Similar to the last question except I need a list of pointers to the "Point" objects within say 5 radius of a given (x,y). Also, should I return an array or a List?
If anyone can help me out, I'm still struggling my way through C++ and I appreciate it.
Use a std::list::iterator variable to keep track of the closest point as you loop through the list. When you get to the end of the list it will contain the closest point and can be used to erase the item.
void erase_closest_point(const list<Point>& pointList, const Point& point)
if (!pointList.empty())
list<Point>::iterator closestPoint = pointList.begin();
float closestDistance = sqrt(pow(point.x - closestPoint->x, 2) +
pow(point.y - closestPoint->y, 2));
// for each point in the list
for (list<Point>::iterator it = closestPoint + 1;
it != pointList.end(); ++it)
const float distance = sqrt(pow(point.x - it->x, 2) +
pow(point.y - it->y, 2));
// is the point closer than the previous best?
if (distance < closestDistance)
// replace it as the new best
closestPoint = it;
closestDistance = distance
Building a list of points within a radius of a given point is similar. Note that an empty radius list is passed into the function by reference. Adding the points to the list by reference will eliminate the need for copying all of the points when returning the vector by value.
void find_points_within_radius(vector<Point>& radiusListOutput,
const list<Point>& pointList,
const Point& center, float radius)
// for each point in the list
for (list<Point>::iterator it = pointList.begin();
it != pointList.end(); ++it)
const float distance = sqrt(pow(center.x - it->x, 2) +
pow(center.y - it->y, 2));
// if the distance from the point is within the radius
if (distance > radius)
// add the point to the new list
Again using copy if:
struct RadiusChecker {
RadiusChecker(const Point& center, float radius)
: center_(center), radius_(radius) {}
bool operator()(const Point& p)
const float distance = sqrt(pow(center_.x - p.x, 2) +
pow(center_.y - p.y, 2));
return distance < radius_;
const Point& center_;
float radius_;
void find_points_within_radius(vector<Point>& radiusListOutput,
const list<Point>& pointList,
const Point& center, float radius)
remove_copy_if(pointList.begin(), pointList.end(),
RadiusChecker(center, radius));
Note that the sqrt can be removed if you need extra performance since the square of the magnitude works just as well for these comparisons. Also, if you really want to increase performance than consider a data structure that allows for scene partitioning like a quadtree. The first problem is closely related to collision detection and there is a ton of valuable information about that topic available.
You are right on how it should be made. Just iterate through all items in the list and keep track of the smallest distance already found, and the nearest point you found in two variables, making sure you don't match the point with itself if the problem states so. Then just delete the point you found.
How this is exactly made is kept as an exercise.
If you want to get a list of points in a given radius from another point, iterate the list and build a second list containing only the points within the specified range.
Again, how it's made in code is left to you as an exercise.
You can do this using a combination of the STL and Boost.Iterators and Boost.Bind -- I'm pasting the whole source of the solution to your problem here for your convenience:
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
struct Point {
int x, y;
Point() : x(0), y(0) {}
Point(int x1, int y1) : x(x1), y(y1) {}
Point(Point const & other) : x(other.x), y(other.y) {}
Point & operator=(Point rhs) { rhs.swap(*this); return *this; }
void swap(Point & other) { std::swap(other.x, x); std::swap(other.y, y); }
double point_distance(Point const & first, Point const & second) {
double x1 = first.x;
double x2 = second.x;
double y1 = first.y;
double y2 = second.y;
return sqrt( ((x2 - x1) * (x2 -x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) );
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
list<Point> points;
points.push_back(Point(1, 1));
points.push_back(Point(2, 2));
points.push_back(Point(3, 3));
Point source(0, 0);
list<Point>::const_iterator closest =
bind(point_distance, source, _1)
bind(point_distance, source, _1)
assert(closest == points.begin());
return 0;
The meat of the solution is to transform each element in the list using the transform iterator using the point_distance function and then get the minimum distance from all the distances. You can do this while traversing the list, and in the end reach into the transform_iterator to get the base iterator (using the base() member function).
Now that you have that iterator, you can replace the assert(closest == points.begin()) with points.erase(closest).
I agree with the previous solution, and just wanted to add another thought. Although your Point class isn't very large and so a copy isn't really a problem, you might consider using Point* for your list. This way, when you create your second list, you would store the pointer to the same class. The down-side of this would be if you were deleting from multiple lists without a "master" that manages all created points, you could either create a memory leak if you didn't delete the underlying class or accidentally delete a class that was still being used in another list. Something to consider, though, depending on how your system evolves.
You have to keep the iterator to delete it afterwards.
std::list<Point>::iterator closest;
std::list<Point>::iterator it = pointList.begin();
double min_dist=dist(your_point, *it);
for (; it != pointList.end(); ++it)
double actual_dist = dist(your_point, *it);
if (actual_dist < min_dist)
min_dist = actual_dist;
closest = it;