Create regExp to textField in QML - c++

I need a regExp to a textField who will receive a ip and mask, something like that: "". It's necessary, if field is empty, return 0: example -
I have that:
Custom.VisTextField{implicitWidth: 200; implicitHeight: 30
id: ipValue
inputMask: ";0"
But when field is empty i receive nothing, example: 192.168..12

I search in many fonts to discover a resolution, but i realize a conflict with inputMask and regEx. I solved using something like that:
Custom.VisTextField{implicitWidth: 200; implicitHeight: 30
id: ipValue
regExp: /^(([01 ]?[ 0-9]?[0-9 ]|2([ 0-4][0-9 ]|5[ 0-5]))\.){3}([01 ]?[ 0-9]?[0-9 ]|2([ 0-4][0-9 ]|5[ 0-5]))\/(([0-2 ]?[ 0-9]|3([0 ]))\.)$/
inputMask: ""


Input mask through directive

I want an input to follow the following format:
We use angular 2.4 so we don't have the pattern directive available and I cannot use external libraries (primeNG).
So I'm trying to make a directive for that:
#HostListener('keyup', ['$event']) onKeyUp(event) {
var newVal = this.el.nativeElement.value.replace(/\D/g, '');
var rawValue = newVal;
// show default format for empty value
if(newVal.length === 0) {
newVal = '00:00';
// don't show colon for empty groups at the end
else if(newVal.length === 1) {
newVal = newVal.replace(/^(\d{1})/, '00:0$1');
} else {
newVal = newVal.replace(/^(\d{2})(\d{2})/, '$1:$2');
// set the new value
this.el.nativeElement.value = newVal;
This works for the first 2 digits I enter.
Starting string:
Pressing numpad 1:
pressing numpad 2:
But on the third digit I get:
Instead of 01:23 and 00:1234 instead of 12:34
Backspace works as expected.
Is there a solution to this problem using only a directive?
In the last rejex try replace(/^(\d{0,2})(\d{0,2})/g, '$1:$2'). Hope this will help.

Matching parameters of a function with Regex

What I have so far: \w+\(((".+")|(\d+))+\)I'm not sure how to go about matching more than one paramter separated by a comma. How can I capture the parameters (and function names) of the following test cases?
scroll(55, 13,"foo","bar")
For example, in the last one the groups must be scroll, 55, 13, "foo", and "bar".
Edit: Language is AS3
Try this lengthy regex:
The code above is set to capture up to five parameters. You can adjust that by adding/removing this code (?:[,\s]+(\"?\w+\"?))? based on your needs.
i hope i'm in right way
you want to split for example
this: scroll ( 55, 13, "foo", "bar" )
to its function name and arguments like
this: scroll ( 55, 13, "foo", "bar" )
a better result of expression:
i just assume additional white spaces for more accuracy
the regex fot would be :
[^\t (,)]
Okay, you may not like it, but it's flawless as long as you have ExternalInterface backed with JS available. And it's funny. (While doing this with reg exps is the opposite of fun.)
The idea is to let JS do its eval. The manual says you have to pass a function name to, which is not true: pass just any code that evaluates to a function reference. This way you can inject any JS code into the page where your SWF resides (which is why AllowScriptAccess is such a terribly dangerous attribute).
public class Test extends Sprite
public function Test()
var test = "scroll(55, 13,\"foo\",\"bar\", \"now(), we are \\\"screwed\\\")\")";
var details = parseFunctionCall(test);
for (var i = 1; i<details.length; i++) {
trace("\t"+i+": "+typeof(details[i])+" "+details[i]);
private function parseFunctionCall(input:String):Array
if (ExternalInterface.available) {
var split:RegExp = /^(\w+)\((.+)\)$/;
var info = split.exec(input);
var inject = "(function(){return ["+info[2]+"];})";
var params =;
return params;
return null;
1: number 55
2: number 13
3: string foo
4: string bar
5: string now(), we are "screwed")

UI-grid grouping auto expand

Does anybody know how to automatically expand a UI-grid that is performing a grouping? I need the grid to open up and start up with it being completely expanded.
Their API and Tutorial reference doesn't explain explicitly enough for me to understand.
My HTML div
<div id="grid1" ui-grid="resultsGrid" class="myGrid" ui-grid-grouping></div>
My Javascript
$scope.resultsGrid = {
,columnDefs: [
{ field:'PhoneNum', name:'Phone'},
{ field:'Extension', name:'Extension'},
{ name:'FirstName'},
{ field:'DeptDesc', grouping: {groupPriority: 0}}
,onRegisterApi: function(gridApi)
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
you just need to add
//expand all rows when loading the grid, otherwise it will only display the totals only
$scope.gridApi.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(function() {
in your onRegisterApi: function(gridApi)that should be updated like this onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) so your function will be like this
$scope.resultsGrid.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
//set gridApi on scope
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
//expand all rows when loading the grid, otherwise it will only display the totals only
$scope.gridApi.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(function() {
or you can add botton to expand data like shown in this plunker
My Module - I had to add ui.gridl.selection
My Controller - Amongh the other Dependency Injected items, I also had to add $timeout
.controller('myCtrl', function(`$`timeout)){}
The closest analogy would the selection tutorial, in which we select the first row after the data finishes loading:
.success(function(data) {
$ = data;
$timeout(function() {
The key understanding is that you can't select (or expand) data that hasn't been loaded yet. So you wait for the data to return from $http, then you give it to the grid, and you wait for 1 digest cycle for the grid to ingest the data and render it - this is what the $timeout does. Then you can call the api to select (or in your case, expand) the data.
So for you, you'd probably have:
.success(function(data) {
$ = data;
$timeout(function() {
If you're on the latest unstable, that call will change to $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows.

ASP.NET MVC Custom route regex to catch a substring of items and check for their existence

I'm trying to create a custom route for URL with the following format:
Basically, there could be a random amount of item_[n], for example
With my custom route I would like to retrieve an array of items and do some logic (validate and add some specific information to request context) with them.
For example from [http://domain/nodes/1/25/11/45] I would like to get an array of [1, 25, 11, 45] and process it.
So, I have 2 problems here.
The first one is a question actually. Am I looking in the right direction? Or there could be an easier way to accomplish this (maybe without custom routes)?
The second problem is matching incoming url with a regex pattern. Could someone help me with it?
Thanks in advance :)
To solve your problem I think that a way could be to create a routing class and then handle the params accordinlgy.
public class CustomRouting : RouteBase
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
RouteData result = null;
var repository = new FakeRouteDB(); //Use you preferred DI injector
string requestUrl = httpContext.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
string[] sections = requestUrl.Split('/');
from here you work on the array you just created
you can check every single part
if (sections.Count() == 2 && sections[1] == "")
return null; // ~/
if (sections.Count() > 2) //2 is just an example
result = new RouteData(this, new MvcRouteHandler());
result.Values.Add("controller", "Products");
result.Values.Add("action", "Edit");
result.Values.Add("itmes0", sections[1]);
if (sections.Count() >= 3)
result.Values.Add("item2", sections[2]);
//I can prepare a default route
result = new RouteData(this, new MvcRouteHandler());
result.Values.Add("controller", "Home");
result.Values.Add("action", "Index");
return result;
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
//I just work with outbound so it's ok here to do nothing
return null;
In the global.asax
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.Add(new CustomRouting());
routes.MapRoute("Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
This should give you an idea of what I think. Hope it helps
I can't help you with the first part of your question, but I can have a go at creating the regex.
In your example all the items are digits - is that the only option ? If not, please provide more info on possible characters.
For now the regex would be:
(?:) is a non capturing group, () is a capturing group.
If you match all occurences, then you'll end up with groups 1-n, where each group will contain the matched number (group number 0 will be the whole match).

Tinymce editor gallery plugin Regexp problem?

I am using tinymce editor for inserting contents to mysql.
I have changed wordpress gallery editor plugin according to my system.
If there is gallery code in content. I convert this code to a symbolic photo, so that user understand there is a gallery , in stead of seeing a code. Like wordpress does.
If there is only 1 gallery in content, i convert this code to image successfully, but if there is more than 1 gallery it fails.
How can i convert all {gallery} code into a symbolic image before saving to db and convert these photos back to {gallery} code again while inserting or updating into mysql.
I am so bad on regular expression.
I think do_gallery RegExp has mistake. How should i change this.
initalising editor like:
ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
ed.dom.loadCSS(url + "/css/gallery.css");
o.content = t._do_gallery(o.content);
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.get)
o.content = t._get_gallery(o.content);
My "do and get gallery" codes like that:
_do_gallery : function(co) {
return co.replace(/\{gallery([^\]]*)\}/g, function(a,b){
var image = '<img src="gallery.gif" class="wpGallery mceItem" title="gallery'+tinymce.DOM.encode(b)+'" />';
return image;
_get_gallery : function(co) {
function getAttr(s, n) {
n = new RegExp(n + '="([^"]+)"', 'g').exec(s);
return n ? tinymce.DOM.decode(n[1]) : '';
return co.replace(/(?:<p{^>}*>)*(<img[^>]+>)(?:<\/p>)*/g, function(a,im) {
var cls = getAttr(im, 'class');
if ( cls.indexOf('wpGallery') != -1 )
return '<p>{'+tinymce.trim(getAttr(im, 'title'))+'}</p>';
return a;
If Content is:
<p>{gallery Name="gallery1" id="82" galeryID="15" sizeId="6" galery_type="list"}</p>
this is ok
<img src="gallery.gif" class="wpGallery mceItem" title="gallery Name="tekne1" id="82" galeryID="15" sizeId="6" galery_type="liste"" />
But, if content is:
<p>{gallery Name="gallery1" id="82" galeryID="15" sizeId="6" galery_type="list"}</p>
<p>{gallery Name="gallery2" id="88" galeryID="11" sizeId="1" galery_type="slide"}</p>
it logs
<img src="gallery.gif" class="wpGallery mceItem" title="gallery Name="gallery1" id="82" galeryID="15" sizeId="6" galery_type="list"}</p> <p>test</p> <p>{gallery Name="gallery2" id="88" galeryID="11" sizeId="1" galery_type="slide"" />
I hope i could explain my problem
Thank you.
I suspect that your original regex is a typo, looks like a missing Shift when you hit the ]. Try this:
Then the ([^\}]*) part will (greedily) eat up any sequence of characters that aren't }; your original one would consume any sequence of character that didn't include a ] and the result is that you'd grab everything between the first { and the last } rather than just grabbing the text between pairs of braces.