what is best used to optimize sfml project? - c++

do 2d project simulator life. When there are many organisms, the project begins to hang, resulting in a marked decrease in the speed of organisms. What can you recommend? Perhaps the use of shaders to draw or there is something really useful?

It's gonna be difficult to help you without your code but I can still give you a few advices based on my own experience.
Since you're working with many "entities", there is probably some kind of interaction between these entities. If that is the case, a Quadtree (or a simple grid) could help lower the complexity of your algorithm.
But most of the time, SFML applications are slow due to inefficient rendering. There are a few ways to decrease rendering time :
Drawing everything at once (putting all your vertices in one array and draw that once instead of drawing a thousand rectangles one by one)
Drawing simpler objects (ex.: points instead of rectangles)
Drawing less often; You don't have to draw every time you update. Have a clock measuring the time since the last update and draw when the time (1/60th of a second for 60 FPS) is exceeded.
I don't know much about shaders but they seem a bit overkill for the job you wanna do.


SDL 2 collision detetection

I am creating a physics simulator of sorts and I have thousands of point-like objects (single pixels) moving at the same time. The way I have this setup currently is each point moving only one pixel per frame, which makes it easy to keep track of them in a two dimensional array and check if they're going to collide. However, this solution doesn't permit frame independent movement, which is necessary, because the collision detection is very slow. What is the most efficient way of doing collision detection in this case?
Okay, first things first:
On any modern OS, your app will be either
Sharing processor time with another app, or the OS itself, which is about the same thing
Doing different amounts of work at different times - like, loading assets in the background, rebuilding collision trees, or playing Pac-Man
Fighting the flying toasters
Also, you never know what kind of hardware your app, if distributed, will be running on. This entails lots of headaches, but the first and foremost is that you never know, at compile time, how much real time has elapsed between frames.
(A funny situation recently arose when a customer wanted an orbital calculation to be correct after he had closed his laptop, got on a plane, and reopened it. Easy enough to fix, but you might want to anticipate a 12 hour per frame situation.)
So, how do you deal with this?
Any framework will provide a timer of some sort. I'm not sure how SDL handles this, but typically, on Windows, you'd use GetTickCount() to get the elapsed milliseconds between frames. Each particle has a velocity, expressed in units per second. (Please use meters. Save the world the pain of Units Of user1868866).
When moving the particle,
pos += velocity * elapsed_time;
Or, as a concrete example, if I am in a car moving at 50 mph,
position += 50 miles/hr * 2 hr = 100 miles.
Doing this will solve the problem where particles are moving in frame time instead of simulation/game/real time.
Now, the collision-detection problem. Since we're working in 2D here...
With more than a handful of objects, you can't compare every object to every other object in a reasonable amount of time to see if they collide.
So, we have fancy things like Quadtrees. The idea is to partition your space recursively into quadrants, each of which is really a data structure that somehow "contains" all of the items that fall within its bounds. Then, you only have to check for collision between items within the same quadtree node.
Implementation of a quadtree for your specific applicatino is way, way too long to be appropriate for an SO answer, but I encourage you to research it, try and implement it, and come back here with any issues you have. Another great resource is gamedev.stackexchange.com, which is more game/graphics focused than SO.
Good luck.

2D pixel-perfect collision detection with opengl

I'm writing a 2D, sprite-based game and I'm having a hard time with making collision detection. First of all, I am well aware of other methods and in fact I'm using Box2D's quadtree queries to filter out non-overlapping sprites. So pixel-perfect detection would be used only on sprites that were found to overlap and would be used only a few times per frame. The sprites are rotating but not scaling.
The problem is I need it done with pixels because the sprites can change over time and making and using e.g. Box2D's geometric shapes for approximate the bitmap will get really complicated.
I did some research and found out these methods are possible in OpenGL in order to check if any pixels with non-zero alpha channel overlap:
1) Rendering sprites to a texture/buffer with e.g. 50% alpha and proper blending function, copying the result to RAM and checking if there's any pixel with alpha greater with e.g. 80%.
This method is simple but as I checked copying back is extremely slow.
2) Using OpenGL's occlusion query.
From what I found out on the net occlusion queries can be tricky (plus sometimes you need to wait until the next frame to get the result) and buggy on some graphic cards. The fact such queries don't produce results immediately is a deal breaker because of how the game is designed to work.
3) Shaders and atomic counters.
I'm not sure if it would work but it seems that using a fragment shader when rendering a second sprite that would increase an atomic counter each time it overwrites something and then checking the counter's value on the CPU side could be a solution. The only problem is that atomic counters are pretty new and 2,3-years old machines may not support them.
Is there something I missed? Or should I just forgot about using GPU and write my own renderer just for collision detection on CPU?
Atomic Counters is an appropriate way to do this on the GPU. Since you're going to be checking many many pixels, you might as well do this in parallel. The big performance question here is asynchronously reading it back, but this depends on how you make your engine of course.
With OpenGL 4.2 you can use atomic counters. Check if your graphics card supports this, it's quite possible it does, you should check this.

Tilemap 2D realistic fluid physics

I'm interested in trying to create realistic fluids (water), for a 2D game. This game is similar to Terraria. I have heard about how you can slap a bunch of colliding particles on the scene and render over it and voila, realistic acting water.
Terraria uses tile based water, which I am not a fan of.. I want something more advanced.
I thought about using bullet 3D physics (box2d has limits I would hit). For non colliding particle effects, I am thinking about using something like SPARK, since I think that'd give me the best of both worlds.
The issue I am thinking about, is that each block is 16x16, so on a 1600x900 scene, there are about 5 thousand tiles.
So I need to tell the physics engine that these tiles are collidable. Of course, there are void tiles that are considered to be non collidable.
Does anyone have ideas on this? Language is C++, I doubt that's relevant though.
EDIT: i think i'm going to have to cave in and use grid based water. I suppose, in retrospect particle based just makes everything more difficult but for what gain?
Your question is about tiled fluids, but you seem to actually be asking about a particle based approach.
If that's the case, what you're looking for is "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics", or SPH, which is a very popular technique for 2D and 3D fluid simulations in realtime situations.
Yes, it's basically just a particle system, with each particle responding to the forces in your environment (gravity, collisions etc.) in a reasonable (mathematically stable) way, combined with a constraint that they must stay a certain distance apart in order that the fluid is incompressible.
You can render the particles as points, if you have enough of them, or you can use them as a source for deriving a surface (for example using marching-cubes, though in 2D I wouldn't worry about that).
It has the advantage of being relatively easy to code, and indeed to accelerate on a GPU.
Indeed I think they're probably a better approach than trying some kind of tile-based approach, and you get some more interesting results, such as spray kicking up, waves kicking against the edges of objects, etc. It's not too hard to get something pleasing working, I'd give it a go.

How to scale to resolution in SDL?

I'm writing a 2D platformer game using SDL with C++. However I have encountered a huge issue involving scaling to resolution. I want the the game to look nice in full HD so all the images for the game have been created so that the natural resolution of the game is 1920x1080. However I want the game to scale down to the correct resolution if someone is using a smaller resolution, or to scale larger if someone is using a larger resolution.
The problem is I haven't been able to find an efficient way to do this.I started by using the SDL_gfx library to pre-scale all images but this doesn't work as it creates a lot of off-by-one errors, where one pixel was being lost. And since my animations are contained in one image when the animation would play the animation would slightly move up or down each frame.
Then after some looking round I have tried using opengl to handle the scaling. Currently my program draws all the images to a SDL_Surface that is 1920x1080. It then converts this surface to a opengl texture, scales this texture to the screen resolution, then draws the texture. This works fine visually but the problem is that its not efficient at all. Currently I am getting a max fps of 18 :(
So my question is does anyone know of an efficient way to scale the SDL display to the screen resolution?
It's inefficient because OpenGL was not designed to work that way. Main performance problems with current design:
First problem: You're software rasterizing with SDL. Sorry, but no matter what you do with this configuration, that will be a bottleneck. At a resolution of 1920x1080, you have 2,073,600 pixels to color. Assuming it takes you 10 clock cycles to shade each 4-channel pixel, on a 2GHz processor you're running a maximum of 96.4 fps. That doesn't sound bad, except you probably can't shade pixels that fast, and you still haven't done AI, user input, game mechanics, sound, physics, and everything else, and you're probably drawing over some pixels at least once anyway. SDL_gfx may be quick, but for large resolutions, the CPU is just fundamentally overtasked.
Second problem: Each frame, you're copying data across the graphics bus to the GPU. This is the slowest thing you can possibly do graphics-wise. Image data is probably the worst of that, because there's typically so much of it. Basically, each frame you're telling the GPU to copy two million some pixels from RAM to VRAM. According to Wikipedia, you can expect, for 2,073,600 pixels at 4 bytes each, no more than 258.9 fps, which again doesn't sound bad until you remember everything else you need to do.
My recommendation: switch your application completely to OpenGL. This removes the need to render to a texture and copy to the screen--just render directly to the screen! Also, scaling is handled automatically by your view matrix (glOrtho/gluOrtho2D for 2D), so you don't have to care about the scaling issue at all--your viewport will just show everything at the same scale. This is the ideal solution to your problem.
Now, it comes with the one major drawback that you have to recode everything with OpenGL draw commands (which is work, but not too hard, especially in the long run). Short of that, you can try the following ideas to improve speed:
PBOs. Pixel buffer objects can be used to address problem two by making texture loading/copying asynchronous.
Multithread your rendering. Most CPUs have at least two cores and on newer chips two register states can be saved for a single core (Hyperthreading). You're essentially duplicating how the GPU solves the rendering problem (have a lot of threads going). I'm not sure how thread safe SDL_gfx is, but I bet that something could be worked out, especially if you're only working on different parts of the image at the same time.
Make sure you pay attention to what place your draw surface is in SDL. It should probably be SDL_SWSURFACE (because you're drawing on the CPU).
Remove VSync. This can improve performance, even if you're not running at 60Hz
Make sure you're drawing your original texture--DO NOT scale it up or down to a new one. Draw it at a different size, and let the rasterizer do the work!
Sporadically update: Only update half the image at a time. This will probably close to double your "framerate", and it's (usually) not noticeable.
Similarly, only update the changing parts of the image.
Hope this helps.

Asynchronous screen update to gameplay logic, C++

I am programming a game using Visual C++ 2008 Express and the Ogre3D sdk.
My core gameplay logic is designed to run at 100 times/second. For simplicity, I'll say it's a method called 'gamelogic()'. It is not time-based, which means if I want to "advance" game time by 1 second, I have to call 'gamelogic()' 100 times. 'gamelogic()' is lightweight in comparison to the game's screen rendering.
Ogre has a "listener" logic that informs your code when it's about to draw a frame and when it has finished drawing a frame. If I just call 'gamelogic()' just before the frame rendering, then the gameplay will be greatly affected by screen rendering speed, which could vary from 5fps to 120 fps.
The easy solution that comes to mind is : calculate the time elapsed since last rendered frame and call 'gamelogic()' this many times before the next frame: 100 * timeElapsedInSeconds
However, I pressume that the "right" way to do it is with multithreading; have a separate thread that runs 'gamelogic()' 100 times/sec.
The question is, how do I achieve this and what can be done when there is a conflict between the 2 separate threads : gamelogic changing screen content (3d object coordinates) while Ogre is rendering the screen at the same time .
Many thanks in advance.
If this is your first game application, using multi-threading to achieve your results might be more work than you should really tackle on your first game. Sychronizing a game loop and render loop in different threads is not an easy problem to solve.
As you correctly point out, rendering time can greatly affect the "speed" of your game. I would suggest that you do not make your game logic dependent on a set time slice (i.e. 1/100 of a second). Make it dependent on the current frametime (well, the last frametime since you don't know how long your current frame will take to render).
Typically I would write something like below (what I wrote is greatly simplified):
float Frametime = 1.0f / 30.0f;
while(1) {
game_loop(Frametime); // maniuplate objects, etc.
render_loop(); // render the frame
Where Frametime is the calculcated frametime that the current frame took. When you process your game loop you are using the frametime from the previous frame (so set the initial value to something reasonable, like 1/30th or 1/15th of a second). Running it on the previous frametime is close enough to get you the results that you need. Run your game loop using that time frame, then render your stuff. You might have to change the logic in your game loop to not assume a fixed time interval, but generally those kinds of fixes are pretty easy.
Asynchoronous game/render loops may be something that you ultimately need, but that is a tough problem to solve. It involves taking snapshops of objects and their relevant data, putting those snapshots into a buffer and then passing the buffer to the rendering engine. That memory buffer will have to be correctly partitioned around critical sections to avoid having the game loop write to it while the render loop is reading from it. You'll have to take care to make sure that you copy all relevant data into the buffer before passing to the render loop. Additionally, you'll have to write logic to stall either the game or render loops while waiting for one or the other to complete.
This complexity is why I suggest writing it in a more serial manner first (unless you have experience, which you might). The reason being is that doing it the "easy" way first will force you to learn about how your code works, how the rendering engine works, what kind of data the rendering engine needs, etc. Multithreading knowledge is defintely required in complex game development these days, but knowing how to do it well requires indepth knowledge of how game systems interact with each other.
There's not a whole lot of benefit to your core game logic running faster than the player can respond. About the only time it's really useful is for physics simulations, where running at a fast, fixed time step can make the sim behave more consistently.
Apart from that, just update your game loop once per frame, and pass in a variable time delta instead of relying on the fixed one. The benefit you'll get from doing multithreading is minimal compared to the cost, especially if this is your first game.
Double buffering your render-able objects is an approach you could explore. Meaning, the rendering component is using 1 buffer which is updated when all game actions have updated the relevant object in the 2nd buffer.
But personally I don't like it, I'd (and have, frequently) employ Mark's approach.