aws with an external rabbitmq broker - amazon-web-services

We have a provider that wants to relay information information through RabbitMQ.
Our system is completely on AWS and we runs on managed services. Example API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB, we would like to have a listener (consumer) of messages on the broker and we write into our DynamoDB.
Is this possible to do with some managed AWS Service? I have googled a lot on this theme but only find things on installing a message broker within AWS.
It would be great is someone could point me to the correct direction.


How to create a unique IOT Thing on AWS automatically through a Flutter app?

I am working on a project wherein a mobile app (Flutter app) should create a unique identity (IOT thing) of my IOT device machine (on AWS) as soon as the user logins onto the app and also it should establish a connection (and subsequent communications) with the isolated IOT device after its configuration (Somewhat similar to Google Home configuration process).
The process starts with user logging onto the app (using AWS Amplify/Congnito to automatically add the user account in the cloud). Subsequently, the app needs to configure the IOT device (ESP32) and send Wifi credentials of home network by connecting to ESP's WiFi AP. However, since both the app and IOT device are isolated from each other (except during the configuration process), I don't have much idea on how exactly will mobile app connect (creating a unique IOT thing automatically) and communicate with the isolated IOT device over AWS IOT cloud.
I have worked with some of the AWS services like AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, AWS IOT for quite a while, hence I am aware of the basics. One of the possible solutions for the above maybe Fleet Provisioning by a Trusted User feature provided by AWS IOT (I did read it's documentation, but still confused). We can also use ESP32's Bluetooth feature for the app to scan nearby devices with which it needs to connect with, but I am not sure how will the connection establish through AWS cloud.
Since I am a beginner to AWS cloud services, it'd be great if someone can provide a possible solution for the above in detail. Also if possible, please provide a solution which would work incase of a large-scale deployment of the above project.
The parts you may be missing are missing are 1) MQTT messaging, which is the IoT message broker service provided by IoT Core, and 2) the need for an application program interface to handle creating and activating devices.
MQTT is a lightweight and widely adopted messaging protocol that is designed for constrained devices.
Your devices (things) will need to communicate back to AWS via MQTT messages, which are captured and processed by the IoT Rules service.
These rules typically trigger Lambda functions, which implement the process logic you need for your application.
See and
2} you will want to implement a simple API to handle device activation. The AWS API Gateway service makes it easy to implement APIs. For example, you can implement an endpoint for POST /device/ to create a device. That endpoint can trigger a Lambda handles device provisionsing.

Is it possible for on-premise application to push(publish) messages directly to AWS Eventbridge /EventBus?

Say you have a bunch of on premise applications (that are your potential publishers).. can we have them (sitting in some private network), publish message on to an AWS eventBus/eventBridge, so that the target subscribers can take it forward from there... Does hybrid AWS help here?
If so, can you share some links on achieving the same
That should be very straight forward - you can use the put events endpoint of any AWS SDK for EventBridge.
You'll need an IAM user with which to call the API via access key/secret key.
From a networking perspective, you'll need to be able to hit the AWS API endpoints.
Here's the method to use in Python.

Understanding AWS IoT from an Application perspective

I understand Aws IoT from a device perspective that it should connect with a certificate and sync with its shadow and push messages to topics. But I struggle to understand from the perspective of a Web App or a Mobile App. My basic questions are,
How to register an Application with AWS IoT?
What is the Authentication and Authorization mechanism for Applications?
How to grant an App access to a set of devices?
How can the App listen to messages from devices of interest?
How can the App send a command to device? I understand this is by
updating Device's shadow?
Generally, if you want to connect any application (Mobile, Web,...) to any AWS Services, you should consider two things. First, using AWS SDKs which you can find them here. Second, the application should have correct Authentication and Authorization attached to a user/group defined in IAM or Cognito.
In regards to your questions:
For registering an application in AWS IoT, first it should be defined as an IoT thing and with correct policies, it can publish/subscribe to topics. Consider that, you should put certificates into the device. For connecting to AWS IoT services you can use AWS IoT SDKs, more information can be found here.
2 & 3. It depends on your project. You can define your application to have access to a specific thing in AWS IoT or you can define it to access all things in AWS IoT service (using IAM, Cognito or Temporary Security Credentials). You should consider correct policies for your application. You can find more information about authentication and authorization for AWS IoT here.
AWS IoT has MQTT broker which handles the communication between entities that publish or subscribe to a topics. So if the application wants to get data from specific device, it should subscribe to the topic that things publish to.
It can be done by publishing data to a topic which thing has subscribed to.
Thing shadow is actually the digital twin of actual thing so it should contains information which is related to the thing such as available resources, etc.

Using AWS for real time location sahring and tracking

Brief Solution:
I am storing IOT Device location and Service Provider Cars location in Dynamo DB via AWS Kinesis.
I am mapping One User with a specific service providers Cars and dispatching the Car to user’s shared location.
Problem: I need to track these mapped (service provider car and user location) on real time on service provider dashboard.
1. Does DynamoDB offers any direct API to publish and track these location real time?
2. Do I need to expose these mapped location and track then on dashboard via AWS Kinesis? Does AWS Kinesis offer such APIs?
Any suggestions?
If you are using MQTT IoT Core from AWS you have other options.
Subscribe to MQTT topic directly via WebSockets by AWS JS library.
You can Use Cognito to manage users and to have some acces to AWS services, this way you can get credentials to subscribe to the topic in MQTT using WebSockets like this link describe.
Having own Users manager and using a EC2 Instance.
You can create an EC2 instance and put an AppServer with NodeJs for example and use SocketIO to comunicate to the WebBrowser of users with your own manager, this way they can receive realtime info, whatever you want. You can then use an AWS MQTT IoT NodeJS client and subscribe to the topics you want and just send it by WebSockets of SocketIO server (All this in the same WebApp). This way you need to consider number of users and data in traffic. You can have topics by users for example topics like this "car/tracking/mycarId" where mycarId is an unique Id that identifies this user/car and you canonly subscribe to these you want at the same time, this way you are not subscribed to all topics of your cars and you are not receiving innecesary data and you dont need so much proccess.
I have implemented the second one but now Im migrating my realtime block to Cognito and MQTT via WebSockets.
Regards, Héctor

Working with Amazon Web Services

I have to build an online bookstore using AWS using SQS, SES and RDS services as homework but Im at a standstill. I read through the documentations about these services provided by Amazon but I cannot figure out how to make them communicate with each other and how to set up instances with the named services. SQS should be the backbone of this store. RDS should contain users and products in stock and SES is used to notification for the customer. I search google as thoroughly as I could but could not find anything related to my problem. If anyone could give me some pointers or lead me to some reading I may have missed I would be most grateful.
These services talk to each other, but they are functionally separate. You connect to and populate an RDS database the same way you'd connect to and populate any remote MySQL database. SQS and SES both are driven through the AWS API, which you tap into using the Amazon API tools:
You just create your Amazon AWS account, get your access credentials, put them into the environment variables (read the READMEs in the tools downloads) and start using them.
hope that helps.