Coldfusion cfcontent doesn't take me back to my calling page - coldfusion

I'm calling this from a .cfm page to download the excel file and I have added a loading mask to prevent further clicks on the download button, however, once after downloading it doesn't go back to my .cfm page and never stops the loading masks.
cfheader( name="Content-Disposition", value="attachment; filename=#fileName#" );
cfcontent( type="application/", variable="#spreadsheetReadBinary(spreadsheet)#", reset="true" );
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

You're not going to get to any redirect command when using cfcontent. The response from that command is based on the mime-type of the requested content.
You don't get anything other than that content. In your case, once the file is downloaded, then no more CFML code is run on the page.
If your desired workflow is:
Click a link
Download file
Redirect once the file is downloaded.
then you should
Click a link that triggers a fetch request (or jQuery.ajax())
The download will be done via a separate page.
The fetch can redirect to another page once the file is downloaded.
Odds are, you don't need to actually redirect, you just want the file to download
(Sorry, this has been sitting not posted for a few days.)


Microsoft Graph API - Error: The Content-Range header length does not match the provided number of bytes

I am trying to upload a file to the Shared Documents library of my SharePoint website. The files are of type PDF and HTML. I am running a Cold Fusion development environment and using CFHTTP commands to execute HTTP requests. I have been able push a POST command and a PUT command to the proper endpoints listed on this link below:
I do not understand why but the first section that mentions the HTTP requests for creating an upload session is different than what was used in the example a little further. For my project, I am using the endpoint:
P.S. variables.instance.microsoftGraphAPIURL is a variable to a microsoft graph endpoint to our Sharepoint website
With better luck using PUT commands than POST commands for creating an Upload Session. I am able to receive an uploadURL, but the issue comes with trying to upload the file. For the file upload, I am trying to upload a file in the same directory with a file size of 114992 bytes. I keep getting "The Content-Range header length does not match the provided number of bytes." whenever I run my Put command to upload the file.
Thus, my Content-Range is "bytes 0-114991/114992" and my Content-Length is "114992". For the image below, I replaced the file with a pdf, but the original file was an HTML page at 114992 bytes. I want to use a resumable upload session to have one function for uploading image, HTML, and PDF files.
If anyone could tell me if there is an issue with my content headers or my upload session http request or anything else that is causing my issue, that would be amazing! Thank you.

500 internal server error instead of 302 redirect- JMeter

I'm trying to investigate the issue as I mentioned in the subject.
I login to the application and successfully able to land on the home page of my application through my JMeter code.
When I click on "user details" tab , I should be redirected 2 times.
Successfully able to redirect for the first time. For the second redirection I'm getting 500 error code instead of 302 again.
URL for "User details" is a plain URL, doesn't come with any need of correlation.
I have cookie manager with "standard"( tried all other options also on cookie manager)
I see that - cookie value SameSite=None; is also seen at request body along with other values only during the reply of my script(I do not see this in the recorded traffic/even if I cross verify using fiddler).
Would like to know if this can be a problematic. If so how can I remove this.
Try playing with Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects boxes in the HTTP Request sampler
if it doesn't help - be aware that you can extract the redirect URL from the Location header using Regular Expression Extractor
If you think that the problem is with the cookie you can enable debug logging for the HTTP Cookie Manager by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control" level="debug" />
this way you will be able to see what's going on under the hood in jmeter.log file as it might be the case that the cookie is broken somehow (expired, wrong path, etc.)

Upload document in postman

Iam facing some challanges by uploading a document in postman. The steps how to upload a document by the body and choosing form-data then you add file and change it to file instead of tekst. This goes fine and when I excute the call it goes through. But when I close the postman call and try to open it again and excuted it gives me 400 error code. When I look into the body and espacially by the form-data it shows that no file is choosing. So postman is not saving the path where the document is located. In this case I have to added everytime when I want to run the request.
The quastion is how do I fix this problem. Postman is not saving the location of the document.
Thanks in advance

What's the http request for the page source?

I've managed to make a file downloader in C++ (using winsock). It downloads every simple link with a file like:
I want to make it download all of the images from an entire page, such as all the images from a 4chan thread, but I don't know what I should send in the http request to get the page's source. How can I request the source of a webpage?
You don't send anything in the http request, in the manner you're thinking.
An http request sends a single request, for a single document, and returns a single document from the server.
To download an entire page, you will have to parse the downloaded HTML document, extract all the relative links from the HTML source, then issue a separate http request for every image, css, js, etc... referenced from the main document.
This is how tools like wget's --recursive option download entire pages.
If the page is located at the root of the server, you would send a GET request to the server asking for the / resource:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Let's say the page was actually located at You would send a GET request asking for /thepage.html instead:
GET /thepage.html HTTP/1.1
Either way, you would then have to parse the resulting HTML to get the individual URLs of all the <img> tags that are on the page.

Save html page after JSON - AJAX post request

I use curl in C++ to download an html page from a website, then I save it.
After I've saved the html file, with another programm I've to read it, and save it in a string.
This page contain some request (POST) made by JSON-AJAX. If I open it with the broswer I have the right content. If I open it with a text editor I have a bad content because the POST request is not made.
So how can I save the page whit the content obtained after JSON-AJAX request??
Curl will download the HTML code from the page and that's it. When you open the HTML file with a web browser, the browser is taking care of whatever post request is being sent.
You need to find out what the post request contains (i.e., the data and how it's obtained) and send that request separately and save the response.
You might want to look into this question How do you make a HTTP request with C++?