OpenGL pass integer array with GL_ARRAY_BUFFER - opengl

I am trying to pass some integer values to the Vertex Shader along with the vertex data.
I generate a buffer while vertex array is bound and then try to attach it to a location but it seems like in vertex shader the value is always 0.
here is part of the code that generates the buffer and it`s usage in the shader.
glm::vec3 materialStuff = glm::vec3(31, 32, 33);
glGenBuffers(1, &materialBufferIndex);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, materialBufferIndex);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec3), &materialStuff, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glVertexAttribIPointer(9, 3, GL_INT, sizeof(glm::vec3), (void*)0);
And here is part of the shader that suppose to receive the integer values
// Some other locations
layout (location = 0) in vec3 vertex_position;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 vertex_texcoord;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 vertex_normal;
layout (location = 3) in vec3 vertex_tangent;
layout (location = 4) in vec3 vertex_bitangent;
layout (location = 5) in mat4 vertex_modelMatrix;
// layout (location = 6) in_use...
// layout (location = 7) in_use...
// layout (location = 8) in_use...
// The location I am attaching my integer buffer to
layout (location = 9) in ivec3 vertex_material;
// I also tried with these variations
//layout (location = 9) in int vertex_material[3];
//layout (location = 9) in int[3] vertex_material;
// and then in vertex shader I try to retrieve the int value by doing something like this
diffuseTextureInd = vertex_material[0];
That diffuseTextureInd should go to fragment shader through
out flat int diffuseTextureInd;
And I am planning to use this to index into an array of bindless textures that I already have set up and working. The issue is that it seems like vertex_material just contains 0s since my fragment shader always displays the 0th texture in the array.
Note: I know that my fragment shader is fine since if I do
diffuseTextureInd = 31;
in the vertex shader, the fragment shader correctly receives the correct index and displays the correct texture. But when I try to use the value from the layout location 9, it seems like I always get a 0. Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

The following definitions:
glm::vec3 materialStuff = glm::vec3(31, 32, 33);
glVertexAttribIPointer(9, 3, GL_INT, sizeof(glm::vec3), (void*)0);
layout (location = 9) in ivec3 vertex_material;
practically mean that:
glm::vec3 means that you declare vector of 3 floats rather than integers. glm::ivec3 should be used for vector of integer.
ivec3 vertex attribute means a vector of 3 integer values is expected for each vertex. At the same moment, materialStuff defines values only for a single vertex (makes no sense for a triangle, which would require at least 3 glm::ivec3).
What is supposed to be declared for passing a single integer vertex attribute:
layout (location = 9) in int vertex_material;
(without any array qualifier)
GLint materialStuff[3] = { 31, 32, 33 };
glVertexAttribIPointer(9, 1, GL_INT, sizeof(GLint)*3, (void*)0);
It should be noticed though, that passing different per-vertex integer to fragment shader makes no sense, which I suppose you solved by flat keyword. Existing pipeline defines only per-vertex inputs, not per-triangle or something like this. There are glVertexAttribDivisor() defining the vertex attribute rate, but it is applicable only to rendering instances via glDrawArraysInstanced()/glDrawElementsInstanced() (specific vertex attribute might be increment per instance), not triangles.
There are ways to handle per-triangle inputs - this could be done by defining Uniform Buffer Object or Texture Buffer Object (same as 1D texture but for accessing by index without interpolation) instead of generic Vertex Attribute. But tricks will be still necessary to determine the triangle index in this array - again, from vertex attribute or from built-in variables like gl_VertexID in Vertex Shader, gl_PrimitiveIDIn in Geometry Shader or gl_PrimitiveID in Fragment Shader (I cannot say, though, how these counters are affected by culling).


Passing VBO to shaders with different layouts

If I have a vertex shader that expects this...
layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 aBoneWeights;
layout(location = 2) in vec4 aBoneIndices;
How do I pass a a VBO that is already organised for each vertex as
Position(vec3) | Color(vec3) | UV(vec2) | BoneWeight(vec4) | BoneIndex(vec4)
Do I have to make a new VBO? If my vertex data is interlaced, then do I have to create a new buffer of vertex data too?
Option 1: Create a different VAO for each shader
The VAO defines a mapping from you shader attributes (e.g. read the vec3's from this memory location in the VBO, with a stride of N bytes, and map it to the attribute bound to location X).
Some global to store the VAO name
GLuint g_vao;
Then to create it (For the data layout you have defined in your shader):
// create the VAO
glCreateVertexArrays(1, &g_vao);
// set up: layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(g_vao, 0); //< turn on attribute bound to location 0
// tell OpenGL that attribute 0 should be read from buffer 0
g_vao, //< the VAO
0, //< the attribute index (location = 0)
0); //< the vertex buffer slot (start from zero usually)
// tell openGL where within the buffer the data exists
g_vao, //< the VAO
0, //< the attribute index
3, //< there are 3 values xyz
GL_FLOAT, //< all of type float
GL_FALSE, //< do not normalise the vectors
0); //< the offset (in bytes) from the start of the buffer where the data starts
// set up: layout(location = 1) in vec4 aBoneWeights
glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(g_vao, 1); //< turn on attribute bound to location 0
// tell OpenGL that attribute 1 should be read from buffer 0
g_vao, //< the VAO
1, //< the attribute index (location = 1)
0); //< the vertex buffer slot (start from zero usually)
// tell openGL where within the buffer the data exists
g_vao, //< the VAO
1, //< the attribute index
4, //< there are 4 values
GL_FLOAT, //< all of type float
GL_FALSE, //< do not normalise the vectors
sizeof(float) * 8); //< the offset (in bytes) from the start of the buffer where the data starts
// set up: layout(location = 2) in vec4 aBoneIndices;
glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(g_vao, 2); //< turn on attribute bound to location 2
// tell OpenGL that attribute 2 should be read from buffer 0
g_vao, //< the VAO
2, //< the attribute index (location = 2)
0); //< the vertex buffer slot (start from zero usually)
// tell openGL where within the buffer the data exists
g_vao, //< the VAO
2, //< the attribute index
4, //< there are 4 values xyz
GL_FLOAT, //< all of type float
GL_FALSE, //< do not normalise the vectors
sizeof(float) * 12); //< the offset (in bytes) from the start of the buffer where the data starts
However, I think your shader definition is wrong for attribute 2 (because you will have to pass the bone indices as floating point data, which feels very wrong to me!).
I'd have thought you'd have wanted integers instead of floats:
layout(location = 2) in ivec4 aBoneIndices;
However when binding to integers, you need to use glVertexArrayAttribIFormat instead of glVertexArrayAttribFormat:
g_vao, //< the VAO
2, //< the attribute index
4, //< there are 4 indices
GL_UNSIGNED_INT, //< all of type uint32
sizeof(float) * 12);
After all of that, you'd need to bind the vertex buffer to the vertex slot zero you've been using above...
g_vao, //< the VAO
0, //< the vertex buffer slot
0, //< offset (in bytes) into the buffer
sizeof(float) * 16); //< num bytes between each element
Option 2: Just use the same VAO and the same VBO
Just encode the indices to have specific meanings, and then you can always use the same VAO.
layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
//layout(location = 1) in vec4 aCol; //< not used in this shader
//layout(location = 2) in vec4 aUv; //< not used in this shader
layout(location = 3) in vec4 aBoneWeights;
layout(location = 4) in vec4 aBoneIndices;
In answer to your question, it very much depends on the version of OpenGL you are using. The answer I posted here uses the latest Direct State Access (DSA) extensions found in OpenGL4.5. If you can make use of them, I strongly suggest it.
OpenGL 3.0: glVertexAttribPointer
Yes, this will work. However, it's a mechanism that is strongly tied to OpenGL's bind paradigm. Each attribute is effectively bound to the buffer that was bound when you make the call to glVertexAttribPointer (i.e. you'll be doing: glBindBuffer(); glEnableVertexAttribArray(); glVertexAttribPointer();).
The problem with this is that it kinda locks you into creating a VAO for each VBO (or set of VBOs, if pulling data from more than one), because the attributes are bound to the exact buffer that was bound when you specified that attribute.
OpenGL 4.3: glVertexAttribFormat
This version is much like the one I've presented above. Rather than passing the VAO into the function call, you do a call to glBindVertexArray first (if you search for the docs on the above methods, the ones without the VAO argument simply use the currently bound VAO).
The advantage of this approach over the old API, is that it is trivial to bind the VAO to another VBO(s) [i.e. you can associate a VAO with a GLSL program, rather than having a VAO for each VBO/Program pair]- just a call to glBindVertexBuffer for each VBO, and it'll work nicely.
OpenGL 4.5: glVertexArrayAttribFormat
In the long run, this is by far the easiest version of the API to use. The main advantage is that you don't need to worry about which VAO is currently bound (because you pass it in as an argument). This has a number of advantages, because you no longer care about which VAO has been bound, and it also opens the door to modifying OpenGL objects from a different thread (something the older API versions would not allow).

Does this look like a vertex attribute/layout issue?

I have a project that's been working fine using floats, and I've changed it to use doubles instead of floats, and it doesn't work anymore. I've got a feeling it's maybe the layout of my Vertex, and now the Vertex has 3 position doubles, 3 normal doubles, and 2 texCoord floats. Does the following image look like this is a vertex layout/stride/size issue? Looks strange to me.
Here is my Vertex struct:
struct Vertex
glm::dvec3 position; // 24 bytes
glm::dvec3 normal; // 24 bytes
glm::vec2 texCoords; // 8 bytes
}; On the CPU there is no padding. Shader side there would be for a block, but for attributes I don't think it matters.
My vertex shader looks like this:
layout (location = 0) in dvec3 position;
layout (location = 2) in dvec3 vertNormal;
layout (location = 4) in vec2 vertTexCoords;
layout (location = 0) out dvec3 fragWorldPos;
layout (location = 2) out dvec3 fragNormal;
layout (location = 4) out vec2 fragTexCoords;
My fragment shader:
layout (location = 0) flat in dvec3 fragWorldPos;
layout (location = 2) flat in dvec3 fragNormal;
layout (location = 4) in vec2 fragTexCoords;
layout (location = 5) out vec4 outFragColour;
And my vertex attributes:
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_DOUBLE, GL_FALSE, 56, (void*)nullptr);
glVertexAttribPointer(1 (should be 2?), 3, GL_DOUBLE, GL_FALSE, 56, (void*)(3 * sizeof(double)));
glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); //Should be ?
glVertexAttribPointer(2 (should be 4?), 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 56, (void*)(48));
glEnableVertexAttribArray(2); //Should be ?
It basically looks like what happens when you're graphics card is about to die. It flickers a lot.
location in vertex shader must match glVertexAttribPointer and glEnableVertexAttribArray. So, vertex shader must be edited.
afaik, you should not specify location for out argument in vertex shader and for any arguments in fragment shader, they should be just passed as-is by name.

OpenGL instancing : how to debug missing per instance data

I am relatively familiar with instanced drawing and per instance data: I've implemented this in the past with success.
Now I am refactoring some old code, and I introduced a bug on how per instance data are supplied to shaders.
The relevant bits are the following:
I have a working render loop implemented using glMultiDrawElementsIndirect: if I ignore the per instance data everything draws as expected.
I have a vbo storing the world transforms of my objects. I used AMD's CodeXL to debug this: the buffer is correctly populated with data, and is bind when drawing a frame.
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::mat4) * OBJ_NUM, &xforms, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
The shader specifies the input location explicitly:
#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertexPos;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 vertexCol;
layout(location = 6)uniform mat4 ViewProj;
layout(location = 10)uniform mat4 Model;
The ViewProj matrix is equal for all instances and is set correctly using:
glUniformMatrix4fv(6, 1, GL_FALSE, &viewProjMat[0][0]);
Model is per instance world matrix it's wrong: contains all zeros.
After binding the buffer and before drawing each frame, I am trying to setup the attribute pointers and divisors in such a way that every drawn instance will receive a different transform:
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
glEnableVertexAttribArray(10 + i);
glVertexAttribPointer(10 + i, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
sizeof(GLfloat) * 16,
(const GLvoid*) (sizeof(GLfloat) * 4 * i));
glVertexAttribDivisor(10 + i, 1);
Now, I've looked and the code for a while and I really can't figure out what I am missing. CodeXL clearly show that Model (location 10) isn't correctly filled. No OpenGL error is generated.
My question is: does anyone know under which circumstances the setup of per instance data may fail silently? Or any suggestion on how to debug further this issue?
layout(location = 6)uniform mat4 ViewProj;
layout(location = 10)uniform mat4 Model;
These are uniforms, not input values. They don't get fed by attributes; they get fed by glUniform* calls. If you want Model to be an input value, then qualify it with in, not uniform.
Equally importantly, inputs and uniforms do not get the same locations. What I mean is that uniform locations have a different space from input locations. An input can have the same location index as a uniform, and they won't refer to the same thing. Input locations only refer to attribute indices; uniform locations refer to uniform locations.
Lastly, uniform locations don't work like input locations. With attributes, each vec4-equivalent uses a separate attribute index. With uniform locations, every basic type (anything that isn't a struct or an array) uses a single uniform location. So if ViewProj is a uniform location, then it only takes up 1 location. But if Model is an input, then it takes up 4 attribute indices.

Is glVertexAttribpointer used only for vertex, UVs, colors, and normals ? Nothing else?

I want to incorporate a custom attribute that varies per vertex. In this case it is assigned to location=4 ... but nothing happens, the other four attributes vary properly except that one. At the bottom, I added a test to produce a specific color if it encounters the value '1' (which I know exists in the buffer, because I queried the buffer earlier). Attribute 4 is stuck at the first value of its array and never moves.
Am I missing a setting ? (something to be enabled maybe ?) or is it that openGL only varies a handful attributes but nothing else ?
#version 330 //for openGL 3.3
//uniform variables stay constant for the whole glDraw call
uniform mat4 ProjViewModelMatrix;
uniform vec4 DefaultColor; //x=-1 signifies no default color
//non-uniform variables get fed per vertex from the buffers
layout (location=0) in vec3 coords; //feeding from attribute=0 of the main code
layout (location=1) in vec4 color; //per vertex color, feeding from attribute=1 of the main code
layout (location=2) in vec3 normals; //per vertex normals
layout (location=3) in vec2 UVcoord; //texture coordinates
layout (location=4) in int vertexTexUnit;//per vertex texture unit index
out vec4 thisColor;
out vec2 vertexUVcoord;
flat out int TexUnitIdx;
void main ()
vertexUVcoord = UVcoord;
if (DefaultColor.x==-1) {thisColor = color;} //If no default color is set, use per vertex colors
else {thisColor = DefaultColor;}
gl_Position = ProjViewModelMatrix * vec4(coords,1.0); //This outputs the position to the graphics card.
if (vertexTexUnit==1) thisColor=vec4(1,1,0,1); //Never receives value of 1, but the buffer does contain such values
Because the vertexTexUnit attribute is an integer, you must use glVertexAttribIPointer() instead of glVertexAttribPointer().
You can use vertex attributes for whatever you want. OpenGL doesn't know or care what you're using them for.

Can I pack both floats and ints into the same array buffer?

...because the floats seem to be coming out fine, but there's something wrong with the ints.
Essentially I have a struct called "BlockInstance" which holds a vec3 and an int. I've got an array of these BlockInstances which I buffer like so (translating from C# to C for clarity):
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferHandle);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(BlockInstance)*numBlocks, blockData, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
And my vertex shader looks like this:
#version 330
layout (location = 0) in vec3 Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 Normal;
layout (location = 3) in vec3 Translation;
layout (location = 4) in int TexIndex;
uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix;
out vec2 TexCoord0;
void main()
mat4 trans = mat4(
gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * trans * vec4(Position, 1.0);
TexCoord0 = vec2(TexCoord.x+TexIndex,TexCoord.y)/16;
When I replace TexIndex on the last line of my GLSL shader with a constant like 0, 1, or 2, my textures come out fine, but if I leave it like it is, they come out all mangled, so there must be something wrong with the number, right? But I don't know what it's coming out as so it's hard to debug.
I've looked at my array of BlockInstances, and they're all set to 1,2, or 19 so I don't think my input is wrong...
What else could it be?
Note that I'm using a sprite map texture where each of the tiles is 16x16 px but my TexCoords are in the range 0-1, so I add a whole number to it to choose which tile, and then divide it by 16 (the map is also 16x16 tiles) to put it back into the proper range. The idea is I'll replace that last line with
TexCoord0 = vec2(TexCoord.x+(TexIndex%16),TexCoord.y+(TexIndex/16))/16;
-- GLSL does integer math, right? An int divided by an int will come out as whole number?
If I try this:
TexCoord0 = vec2(TexCoord.x+(TexIndex%16),TexCoord.y)/16;
The texture looks fine, but it's not using the right sprite. (Looks to be using the first sprite)
If I do this:
TexCoord0 = vec2(TexCoord.x+(TexIndex%16),TexCoord.y+(TexIndex/16))/16;
It comes out all white. This leads me to believe that TexIndex is coming out to be a very large number (bigger than 256 anyway) and that it's probably a multiple of 16.
layout (location = 4) in int TexIndex;
There's your problem.
glVertexAttribPointer is used to send data that will be converted to floating-point values. It's used to feed floating-point attributes. Passing integers is possible, but those integers are converted to floats, because that's what glVertexAttribPointer is for.
What you need is glVertexAttribIPointer (notice the I). This is used for providing signed and unsigned integer data.
So if you declare a vertex shader input as a float or some non-prefixed vec, you use glVertexAttribPointer to feed it. If you declare the input as int, uint, ivec or uvec, then you use glVertexAttribIPointer.