runtime permission for getclassloader() failed in iced tea web - classloader

I made and entry in java.policy file in linux machine as below to resolve the issue of getClassLoader() in my code while using IcedTeaWeb. but still the below statement "cls.getClassLoader()" is causing issue.
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
Please update how to resolve this issue


Sitecore install error "The virtual machine could not be started because a required feature is not installed"

I think this will only be relevant to people who have also tried installing Sitecore so I’m not going to write every step of the process. 

After running the ./up.ps1 command, I get this error message shown in the image
sitecore error message
The 2nd error can’t be correct because I am logged into docker so it could only be the first error of “The virtual machine could not be started because a required feature is not installed”

Any ideas as to what’s causing this error?
I was following the instructions given by sitecore and was expecting their sitecore environment to start running

Elastic Beanstalk Error, Worked for several months

My group had a web application running using Elastic Beanstalk. For several months, it worked fine, but now the website shows the error
' is currently unable to handle this request.'
When I try to rebuild the environment, I get two error messages:
1.) LaunchWaitCondition failed. The expected number of EC2 instances were not initialized within the given time. Rebuild the environment. If this persists, contact support.
2.) Stack named 'awseb-e-pw8nbmshem-stack' aborted operation. Current state: 'CREATE_FAILED' Reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [AWSEBInstanceLaunchWaitCondition].
I am wondering what can be changed to fix this issue, and would appreciate any help. Thank you so much in advance!! I can follow up with more info if it is helpful.

Google Cloud Functions - Deployment hangs for 5-10 minutes, then gives error "Deployment failure: Operation interrupted"

I'm getting errors when I try to deploy a Google Cloud Function. The process hangs for about 5-10 minutes and then an error appears:
"Deployment failure:
Operation interrupted."
I tried creating a new test function with nothing in it in two different projects of mine, both are timing out with that same error.
Anyone experiencing anything similar?
There was an incident related to Cloud Functions and Cloud Build that began at 2019-09-24 13:00 and ended at 2019-09-24 18:15 (all times are US/Pacific).
It should be all good now. Please try to deploy your function again.
In case it will not work for you. Please update your question to contain more information: minimum reproducible code, dependencies, timestamp.
Yes, having the same issue here. Tried to check status on their dashboard they mark it has ok but it's not.

Multiple Instance Issue with ColdFusion 10: "Bad Gateway Error"

I am creating a multiple instance setup on my developer edition of ColdFusion. I am running on Maverics. My guide to the process is this article by Rob Brooks-Bilson.
I did everything right. However I get the 'Bad Gateway Error' when I try to ping the ColdFusion Administrator.
I think you might have any of the following issues:
The file for your particular instance (cf10/config/wsconfig/1/) has the instance name spelled wrong.
Recheck the file that you have added the content properly. This step is very much prone to copy-paste error. There are two places you need to add your instance name: In the list and then the port configuration (copying from the existing).
There is some glitch in your mod_jk file.
last but not the least please re-check that your server.xml (cf10//runtime/conf/) has been edited properly. Also please check if the value of the port attribute of the SERVER tag and the CONNECTOR tag are different. It happens that due to some glitch they might get generated as the same.

NATS Error while developing echo service

I'm trying to develop a system service, so I use the echo service as a test.
I developed the service by following the directions on the CF doc.
Now the echo node can be running, but the echo gateway failed with the error "echo_gateway - pid=15040 tid=9321 fid=290e ERROR -- Exiting due to NATS error: Could not connect to server on nats://localhost:4222/"
I got into this issue and struck for almost a week finally someone helped me to resolve it. The underlying problemn is something else and since errors are not trapped properly it gives a wrong message. You need to goto github and get the latest code base. The fix for this issue is . Once you fix this issue, you will most likely encounter a timeout field issue. the solution for that is to define the timeout field gateway.yml
A few additional properties became required in the echo_gateway.yml.erb file - specifically, the latest were default_plan and timeout, under the service group. The properties have been added to the appropriate file in the vcap-services-sample-release repo.
Looks like the fix for the misleading error has been merged into github. I haven't updated and verified this myself just yet but the gerrit comments indicate the solution is the same as what the node base has had for some time. I did previously run into that error handling and it was far more helpful.