aws beanstalk cloudformation add CPUCreditBalance alarm - amazon-web-services

I am trying to add a CPUCreditBalance AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm to the EBN application using cloudformation. it is similar to the picture but using cloudformation
EC2 instances and the autoscalinggroup is created by the cloudformation as well. so i dont know how to get either InscanceId or AutoScalingGroupName to place it in this code
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
AlarmDescription: Warning alarm when EC2 rans out of credit
MetricName: CPUCreditBalance
Namespace: AWS/EC2
Period: 300
Statistic: Average
ComparisonOperator: LessThanThreshold
Threshold: 1
EvaluationPeriods: 2
DatapointsToAlarm: 2
TreatMissingData: breaching
- Name: AutoScalingGroupName
- !Ref SnsAlarmWarning

If you have your AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup defined in the same template as the alarm, then you can just use Ref to get ASG name:
- Name: AutoScalingGroupName
Value: !Ref AWSEBAutoScalingGroup
- !Ref SnsAlarmWarning
Names of resources created by EB are listed in:
Modifying the resources that Elastic Beanstalk creates for your environment


ECS EC2 Autoscaling gets stuck

I'm trying to learn autoscaling for ECS with EC2 launch type.
Without the autoscaling part, everything works well.
When I add the autoscaling part, or the Scalable Target the Alarm and Policy for both, scaling in and out, the service gets stuck in the event:
service ecs-service was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements. The closest matching container-instance XXX has insufficient CPU units available.
If I look at the service the desired capacity is stuck in 4, pending is 0 and running is 1.
In relation to the alarms, the high cpu usage alarm is OK and the low cpu usage alarm is In alarm.
The Task Definition has 1024 MB assigned to CPU and 1024 MB to Memory.
The Container has 1024 MB assigned to CPU and 1024 MB to Memory.
And I have been waiting for more than 40 minutes.
What would I expect?
I'm setting a low threshold for high CPU Usage (20%) to make the alarm react easily.
Then, I increase the quantity up to 4, checking the used CPU percentage.
This should work in both ways, when is adding and when it is removing. So, it should add up to 4 when high is enabled and go down to 1 when low is enabled.
Here's the entire chain of events without tasks ids, dates and events ids to simplify its reading.
service ecs-service was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements. The closest matching container-instance XXX has insufficient CPU units available. For more
service ecs-service registered 1 targets in target-group ecs-target
service ecs-service was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements. The closest matching container-instance XXX has insufficient CPU units available. For more information, see the Troubleshooting section.
Message: Successfully set desired count to 4. Waiting for change to be fulfilled by ecs. Cause: monitor alarm high-cpu-usage in state ALARM triggered policy ecs-high-policy
service ecs-service has started 1 tasks: task
service ecs-service has stopped 1 running tasks: task
service ecs-service deregistered 1 targets in target-group ecs-target
service ecs-service (instance XXX) (port 8080) is unhealthy in target-group ecs-target due to (reason Health checks failed)
service ecs-service has started 1 tasks: task
service ecs-service was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements. Reason: No Container Instances were found in your cluster. For more information, see the Troubleshooting section.
Message: Successfully set desired count to 4. Found it was later changed to 0. Cause: monitor alarm high-cpu-usage in state ALARM triggered policy ecs-high-policy
Message: Successfully set desired count to 4. Found it was later changed to 0. Cause: monitor alarm high-cpu-usage in state ALARM triggered policy ecs-high-policy
Message: Successfully set desired count to 3. Change successfully fulfilled by ecs. Cause: monitor alarm high-cpu-usage in state ALARM triggered policy ecs-high-policy
Message: Successfully set desired count to 2. Change successfully fulfilled by ecs. Cause: monitor alarm high-cpu-usage in state ALARM triggered policy ecs-high-policy
This is my Scalable Target, Alarms and Policies:
The service uses a Load Balancer.
Type: AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget
DependsOn: Service
MaxCapacity: !Ref MaxSize
MinCapacity: !Ref MinSize
- '/'
- - 'service'
- Ref: Cluster
- Fn::GetAtt:
- Service
- 'Name'
Fn::ImportValue: !Ref ECSAutoScalingRole
ScalableDimension: ecs:service:DesiredCount
ServiceNamespace: ecs
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
DependsOn: ScalingPolicyHigh
AlarmName: high-cpu
MetricName: CPUUtilization
Namespace: AWS/ECS
- Name: ServiceName
Value: !Ref ServiceName
- Name: ClusterName
Value: !Ref Cluster
Statistic: Average
Period: 300
EvaluationPeriods: 1
Threshold: 20
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
- !Ref ScalingPolicyHigh
Type: AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
PolicyName: olicy-high
PolicyType: StepScaling
Ref: ServiceScalableTarget
AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity
Cooldown: 600
MetricAggregationType: Average
- MetricIntervalLowerBound: 0
MetricIntervalUpperBound: 15
ScalingAdjustment: 1
- MetricIntervalLowerBound: 15
MetricIntervalUpperBound: 25
ScalingAdjustment: 2
- MetricIntervalLowerBound: 25
ScalingAdjustment: 3
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
DependsOn: ScalingPolicyLow
AlarmName: low-cpu
MetricName: CPUUtilization
Namespace: AWS/ECS
- Name: ServiceName
Value: !Ref ServiceName
- Name: ClusterName
Value: !Cluster
Statistic: Average
Period: 300
EvaluationPeriods: 2
Threshold: 15
ComparisonOperator: LessThanOrEqualToThreshold
- !Ref ScalingPolicyLow
Type: AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
PolicyName: policy-low
PolicyType: StepScaling
Ref: ServiceScalableTarget
AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity
Cooldown: 600
MetricAggregationType: Average
- MetricIntervalLowerBound: -15
MetricIntervalUpperBound: 0
ScalingAdjustment: -1
- MetricIntervalLowerBound: -25
MetricIntervalUpperBound: -15
ScalingAdjustment: -2
- MetricIntervalUpperBound: -25
ScalingAdjustment: -3
I'd appreciate help. I cannot make it work properly.

CloudWatch Alarm in EC2 template

I am setting up an AWS EC2 template based on a custom image for launching instances for a certain purpose. These instances then also need CloudWatch alarms monitoring their activity and perform some action based on them (e.g. stop instance if inactive for 30 min.).
Is there any way I can include such alarms into the EC2 template? I would like to avoid having to manually add the alarms to the instance after creation. I couldn't find this as an option anywhere in the template creation dialogue.
From management console - could not find a straight forward option.
Using EC2 Tags, Lambda and other services - might be possible - check the link
CloudFormation - you can write a CF template to create EC2 and add an alarm to it. You can continue enhancing it.
This option will make things easier once the template is created as you will not need to select various UI options whenever you launch new EC2 and add alarm.
This template will ask for instance type, will create an alarm for EC2 and publish to an SNS topic.
Verify AMI, AZ if you are logged into a different region.
Description: EC2 instance type
Type: String
Default: t2.small
- t1.micro
- t2.nano
- t2.micro
- t2.small
ConstraintDescription: It must be a valid EC2 instance type.
Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
AvailabilityZone: us-east-1a
ImageId: ami-05912b6333beaa478
InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType
KeyName: KP-EC2-Lambda
- launch-wizard-2
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
AlarmDescription: CPU alarm for my instance
- Ref: "MyTopic1"
MetricName: CPUUtilization
Namespace: AWS/EC2
Statistic: Average
Period: '60'
EvaluationPeriods: '3'
Threshold: '90'
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold
- Name: InstanceId
Ref: "MyInstance1"
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
DisplayName: MyTopic1
- Endpoint: ""
Protocol: "email"
TopicName: MyTopic1

Am looking for a way to add new cloudwatch events to existing redshift cluster via cloudformation

So i already have an existing redshift cluster running which I created with cloudformation, Now I need to add a new cloudwatch event to this cluster like below code, How do i map the new alarm with existing cluster.
This is for existing AWS Redshift cluster
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
AlarmDescription: !Join [ " ", [ "Health status alarm for", !Ref RedshiftCluster, "Redshift Cluster"]]
- !Ref redshiftClusterSNSTopic
MetricName: HealthStatus
Namespace: AWS/Redshift
Statistic: Average
Period: 300
EvaluationPeriods: 3
Threshold: 1
ComparisonOperator: LessThanThreshold
- Name: ClusterIdentifier
Value: !Ref CARedshiftCluster
Not sure how to do this, help is appreciated.
You can give cloudkast a try. It is an online cloudformation template generator. It is regularly updated. As of now it does support cloudwatch.

Why does AWS Auto Scaling launch multiple instances during scaling?

I'm trying to set up an AWS Auto Scaling Group (ASG) that auto-scales based on average group CPU load.
I have a scale up policy that is supposed to scale the group up by 1 instance once the average CPU usage is higher than 70%. However when the alarm is triggered, the ASG launches several instances at the same time, which it shouldn'd do.
The relevant bits of CloudFormation configuration:
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
AdjustmentType: "ChangeInCapacity"
AutoScalingGroupName: !Ref ECSAutoScalingGroup
PolicyType: "StepScaling"
MetricAggregationType: "Average"
EstimatedInstanceWarmup: 600
MetricIntervalLowerBound: "0"
ScalingAdjustment: "1"
Type: "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm"
AlarmDescription: "CPU more than 70% during the last minute."
AlarmName: "ECSScaleUpAlarm"
!Ref ECSScaleUpPolicy
Name: "ClusterName"
Value: !Ref ECSCluster
MetricName: "CPUReservation"
Namespace: "AWS/ECS"
ComparisonOperator: "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
Statistic: "Average"
Threshold: 70
Period: 60
EvaluationPeriods: 1
TreatMissingData: "notBreaching"
As you can see, the scaling adjustment is just 1 and the instance warmup is quite long, it should wait for more time before launching the second instance :(
According to the documentation Policy type of Step scaling causes the group capacity to increase or decrease based on the size of the alarm breach. You need to change that to Simple scaling so that the capacity can be set based on a single adjustment.

How to autoscale Servers in ECS?

I recently started using ECS. I was able to deploy a container image in ECR and create task definition for my container with CPU/Memory limits. My use case is that each container will be a long running app (no webserver, no port mapping needed). The containers will be spawned on demand 1 at a time and deleted on demand 1 at a time.
I am able to create a cluster with N server instances. But I'd like to be able for the server instances to automatically scale up/down. For example if there isn't enough CPU/Memory in the cluster, I'd like a new instance to be created.
And if there is an instance with no containers running in it, I'd like that specific instance to be scaled down / deleted. This is to avoid auto scale down termination of a server instance that has running tasks in it.
What steps are needed to be able to achieve this?
Considering that you already have an ECS Cluster created, AWS provides instructions on Scaling cluster instances with CloudWatch Alarms.
Assuming that you want to scale the cluster based on the memory reservation, at a high level, you would need to do the following:
Create an Launch Configuration for your Auto Scaling Group. This
Create an Auto Scaling Group, so that the size of the cluster can be scaled up and down.
Create a CloudWatch Alarm to scale the cluster up if the memory reservation is over 70%
Create a CloudWatch Alarm to scale the cluster down if the memory reservation is under 30%
Because it's more of my specialty I wrote up an example CloudFormation template that should get you started for most of this:
Type: Number
Type: Number
Type: String
- t2.nano
- t2.micro
- t2.small
- t2.medium
- t2.large
Type: String
Ami: ami-1c002379
Ami: ami-9eb4b1e5
Ami: ami-1d668865
Ami: ami-4a2c192a
Ami: ami-cb1101af
Ami: ami-8fcc32f6
Ami: ami-0460cb6b
Ami: ami-b743bed1
Ami: ami-c1a6bda2
Ami: ami-9d1f7efe
Ami: ami-b677c9d2
Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role
Version: 2012-10-17
Effect: Allow
- sts:AssumeRole
Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
Path: /
- !Ref Role
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
ImageId: !FindInMap [EcsInstanceAmis, !Ref "AWS::Region", Ami]
InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType
IamInstanceProfile: !Ref InstanceProfile
Fn::Base64: !Sub |
echo ECS_CLUSTER=${Cluster} >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
MinSize: !Ref MinInstances
MaxSize: !Ref MaxInstances
LaunchConfigurationName: !Ref LaunchConfiguration
HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
HealthCheckType: EC2
VPCZoneIdentifier: !Split [",", !Ref VpcSubnetIds]
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity
AutoScalingGroupName: !Ref AutoScalingGroup
Cooldown: '1'
ScalingAdjustment: '1'
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
EvaluationPeriods: '2'
Statistic: Average
Threshold: '70'
AlarmDescription: Alarm if Cluster Memory Reservation is to high
Period: '60'
- Ref: ScaleUpPolicy
Namespace: AWS/ECS
- Name: ClusterName
Value: !Ref Cluster
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold
MetricName: MemoryReservation
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity
AutoScalingGroupName: !Ref AutoScalingGroup
Cooldown: '1'
ScalingAdjustment: '-1'
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
EvaluationPeriods: '2'
Statistic: Average
Threshold: '30'
AlarmDescription: Alarm if Cluster Memory Reservation is to Low
Period: '60'
- Ref: ScaleDownPolicy
Namespace: AWS/ECS
- Name: ClusterName
Value: !Ref Cluster
ComparisonOperator: LessThanThreshold
MetricName: MemoryReservation
This creates an ECS Cluster, a Launch Configuration, An AutoScaling Group, As well as the Alarms based on the ECS Memory Reservation.
Now we can get to the interesting discussions.
Why can't we scale up based on the CPU Utilization And Memory Reservation?
The short answer is you totally can But you're likely to pay a lot for it. EC2 has a known property that when you create an instance, you pay for a minimum of 1 hour, because partial instance hours are charged as full hours. Why that's relevant is, imagine you have multiple alarms. Say you have a bunch of services that are currently running idle, and you fill the cluster. Either the CPU Alarm scales down the cluster, or the Memory Alarm scales up the cluster. One of these will likely scale the cluster to the point that it's alarm is no longer triggered. After the cooldown, period, the other alarm will undo it's last action, After the next cooldown, the action will likely be redone. Thus instances are created then destroyed repeatedly on every other cooldown.
After giving a bunch of thought to this, the strategy that I came up with was to use Application Autoscaling for ECS Services based on CPU Utilization, and Memory Reservation based on the cluster. So if one service is running hot, an extra task will be added to share the load. This will slowly fill the cluster memory reservation capacity. When the memory gets full, the cluster scales up. When a service is cooling down, the services will start shutting down tasks. As the memory reservation on the cluster drops, the cluster will be scaled down.
The thresholds for the CloudWatch Alarms might need to be experimented with, based on your task definitions. The reason for this is that if you put the scale up threshold too high, it may not scale up as the memory gets consumed, and then when autoscaling goes to place another task, it will find that there isn't enough memory available on any instance in the cluster, and therefore be unable to place another task.
As part of this year's re:Invent conference, AWS announced cluster auto scaling for Amazon ECS. Clusters configured with auto scaling can now add more capacity when needed and remove capacity that is not necessary. You can find more information about this in the documentation.
However, depending on what you're trying to run, AWS Fargate could be a better option. Fargate allows you to run containers without provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructure; i.e., you don't have to deal with any EC2 instances. With Fargate, you can make an API call to run your container, the container can run, and then there's nothing to clean up once the container stops running. Fargate is billed per-second (with a 1-minute minimum) and is priced based on the amount of CPU and memory allocated (see here for details).