TF2.2 Build for C++ APIs - c++

System information:
OS Platform and Distribution: Linux Ubuntu 18.04
TensorFlow installed source: source
TensorFlow version: 2.2.0 stable
Python version: python3
Bazel version: using Bazelisk with Bazel 2.0.0 version as required
from tf-2.2.0
GCC/Compiler version (if compiling from source): GCC-8
CUDA/cuDNN version: No CUDA (for the moment)
What I have done:
Got tensorflow from github:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd tensorflow
git checkout v2.2.0
Installed and setted up Bazelisk: ( Using this guide: )
$ sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/bazel
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bazel
./ = '2.0.0'
$ echo '2.0.0' > .bazelversion
$ bazel version
Start building tensorflow with Bazel:
$ ./configure
bazel --host_jvm_args=-Xmx30G build --jobs=8 --config=monolithic --config=v2 --config=opt --copt=-O3 --copt=-march=native --copt=-m64 --verbose_failures //tensorflow:tensorflow //tensorflow:tensorflow_cc //tensorflow:tensorflow_framework //tensorflow/tools/lib_package:libtensorflow
Then with the code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "class_name.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/const_op.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/default_device.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_def_builder.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/threadpool.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/init_main.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/public/session.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/command_line_flags.h"
using namespace tensorflow;
using tensorflow::Flag;
using tensorflow::Status;
using tensorflow::string;
using tensorflow::Tensor;
//Read the image file, apply appropriate decoding depending on type of image
int TensorFromFile(string filename, const int i_height, const int i_width, std::vector<Tensor>* o_tensors) {
tensorflow::Status status;
auto root = tensorflow::Scope::NewRootScope();
using namespace ::tensorflow::ops;
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::Session> session(tensorflow::NewSession({}));
tensorflow::GraphDef graph;
auto reader = tensorflow::ops::ReadFile(root.WithOpName("img_reader"), filename);
const int channels = 1;
tensorflow::Output imgreader;
if (tensorflow::str_util::EndsWith(filename, ".png")) {
imgreader = DecodePng(root.WithOpName("png_reader"), reader, DecodePng::Channels(channels));
} else if (tensorflow::str_util::EndsWith(filename, ".gif")) {
imgreader = DecodeGif(root.WithOpName("gif_reader"), reader);
} else {
imgreader = DecodeJpeg(root.WithOpName("jpeg_reader"), reader, DecodeJpeg::Channels(channels));
auto f_caster = Cast(root.WithOpName("float_caster"), imgreader, tensorflow::DT_FLOAT);
ExpandDims(root.WithOpName("output"), f_caster, 0);
status = root.ToGraphDef(&graph);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << status.ToString();
return -1;
status = session->Create(graph);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << status.ToString();
return -1;
status = session->Run({}, {"output"}, {}, o_tensors);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << status.ToString();
return -1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using namespace ::tensorflow::ops;
tensorflow::Status status;
std::string delimiter = ".";
std::string ofilename;
std::vector<Tensor> inputs;
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
std::string graph_path = "../../graphs/test0/";
std::string image_path = "../../graphs/test0.png";
std::string mdlpath(graph_path);
std::string imgpath(image_path);
int32 inputdim = 32;
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::Session> session(tensorflow::NewSession({}));
tensorflow::GraphDef graph;
//read model file
status = ReadBinaryProto(Env::Default(), mdlpath, &graph);
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cout << status.ToString() << "\n";
return -1;
//add graph to scope
status = session->Create(graph);
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cout << status.ToString() << "\n";
return -1;
//Read input image, assuming to be a sqaure image
if (TensorFromFile(imgpath, inputdim, inputdim, &inputs)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Image reading failed"
<< "\n";
return -1;
LOG(INFO) << "OK";
std::cout << "input dimension of the image: " << inputs[0].DebugString() << std::endl;
//get the appropriate input and out layer names from the graph/mode to execute
auto inputlayer = graph.node(0).name();
auto outputlayer = graph.node(graph.node_size() - 1).name();
status = session->Run({{inputlayer, inputs[0]}}, {outputlayer}, {}, &outputs);
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << status.ToString();
return -1;
std::cout << "Output dimension of the image" << outputs[0].DebugString() << std::endl;
//create filename
ofilename.append(imgpath.substr(0, imgpath.find(delimiter)));
std::cout << "output filename: " << ofilename << std::endl;
//Now write this to a image file
//if (TensorToFile(ofilename, outputs, threshold)) return -1;
return 0;
I tried to compile with:
f I use theese flags:
g++ -O3 -m64 -o test -I /opt/tpt/tensorflow_cpp_scratch/include/tensorflow/bazel-bin main.cpp -L /opt/tpt/tensorflow_cpp_scratch/lib -l tensorflow_cc
and I got the error:
/tmp/cc4xzZGr.o: In function `google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<tensorflow::NodeDef>::TypeHandler::WeakType const& google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase::Get<google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<tensorflow::NodeDef>::TypeHandler>(int) const':
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0x6a): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::LogMessage(google::protobuf::LogLevel, char const*, int)'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0x79): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::operator<<(char const*)'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0x86): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogFinisher::operator=(google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage&)'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0x8e): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::~LogMessage()'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0xb2): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::LogMessage(google::protobuf::LogLevel, char const*, int)'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0xc1): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::operator<<(char const*)'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0xce): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogFinisher::operator=(google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage&)'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0xd6): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::~LogMessage()'
main.cpp:(.text._ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi[_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase3GetINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN10tensorflow7NodeDefEE11TypeHandlerEEERKNT_8WeakTypeEi]+0xf5): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::~LogMessage()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
It seems that protobuf lib is missing. So I added also -ltensorflow_framework
It compile without errors, BUT i get this error:
[libprotobuf ERROR external/com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/] File already exists in database: google/protobuf/any.proto
[libprotobuf FATAL external/com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/] CHECK failed: GeneratedDatabase()->Add(encoded_file_descriptor, size):
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'google::protobuf::FatalException'
what(): CHECK failed: GeneratedDatabase()->Add(encoded_file_descriptor, size):
Aborted (core dumped)
Why I'm getting those errors?
I already read this and this , but without luck.


Writing a program taking LLVM IR file as a Command line argument

I am writing a main.cpp file for testing LLVM IR Command line argument .
I am using llvm version : 6.0.1
#include <llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeReader.h>
#include <llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriter.h>
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <llvm/Support/Error.h>
#include <llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace std;
static cl::opt<string> input(cl::Positional, cl::desc("Bitcode file"), cl::Required);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "LLVM IR to Bytecode \n");
LLVMContext context;
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> mb = MemoryBuffer::getFile(input);
if (error_code ec = mb.getError()) {
errs() << ec.message();
return -1;
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Module>> m=parseBitcodeFile(mb->get()->getMemBufferRef(), context);
if (error_code ec = m.getError())
errs() << "Error reading bitcode: " << ec.message() << "\n";
return -1;
return 0;
I got this error :
error: ‘class llvm::Expected >’ has no member named ‘getError’
if (error_code ec = m.getError())
I google many times but I do not found answer any where. Please suggest me some solution.
The above error was due to change in LLVM API over a time. Change module reader functions to return an llvm::Expected <T> []
. This class parallels ErrorOr, but replaces error_code with Error. Since Error cannot be copied, this class replaces getError() with takeError().
So above code changes to :
Expected<std::unique_ptr<Module>> m = parseBitcodeFile(mb->get()->getMemBufferRef(), context);
if (std::error_code ec = errorToErrorCode(m.takeError())) {
errs() << "Error reading bitcode: " << ec.message() << "\n";
return -1;

Build issue with Crypto++ 5.6.5 using Linux command line g++

I'm trying to run this example utilizing Crypto++library, and I downloaded/stored Crypto++ in /home/thirdparty/cryptopp. However, when run the following command line:
g++ -I/home/thirdParty channelSwitch.cpp -L/home/thirParty -o test-cs.exe
Can someone help check what is the problem?
/tmp/ccPnCG56.o: In function `main':
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x178): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::StringSinkTemplate<std::string>::StringSinkTemplate(std::string&)'
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x21b): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::DEFAULT_CHANNEL'
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x221): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::DEFAULT_CHANNEL'
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x237): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::HashFilter::HashFilter(CryptoPP::HashTransformation&, CryptoPP::BufferedTransformation*, bool, int, std::string const&, std::string const&)'
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x292): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::StringSinkTemplate<std::string>::StringSinkTemplate(std::string&)'
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x31d): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::DEFAULT_CHANNEL'
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x323): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::DEFAULT_CHANNEL'
channelSwitch.cpp:(.text+0x339): undefined reference to `CryptoPP::HashFilter::HashFilter(CryptoPP::HashTransformation&, CryptoPP::BufferedTransformation*, bool, int, std::string const&, std::string const&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The complete source code for channelSwitch.cpp is:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cryptopp/channels.h>
#include <cryptopp/filters.h>
#include <cryptopp/sha.h>
#include <cryptopp/hex.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::string message = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country";
// Allow user to override default message from command line arg.
if(argc == 2 && argv[1] != NULL)
message = std::string(argv[1]);
// Set hash variables
std::string s1, s2, s3, s4;
CryptoPP::SHA1 sha1; CryptoPP::SHA224 sha224; CryptoPP::SHA256 sha256; CryptoPP::SHA512 sha512;
// Run hash functions
CryptoPP::HashFilter f1(sha1, new CryptoPP::HexEncoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(s1)));
CryptoPP::HashFilter f2(sha224, new CryptoPP::HexEncoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(s2)));
CryptoPP::HashFilter f3(sha256, new CryptoPP::HexEncoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(s3)));
CryptoPP::HashFilter f4(sha512, new CryptoPP::HexEncoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(s4)));
// Set route to default
CryptoPP::ChannelSwitch cs;
CryptoPP::StringSource ss(message, true /*pumpAll*/, new CryptoPP::Redirector(cs));
std::cout << "Message: " << message << std::endl;
std::cout << "SHA-1: " << s1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "SHA-224: " << s2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "SHA-256: " << s3 << std::endl;
std::cout << "SHA-512: " << s4 << std::endl;
return 0;
Environment information:
$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)
I know what the problem is. should make install first. Thanks!

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc9zxSDP.o: undefined reference to symbol

The following compile error i am facing when i compile a .cc file. i am using apache ignite libraries and c++ libraries to compile and jdk path is specified.
#include <iostream>
#include "ignite/ignite.h"
#include "ignite/ignition.h"
using namespace ignite;
using namespace cache;
int main()
IgniteConfiguration cfg;
cfg.jvmInitMem = 512;
cfg.jvmMaxMem = 512;
cfg.springCfgPath = "/home/ignite/DataGridTest.xml";
Ignite grid = Ignition::Start(cfg);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << ">>> Cache put-get example started." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
Cache<int, int> cache = grid.GetCache<int, int>("mycache");
cache.Put(1, 1);
int orgFromCache = cache.Get(1);
std::cout << ">>> Retrieved value from cache: " << std::endl;
std::cout << orgFromCache << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
catch (IgniteError& err)
std::cout << "An error occurred: " << err.GetText() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << ">>> Example finished, press 'Enter' to exit ..." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
In command line:
gcc -I /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_131/include/ -I
/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_131/include/linux/ -I
$IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/jni/include/ -I
$IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/core/include/ -I
$IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/common/os/linux/include/ -I
$IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/examples/include/ -o DataGridTest -lignite
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc9zxSDP.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN6ignite3jni4java12JniErrorInfoD1Ev'
/usr/local/lib// error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Except for the libignite you also need to link to libignite-binary, libignite-common and libignite-jni.

C++ error: undefined reference to function

I have three files:
Two .cpp files (Reader.cpp and algo.cpp) and one header file (algo.h).
In Reader.cpp file, its function PacketHandler calls a function present in algo.cpp.
void PacketHandler(Packet* sniff_packet, void* user) {
std::string payload;
RawLayer* raw_payload = sniff_packet->GetLayer<RawLayer>();
if (raw_payload) {
/* Summarize some data */
cout << "[+] ------- [+]" << endl;
TCP* tcp_layer = sniff_packet->GetLayer<TCP>();
cout << "[#] TCP packet from source port: " << dec << tcp_layer->GetSrcPort() << endl;
cout << "[#] With Payload: " << endl;
payload = raw_payload->GetStringPayload();
SPPM(payload); // Function present in algo.cpp
void main() { // }
#ifndef algo_H_
#define algo_H_
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void SPPM (std::string input);
#include "algo.h"
#define byte uint8_t
using namespace std;
void SPPM(std::string input){ //definition }
When I compile the code using g++, I get this error:
In function `PacketHandler(Crafter::Packet*, void*)':
/home/maleeha/libcrafter_latest/libcrafter-master/libcrafter/pcap_reader.cpp:32: undefined reference to `SPPM(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)'collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I am executing my code this way:
g++ -c Reader.cpp -o Reader.o -g -lcrafter
g++ -c algo.cpp -o algo.o
g++ -o program Reader.o algo.o -lcrafter
./program Packets.pcap
Why is this error coming?

Linker error compiling keyczar program

I am using g++ -lkeyczar -lcrypto -o basic_encrypt -Wall -O2 base_encrypt.cpp to compile the following code:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <keyczar/keyczar.h>
void EncryptAndDecrypt(const std::string& location) {
keyczar::Keyczar* crypter = keyczar::Crypter::Read(location);
if (!crypter)
std::string input = "Secret message";
std::string ciphertext;
std::cout << "Plaintext: " << input << std::endl;
bool result = crypter->Encrypt(input, &ciphertext);
if (result) {
std::cout << "Ciphertext (Base64w): " << ciphertext << std::endl;
std::string decrypted_input;
bool result = crypter->Decrypt(ciphertext, &decrypted_input);
if (result)
assert(input == decrypted_input);
delete crypter;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cout << "An absolute key set location must be provided as argument"
<< std::endl;
return 1; // error
// The first argument must represent the keyset's location
const std::string location(argv[1]);
return 0;
Which is a tutorial taken from here
However, I am running into the following error:
/tmp/ccNlack3.o: In function `EncryptAndDecrypt(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)':
base_encrypt.cpp:(.text+0xf): undefined reference to `keyczar::Crypter::Read(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I am unable to solve this since I know that I am already giving the library flags while compiling. Why is it still unable to link correctly ?
Put the library flags at the end of the command line:
g++ -o basic_encrypt -Wall -O2 base_encrypt.cpp -lkeyczar -lcrypto