lock-free "closable" MPSC queue - c++

Multiple producers single consumer scenario, except consumption happens once and after that the queue is "closed" and no more work is allowed. I have a MPSC queue, so I tried to add a lock-free algorithm to "close" the queue. I believe it's correct and it passes my tests. The problem is when I try to optimise memory order it stops working (I think work is lost, e.g. enqueued after the queue is closed). Even on x64 which has "kind of" strong memory model, even with a single producer.
My attempt to fine-tune memory order is commented out:
// thread-safe for multi producers single consumer use
// linked-list based, and so it's growable
MPSC_queue work_queue;
std::atomic<bool> closed{ false };
std::atomic<int32_t> producers_num{ 0 };
bool produce(Work&& work)
bool res = false;
// producers_num.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release);
if (!closed)
// if (!closed.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
res = true;
// producers_num.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release);
return res;
void consume()
closed = true;
// closed.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
while (producers_num != 0)
// while (producers_num.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != 0)
Work work;
while (work_queue.pop(work))
I also tried std::memory_order_acq_rel for read-modify-write ops on producers_num, doesn't work either.
A bonus question:
This algorithm is used with MPSC queue, which already does some synchronisation inside. It would be nice to combine them for better performance. Do you know any such algorithm for "closable" MPSC queue?

I think closed = true; does need to be seq_cst to make sure it's visible to other threads before you check producers_num the first time. Otherwise this ordering is possible:
producer: ++producers_num;
consumer: producers_num == 0
producer: if (!closed) finds it still open
consumer: close.store(true, release) becomes globally visible.
consumer: work_queue.pop(work) finds the queue empty
producer: work_queue.push(std::move(work)); adds work to the queue after consumer has stopped looking.
You can still avoid seq_cst if you have the consumer check producers_num == 0 before returning, like
while (producers_num != 0)
// while (producers_num.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != 0)
do {
Work work;
while (work_queue.pop(work))
} while(producers_num.load(acquire) != 0);
// safe if pop included a full barrier, I think
I'm not 100% sure I have this right, but I think checking producer_num after a full barrier is sufficient.
However, the producer side does need ++producers_num; to be at least acq_rel, otherwise it can reorder past if (!closed). (An acquire fence after it, before if(!closed) might also work).
Since you only want to use the queue once, it doesn't need to wrap around and can probably be quite a lot simpler. Like an atomic producer-position counter that writers increment to claim a spot, and if they get a position > size then the queue was full. I haven't thought through the full details, though.
That might allow a cleaner solution to the above problem, perhaps by having the consumer look at that write index to see if there were any producer


Bottleneck in parallel packet dispatcher

I will say in advance that huge speed is needed and calling ExecutePackets is very expensive.
Necessary that the ExecutePackets function process many packages in parallel from different threads.
struct Packet {
bool responseStatus;
char data[1024];
struct PacketPool {
int packet_count;
Packet* packets[10];
std::mutex queue_mtx;
std::mutex request_mtx;
bool ParallelExecutePacket(Packet* p_packet) {
p_packet->responseStatus = false;
struct QueuePacket {
bool executed;
Packet* p_packet;
}queue_packet{ false, p_packet };
static std::list<std::reference_wrapper<QueuePacket>> queue;
//make queue
if (!queue_packet.executed)
ZeroMemory(&packet_pool, sizeof(packet_pool));
//move queue to pequest_pool and clear queue
auto iter = queue.begin();
while (iter != queue.end())
if (!(*iter).get().executed)
int current_count = packet_pool.packet_count++;
packet_pool.packets[current_count] = (*iter).get().p_packet;
(*iter).get().executed = true;
else ++iter;
//execute packets
return p_packet->responseStatus;
The ParallelExecutePacket function can be called from multiple loops at the same time. I want packets to be processed in batches of several. More precisely, so that each thread processes the entire queue. Then the number of ExecutePackets will be reduced, while not losing the number of processed packets.
However, in my code with multiple threads, the total number of packets processed is equal to the number of packets processed by one thread. And I don't understand why this is happening.
In my test, I created several threads and in each thread called ParallelExecutePacket in a loop.
The results are the number of processed requests per second.
Thread 0 : 20826
Thread 1 : 40031
Thread 2 : 6057
Thread 3 : 12769
Thread 4 : 12219
Thread 0 : 104902
And if my version is not working,how implement what i need?
auto iter = queue.begin();
while (iter != queue.end())
Only one execution thread locks the queue at a time, drains all messages from it, and then unlocks it. Even if a thousand execution threads are available here only one of them will be able to do any work. All others get blocked.
The length of time the queue_mtx is held must be minimized as much as possible, it should be no more than the absoulte minimum it takes to pluck one messages out of the queue, removing it completely, then unlocking the queue while all the real work is done.
int current_count = packet_pool.packet_count++;
packet_pool.packets[current_count] = (*iter).get().p_packet;
This appears to be the extent of the work that's done here. Currently the shown code enjoys the benefit of being protected by the queue_mtx. If this is no longer protected by it, any more, then thread safety must be implemented here in some other way, if that's needed (it's unclear what any of this is, and whether there's a thread synchronization issue here, at all).
You never drop request_mtx during the while loop. That while loop includes ExecutePackets, so your thread blocks all of the others until it completes executing all the tasks it finds.
Also note that you wont actually see any speed ups from this style of parallelism. To have n threads of parallelism with this code, you need to have n callers calling into ParallelExecutePacket. This is exactly the same parallelism that would happen if you just let each one work on its own. Indeed, statistically speaking you will find that almost always every thread just runs its own task. Every now and then you'll get a threading contention which causes one thread to execute another's task. When this occurs, both threads slow down to the slower of the two.

Is this implementation of inter-process Producer Consumer correct and safe against process crash?

I am developing a message queue between two processes on Windows.
I would like to support multiple producers and one consumer.
The queue must not be corrupted by the crash of one of the processes, that is, the other processes are not effected by the crash, and when the crashed process is restarted it can continue communication (with the new, updated state).
Assume that the event objects in these snippets are wrappers for named Windows Auto Reset Events and mutex objects are wrappers for named Windows mutex (I used the C++ non-interprocess mutex type as a placeholder).
This is the producer side:
void producer()
for (;;)
// Multiple producers modify _writeOffset so must be given exclusive access
unique_lock<mutex> excludeProducers(_producerMutex);
// A snapshot of the readOffset is sufficient because we use _notFullEvent.
long readOffset = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_readOffset, 0, 0);
// while is required because _notFullEvent.Wait might return because it was abandoned
while (IsFull(readOffset, _writeOffset))
readOffset = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_readOffset, 0, 0);
// use a mutex to protect the resource from the consumer
unique_lock<mutex> lockResource(_resourceMutex);
// update the state
InterlockedExchange(&_writeOffset, IncrementOffset(_writeOffset));
Similarly, this is the consumer side:
void consumer()
for (;;)
long writeOffset = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_writeOffset, 0, 0);
while (IsEmpty(_readOffset, writeOffset))
writeOffset = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_writeOffset, 0, 0);
unique_lock<mutex> lockResource(_resourceMutex);
InterlockedExchange(&_readOffset, IncrementOffset(_readOffset));
Are there any race conditions in this implementation?
Is it indeed protected against crashes as required?
P.S. The queue meets the requirements if the state of the queue is protected. If the crash occurred within the process(i) or consume(i) the contents of those slots might be corrupted and other means will be used to detect and maybe even correct corruption of those. Those means are out of the scope of this question.
There is indeed a race condition in this implementation.
Thank you #VTT for pointing it out.
#VTT wrote that if the producer dies right before _notEmptyEvent.Set(); then consumer may get stuck forever.
Well, maybe not forever, because when the producer is resumed it will add an item and wake up the consumer again. But the state has indeed been corrupted. If, for instance this happens QUEUE_SIZE times, the producer will see that the queue is full (IsFull() will return true) and it will wait. This is a deadlock.
I am considering the following solution to this, adding the commented code on the producer side. A similar addition should be made on the consumer side:
void producer()
for (;;)
// Multiple producers modify _writeOffset so must be given exclusive access
unique_lock<mutex> excludeProducers(_producerMutex);
// A snapshot of the readOffset is sufficient because we use _notFullEvent.
long readOffset = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_readOffset, 0, 0);
// ====================== Added begin
if (!IsEmpty(readOffset, _writeOffset))
// ======================= end Added
// while is required because _notFullEvent.Wait might return because it was abandoned
while (IsFull(readOffset, _writeOffset))
This will cause the producer to wake up the consumer whenever it gets the chance to run, if indeed the queue is now not empty.
This is looking more like a solution based on condition variables, which would have been my preferred pattern, were it not for the unfortunate fact that on Windows, condition variables are not named and therefore cannot be shared between processes.
If this solution is voted correct, I will edit the original post with the complete code.
So there are a few problems with the code posted in the question:
As already noted, there's a marginal race condition; if the queue were to become full, and all the active producers crashed before setting _notFullEvent, your code would deadlock. Your answer correctly resolves that problem by setting the event at the start of the loop rather than the end.
You're over-locking; there's typically little point in having multiple producers if only one of them is going to be producing at a time. This prohibits writing directly into shared memory, you'll need a local cache. (It isn't impossible to have multiple producers writing directly into different slots in the shared memory, but it would make robustness much more difficult to achieve.)
Similarly, you typically need to be able to produce and consume simultaneously, and your code doesn't allow this.
Here's how I'd do it, using a single mutex (shared by both consumer and producer threads) and two auto-reset event objects.
void consumer(void)
for (;;)
if (!IsFull(*read_offset, *write_offset))
// Queue is not full, make sure at least one producer is awake
while (IsEmpty(*read_offset, *write_offset))
// Queue is empty, wait for producer to add a message
WaitForSingleObject(notEmptyEvent, INFINITE);
*read_offset = IncrementOffset(*read_offset);
void producer(void)
for (;;)
if (!IsEmpty(*read_offset, *write_offset))
// Queue is not empty, make sure consumer is awake
if (!IsFull(*read_offset, *write_offset))
// Queue is not full, make sure at least one other producer is awake
while (IsFull(*read_offset, *write_offset))
// Queue is full, wait for consumer to remove a message
WaitForSingleObject(notFullEvent, INFINITE);
*write_offset = IncrementOffset(*write_offset);

SPSC lock free queue without atomics

I have below a SPSC queue for my logger.
It is certainly not a general-use SPSC lock-free queue.
However, given a bunch of assumptions around how it will be used, target architecture etc, and a number of acceptable tradeoffs, which I go into detail below, my questions is basically, is it safe / does it work?
It will only be used on x86_64 architecture, so writes to uint16_t will be atomic.
Only the producer updates the tail.
Only the consumer updates the head.
If the producer reads an old value of head, it will look like there is less space in the queue than reality, which is an acceptable limitation in the context in which is is used.
If the consumer reads an old value of tail, it will look like there is less data waiting in the queue than reality, again an acceptable limitation.
The limitations above are acceptable because:
the consumer may not get the latest tail immediately, but eventually the latest tail will arrive, and queued data will be logged.
the producer may not get the latest head immediately, so the queue will look more full than it really is. In our load testing we have found the amount we log vs the size of the queue, and the speed at which the logger drains the queue, this limitation has no effect - there is always space in the queue.
A final point, the use of volatile is necessary to prevent the variable which each thread only reads from being optimised out.
My questions:
Is this logic correct?
Is the queue thread safe?
Is volatile sufficient?
Is volatile necessary?
My queue:
class LogBuffer
bool is_empty() const { return head_ == tail_; }
bool is_full() const { return uint16_t(tail_ + 1) == head_; }
LogLine& head() { return log_buffer_[head_]; }
LogLine& tail() { return log_buffer_[tail_]; }
void advance_head() { ++head_; }
void advance_hail() { ++tail_; }
volatile uint16_t tail_ = 0; // write position
LogLine log_buffer_[0xffff + 1]; // relies on the uint16_t overflowing
volatile uint16_t head_ = 0; // read position
Is this logic correct?
Is the queue thread safe?
Is volatile sufficient? Is volatile necessary?
No, to both. Volatile is not a magic keyword that makes any variable threadsafe. You still need to use atomic variables or memory barriers for the indexes to ensure memory ordering is correct when you produce or consume an item.
To be more specific, after you produce or consume an item for your queue you need to issue a memory barrier to guarantee that other threads will see the changes. Many atomic libraries will do this for you when you update an atomic variable.
As an aside, use "was_empty" instead of "is_empty" to be clear about what it does. The result of this call is one instance in time which may have changed by the time you act on its value.

Why does my lock-free message queue segfault :(?

As a purely mental exercise I'm trying to get this to work without locks or mutexes. The idea is that when the consumer thread is reading/executing messages it atomically swaps which std::vector the producer thread uses for writes. Is this possible? I've tried playing around with thread fences to no avail. There's a race condition here somewhere because it occasionally seg faults. I imagine it's somewhere in the enqueue function. Any ideas?
// should execute functions on the original thread
class message_queue {
using fn = std::function<void()>;
using queue = std::vector<fn>;
message_queue() : write_index(0) {
// should only be called from consumer thread
void run () {
// atomically gets the current pending queue and switches it with the other one
// for example if we're writing to queues[0], we grab a reference to queue[0]
// and tell the producer to write to queues[1]
queue& active = queues[write_index.fetch_xor(1)];
// skip if we don't have any messages
if (active.size() == 0) return;
// run all messages/callbacks
for (auto fn : active) {
// clear the active queue so it can be re-used
// swap active and pending threads
void enqueue (fn value) {
// loads the current pending queue and append some work
queue queues[2];
std::atomic<bool> is_empty; // unused for now
std::atomic<int> write_index;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
message_queue queue{};
// flag to stop the message loop
// doesn't actually need to be atomic because it's only read/wrote on the main thread
std::atomic<bool> done(false);
std::thread worker([&queue, &done] {
int count = 100;
// send 100 messages
while (--count) {
queue.enqueue([count] {
// should be executed in the main thread
std::cout << count << "\n";
// finally tell the main thread we're done
queue.enqueue([&] {
std::cout << "done!\n";
done = true;
// run messages until the done flag is set
while(!done) queue.run();
if I understand your code correctly, there are data races, e.g.:
// producer
int r0 = write_index.load(); // r0 == 0
// consumer
int r1 = write_index.fetch_xor(1); // r1 == 0
queue& active = queues[r1];
// producer
Now both threads access the same queue at the same time. That's a data race, and that means undefined behaviour.
Your lock-free queue fails to work because you did not start with at least a semi-formal proof of correctness, then turn that proof into an algorithm with the proof being the primary text, comments connecting the proof to the code, all interconnected with the code.
Unless you are copy/pasting someone else's implementation who did do that, any attempt to write a lock-free algorithm will fail. If you are copy-pasting someone else's implementation, please provide it.
Lock free algorithms are not robust unless you have such a proof that they are correct, because the kind of errors that make them fail are subtle, and extreme care must be taken. Simply "rolling" a lock free algorithm, even if it fails to result in apparent problems during testing, is a recipe for unreliable code.
One way to get around writing a formal proof in this kind of situation is to track down someone who has written proven correct pseudo code or the like. Sketch out the pseudo code, together with the proof of correctness, in comments. Then fill in the code in the holes.
In general, proving an "almost correct" lock free algorithm is flawed is harder than writing a solid proof that a lock free algorithm is correct if implemented in a particular way, then implementing it. Now, if your algorithm is so flawed that it is easy to find the flaws, then you aren't showing a basic understanding of the problem domain.
In short, by posting "why is my algorithm wrong", you are approaching how to write lock free algorithms incorrectly. "Where is the flaw in my proof?", "I proved this pseudo-code correct here, and then I implemented it, why do my tests show deadlocks?" are good lock-free questions. "Here is a bunch of code with comments that merely describe what the next line of code does, and no comments describing why I do the next line of code, or how that line of code maintains my lock-free invariants" is not a good lock-free question.
Step back. Find some proven-correct algorithms. Learn how the proof work. Implement some proven correct algorithms via monkey-see monkey-do. Look at the footnotes to note the issues their proof overlooked (like A-B issues). After you have a bunch of those under your belt, try a variation, and do the proof, and check the proof, and do the implementation, and check the implementation.

How to make thread synchronization without using mutex, semorphore, spinLock and futex?

This is an interview question, the interview has been done.
How to make thread synchronization without using mutex, semorphore, spinLock and futex ?
Given 5 threads, how to make 4 of them wait for a signal from the left thread at the same point ?
it means that when all threads (1,2,3,4) execute at a point in their thread function, they stop and wait for
signal from thread 5 send a signal otherwise they will not proceed.
My idea:
Use global bool variable as a flag, if thread 5 does not set it true, all other threads wait at one point and also set their
flag variable true. After the thread 5 find all threads' flag variables are true, it will set it flag var true.
It is a busy-wait.
Any better ideas ?
the pseudo code:
bool globalflag = false;
bool a[10] = {false} ;
int main()
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i++)
pthread_create( threadfunc, i ) ;
bool b = true;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
b = a[i] & b ;
if (b) break;
void threadfunc(i)
a[i] = true;
Start with an empty linked list of waiting threads. The head should be set to 0.
Use CAS, compare and swap, to insert a thread at the head of the list of waiters. If the head =-1, then do not insert or wait. You can safely use CAS to insert items at the head of a linked list if you do it right.
After being inserted, the waiting thread should wait on SIGUSR1. Use sigwait() to do this.
When ready, the signaling thread uses CAS to set the head of wait list to -1. This prevents any more threads from adding themselves to the wait list. Then the signaling thread iterates the threads in the wait list and calls pthread_kill(&thread, SIGUSR1) to wake up each waiting thread.
If SIGUSR1 is sent before a call to sigwait, sigwait will return immediately. Thus, there will not be a race between adding a thread to the wait list and calling sigwait.
Why is CAS faster than a mutex? Laymen's answer (I'm a layman). Its faster for some things in some situations, because it has lower overhead when there is NO race. So if you can reduce your concurrent problem down to needing to change 8-16-32-64-128 bits of contiguous memory, and a race is not going to happen very often, CAS wins. CAS is basically a slightly more fancy/expensive mov instruction right where you were going to do a regular "mov" anyway. Its a "lock exchng" or something like that.
A mutex on the other hand is a whole bunch of extra stuff, that gets other cache lines dirty and uses more memory barriers, etc. Although CAS acts as a memory barrier on the x86, x64, etc. Then of course you have to unlock the mutex which is probably about the same amount of extra stuff.
Here is how you add an item to a linked list using CAS:
while (1)
pOldHead = pHead; <-- snapshot of the world. Start of the race.
pItem->pNext = pHead;
if (CAS(&pHead, pOldHead, pItem)) <-- end of the race if phead still is pOldHead
break; // success
So how often do you think your code is going to have multiple threads at that CAS line at the exact same time? In reality....not very often. We did tests that just looped adding millions of items with multiple threads at the same time and it happens way less than 1% of the time. In a real program, it might never happen.
Obviously if there is a race you have to go back and do that loop again, but in the case of a linked list, what does that cost you?
The downside is that you can't do very complex things to that linked list if you are going to use that method to add items to the head. Try implementing a double linked list. What a pain.
In the code above I use a macro CAS. If you are using linux, CAS = macro using __sync_bool_compare_and_swap. See gcc atomic builtins. If you are using windows, CAS = macro using something like InterlockedCompareExchange. Here is what an inline function in windows might look like:
inline bool CAS(volatile WORD* p, const WORD nOld, const WORD nNew) {
return InterlockedCompareExchange16((short*)p, nNew, nOld) == nOld;
inline bool CAS(volatile DWORD* p, const DWORD nOld, const DWORD nNew) {
return InterlockedCompareExchange((long*)p, nNew, nOld) == nOld;
inline bool CAS(volatile QWORD* p, const QWORD nOld, const QWORD nNew) {
return InterlockedCompareExchange64((LONGLONG*)p, nNew, nOld) == nOld;
inline bool CAS(void*volatile* p, const void* pOld, const void* pNew) {
return InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(p, (PVOID)pNew, (PVOID)pOld) == pOld;
Choose a signal to use, say SIGUSR1.
Use pthread_sigmask to block SIGUSR1.
Create the threads (they inherit the signal mask, hence 1 must be done first!)
Threads 1-4 call sigwait, blocking until SIGUSR1 is received.
Thread 5 calls kill() or pthread_kill 4 times with SIGUSR1. Since POSIX specifies that signals will be delivered to a thread which is not blocking the signal, it will be delivered to one of the threads waiting in sigwait(). There is thus no need to keep track of which threads have already received the signal and which haven't, with associated synchronization.
You can do this using SSE3's MONITOR and MWAIT instructions, available via the _mm_mwait and _mm_monitor intrinsics, Intel has an article on it here.
(there is also a patent for using memory-monitor-wait for lock contention here that may be of interest).
I think you are looking the Peterson's algorithm or Dekker's algorithm
They synced threads only based on shared memory