#pragma once
#ifndef SDDS_GIFT_H
#define SDDS_GIFT_H
#include <iostream>
namespace sdds
const int MAX_DESC = 15;
const double MAX_PRICE = 999.999;
const int MAX_WRAP = 20;
struct Gift
char m_description[MAX_DESC];
double m_price;
int m_units;
int m_wrapLayers;
struct Wrapping* m_wrap;
struct Wrapping
char* m_pattern;
void gifting(char*);
void gifting(double&);
void gifting(int&);
bool wrap(Gift& theGift);
bool unwrap(Gift& theGift);
void gifting(Gift& theGift);
void display(const Gift& theGift);
#include <iostream>
#include "Gift.h"
using namespace std;
namespace sdds
void gifting(char* m_description) // sending info
cout << "Enter gift description: ";
cin.width(MAX_DESC + 1);
cin >> m_description;
void gifting(double& m_price)
cout << "Enter gift price: ";
cin >> m_price;
while (m_price > MAX_PRICE || m_price < 0)
cout << "Gift price must be between 0 and " << MAX_PRICE << std::endl;
cout << "Enter gift price: ";
cin >> m_price;
void gifting(int& m_units)// gifting function
cout << "Enter gift units: ";
cin >> m_units;
while (m_units < 1)
cout << "Gift units must be at least 1" << std::endl;
cout << "Enter gift units: ";
cin >> m_units;
bool wrap(Gift& m_wrap) {
if (m_wrap.m_wrapLayers > 0) {
cout << "Gift is already wrapped!" << endl;
return false;
else {
cout << "Wrapping gifts..." << endl;
cout << "Enter the number of wrapping layers for the Gift: ";
cin >> m_wrap.m_wrapLayers;
while (m_wrap.m_wrapLayers < 1) {
cout << "Layers at minimum must be 1, try again." << endl;
cout << "Enter the number of wrapping layers for the Gift: ";
cin >> m_wrap.m_wrapLayers;
int i = 0;
m_wrap.m_wrap = new Wrapping[MAX_WRAP + 1];
for (i = 0; i < m_wrap.m_wrapLayers; i++) {
m_wrap.m_wrap->m_pattern = new char[MAX_WRAP + 1];
cout << "Enter wrapping pattern #" << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> m_wrap.m_wrap->m_pattern;
} // I put struct in a structure
return true;
m_wrap.m_wrap = nullptr;
bool unwrap(Gift& g_unwrap) // unwrap function
if (g_unwrap.m_wrapLayers > 0) {
cout << "Gift being unwrapped." << endl;
g_unwrap.m_wrapLayers = 0;
g_unwrap.m_wrap->m_pattern = nullptr;
return true;
cout << "Gift isn't wrapped! Can't unwrap." << endl;
return false;
void display(const Gift& theGift)
cout << "Gift Details:" << endl;
cout << " Description: " << theGift.m_description << endl;
cout << " Price: " << theGift.m_price << endl;
cout << " Units: " << theGift.m_units << endl;
if (theGift.m_wrap == nullptr) // this part seems like a problem
cout << "Unwrapped" << endl;
int i = 0;
cout << "Wrap Layers: " << theGift.m_wrapLayers << endl;
for (i = 0; i < theGift.m_wrapLayers; i++) {
cout << "Wrap #" << i + 1 << ": " << theGift.m_wrap[i].m_pattern << endl;
void gifting(Gift& gift) //last function
cout << "Preparing a gift..." << endl;
// Workshop 2: Dynamic Memory & Function Overloading
// Version 2.0
// Date 2020/05/05
// Author Michael Huang
// Description
// Tests Gift module and provides a set of TODOs to complete
// which the main focuses are dynamic memory allocation
#include <iostream>
#include "Gift.h"
#include "Gift.h" // intentional
using namespace std;
using namespace sdds;
void printHeader(const char* title)
char oldFill = cout.fill('-');
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "|> " << title << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
int main() {
Gift g1; // Unwrapped Gift
printHeader("T1: Checking Constants");
cout << "MAX_DESC: " << sdds::MAX_DESC << endl;
cout << "MAX_PRICE: " << sdds::MAX_PRICE << endl;
cout << "MAX_WRAP: " << sdds::MAX_WRAP << endl;
cout << endl;
printHeader("T2: Display Wrapped Gift");
cout << endl;
g1.m_wrap = nullptr;
g1.m_wrapLayers = 0;
cout << endl;
printHeader("T3: Wrap a gift");
if (wrap(g1))
cout << "Test succeeded!";
cout << "Test failed: wrapping didn't happen!" << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
printHeader("T4: Re-wrap a gift");
cout << "Attempting to rewrap the previous Gift: "
<< g1.m_description << endl;
if (wrap(g1) == false)
cout << "Test succeeded!";
cout << "Test failed: gift it's already wrapped, cannot wrap again!";
cout << endl << endl;
printHeader("T5: Unwrap a gift");
cout << "Attempting to unwrap the previous gift: "
<< g1.m_description << endl;
if (unwrap(g1))
cout << "Test succeeded!";
cout << "Test failed: you should be able to unwrap!";
cout << endl << endl;
printHeader("T6: Unwrap again");
cout << "Attempting to un-unwrap the previous gift: "
<< g1.m_description << endl;
if (!unwrap(g1))
cout << "Test succeeded!";
cout << "Test failed: you should not be able to unwrap again!";
cout << endl << endl;
Gift g2; // Unwrapped Gift
printHeader("T7: Prepare another gift");
g2.m_wrap = nullptr;
g2.m_wrapLayers = 0;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
printHeader("T8: Unwrap the second gift");
return 0;
Output matches perfectly but I don't know why memory leaks.. please help me. I am doubting my wrap part but I think there must be something else since deallocation seems fine.
I tried my best but I still cannot see which part is wrong.
I cannot see why my deallocation does not work I tried changing it so many times but nothing works.
On this line:
m_wrap.m_wrap->m_pattern = new char[MAX_WRAP + 1];
You allocate memory, but later you only:
Also in your for loop you allocate memory, then get some input and store that inside the pointer, as a memory address. Should you ever dereference that, you will invoke undefined behavior, in practice that may likely will a segfault. You should consider rewriting at least that part from scratch.
I was able to write a program to pass my c++ class in college except for one feature. I was unable to create a function that sorted the names inside an array of structs with name of type char alphabetically. Please advise on how to tackle this problem.
I would need a function that sorts the accountRecords array alphabetically.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Structure Initilizations
struct MasterRecord
int customerID;
char address[ADDR_SIZE];
char city[ADDR_SIZE];
char state[STATE_SIZE];
char zip[STATE_SIZE];
float accountBalance;
char lastTransactionDate[15];
struct TransactionRecord
int customerID;
char transactionType;
float amount;
char transactionDate[15];
//File Array Initializations
vector<MasterRecord> masterRecordList(101);
vector<TransactionRecord> transRecordList(101);
//Array List Record Position
int masterRecordArrayPosition = 0;
int transactionRecordArrayPosition = 0;
//User Menu Answer Variable Initialization
int userAnswer = 0;
string recordNotFoundAnswer = "";
//Print Function Prototypes
void showMenu();
void showMasterRecord(int);
void showTransactionRecord(int);
//Main Menu Function Prototypes
void newCustomerRecord(int);
void editCustomerRecord(int);
void deleteCustomerRecord(int);
int randomComputerID();
int searchMasterRecord(int);
void saveAccountRecords();
void saveTransRecords();
void newTransactionRecord(int);
//Placeholders Variables
int customerIDsearch = 0;
int customerIDSearchArrayPosition = 0;
int userNameCharactererror = 0;
//Function Loop Counters
int accountWriteCounter = 0;
int transWriteCounter = 0;
int showRecordCounter = 0;
int showTransCounter = 0;
//System time Declaration and Conversion for [lastTransactionDate]
time_t now = time(0);
tm *ltm = localtime(&now);
string currentYearInString = to_string(1900 + ltm->tm_year);
string currentMonthInString = to_string(1 + ltm->tm_mon);
string currentDayInString = to_string(ltm->tm_mday);
string currentDateInString = currentMonthInString + "/" + currentDayInString + "/" + currentYearInString;
char dateInChar[15];
//Main Program
int main()
//Final conversion of time in string to char for storage
strncpy_s(dateInChar, currentDateInString.c_str(), 15);
//Open MasterRecord file and read records to arrays
fstream masterRecord("masterRecord.dat", ios::in | ios::binary);
int listCounter = 0;
if (!masterRecord) {
cout << "Unable to open the user records file, creating file database....Done!" << endl;
masterRecord.open("masterRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
else {
while (!masterRecord.eof()) {
masterRecord.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&masterRecordList[listCounter]), sizeof(masterRecordList[0]));
if (masterRecordList[listCounter].customerID != 0) {
masterRecordArrayPosition = listCounter;
//Open Transaction Record and read to arrays
fstream transactionRecord("transactionRecord.dat", ios::in | ios::binary);
int listCounter2 = 0;
if (!transactionRecord) {
cout << "Unable to open the transaction file, creating file database....Done!" << endl << endl;
transactionRecord.open("transactionRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
else {
while (!transactionRecord.eof()) {
transactionRecord.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&transRecordList[listCounter2]), sizeof(transRecordList[0]));
if (transRecordList[listCounter2].customerID != 0) {
transactionRecordArrayPosition = listCounter2;
//Time Declaration Used to Generate Random IDs
//Main user Program Loop
while (userAnswer != 6) {
cin >> userAnswer; cout << endl;
//Menu Input Data Validation
if (cin.fail()) {
cout << "Please only enter numbers 1-6 for the corresponding menu selection." << endl;
else {
if (userAnswer < 1 || userAnswer > 7) {
cout << "Please only enter numbers 1-6 for the corresponding menu selection." << endl;
userAnswer = 0;
//Menu Selection Switch Case
switch (userAnswer) {
case 1:
cout << "Record has been saved." << endl << endl;
case 2:
case 3:
cout << "Please enter the Customer ID you would like to Delete" << endl << endl; //[Delete Customer Record] Function goes here
cin >> customerIDsearch;
customerIDSearchArrayPosition = searchMasterRecord(customerIDsearch);
if (customerIDSearchArrayPosition != 9999) {
case 4:
cout << "Please enter the Customer ID you would like to edit." << endl << endl; //[Search/Edit Customer Record] Function goes here
cin >> customerIDsearch;
customerIDSearchArrayPosition = searchMasterRecord(customerIDsearch);
if (customerIDSearchArrayPosition != 9999) {
else {
cout << "Record was not found, would you like to add a new record? Y = Yes, N = No" << endl << endl;
cin >> recordNotFoundAnswer;
if (recordNotFoundAnswer == "Y" | recordNotFoundAnswer == "y") {
cout << "Record has been saved." << endl << endl;
else if (recordNotFoundAnswer == "N" | recordNotFoundAnswer == "n") {
userAnswer = 0;
case 5:
cout << setw(212) << "Please find all customer records in the database" << endl << endl; //[Show all Records] Function goes here
cout << setw(40) << "Name:" << setw(10) << "ID:" << setw(23) << "Street Address:" <<setw(10) << "ZIP:" << setw(16) << "L.Trans Date:" << setw(11) << "Balance: " << endl;
while (showRecordCounter < 100) {
if (masterRecordList[showRecordCounter].customerID != 0) {
showRecordCounter = showRecordCounter + 1;
} showRecordCounter = 0;
userAnswer = 0;
cout << endl;
case 6:
cout << "Saving changes to database...Done!" << endl;
cout << "Done!" << endl;
case 7:
cout << "Showing all transaction Records:" << endl << endl;
while (showTransCounter < 100) {
if (transRecordList[showTransCounter].customerID != 0) {
showTransCounter = showTransCounter + 1;
} showTransCounter = 0;
userAnswer = 0;
return 0;
//Databas Management Functions
void saveAccountRecords() {
fstream masterRecord("masterRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
while (accountWriteCounter < 100) {
masterRecord.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&masterRecordList[accountWriteCounter]), sizeof(masterRecordList[0]));
void saveTransRecords() {
fstream transRecord("transactionRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
while (transWriteCounter < 100) {
transRecord.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&transRecordList[transWriteCounter]), sizeof(transRecordList[0]));
//Random Function
int randomComputerID() {
int randomNumber;
randomNumber = (rand() % 1000) + 10000;
return randomNumber;
//Program Print Functions
void showMenu() {
cout << "Welcome to your C++ company terminal! Please enter one of the options below to continue." << endl << endl;
cout << "1. New Customer Record" << endl;
cout << "2. New Transaction Record" << endl;
cout << "3. Delete Customer Record" << endl;
cout << "4. Edit Customer Record" << endl;
cout << "5. Show all Account Records in Database" << endl;
cout << "6. Exit and Save Changes to Database" << endl << endl;
cout << "Please enter the number for the correspondent action you would like to perform:" << endl;
void showMasterRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << setw(40)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].name << setw(10) << masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID << setw(23)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].address << setw(10)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].zip << setw(16)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].lastTransactionDate << setw(6) <<"$"
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance; cout << endl;
void showTransactionRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << "Customer ID: " << transRecordList[arrayNum].customerID << endl;
cout << "Amount: $" << transRecordList[arrayNum].amount << endl;
cout << "Transaction Type: " << transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType << endl;
cout << "Transaction Date: " << transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionDate << endl << endl;
//Main Menu Functions [Please insert your functions here and prototype them above].
void newCustomerRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << "Customer ID: ";
masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID = randomComputerID();
cout << masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID; cout << endl;
cout << "Name: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].name, 25);
if (cin.fail()) {
cout << endl << "Please enter only characters up 25 chracters for your name." << endl;
userNameCharactererror = 1;
cin.ignore(80, '\n');
else {
userNameCharactererror = 0;
} while (userNameCharactererror == 1);
cout << "Address: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].address, 100);
cout << "City: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].city;
cout << "State: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].state;
cout << "Zip Code: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].zip;
cout << "Opening Balance: $";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance; cout << endl; cout << endl;
masterRecordArrayPosition = masterRecordArrayPosition + 1;
void editCustomerRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << "Customer ID: ";
cout << masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID; cout << endl;
cout << "Name: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].name, 51);
cout << "Address: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].address, 100);
cout << "City: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].city;
cout << "State: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].state;
cout << "Zip Code: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].zip;
cout << "Edit Balance: $";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance; cout << endl; cout << endl;
void deleteCustomerRecord(int arrayNum) {
if (masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance == 0)
masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID = 0;
cout << "Record has been deleted" << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "Unable to delete record, customer accounts holds a positive balance" << endl << endl;
int searchMasterRecord(int customerID) //Search by customer name and returns array position
int arrayPosition = 0;
int arrayCounter = 0;
int customerIdPlaceholder = 0;
while (arrayCounter < 100) {
customerIdPlaceholder = masterRecordList[arrayCounter].customerID;
if (customerIdPlaceholder == customerID) {
cout << "Record has been found!" << endl << endl;
arrayPosition = arrayCounter;
arrayCounter = 100;
else {
arrayPosition = 9999;
arrayCounter = arrayCounter + 1;
return arrayPosition;
void newTransactionRecord(int arrayNum) {
// Request customer ID and transaction type from the user
cout << "Customer ID: ";
cin >> transRecordList[arrayNum].customerID;
cout << "Date: ";
strncpy_s(transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionDate, dateInChar, 15);
cout << transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionDate << endl;
cout << "Transaction Type [D = Deposit] [W = Withdrawal]: ";
cin >> transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType;
cout << "Amount: $";
cin >> transRecordList[arrayNum].amount;
//Search for customer account, update balance, and assign last transaction date
customerIDSearchArrayPosition = searchMasterRecord(transRecordList[arrayNum].customerID);
if (customerIDSearchArrayPosition != 9999) {
if (transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType == 'D') {
masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance = masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance + transRecordList[arrayNum].amount;
strncpy_s(masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].lastTransactionDate, dateInChar, 9);
cout << "Deposit Successful! " << endl << endl;
else if (transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType == 'W') {
masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance = masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance - transRecordList[arrayNum].amount;
strncpy_s(masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].lastTransactionDate, dateInChar, 9);
cout << "Withdrawl Successful" << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "Customer account record was not found, transaction was not saved." << endl << endl;
transactionRecordArrayPosition = transactionRecordArrayPosition + 1;
Something along these lines:
masterRecordList.begin() + masterRecordArrayPosition,
[](const MasterRecord& l, const MasterRecord& r) {
return strcmp(l.name, r.name) < 0;
I'm working on an assignment in my first semester of C++ and I just can't figure out working syntax for it. I need to pass a struct as a parameter to a class function using a pointer. This code I've copied is my best attempt, and it will compile but it crashes when it asks for the first name. When I try variations in the syntax, I get errors about incomplete struct, undefined variables (warrior was or invalid operators. What am I doing wrong?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class StarWars
int totalNumber;
struct data_clone
int ID, timeCounter;
string name;
data_clone *warrior;
void createClone()
cout << "How many clone warriors do you want to create in total?" << endl;
cin >> totalNumber;
void input(struct data_clone *pointer, int total)
for(int i = 1; i <= total; i++)
cout << "For warrior number " << i << ":" << endl;
cout << "What is the warrior's name?" << endl;
cin >> pointer[i].name;
cout << "What is the warrior's ID number?" << endl;
cin >> pointer[i].ID;
cout << "What is the warrior's time counter?" << endl;
cin >> pointer[i].timeCounter;
void lifeSpan(struct data_clone *pointer, int total)
for(int i = 1; i <= total; i++)
cout << "Warrior number " << pointer[i].name << ": " << endl;
while(pointer[i].timeCounter > 0)
cout << "Warrior name: " << pointer[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << pointer[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << pointer[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is alive." << endl;
cout << "Warrior name: " << pointer[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << pointer[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << pointer[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is dead." << endl;
int main(void)
StarWars clones;
clones.input(clones.warrior, clones.totalNumber);
clones.lifeSpan(clones.warrior, clones.totalNumber);
You don't initialise the memory warrior points to, so you're working with uninitiailised memory - always a bad thing. There's two things to keep in mind here:
When working with pointers, always initialise the memory behind them first. Prefer using RAII concepts like std::unique_ptr / std::shared_ptr
void DoStuff(Widget* w);
std::unique_ptr<Widget> pw = std::make_unique<Widget>();
When working with normal variables, use the dereference / reference operators to take a pointer to the variable.
void DoStuff(Widget* w);
Widget widget;
struct data_clone
int ID, timeCounter;
string name;
class StarWars
data_clone *warrior;
int totalNumber;
delete[] warrior; // clean up
void createClone();
void input();
void lifeSpan();
void StarWars::createClone()
cout << "How many clone warriors do you want to create in total?" << endl;
cin >> totalNumber;
// construct structure baased on input
warrior = new data_clone[totalNumber];
void StarWars::input()
for(int i = 0; i < totalNumber; i++)
cout << "For warrior number " << i+1 << ":" << endl;
cout << "What is the warrior's name?" << endl;
cin >> warrior[i].name;
cout << "What is the warrior's ID number?" << endl;
cin >> warrior[i].ID;
cout << "What is the warrior's time counter?" << endl;
cin >> warrior[i].timeCounter;
void StarWars::lifeSpan()
std::cout<<"**********Print data**********\n";
for(int i = 0; i < totalNumber; i++)
cout << "Warrior number " << warrior[i].name << ": " << endl;
while(warrior[i].timeCounter > 0)
cout << "Warrior name: " << warrior[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << warrior[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << warrior[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is alive." << endl;
cout << "Warrior name: " << warrior[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << warrior[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << warrior[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is dead." << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
StarWars clones;
return 0;
You never created your clones, you only read how many there should be.
Allocate space for them:
void createClone()
cout << "How many clone warriors do you want to create in total?" << endl;
cin >> totalNumber;
warrior = new data_clone[totalNumber];
Your array indexes are also off - an array of size N is indexed from 0 to N - 1.
But the more common way of handling this is to pass the amount to the constructor and let the object handle its own members:
class StarWars
StarWars(int clones)
: totalNumber(clones),
warrior(new data_clone[clones])
void input()
for(int i = 0; i < totalNumber; i++)
cout << "For warrior number " << i << ":" << endl;
cout << "What is the warrior's name?" << endl;
cin >> warrior[i].name;
cout << "What is the warrior's ID number?" << endl;
cin >> warrior[i].ID;
cout << "What is the warrior's time counter?" << endl;
cin >> warrior[i].timeCounter;
void lifeSpan()
for(int i = 0; i < totalNumber; i++)
cout << "Warrior number " << i << ": " << endl;
while(warrior[i].timeCounter > 0)
cout << "Warrior name: " << warrior[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << warrior[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << warrior[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is alive." << endl;
cout << "Warrior name: " << warrior[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << warrior[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << warrior[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is dead." << endl;
int totalNumber;
struct data_clone
int ID, timeCounter;
string name;
data_clone *warrior;
int main()
int number = 0;
cout << "How many clone warriors do you want to create in total?" << endl;
cin >> number;
StarWars clones(number);
Note that you need to handle the destructor, the copy constructor, and the assignment operator properly as well (left as an exercise).
class StarWars
struct data_clone
int ID, timeCounter;
string name;
warrior = new data_clone[4];
delete[] warrior;
int totalNumber;
data_clone *warrior;
void createClone()
cout << "How many clone warriors do you want to create in total?" << endl;
cin >> totalNumber;
void input(struct data_clone *pointer, int total)
for(int i = 0; i < total; i++)
cout << "For warrior number " << i << ":" << endl;
cout << "What is the warrior's name?" << endl;
cin >> pointer[i].name;
cout << "What is the warrior's ID number?" << endl;
cin >> pointer[i].ID;
cout << "What is the warrior's time counter?" << endl;
cin >> pointer[i].timeCounter;
void lifeSpan(struct data_clone *pointer, int total)
for(int i = 0; i < total; i++)
cout << "Warrior number " << pointer[i].name << ": " << endl;
while(pointer[i].timeCounter > 0)
cout << "Warrior name: " << pointer[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << pointer[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << pointer[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is alive." << endl;
cout << "Warrior name: " << pointer[i].name << endl;
cout << "Warrior ID number: " << pointer[i].ID << endl;
cout << "Warrior time counter: " << pointer[i].timeCounter << endl;
cout << "Clone is dead." << endl;
Note: I just hardcoded it which is not the correct way, it force you to enter only 4 tyeps of dataclone
"warrior = new data_clone[4];"
you will at least get your result
So I'm working on this endterm project. Which the teacher said that we should use functions now. Which he recently introduced to us. My question is if it's a good idea to put every option into a function? Functions are for organizing and for code reuse right? Or I'm missing the point of functions. XD
What I mean is like making a function for option 1, which is add account. Instead of putting it in the main function. So far I only made a function for options 3,4 and 5. Which are search, view and delete functions
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
bool accountSearch(int searchParameter);
void viewList();
void deleteFromList(int delParameter);
int option, numberOfAccounts = 0, accountNumSearch, index, deleteAccount;
struct personAccount
int currentBalance, accountNumber, pin;
string lastname, firstname, middlename;
personAccount account[20];
int main()
cout << "[1] Add Account" << endl
<< "[2] Edit Account" << endl
<< "[3] Search Account" << endl
<< "[4] View Account" << endl
<< "[5] Delete Account" << endl
<< "[6] Inquire" << endl
<< "[7] Change Pin Number" << endl
<< "[8] Withdraw" << endl
<< "[9] Deposit" << endl
<< "[10] View Transactions" << endl
<< "[11] Exit" << endl << endl
<< "Option [1-11]: ";
cin >> option; cout << endl;
if(option == 1)
if(numberOfAccounts != 20)
cout << "Account Number: ";
cin >> account[numberOfAccounts].accountNumber;
cout << "PIN: ";
cin >> account[numberOfAccounts].pin;
cout << "Lastname: ";
cin >> account[numberOfAccounts].lastname;
cout << "Firstname: ";
cin >> account[numberOfAccounts].firstname;
cout << "Middlename: ";
cin >> account[numberOfAccounts].middlename;
account[numberOfAccounts].currentBalance = 0;
cout << endl;
cout << "The list is full!\n\n";
else if(option == 2)
if(numberOfAccounts != 0)
cout << "Account Number: ";
cin >> accountNumSearch;
cout << "PIN: ";
cin >> account[index].pin;
cout << "Lastname: ";
cin >> account[index].lastname;
cout << "First name: ";
cin >> account[index].firstname;
cout << "Middlename: ";
cin >> account[index].middlename;
cout << endl;
cout << "Account not found!\n\n";
cout << "The list is empty!\n\n";
else if(option == 3)
if(numberOfAccounts != 0)
cout << "Enter account number to search: ";
cin >> accountNumSearch;
cout << "Found at index " << index << "\n\n";
cout << "Not found!\n\n";
cout << "The list is empty!\n\n";
else if(option == 4)
if(numberOfAccounts != 0)
cout << "The list is empty!\n\n";
else if(option == 5)
if(numberOfAccounts != 0)
cout << "Account Number: ";
cin >> deleteAccount;
}while(option != 11);
bool accountSearch(int searchParameter)
bool found = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfAccounts; i++)
index = i;
if (account[i].accountNumber == searchParameter)
found = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
void viewList()
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfAccounts; i++)
cout << "Account Number: " << account[i].accountNumber << endl
<< "Lastname: " << account[i].lastname << endl
<< "Firstname: " << account[i].firstname << endl
<< "Middlename: " << account[i].middlename << endl
<< "Current Balance: " << account[i].currentBalance << "\n\n";
void deleteFromList(int delParameter)
for(int i = index; i < numberOfAccounts; i++)
account[i] = account[i+1];
cout << "Deleted Done\n";
cout << "Account not found!\n";
It's not done yet, but is there anything you would like to mention or suggest?
Yes, you should write functions separately, it's common good practice as a programmer, It will be easier for you(and others) to read, follow, and understand your code.
So, if your options do different things, they should have their own functions. (More like it would be desirable, in the end it's up to you)
this is an update to show chages, details below.
here is a link to snap shot of output
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
//create HotelRoom class
class HotelRoom
char* ptr_guest;
char room_number[3];
int room_capacity;
int occupancy_status;
double daily_rate;
HotelRoom(char roomNumber[], int roomCapacity, double roomRate, char* ptr_name, int occupancyStatus);
void Display_Number();
void Display_Guest();
int Get_Capacity();
int Get_Status();
double Get_Rate();
int Change_Status(int);
double Change_Rate(double);
HotelRoom::HotelRoom(char roomNumber[], int roomCapacity, double roomRate, char* ptr_name, int occupancyStatus)
strcpy(room_number, roomNumber);
room_capacity = roomCapacity;
daily_rate = roomRate;
ptr_guest = new char[strlen(ptr_name) + 1];
strcpy(ptr_guest, ptr_name);
occupancy_status = occupancyStatus;
cout << endl;
cout << "Destructor Executed";
cout << endl;
delete [] ptr_guest;
void HotelRoom::Display_Guest()
char* temp = ptr_guest;
while(*temp != '\0')
cout << *temp++;
void HotelRoom::Display_Number()
cout << room_number;
int HotelRoom::Get_Capacity()
return room_capacity;
int HotelRoom::Get_Status()
return occupancy_status;
double HotelRoom::Get_Rate()
return daily_rate;
int HotelRoom::Change_Status(int roomStatus)
if(roomStatus <= room_capacity )
occupancy_status = roomStatus;
return occupancy_status;
occupancy_status = -1;
double HotelRoom::Change_Rate(double newRate)
daily_rate = newRate;
return daily_rate;
int main()
cout << setprecision(2)
<< setiosflags(ios::fixed)
<< setiosflags(ios::showpoint);
//Declare variables to hold data
char roomNumber[3] = {'1','3','\0'};
char guestName[20];
double roomRate = 89.00;
int roomCapacity = 4;
int occupancyStatus = 0;
int status;
int checkOut;
int newCustomer;
//Ask for user input
cout << "What is the guest's name: ";
cin.getline(guestName, 20);
cout << endl;
cout << "How many guests will be staying in the room: ";
cin >> status;
HotelRoom HotelRoom1(roomNumber, roomCapacity, roomRate, guestName, status);
//Display Rooom information
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Guest's Name: ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The capacity of this room is " << HotelRoom1.Get_Capacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "There are " << HotelRoom1.Get_Status() << " guests staying in the room";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Your room number is " << HotelRoom1.Display_Number();
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The rate for this room is " << HotelRoom1.Get_Rate();
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
//chech this guest out?
cout << "Check this guest out? ('1 = yes' '0' = no) ";
cin >> checkOut;
case 1:
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
cout << endl;
cout << "You have checked out of room number " << HotelRoom1.Display_Number();
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The capacity of this room is " << HotelRoom1.Get_Capacity();
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "There are currently " << HotelRoom1.Get_Status() << " occupants";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The rate of this room was " << HotelRoom1.Get_Rate();
//check in new guest?
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Check in new guest? ('1 = yes' '0' = no) ";
cin >> newCustomer;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
cout << endl;
switch (newCustomer)
case 1:
HotelRoom HotelRoom2(roomNumber, roomCapacity, roomRate, guestName, status);
HotelRoom1.Change_Rate(175.00); //Change rate of room
cout << endl;
cout << "What is the guest's name: ";
cin.getline(guestName, 20);
cout << endl;
cout << "How many guests will be staying in the room: ";
cin >> status;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
//Display new guest information
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The capacity of this room is " << HotelRoom1.Get_Capacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "There are " << HotelRoom1.Get_Status() << " guests staying in the room";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Your room number is " << HotelRoom1.Display_Number();
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The rate for this room is " << HotelRoom1.Get_Rate();
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
this is an update to show chages, details below.
here is a link to snap shot of output
char HotelRoom::Display_Guest()
cout << ptr_guest;
string HotelRoom::Display_Number()
cout << room_number;
int HotelRoom::Change_Status(int roomStatus)
if(roomStatus <= room_capacity )
occupancy_status = roomStatus;
return occupancy_status;
occupancy_status = -1;
These functions claim to be returning values. The first two are not, the last is not under certain conditons. Calling the first two is undefined behavior. Calling Change_Status with roomStatus > room_capacity is also undefined behavior.
There may be other problems with the code, but the elephant in the room is the undefined behavior. Any other debugging while you have undefined behavior is theoretically a waste of time.
I have an Addressbook C++ program that compiles and everything, but I cannot figure out how to write it to a file that saves the data each time it exits. Here is my code:
//AddressBook Program
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
class AddressBook{
public :
count = 0;
void AddEntry();
void DisplayAll();
void DisplayEntry(int i); // Displays one entry
void SearchEntry();
int MainMenu();
struct Entry_Struct
char firstName[ 15 ] ;
char lastName[ 15 ] ;
char birthday[ 15 ] ;
char phone[ 15 ] ;
char email[ 15 ] ;
Entry_Struct entries[100];
unsigned int count;
void AddressBook::AddEntry()
cout << "Entry number " << (count + 1) << " : " << endl;
cout << "Enter First Name: ";
cin >> entries[count].firstName;
cout << "Enter Last Name: ";
cin >> entries[count].lastName;
cout << "Enter Date of Birth: ";
cin >> entries[count].birthday;
cout << "Enter Phone Number: ";
cin >> entries[count].phone;
cout << "Enter Email: ";
cin >> entries[count].email;
++count; // tally total entry count
void AddressBook::DisplayEntry(int i)
cout << "Entry[" << i + 1 << "] : " << endl; // states # of entry
cout << "First name : " << entries[i].firstName << endl;
cout << "Last name : " << entries[i].lastName << endl;
cout << "Date of birth : " << entries[i].birthday << endl;
cout << "Phone number : " << entries[i].phone << endl;
cout << "Email: " << entries[i].email << endl;
void AddressBook::DisplayAll()
cout << "Number of entries : " << count << endl;
for(int i = 0;i < count;++i)
void AddressBook::SearchEntry()
char lastname[32];
cout << "Enter last name : ";
cin >> lastname;
for(int i = 0;i < count;++i)
if(strcmp(lastname, entries[i].lastName) == 0)
cout << "Found ";
cout << endl;
// Your class
AddressBook my_book;
int MainMenu()
int num;
bool bQuit = false;
// Put all your code into a while loop.
while(bQuit == false)
cout << "+-------------------------------------+" << endl;
cout << "| Address Book Menu |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "| 1- Add an entry |" << endl;
cout << "| 2- Search for an entry by last name |" << endl;
cout << "| 3- Display all entries |" << endl;
cout << "| 4- Exit |" << endl;
cout << "| |" << endl;
cout << "+-------------------------------------+" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number for one of the above options: ";
cin >> num;
cout << endl;
if (num == 1)
else if (num == 2)
else if (num == 3)
else if (num == 4)
bQuit = true;
cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again" << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
int main (){
return 0;
I've gone over my textbook all day and nothing I'm doing is working.
Here is a basic example of opening, and writing an output file,
// basic file operations
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ofstream outfile;
outfile.open ("addressbook.txt");
outfile << "Daffy,Duck,123 Main Street,Anytown,OH,USA,123-456-7890\n";
return 0;
You need to have an inserter for your class. It's done using operator <<:
// Inside your class:
friend std::istream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AddressBook ab)
return os << /* ... */
As you can see, a user-defined operator << can be implemented in terms of the pre-defined standard inserter. You can use it in the following way:
std::ifstream in("yourtxtfile.txt");
in << my_book;