youtube-dl mp4 or mkv and 720p or less - youtube-dl

I'm using a video player that can't play webm video files. (omxplayer on raspberry pi). And i'm trying to have all of my downloaded videos not be webm. mp4 or mkv work.
This is what I have in my config, but it still downloads it as webm. What settings can I use to guarantee it can play on omxplayer on a raspberry pi?
-f 'bestvideo[height<=720]+bestvideo[ext!=webm]+bestaudio[ext!=webm]'

This is what I ended up using and it worked.


Enable and forward sound from an Amazon Linux 2 EC2

I would like to forward sound from an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 to my local MAC so I can listen to any audio played.
I have been looking into if I can do something potentially with ALSA and/or PulseAudio to create the sound and use SSH to send the audio output but am a bit out of my depth trying to understand the technology.
I don’t believe the EC2 supports ALSA from the get go as I ran a troubleshooting script from and got the following info:
/proc/asound/modules: No such file or directory
/proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory
/tmp/alsa-info.pqBt6ov9wv/alsamodules.tmp: No such file or directory
/proc/asound/modules: No such file or directory
/dev/snd/*: No such file or directory
alsactl: save_state:1595: No soundcards found...
/tmp/alsa-info.pqBt6ov9wv/alsactl.tmp: No such file or directory
PulseAudio however is installed and gives the following information:
Does anyone know if this is possible to send the audio back to my MAC and how to implement?

trying to download video using Youtube-DL

i'm trying to download a video from using youtube-dl
I was able to successfully do that the first time, but the second time i got this:
HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
However it works for youtube videos and all other videos.
I'm not sure why it's not working anymore.
I did this:
youtube-dl --rm-cache-dir
still wont work
this is my command:
youtube-dl --no-check-certificate

Running multiple services in a Docker container

I created a Docker image with Ubuntu 14.04 and compiled FFMPEG to run the streaming of a video asset to a DASH endpoint. On the same image I can run the media analysis script which basically use FFMPEG and other tools to analyse a video asset. Now I want to put a Django app so that assets can be both loaded in the streaming pipeline and run through the media analysis. What would you suggest is the best approach? Have 2 Docker images – one with compiled FFMPEG and the streaming pipeline and another one with django, and then share the code between the two? Or just keep 1 docker image and run both the FFMPEG streaming pipeline and media analysis and Django from there?
I am open to suggestions…
Possible duplicate of

play online mp3 music in python

I'm writing an app in python which inclues playing online mp3 resouces , the mp3 file is represented by an url like http://xxxxx.mp3, Is there any suitable modules can handle this?
I'm using Ubuntu system and python 2.7.2.

Gstreamer pipeline to play Mp3 file on windows

I have installed Gstreamer OSS build on windows and i am able to play test audio on my system.
Can some share with me a Gstreamer pipeline to play mp3 file in windows.
This is the canonical way to play all supported media:
gst-launch playbin2 uri=[the media to play]