AWS Nat Gateway, wrong requests limits - high load - timeout - amazon-web-services

I did a load test for NAT Gateway in AWS. I reached a much lower requests-limit than described in docs. According to the docs the Nat is supposed to support ~900 requests per second, but with my configuration, I saw that ~0.04% of the requests are untreated when running ~300 requests per second.
I run node.js app using ECS cluster, and have the ability to configure requests per second. The NAT is working fine around 1 minute, and later my app starts to get timeouts for few requests.
AWS does not allow access to such machines, and the cloudwatch metrics seem fine.
In general, I am looking for a static ip solution that will withstand high loads. Does anyone here has experienced something similar?


AWS EC2 instance fails consistently at 30 seconds on long page load

I am running an ECS instance on EC2 with an application load balancer, a route53 domain, and a RDS db. This is an internal business application that I have restricted IP access to.
I have ran this app for 3 weeks with no issues. However, today the data that the web app ingests is an abnormally large size. This is not a mistake. Due to this though, a webpage is taking approximately 4 minutes to complete which I verified on my local machine it completes. However, running the same operation on AWS fails at precisely 30 seconds every time.
I have connected the app running on my local machine to my production RDS db and am able to download and upload the data with no issue. So there is no issue with the RDS db. In addition, this same functionality has worked previously and only failed today due to the large amount of data.
I spent hours with Amazon support to solve this issue but we couldn't figure it out. I am assuming it is a setting for one the AWS services I am using that has a TTL or timeout set to 30 seconds, but I couldn't find it in any of the services I am using:
Load Balancer
Target Group
You have a backend instance timeout, likely in the web server config.
Right now your ELB has a timeout of 60 seconds, but your assets are failing at 30.
There are only a couple assets on AWS with hardcoded timeouts like that. I'm thinking (because this is the first time it's happened), you have one of the following:
Size limits in the upstream, or
Time limits on connection keep-alive
Look at your website server software (httpd/nginx). Nginx has something called "upstream.conf" where you can set upstream timeouts. I'm not sure of httpd does as well.
From the NLB documentation, maybe relevant
EC2 instances must respond to a new request within 30 seconds in order to establish a return path.
I don't actually know what a return path is, nor what a 'response' is in this context since NLB has no concept of requests or responses.
EDIT: Disregard, this must have to do with UDP NATing. 'Response' here is probably a packet going back from the EC2 instance to the client

AWS - Abnormal Data Transfer OUT

I´m consistently being charged for a surprisingly high amount of data transfer out (from Amazon to Internet).
I looked into the Usage Reports of the past few months and found out that the Data Transfer Out was coming out of an Application Load Balancer (ALB) between the Internet and multiple nodes of my application (internal IPs).
Also noticed that DataTransfer-Out-Bytes is very close to the DataTransfer-In-Bytes in the same load balancer, which is weird (coincidence?). I was expecting the response to each request to be way smaller than the request itself.
So, I enabled flow logs in the ALB for a few minutes and found out the following:
Requests coming from the Internet (public IPs) in to ALB = ~0.47 GB;
Requests coming from ALB to application servers in the same availability zone = ~0.47 GB - ALB simply passing requests through to application servers, as expected. So, about the same amount of traffic.
Responses from application servers back into the same ALB = ~0.04 GB – As expected, responses generate way less traffic back into ALB. Usually a 1K request gets a simple “HTTP 200 OK” response.
Responses from ALB back to the external IP addresses => ~0.43 GB – this was mind-blowing. I was expecting ~0.04GB, the same amount received from the application servers.
Unfortunately, ALB does not allow me to use packet sniffers (e.g. tcpdump) to see that is actually coming in and out. Is there anything I´m missing? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I believe the next step in your investigation would be to enable ALB access logs and see whether you can correlate the "sent_bytes" in the ALB access log to either your Flow log or your bill.
For information on ALB access logs see:
There is more than one way to analyze the ALB access logs, but I've always been happy to use Athena, please see:

API Gateway/NLB/ECS Latency

I have a number of services deployed in ECS. They register with a Network Load Balancer (via a target group). The NLB is private, and is accessed via API Gateway + a VPC link.
Most of the time, requests to my services take ~4-5 seconds, but occasionally < 100ms. The latter should be the standard; the actual requests are served by my node instances in ~10ms or less. I'm starting to dig into this, but was wondering if there was a common bottleneck in setups similar to what I'm currently using.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
The answer to this was to enable Cross-Zone Load Balancing on my load balancers. This isn't immediately obvious and took two AWS support sessions to dig it up as the root cause.

EC2 instance outgoing http request rate limits

I'm building a node application on EC2 that queries various external APIs several times per second via http requests.
I cannot work this out from the EC2 documentation - are there any EC2 rate limits for querying external APIs?
E.g. if I'm continuously making 2 or 3 http requests per second from an ec2 instance, will I start getting rate limit errors from ec2?
ec2 provides you the virtual machine and (if you configure it) the external connection.
Then it's totally up to you on what you query with it.
AWS provides you the layer 3 network which is charged by traffic amount, not number of requests.

Elastic Beanstalk reports 5xx errors even though instances are in perfect health

I need to set up an api application for gathering event data to be used in a recommendation engine. This is my setup:
Elastic Beanstalk env with a load balancer and autoscaling group.
I have 2x t2.medium instances running behind a load balancer.
EBS configuration is 64bit Amazon Linux 2016.03 v2.1.1 running Tomcat 8 Java 8
Additionally I have 8x t2.micro instances that I use for high-load testing the api, sending thousands of requests/sec to be handled by the api.
Im using Locust ( as my load testing tool.
Each t2.micro instance that is run by Locust can send up to about 500req/sec
Everything works fine while the reqs/sec are below 1000, maybe 1200. Once over that, my load balancer reports that some of the instances behind it are reporting 5xx errors (attached). I've also tried with 4 instances behind the load balancer, and although things start out well with up to 3000req/sec, soon after, the ebs health tool and Locust both report 503s and 504s, while all of the instances are in perfect health according to the actual numbers in the ebs Health Overview, showing only 10%-20% CPU utilization.
Is there smth I'm missing in configuring the env? It seems like no matter how many machines I have behind the load balancer, the env handles no more than 1000-2000 requests per second.
Now I know for sure that it's the ELB that is causing the problems, not the instances.
I ran a load test with 10 simulated users. Each user sends about 1req/sec and the load increases by 10 users/sec to 4000 users, which should equal to about 4000req/sec. Still it doesn't seem to like any request rate over 3.5k req/sec (attachment1).
As you can see from attachment2, the 4 instances behind the load balancer are in perfect health, but I still keep getting 503 errors. It's just the load balancer itself causing problems. Look how SurgeQueueLength and SpilloverCount increase rapidly at some point. (attachment3) I'm trying to figure out why.
Also I completely removed the load balancer and tested with just one instance alone. It can handle up to about 3k req/sec. (attachment4 and attachment5), so it's definitely the load balancer.
Maybe I'm missing some crucial limit that load balancers have by default, like the queue size of 1024? What is normal handle rate for 1 load balancer? Should I be adding more load balancers? Could it be related to availability zones? ELB listeners from one zone are trying to route to instances from a different zone?
Cross zone load balancing is enabled
maybe this helps more:
The message says that "9.8 % of the requests to the ELB are failing with HTTP 5xx (6 minutes ago)". This does not mean that your instances are not returning HTTP 5xx responses. The requests are failing at the ELB itself. This can happen when your backend instances are at capacity (e.g. connections are saturated and they are rejecting connections to the ELB).
Your requests are spilling over at the ELB. They never make it to the instance. If they were failing at the EC2 instances then the cause would be different and data for the environment would match the data for the instances.
Also note that the cause says that this was the state "6 minutes ago". Elastic Beanstalk multiple data sources - one is the data coming from the instance which shows the requests per second and HTTP status codes in the table shown. Another data source is cloudwatch metrics for your ELB. Since cloudwatch metrics for ELB are 1 minute, this data is slightly delayed and the cause tells you how old the information is.